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Book notices.

Memorial Virginia military Institute. By Charles D. Walker, late Assistant Professor Virginia Military Institute. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.

We are indebted to the courtesy of General F. H. Smith, Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, for a copy of this book, which contains brief sketches of one hundred and seventy of the graduates and éleves of the Virginia Military Institute who gave their lives to the Confederate cause. The volume contains also a discourse on the life and character of Lieutenant-General T. J. Jackson by General F. H. Smith, a sketch of the battle of New Market by General Smith, and a memorial poem by James Barron Hope, Esq.

Mr. Walker has done his work admirably. He has called to his aid the pens of some of our most distinguished men, and has made a record of self-denying heroism and high military skill which reflects the highest credit upon the Institute, and should find a place in every home in the South, that our youth may study the characters and imitate the virtues of these noble men who freely yielded up their lives at the call of native land.

The Confederate currency. By William Lee, M. D., of Washington, D. C.

The author has kindly sent us a copy of this pamphlet, together with plates [223] illustrating the various issues of Confederate notes. It is a publication of rare interest and value, and we are not supprised to learn that a new edition has been called for.

Our living and our dead.

The editor and proprietor, Colonel S. D. Pool, has donated to our library three beautifully bound volumes of this magazine, which he has been publishing in Raleigh, North Carolina. It contains a great deal of historic value, and is a highly prized addition to our library.

Books received.

We acknowledge the receipt of the following books, which will be noticed more fully hereafter: [224]

Southern Historical Society papers
published every month under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Southern Historical Society.

These papers will contain a great deal of the official history of the late war, and many contributions from the ablest of the men who made the great struggle for constitutional freedom. It is proposed to issue a number every month, properly arranged for binding, so that at the end of the year each subscriber will have a large volume of matter that will be of deep historic interest, and simply invaluable to every one who desires to know the truth about the late war.

We furnish these papers free of charge to members of the Society who have paid their annual fees, and to other subscribers at

three dollars per annum.

As our Monthly will go into every State of the South, and circulate among our very best people, it offers rare inducements to advertisers. We will insert a few advertisements at the following rates:

 12 mos.6 mos.3 mos.1 mo.
1 page$75$40$25$10
1/2 page4025156
1/4 page251583

We desire to secure everywhere suitable agents to canvass for members of the Society, or subscribers to our papers.


Rev. J. William Jones,

Secretary Southern Historical Society, Richmond, Va.

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