Hdqrs. First Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps,
Utoy Creek, Ga., August 20, 1864.
Early on the morning of the 7th of May this brigade, then commanded by
Brig. Gen. John B. Turchin, broke up camp at
Ringgold, Ga., and after a hard day's march encamped near
Tunnel Hill, Ga., throwing out a picket guard of one regiment, the Thirty-first Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
On the 8th we marched to a position opposite Buzzard Roost Gap.
On the 9th, 10th, and 11th the brigade remained in camp in line of battle.
On the 12th marched through Snake Creek Gap to a position two miles east, and occupied works previously built by the Army of the Tennessee.
On the 13th the brigade moved into position four miles from
On the morning of the 14th the brigade was moved to a position on the left of the division, connecting on its left with the right of the Army of the Ohio.
Skirmishers were immediately thrown out, who engaged the enemy's skirmishers about 200 yards in advance of our line of battle, driving them back to the hills opposite our front, about three-fourths of a mile, the main line advancing at the same time, until the skirmishers had ascended the first line of hills.
Here the firing on the skirmish line became brisk and well sustained, our line holding its position, but being unable to advance, owing to the superior strength of the enemy's line.
This fact being reported by
Capt. W. H
Wade, the line was immediately doubled in strength and the enemy's skirmishers driven back to the second line of hills.
General Turchin then gave orders to
Col. M. B. Walker, Thirty-first Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, to advance the front line of the brigade and occupy the first line of hills.
This was immediately done, the second line moving at the same time, with the proper interval.
Shortly after the brigade had arrived at the top of the hill it was observed that
General Hascall's brigade, of
General Judah's division, was moving in a double line of battle to the front, on a line of direction which brought it upon the rear of this brigade.
Not understanding the nature of the movement, our lines stood fast until
General Hascall's front line had passed our front line and his rear line our rear line.
See map:
At this time
General Baird gave the order that this brigade should advance as
General Hascall's brigade advanced, and the troops were immediately ordered forward, advancing in the order they had assumed.
The face of the country was very rough, rising and falling
in a succession of high hills and deep gorges, covered with an almost impenetrably dense growth of timber, rendering it a very difficult matter for troops to advance in line.
On reaching the second line of hills we passed our skirmish line, and were struck by the enemy's fire from their line, which had evidently been strengthened into a formidable line.
The enemy also opened a heavy fire from artillery.
Our lines steadily advanced, driving back the enemy, until we reached the crest of the last line of hills, from which, for the first time, we gained a view of the enemy's intrenched lines.
Our advance was here to some extent checked, some of the men in the lines stopping and lying down behind the crests of the hills, but the main portion of the lines rushed down the hill and charged toward the enemy's works, under a most murderous fire of canister and shell from the enemy's batteries, as well as the musketry from their lines.
Our lines suddenly found themselves confronted by a deep, narrow stream, with quicksand in places, and steep, muddy banks.
The enemy's sharpshooters were posted here, but fled precipitately back to their works before our men. No assaulting column had been formed.
The creek proved a bar to our advance.
Our troops sprang into the creek and opened fire on the rebel lines, then within from seventyfive to one hundred yards of the enemy's works.
This creek proved a protection to us and a source of great annoyance to the enemy, as we gained an enfilading fire upon one line of his works and quickly drove the troops out of this line.
It then appearing that our troops had fallen back from the hills, and the number of men who had gained a protection from the creek and remained there being very small and very much exposed, Col].
M. B. Walker, being the ranking officer of the brigade present in the creek, ordered the men to fall back in single file, covering themselves the best way they could from the enemy's fire, at the same time keeping up as rapid a fire as possible from the creek, and making it difficult for the enemy to use his artillery, except from one battery, or to fire from his lines.
The Seventeenth Ohio, Thirty-first Ohio, Ninety-second Ohio, and Eighty-second Indiana were in the front line, but both lines advanced to the creek, the officers and men with scarcely a single exception behaving most gallantly.
Our lines were quickly reformed in good order and posted on the first ridge in front of the rebel works.
In this charge and affair the brigade lost in killed 2 officers and 14 men, in wounded 7 officers and 112 men. For full particulars I refer to the reports of the
regimental commanders.
On the 15th the brigade moved to a position in reserve, two and a half miles from
About 10 p. m. the brigade was ordered to arms by an attack made by the enemy on our front line.
During the night the enemy retreated across the Oostenaula River.
On the 16th the brigade moved across the river in pursuit of the enemy.
Here the Eleventh Ohio Infantry was detached from the brigade and ordered to garrison
On the 17th the brigade moved through
Calhoun to a point three miles north of
On the 18th the brigade moved, and encamped for the night four miles north of
On the 19th marched nine miles, and encamped on the railroad five miles south of
20th, 21st, and 22d, remained in camp.
On the 22d the Twenty-fourth Illinois Infantry was detached for garrison duty at
On the 23d crossed the
Etowah River at
Island Ford and encamped on
Euharlee Creek, three miles from Euharlee.
On the 24th moved one mile on the
Dallas road and returned to camp. 2Sth, remained in camp.
26th, moved to
Raccoon Ford, four miles from Burnt Hickory; ordered to return to
Kingston to escort a supply train.
Returned to Gillem's Bridge and encamped; threw out strong picket guards.
Early the following morning sent three regiments to bring up trains from
Kingston to the bridge; marched with the whole command to
Raccoon Ford, on the
Dallas road.
28th, moved through Burnt Hickory and encamped on Pumpkin Vine Creek, four miles southeast of Burnt Hickory.
29th, changed camp to a position one mile east of Burnt Hickory, on Pumpkin Vine Creek. 30th and 31st, remained in camp, the weather being very wet and the roads very heavy.
June 1, remained in camp, guarding train.
2d, marched two miles and encamped on Starns' Creek, three miles east of Burnt Hickory.
3d and 4th, remained in camp.
ath, marched through
Burnt Church to Smith's house, eight miles from
6th, remained in camp.
7th, marched through
Acworth into camp, one mile south.
8th and 9th, remained in camp.
On the 8th the Thirty-first Ohio was sent to
Cartersville in charge of a supply train.
On the 9th the Nineteenth Illinois Infantry was relieved from duty to be mustered out of service, the term of its enlistment having about expired.
On the 10th the brigade was relieved from charge of trains and joined the division, taking a position in the line of battle near Big Shanty.
On the 11th moved forward to a position one mile west of
Pine Hill; at dark changed position about one mile to the left.
The Eleventh Ohio relieved from garrison duty and ordered to
Cincinnati, Ohio, to be mustered out of service, their term of enlistment having expired.
12th, 13th, and 14th, remained in position.
On the 13th the Twenty-fourth Illinois rejoined the brigade, having been relieved from garrison duty at
On the 15th advanced to the front one mile in line of battle.
The Thirty-first Ohio, having been relieved from duty with the supply train, rejoined the brigade.
On the 16th moved forward half a mile to a new position, in line of battle.
On the 17th moved forward in front of enemy's fortifications, occupied by
French's division, of
Loring's corps.
On the 18th made gradual approaches to the enemy's works.
19th, enemy evacuated his works; brigade moved forward to a position in line of battle one mile west of KIenesaw Mountain.
On the 20th remained in position.
On the 21st moved to the right three-quarters of a mile, in line of battle.
22d, 23d, and 24th, remained in position.
25th, moved two and a half miles southeast and bivouacked in an open field.
26th, moved into position in line of battle three and a half miles southh.of
Kenesaw Mountain. 27th, 28th, and 29th, remained in position.
On the 30th took up a position in the line one-quarter of a mile to the right and front.
On the 28th the Twenty-fourth Illinois Infantry was relieved from duty and ordered to
Springfield, Ill., to be mustered out of service by reason of expiration of term of service.
From the 17th to the 30th, inclusive, though not engaged in action, the brigade was constantly exposed by night and day to the enemy's fire, and we had much hot work on the skirmish line.
Our lines were constantly in close proximity to the enemy.
July 1 and 2, remained in position.
On the night of the 2d the enemy evacuated
On the 3d marched through the suburbs of
Marietta, on the
Atlanta road, and took up a position four miles south of the town and west of the railroad.
On the 4th moved about one-fourth of a mile, and took up a position in reserve.
On the 5th moved to a position on the railroad ten miles from
7th, 8th, and 9th, remained in position.
On the 10th moved to Pace's Ferry, on the
Chattahoochee River.
The Twenty-third Missouri Infantry here joined the brigade.
On the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th remained in camp.
On the 15th
Brigadier-General Turchin received a leave of absence on account of sickness, and
Col. M. B. Walker, Thirty-first Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, assigned to the command by seniority.
On the 17th we crossed the
Chattahoochee River on pontoons, and encamped in reserve about one mile from the river.
On the 18th advanced about two miles on the
Atlanta road.
On the 19th advanced to
Peach Tree Creek; spent most of the day reconnoitering the enemy's position and skirmishing along the creek until 5 p. m. Was ordered to advance one regiment to the support of
General Davis' left; ordered the Eighty-ninth Ohio, under command of
Colonel Carlton, to this duty; half an hour later was directed, if possible, to cross the brigade; sent the Eighty-second Indiana in support of the Eighty-ninth Ohio, under
Colonel Hunter.
I would fail in my duty were I not to mention the gallant conduct of these two regiments.
The enemy had a strong line of skirmishers posted on the opposite side of the stream, well protected by rifle-pits and heavy timber, which skirted the open field on the opposite bank of the stream and commanded every approach to the ford.
General Davis' left brigade had been brought under a heavy fire on the right of the ford, where a very brisk fight was going on at the time
Colonel Carlton led his regiment into the stream.
The crossing, from the depth of the water, uneven bottom, and muddy banks, was difficult.
Colonel Hunter, ever prompt to obey an order and discharge a duty, had hastened the march of his regiment, so that the head of his column reached the ford before
Colonel Carlton's lett was over.
Both regiments bounded through the stream (which struck the men at the waist) with an alacrity and energy truly surprising.
Instantly, on reaching the opposite bank,
Colonel Carlton deployed his regiment, charged and drove the enemy from his rifle-pits,
Colonel Hunter moving close in support.
Capt. W. B. Curtis, assistant adjutantgeneral and chief of staff, rendered the most efficient service, being personally present to superintend the movement, and won the admiration of all who saw him by his daring gallantry.
The rest of the brigade, under my own direction, was hastened forward, and the whole command crossed over.
The line advanced to the edge of the timber, and works were soon constructed to protect the men. The night which followed was one of great watchfulness and care.
The brigade lay exposed, but our works, under the energetic industry of officers and men, soon became too formidable for the enemy to charge, and we remained in position without anything of importance occurring during the night.
Our loss in crossing was very small; for exact number I refer to accompanying reports.
On the 20th we pressed forward our lines gradually, under a heavy fire from the enemy.
21st, advanced about half a mile with heavy skirmishing in front.
Sent forward the Thirty-first Ohio to take and occupy a high hill on our front.
This was gallantly achieved with light loss.
On the 22d we marched toward
Atlanta; met the enemy about two and a half miles from the city; formed a line of battle in front of the enemy's works under a sharp fire of artillery and musketry; remained in this position from the 23d to the 31st inclusive, skirmishing with the enemy, and much of the time exposed to an annoying fire from artillery planted upon the works around
During the time we were in this position two of my regiments, the Twenty-third Missouri and Eighty-second Indiana, deserve honorable mention for having each driven the enemy from an advanced position; captured, held, and fortified the same.
The loss of the Eighty-second Indiana was trifling in this affair; that of the
Twentythird Missouri more serious.
The taking of these two points rendered it an easy matter for the troops on our right (Sixteenth Corps) to gain an advanced position.
August I and 2, remained in camp.
Early on the morning of the 3d marched to the right of the Army of the Tennessee.
Late in the afternoon crossed
Utoy Creek under a heavy artillery fre; advanced about three-quarters of a mile upon the enemy, driving back his skirmishers, and taking up a position from 250 to 400 yards in front of the enemy's works.
We did not get into position until after dark.
The night was very dark and rain fell in great quantities, rendering it very unpleasant for the men to work, but morning found us behind works of sufficient strength to enable us to repel any assault the enemy could have made.
Such was the nature of our position here that it became necessary to watch our right flank vigilantly, and my brigade was placed in position almost perpendicular to the rear and right of
Colonel Gleason's brigade.
On the 4th sent the Eighty-second Indiana, Eighty-ninth Ohio, and Twentythird
Missouri, under
Colonel Hunter, to support the Second Brigade in a reconnaissance; took the enemy's rifle-pits and captured about 30 prisoners. On the 5th advanced our skirmish line and again took the enemy's rifle-pits and captured 56 prisoners out of the works; took up an advanced position, posting the Seventeenth Ohio and Twenty-third Missouri on the right of the Second Brigade; Thirty-first, Eighty-ninth, and Ninety-second Ohio and Eightysecond
Indiana on the left of the Third Brigade; advanced our lines a third time to within 200 yards of the enemy's main line.
This position has been a very trying one, and our losses in gaining and holding it will be seen to be heavier than in any of our former operations except at
I have no doubt
General Turchin will furnish a report of the operations of the brigade during the time he commanded it. I have, therefore, endeavored to condense this as far as possible, but to report the operations of a single brigade through an entire campaign of over 100 days is not a work which can in justice be limited to a very small compass.
To speak of the officers and men I must confine myself mainly to generalities.
Where all have done so well, defying danger and disregarding hardships and privations, it would be almost invidious to point to the merits of a single man. I might occupy much space in individualizing.
None, however, can consider themselves neglected where all are approbated.
During the time I have commanded the brigade I have had opportunity of proving the composition of my staff.
Capt. W. B. Curtis,
assistant adjutant-general;
Capt. M. B. W. Harman,
acting assistant quartermaster;
Capt. James J. Donohoe,
acting commissary of subsistance;
Capt. E. G. Dudley,
Capt. Edward Grosvenor, inspector;
Capt. A. Whedon,
acting aide-de-camp, have each and all discharged their duties in the most commendable manner.
I would not neglect the opportunity of acknowledging my obligation to the
regimental commanders of the brigade, their gentlemanly and soldier-like bearing, their willingness and zeal in the execution of all orders.
their dignified deportment before their own commands, their
unwearied attention to the wants and comforts of their men, their uniform cheerfulness and zealous approbation of everything done by the army, their constantly expressed desire to stop at nothing short of the full accomplishment of the entire object of the campaign, all go to place me under a debt of gratitude and to entitle them to the favor of their country.
The line officers of the brigade, with but very rare exceptions, have distinguished themselves by their ability, zeal, and gallantry.
Owing to the very limited number of line officers serving with the regiments, their labors have been constant, unremitting, and arduous.
I cannot speak in detail of their good conduct; the limits of my report will not admit.
I cannot, however, omit to mention the brilliant gallantry of
Capt. Michael Stone, Thirty-first Ohio, who, on the morning of the 5th instant, in charge of the skirmish line, charged the rebel rifle-pits, taking the works and capturing 2 lieutenants and 54 non-commissioned officers and privates.
The command has been well supplied throughout the campaign with all necessary quartermaster and commissary stores,
Captains Harman and
Donohoe being ever vigilant and active in promoting the interests of the brigade.
I append a small map
1 showing the rebel position charged by this brigade on the 14th of May, in front of
Resaca, which may not be entirely accurate, being made from a pencil sketch of my own taken under disadvantageous circumstances.
I forward herewith reports of the regimental commanders excepting those of the Nineteenth and Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which I am unable to obtain, those regiments having been mustered out of service.
I also forward report of casualties,
2 all of which are respectfully submitted.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
M. B. Walker, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Hdqrs. First Brig., Third DIv., 14TH Army Corps,
Atlanta, Ga., September 8, 1864.
Miajor: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my brigade from the 7th day of August to the 8th instant, inclusive:
On the 7th of August the brigade remained in its old position on the hills southeast of
Utoy Creek, holding our advanced lines on the left of the division, as well as the right, having four regiments, the Thirty-first, Eighty-ninth, and Ninety-second Ohio and Eightysecond
Indiana on the left, and the Seventeenth Ohio and Twentythird
Missouri on the right.
On the 7th I pressed forward my line to a new position about 200 yards from the enemy's works; took up and fortified a line from which we held the enemy close within his lines, compelling him to keep his men constantly covered behind his works.
About 100 men of the Eighty-second Indiana were sent forward to fight for this new position, whilst the main line was advanced and the position fortified.
Almost one-fourth of this gallant little band (22) were killed or wounded during the day. Each of my other regiments, especially the Thirty-first and Seventeenth Ohio, suffered severely whilst we occupied this position.
It was here the noble young
Ruffner gave up his life for his country.
Captains Stone and
Barber, of the Thirty-first Ohio, were both wounded here, the latter
severely in the head.
The enemy had laid a firm hold upon the
Utoy Hills.
On the — of August we challenged his right to hold them by a bold advance, and day after day and night after night, until the 11th, did we hold him in a deadly embrace.
At 9 p. m. of the 11th we moved about three-fourths of a mile to the right and relieved a portion of
General Morgan's division.
This position we held until thenight oth e he nihh.
Othe6t. he 19th, before daylight, moved out of our works on the
Sandtown road about one-half mile and took up a position in readiness to support the troops on our right, if necessary; remained until night and returned to our works.
On the 20th made a little movement as far as
Wallace's place for a similar purpose; reported to
Brevet Major-General Davis; relieved
General Morgan's division, which went forward on a reconnaissance to the right as far as the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad.
At 5 p. m. we were relieved by
General Davis, and returned to our works and reported to our division commander.
From the 20th tothe night of the 26th we remained in our works, being constantly annoyed but not seriously hurt by the enemy's artillery and sharpshooters; occasionally a man was hit. During our stay upon the
Utoy Hills we captured about 90 prisoners and received within our lines about the same number of deserters.
At 1 a. m. on the morning of the 27th we quit our old works under a heavy fire from the enemy's artillery, and moved about one mile upon the
Sandtown road.
Here we halted and formed a line of battle, front to the rear, to cover the movement of our trains,
General Morgan's division forming on our right.
As the trains advanced we fell back, forming line of battle upon three successive positions to cover and protect our trains.
The enemy made but a feeble advance, feeling our skirmish line very cautiously.
Our line was handled very skillfully, but with boldness, by
Captain Grosvenor, brigade inspector.
The trains being safely guarded to a place of safety within our new lines, we moved as far as Wallace's house.
At 5 p. m. we were ordered forward to report to
General Davis; by his order advanced as far as the Widow Holbrook's place and camped for the night in a position to protect the trains then parked near
Patterson's. On the 28th marched by a cross-road to Mount Gilead Church; remained with the teams until 10 a. in.; were then ordered by
General Thomas to report to our division commander; marched with the division until near night, when we crossed the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad; took up a position about three-fourths of a mile from Red Oak Station.
Remained in position on the 29th.
On the 30th marched at 6 a. m. by Shoal Creek Church; met the enemy's cavalry in small force and skirmished with it about one mile, to house, killing 1 and capturing 2 of the enemy ; took up a strong position; sent forward the Ninety-second Ohio for picket duty; received reports of the enemy moving in the direction of
Jonesborough during the night, and sent the reports to
General Baird.
About daylight on the morning of the 31st I went out to the picket-line, then half a mile in advance of house.
As soon as it became light I saw the enemy's trains moving in the direction of .Rough and Ready on the
Jonesborough road; reported the same to
General Baird, who ordered
Captain Morgan, Seventh Indiana Battery, to report to me with his battery, which I advanced to the skirmish line, supporting it with my entire brigade; placed the battery in a commanding position; it opened fire upon the enemy's trains, causing much disorder amongst the wagons and driving them from the main road.
About 7 a. m. I was visited by
Major-General Sherman and
Brigadier-General Baird, who ordered me to send one or two
good regiments to the front to reconnoiter the [ground] or detect the position of the enemy; sent the Ninety-second Ohio,
Colonel Fearing, supported by the Seventeenth Ohio,
Colonel Ward, with instructions to go boldly forward at least as far as the
Flint River, unless met by an overwhelming force, in which case I would bring forward my entire brigade.
These gallant commanders executed my orders with promptness, and in about one hour's time reported that they had gained the opposite bank of the stream, and were repairing a bridge which had been burned by the enemy, and that in one hour's time the artillery and trains could be crossed over.
In the mean time our Third Brigade and
Colonel Mitchell's brigade, of
General Carlin's division, had moved forward, and
General Baird, commanding in person, with my brigade in advance, followed by
Este's and
Mitchell's brigades, moved rapidly on as far as the Rough and Ready and Jonesborough road, meeting with no resistance from the enemy.
The three brigades were placed in line of battle and our position was fortified to command the road.
The Atlanta and Macon Railroad now being about two and a half miles to the front, and
General Baird being desirous to get his troops on it as soon as possible, ordered me to send out a force of one regiment, to be supported by a like force from
Este's brigade, with instructions to push forward, if possible, to the railroad and cut it. I sent the Eighty-ninth Ohio, commanded by
Colonel Carlton.
This regiment being very small, I allowed
Captain Grosvenor, at his earnest request, to go forward upon its left flank with 100 picked men from the Seventeenth Ohio, under
Captains Noles and
Captain Grosvenor's command and
Colonel Carlton's skirmishers appear to have vied with each other in gallantry, and from all the facts I can learn reached the railroad about the same time and commenced the work of destroying it.
Colonel Este had sent forward the Seventy-. fifth Indiana, which I am told gallantly co-operated with
Colonel Carlton in driving back the enemy's cavalry and taking position on the railroad.
About night
Colonel Carlton, finding that the enemy was bringing forward a considerable force of cavalry against him, deemed it prudent to withdraw his command a short distance from the railroad, and reported the same to me. I had been very uneasy lest he should be overpowered by numbers, and on learning his condition I obtained permission of
General Baird and sent the Eighty-second Indiana and Thirty-first Ohio, under command of
Colonel Hunter, to his support.
Colonel Hunter now being the ranking officer, assumed command of the entire force, marched upon the railroad, driving back the enemy's cavalry, took up a position, fortified it, and, during the night and succeeding morning, destroyed about one mile of the railroad.
I think great praise is due to all the officers and men engaged in this most successful effort to reach and cut the railroad.
I would not assert it positively, but from all the facts I have learned
Carlton and
Grosvenor led the first of our troops who cut the railroad.
During the day and night my brigade captured 43 prisoners from the enemy.
Captains Curtis and
Whedon, of my staff, took a very active and honorable part in the operations of the day and night, rendering
Colonel Hunter the most efficient assistance.
On the morning of the 1st, by direction of
General Baird, I withdrew my troops from the railroad.
At 12 m. marched with the other brigades on the
Jonesborough road, having detached the Thirty-first Ohio to guard the trains at --Creek; passed the Second Brigade and formed a line of battle; was soon ordered to move to the front, our troops now having engaged the enemy and a brisk fight going
on about one mile north of
On coming up I found
Moore's brigade, of
Carlin's division, and
Este's, of ours, about ready to assault the enemy's works; received orders to support their lines; formed my brigade at a double-quick.
The assault having commenced, I received an order from
General Baird, through
Major Connolly, to move farther to the right and support
Este if necessary; moved rapidly up within about 150 yards of
Este's line and ordered my men to cheer the gallant fellows who were then driving the enemy from his works.
This they did with a will, knowing that their old comrades, with whom they had stood side by side at
Stone's River,
Hoover's Gap,
Chickamauga, and
Mission Ridge, and all through the great campaign, were in the deadly breach.
But it was soon over.
The work was done and the Third Brigade immortalized, and but 12 of my brave men had won the renown of being struck in this most brilliant affair.
The enemy's works being carried, I relieved
Colonel Este's brigade with my front line, and assisted in carrying off his killed and wounded-alas!
too many of whom we found upon that bloody field.
Groping my way in the darkness to those bloody trenches, stumbling at almost every step over the dead and dying as I placed fresh lines of men in them, in the midst of other thoughts I shuddered that such was the work of my countrymen.
At midnight, and for an hour later, the air was rent by the explosion of ammunition at
At 10 a. m. of the 2d I was ordered to advance toward the town.
The enemy had retreated, leaving us to bury their dead and care for their badly wounded.
Formed a new line, facing diagonally to the rear; at night took up a new position north of east and about one mile from the town of
On the morning of the 3d discovered five of the enemy's field hospitals in which were yet remaining over 300 badly wounded men, several surgeons and hospital attendants, and one chaplain.
On the 3d, 4th, and 5th remained in camp sending out small foraging parties, who took in all about 25 prisoners. At 12 m. on the 6th marched to a position about one-half mile from the battleground.
On the 7th, acting as the rear guard, marched to a position one and a half miles from Rough and Ready and encamped for the night.
At 4 a. m. on the morning of the 8th took charge of the trains and marched to our present position.
The health and spirits of the brigade are good.
We claim only to have borne an honorable part in the great campaign.
I herewith forward a complete list of casualties,
3 together with reports of regimental commanders, some of which, I regret to say, are not prepared with as much care as they deserve, but as I wish to apologize for the same deficiency in my own, I ask a like favor to be shown them.
Our hearts are all too full of the happy results of our labors, perils, and privations to admit the work of detail or finish.
My thanks are due in some measure to every officer under me. I might report the same in this of those who are personally mentioned in my former report.
They have added to their deserts by their good conduct throughout the campaign, but words avail but little and I have nothing but good words to bestow, yet I will ever be their witness before the world that they have done their duty.
M. B. Walker, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.