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CAPITULUM (Καπίτουλον, Strab.), a town of the Hernicans, which, though not noticed in history, is mentioned both by Pliny and Strabo among the places still existing in their time. (Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 9; Strab. v. p.238.) We learn also from the Liber Coloniarum (p. 232) that it had been colonised by Sulla, and it seems to have received a fresh accession of colonists under Caesar. (Zumpt, de Colon. pp. 252, 306.) An inscription, in which it is called “Capitulum Hernicorum,” proves it to have been a place of municipal condition under the empire. This inscription was discovered on the road from Palestrina (Praeneste) to a place called Il Piglio, a small town in the mountains, about 20 miles from Palestrina, and 8 from Anagni, which may plausibly be supposed to occupy the site of Capitulum. (Muratori, Inscr. p. 2049.4; Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, vol. i. p. 383.)


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