Torqua'tus, Ma'nlius
6. T.
Manlius Torquatus, T. F. T. N., son of No. 3 and brother of No. 5, was consul for the first time in B. C. 235 with C. Atilius Bulbus, in which year he conquered the Sardinians, and obtained in consequence a triumph. His first consulship was memorable from the circumstance that the temple of Janus was closed in this year, in consequence of the Romans enjoying universal peace, which is said not to have occurred before since the reign of Numa Pompilius. (
Eutrop. 3.3;
Liv. 23.34;
Vell. 2.38;
Oros. 4.12;
Liv. 1.19; Plut.
Num. 20.) In B. C. 231 Torquatus was elected censor with Q. Fulvius Flaccus, but was obliged to resign through some unfavourable symptom in the auspices. (Fasti Capit.) In B. C. 224 he was consul a second time with Q. Fulvius Flaccus, and along with his colleagues carried on the war with success against the Gauls in the north of Italy.
These consuls were the first Roman generals who crossed the Po. (
Plb. 2.31 ; Liv.
Epit. 20 ; Oros. 4.13.) This Torquatus possessed the hereditary sternness and severity of his family (
priscae ac nimis durae severitatis, Liv. 22.60). We accordingly find him resolutely opposing in the senate the ransom of those Romans who had been taken prisoners at the fatal battle of Cannae (B. C. 216).
In the following year (B. C. 217) he was sent into Sardinia in consequence of the illness of the praetor Q. Mucius, who had the government of the province; and while in the island he carried on the war with success against the Carthaginians and the Sardinians, who had revolted at the instigation of the former people. In B. C. 212 he was a candidate for the dignity of pontifex maximus, but was defeated by P. Licinius Crassus, who was greatly his junior, and was then suing for the curule aedileship.
The people wished to choose Torquatus consul for the year 210, but he refused to accept the honour. Two years afterwards (B. C. 208) he was appointed dictator for the purpose of holding the comitia and presiding at the games which had been vowed by the praetor M. Aemilius. (
Liv. 22.60,
He died in B. C. 202. (
Liv. 30.39.)