AQUAE PA´SSERIS one of the numerous places in Etruria frequented for its warm baths, which appear to have been in great vogue in the time of Martial (
6.42. 6).
It is placed by the Tab. Peut. on the road from Volsinii to Rome, between the former city and Forum Cassii: and was probably situated at a spot now called
Bacucco, about 5 miles N. of
Viterbo, where there is a large assemblage of ruins, of Roman date, and some of them certainly baths, while the whole neighbourhood abounds in thermal springs. (Cluver.
Ital. p. 561; Dennis's
Etrsria, vol. i. pp. 202. 211.)
An inscription published by Orioli (
Ann. d. Inst. vol. i. p. 174--179) writes the name AQUAE PAS-SERIANAE.