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Appendix a: Roster of officers. First South Carolina Volunteers, afterwards Thirty-Third United States colored troops.


T. W. Higginson, 51st Mass. Vols., Nov. 10, 1862; Resigned, Oct. 27, 1864.

Wm. T. Bennett, 102d U. S. C. T., Dec. 18, 1864; Mustered out with regiment.


Liberty Billings, Civil Life, Nov. 1, 1862; Dismissed by Examining Board, July 28, 1863.

John D. Strong, Promotion, July 28, 1863; Resigned, Aug. 15, 1864.

Chas. T. Trowbridge, Promotion, Dec. 9, 1864; Mustered out, &c.


John D. Strong, Civil Life, Oct. 21, 1862; Lt.-Col., July 28, 1863.

Chas. T. Trowbridge, Promotion, Aug. 11, 1863; Lt.-Col., Dec. 9, 1864.

H. A. Whitney, Promotion, Dec. 9, 1864; Mustered out, &c.


Seth Rogers, Civil Life, Dec. 2, 1862; Resigned, Dec. 21, 1863.

Wm. B. Crandall, 29th Ct., June 8, 1864; Mustered out, &c.

Assistant surgeons.

J. M. Hawks, Civil Life, Oct. 20, 1862; Surgeon 3d S. C. Vols., Oct. 29 1863.

Thos. T. Minor, 7th Ct., Jan. 8, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 21, 1864.

E. S. Stuard, Civil Life, Sept. 4, 1865; Mustered out, &c.



Jas. H. Fowler, Civil Life, Oct. 24, 1862; Mustered out, &c.


Chas. T. Trowbridge, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862; Major, Aug. 11, 1863.

Wm. James, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Mustered out, &c.

W. J. Randolph, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Jan. 29, 1864.

H. A. Whitney, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; Major, Dec. 9, 1864.

Alex. Heasley, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Killed at Augusta, Ga., Sept. 6, 1865.

George Dolly, 8th Me., Nov. 1, 1862; Resigned, Oct. 30, 1863.

L. W. Metcalf, 8th Me., Nov. 11, 1862; Mustered out, &c.

Jas. H. Tonking, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Nov. 17, 1862; Resigned, July 28, 1863.

Jas. S. Rogers, 51st Mass., Dec. 6, 1862; Resigned, Oct. 20, 1863.

J. H. Thibadeau, Promotion, Jan. 10, 1863; Mustered out. &c.

George D. Walker, Promotion, July 28, 1863; Resigned, Sept. 1, 1864.

Wm. H. Danilson, Promotion, July 28, 1863; Major 128th U. S. C. T., May, 1865 [now 1st Lt. 40th U. S. Infantry].

Wm. W. Sampson, Promotion, Nov. 5, 1863; Mustered out, &c.

John M. Thompson, Promotion, Nov. 7, 1863; Mustered out, &c. [Now 1st Lt. and Bvt. Capt. 38th U. S. Infy.]

Abr. W. Jackson, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Resigned, Aug. 15, 1865.

Niles G. Parker, Promotion, Feb., 1865; Mustered out, &c.

Chas. W. Hooper, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Mustered out, &c.

E. C. Merriam, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Resigned, Dec. 4, 1865

E. W. Robbins, Promotion, Nov. 1, 1865; Mustered out, &c.

N. S. White, Promotion, Nov. 18, 1865; Mustered out, &c.

First lieutenants.

G. W. Dewhurst (Adjutant), Civil Life, Oct. 20, 1862; Resigned, Aug. 31, 1865.

J. M. Bingham (Quartermaster), Civil Life, Oct. 20, 1862; Died from effect of exhaustion on a military expedition, July 20, 1863.

G. Chamberlin (Quartermaster), 11th Mass. Battery, Aug. 29, 1863; Mustered out, &c.

Geo. D. Walker, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862; Captain, Aug. 11, 1863.

W. H. Danilson, 48th N. Y., Oct. 13, 1862; Captain, July 26, 1863.

J. H. Thibadeau, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; Captain, Jan. 10, 1863. [271]

Ephraaim P. WrtITE, 8th Me., Nov. 14, 1862; Resigned, March 9, 1864.

Jas. Pomeroy, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Feb. 9, 1863.

Jas. F. Johnston, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862: Resigned, March 26, 1863.

Jesse Fisher, 48th N. Y., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Jan. 26, 1863.

Chas. I. Davis, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Feb. 28, 1863.

Wm. Stockdale, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, May 2, 1863.

Jas. B. O'Neil, Promotion, Jan. 10, 1863; Resigned, May 2, 1863.

W. W. Sampson, Promotion, Jan. 10, 1863; Captain, Oct. 30, 1863.

J. M. Thompson, Promotion, Jan. 27, 1863; Captain, Oct. 30, 1863.

R. M. Gaston, Promotion, April 15, 1863; Killed at Coosaw Ferry, S.

C., May 27, 1863.

Jas. B. West, Promotion, Feb. 28, 1863; Resigned, June 14, 1865.

N. G. Parker, Promotion, May 5, 1863; Captain, Feb., 1865.

W. H. Hyde, Promotion, May 5, 1863; Resigned, April 3, 1865.

Henry A. Stone, 8th Me., June 26, 1863; Resigned, Dec. 16, 1864.

J. A. Trowbridge, Promotion, Aug. 11, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 29, 1864.

A. W. Jackson, Promotion, Aug. 26, 1863; Captain, April 30, 1864.

Chas. E. Parker, Promotion, Aug. 26, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 29, 1864.

Chas. W. Hooper, Piomotion, Nov. 8, 1863; Captain, Sept., 1865.

E. C. Merriam, Promotion, Nov. 19, 1863; Captain, Sept., 1865.

Henry A. Beach, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Resigned, Sept. 28, 1864.

E. W. Robbins, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Captain, Nov. 1, 1865.

Asa child, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Mustered out, &c.

N. S. White, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Captain, Nov. 18, 1865.

F. S. Goodrich, Promotion, Oct., 1865; Mustered out, &c.

E. W. Hyde, Promotion, Oct. 27, 1865; Mustered out, &c.

Henry wood, Promotion, Nov., 1865; Mustered out, &c.

Second lieutenants.

J. A. Trowbidge, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Aug. 11, 1863.

Jas. B. O'Neil, 1st U. S. Art'y, Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 10, 1863.

W. W. Sampson, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 10, 1863.

J. M. Thompson, 7th N. H., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 27, 1863.

R. A1. Gaston, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., April 15, 1863.

W. H. Hyde, 6th Ct., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., May 5, 1863.

JAs. B. West, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Feb. 28, 1863.

Harry C. West, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Nov. 4, 1864.

E. C. MiERRlTAM, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Nov. 19, 1863.

Chas. E. Parker, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Aug. 26, 1863. [272]

C. W. Hooper, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Feb. 17, 1863; First Lt., April 16, 1863.

N. G. Parker, 1st Mass. Cavalry, March, 1863; First Lt., May 5, 1863.

A. H. Tirrell, 1st Mass. Cav., March 6, 1863; Resigned, July 22, 1863.

A. W. Jackson, 8th Me., March 6, 1863; First Lt., Aug. 26, 1863.

Henry A. Beach, 48th N. Y., April 5, 1863; First Lt., April 30, 1864.

E. W. Robbins, 8th Me., April 5, 1863; First Lt., April 30, 1864.

A. B. Brown, Civil Life, April 17, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 27, 1863.

F. M. Gould, 3d R. I. Battery, June 1, 1863; Resigned, June 8, 1864.

Asa child, 8th Me., Aug. 7, 1863; First Lt., Sept., 1865.

Jerome T. Furman, 52d Pa., Aug. 30, 1863; Killed at Walhalla, S.

C., Aug. 26, 1865.

John W. Selvage, 48th N. Y., Sept. 10, 1863; First Lt. 36th U. S. C.

T., March, 1865.

Mirand W. Saxton, Civil Life, Nov. 19, 1863; Captain 128th U. S.

C. T., June 25, 1864 [now Second Lt. 38th U. S. Infantry].

Nelson S. White, Dec. 22, 1863; First Lt., Sept., 1865.

Edw. W. Hyde, Civil Life, May 4, 1864; First Lt., Oct. 27, 1865.

F. S. Goodrich, 115th N. Y., May, 1864; First Lt., Oct., 1865.

B. H. Manning, Aug. 11, 1864; Capt. 128th U. S. C. T., March 17, 1865.

R. M. Davis, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Nov. 19, 1864; Capt. 104th U. S. C.

T., May 11, 1865.

Henry WooD, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Aug., 1865; First Lt., Nov., 1865.

John M. Searles, 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles, June 15, 1865; Mustered out, &c.

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