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Νικόκλεις: see Introd. p. 21. ἐσθῆτας ἄγειν ἢ χαλκὸν ἢ χρυσόν: perhaps a reminiscence of Hom. Od. xvi. 231 χαλκόν τε χρυσόν τε ἅλις ἐσθῆτά θ᾽ ὑφαντήν. λίαν ἔδοξαν εἶναί μοι καταφανεῖς: λίαν qualifies καταφανεῖς and probably owes its position to a desire to avoid hiatus which would be caused by πλουτεῖτε and ἔδοξαν coming together; cp. E. 48 πολὺ λίαν ἀπολειφθῶ and note. τεχνικώτερον: see note on E. 73. καπηλεύειν: usually of ‘retail trading’ (often with a further meaning of ‘cheating’), here confined to ‘trading’ in general.
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