February 1.
General Robert B. Mitchell, commanding the National forces at Nashville, Tenn., admiring the zeal evinced by certain secession families, in administering to the wants and alleviating the sufferings of the confederate wounded carried to that city this day, and “desiring to give them still greater facilities for the exercise of that devotion which to-day led them through the mud of the public streets, unmindful of the inclemency of the weather, and desiring further to obviate the necessity of that public display, which must be repugnant to the retiring dispositions of the softer sex,” ordered his medical director “to select forty-five of the sick and wounded confederate soldiers, to be brought from the front and [42] quartered as follows: Fifteen at the house of Mrs. McCall, fifteen at the house of Dr. Buchanan, and fifteen at the house of Mr. Sandy Carter, all on Cherry street, immediately below Church street;” each family to be held responsible for the safe delivery of the confederate soldiers thus assigned, on the penalty of the forfeiture of their property and personal liberty.--General Mitchell's Order.
The second attack on Fort McAllister at Genesis Point, Ga., was made this day, resulting in the retirement of the National fleet without any material damage to the rebels, except killing Major John B. Gallie, the commander of the rebel forces. The National iron-clad Montauk, under the command of Commander J. L. Worden, occupied the advance position in the engagement and received sixty-one shots, retiring without a man injured.
Franklin, Tenn., was this day occupied by the National forces, under the command of Colonel Robert Johnson. The rebel General Forrest and staff narrowly escaped, while one of his captains and two men were captured. The Nationals lost one man killed.--The Legislature of North-Carolina adopted a series of resolutions, vindicating the loyalty of the State to the rebel government, and protesting against any settlement of the struggle which “would not secure the entire independence of the confederate States of America.” --A. D. Boileau was released from Fort McHenry, Md.
To-night an attack was made on Island No.10 by a large body of rebels, composed of cavalry, infantry, and artillery. They had crossed the Obion River and stationed themselves on the Tennessee shore with three six-pounders. A National transport, passing just as they arrived, was fired at and compelled to surrender. Soon after, the gunboat New Era arrived and immediately opened fire on the rebels, who, after receiving one hundred shots from the gunboat, made a hasty retreat, leaving the transport, which had been captured, to proceed on her voyage. There were no casualties on the National side.--The Quakers, of New York, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, memorialized Congress, asking exemption from the draft and the procurement of substitutes, and from the fines, which they deemed a penalty imposed for exercising “the right of conscience against the shedding of blood.” --Colonel T. W. Higginson, of the First South-Carolina colored regiment, made a full and explicit official report of the successful operations of his forces in Georgia and Florida.--See Supplement.
Colonel Stokes's regiment of loyal Tennessee cavalry and one of Kentucky volunteers, dashed upon a rebel camp at Middleton, Tennessee, and by a brilliant sabre charge succeeded in surprising the enemy and capturing his camp equipage, horses, wagons, stores, and over one hundred prisoners. Among the latter were the noted Major Douglass and all the officers of his battalion.--Colonel Percy Wyndham, with a detachment from the Fifth and First Virginia cavalry, surprised Warrenton, Va., and sent strong patrols to the Rappahannock, at Sulphur Springs and Waterloo.--A debate on the free navigation of the Mississippi River, was held to-day, in the rebel Congress at Richmond.
February 2.
No entry for February 2, 1863.February 3.
A fight took place at Mingo Swamp, Missouri, between a detachment of Union troops under the command of Major Reeder, and a numerous gang of rebel guerrillas under the leadership of Dan McGee, resulting in a complete rout of the latter. McGee and eight of his men were killed, and twenty wounded.--(Doc. 117.)
A successful reconnoissance was this day made to Liberty, Auburn, and Lebanon. Tenn., by a body of National troops under the command of General J. J. Reynolds. They obtained important information concerning the position and operations of the rebel forces; ascertained that the inhabitants of many portions of Tennessee hitherto unvisited by National troops, were loyal to the Union ; obtained large material results in the capture of supplies, and in destroying rebel means of support; broke up a rebel camp, dispersing the rebels in all directions; had several skirmishes with guerrillas, routing them on each occasion with great slaughter.
Fort Donelson, Tennessee, garrisoned by only six hundred of the Eighty-third Illinois, under the command of Colonel Harding, was attacked by a large rebel force under Generals Wheeler and Forrest, and after a desperate contest of five hours duration, the rebels were repulsed and retreated.--(Doc. 118.)
February 4.
Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., commanding the cavalry division in the brigade of General J. W. Davidson, made a descent on Batesville, Ark., driving the rebels under Marmaduke out of the town, killing and wounding [43] many, and capturing some prisoners; among them, Colonel Adams. Captain Roses, of the Fourth Missouri cavalry, led the charge into the town most gallantly. Such of the rebels as could not crowd into the boats, swam the river. Colonel Waring remounted his men from the country.--General Davidson's Despatch.
Thanksgiving was celebrated in Texas, “for the successes that had attended the confederate arms.” --The ram Fulton, on the way to Vicksburgh, was fired into by a rebel battery at Cypress Bend, and disabled. One negro on board was killed, and another so frightened that he jumped overboard and was drowned Before the rebels could capture the ram, the steamers Rattler and Wilson came up and dispersed them.
The National troops had a brief skirmish with a small body of rebels, five miles from Lake Providence, in which they lost several men, and over thirty of the rebels were killed, wounded, and captured. More than ninety horses were taken.--The examination of Rev. R. J. Graves took place at Hillsboro, N. C., before Judge M. E. Manly, at the conclusion of which he was bound over to appear at the rebel court at Richmond, Va., to stand his trial on a charge of treason.--Raleigh Progress.
February 5.
Captain Wm. K. Ranney, of the Fortieth regiment of Missouri militia, while on a scouting expedition on Bear Creek, Johnson Co., Mo., encountered a party of rebel guerrillas. “On seeing them he put spurs to his horse and commanded his men to follow, which they did with a will, and coming up with the enemy, routed them on the double-quick, the fleeing rebels leaving seven dead on the field. Pursuing the rebels about seven miles, night came on, and the weather being extremely cold, he gave up the chase. Captain Ranney and all of his men escaped unharmed.” --Lieutenant-Colonel Brown's Report.
The British Parliament was opened and the Queen's speech was read, in which she said: “Her Majesty's relations with foreign Powers continue to be friendly and satisfactory. Her Majesty has abstained from taking any step with a view to induce a cessation of the conflict between the contending parties in the North-American States, because it has not yet seemed to Her Majesty that any such overtures could be attended with a probability of success. Her Majesty has viewed with the deepest concern the desolating warfare which still rages in those regions; and she has witnessed with heartfelt grief the severe distress and suffering which that war has inflicted upon a large class of Her Majesty's subjects, but which have been borne by them with noble fortitude and with exemplary resignation. It is some consolation to be led to hope that this suffering and this distress are rather diminishing than increasing, and that some revival of employment is beginning to take place in the manufacturing districts.”
A small detachment of National cavalry was attacked at Wigginton's Mills, near Stafford Store, Va. At the first fire, Dixon, the scout who was wounded a few days previous in a skirmish with a party of South-Carolinians, was again wounded seriously. The rebels were finally dispersed, and several of the neighboring farmers were arrested.--New York Times.
Captain Robert Maupin, of the rebel army, was captured in the vicinity of Columbia, Mo., by a party of National troops under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Russell, of the Sixty-First Missouri regiment.--Missouri Statesman.
February 6.
A detachment from companies H and F, of the Fifth New York cavalry, under the command of Captain Penfield, made a raid into Middleburgh, Va., and at Aldie captured eight of the First Virginia rebel cavalry, and the post-master at Little Washington. They were en route to a ball given to them by the citizens of that; place, and were fully armed and equipped.--The rebel Colonel Cushman, the celebrated “cotton-burner,” was arrested at his residence, near Ripley, Tenn., and taken to Columbus.--Cincinnati Gazette.
A party of the Twelfth Virginia rebel cavalry, attacked the mail-coach between Martinsburgh and Winchester, Va., this afternoon, and captured the driver and occupants of the coach, Brigadier-General Cluseret's assistant adjutant-general and aid-de-camp among the number. The aid managed to escape, and reported the affair to General Milroy, who immediately ordered out two companies of the First New York cavalry to cut off their retreat. Companies A and K, commanded by Captain Jones, and Lieutenant Laverty respectively, were sent out. Captain Jones left Lieutenants Laverty and Watkins with a small party at Millwood, thirteen miles from Winchester, while he and Lieutenant Boyd went [44] on still further. The Captain's party had scarcely moved away, when the rebels made their appearance at Millwood, with all they had captured. Lieutenant Laverty immediately ordered a charge, and dashed upon them, when the rebels broke and ran, though fighting desperately as they fled. They were chased seven miles. The expedition resulted in the recapture of all which the rebels had taken, and the killing of one of them, and taking prisoner of another. The escape of the remainder of the rebels was owing to its being night. Lieutenant Laverty was the only one injured, on the National side.
February 7.
This morning a deserter from the rebel army came to the National headquarters at Yorktown, Va., and stated that there were some twenty-five more of the rebels nine miles from Williamsburgh that wanted to give them selves up, but were afraid to come into the lines for fear of being fired upon. Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis, in command of the Fifth Pennsylvania, sent a squadron of his cavalry after them. When the main body of the squadron had reached the spot where the men were said to be waiting, they were fired upon by guerrillas in ambush, and twenty saddles were emptied the first volley. At the same time a body of rebel cavalry was seen charging down the road at some distance off. What remained of the Union cavalry, immediately started to receive them. They had just got under good speed, when they came in contact with telegraph wires that the guerrillas had suspended across the road and tied to the trees on each side, throwing horses and riders to the ground and tumbling them in a heap together, cutting and bruising both man and horse terribly. One captain and one lieutenant were taken prisoners, one captain was mortally wounded, and one lieutenant was killed. Thirty-five of the men were missing, and were either killed or taken prisoners.
The guerrilla leader, Captain Dawson, and several of his men, were this day captured by a detachment of Union troops, under the command of Colonel Wood, Twenty-second Ohio volunteers, in the vicinity of Dyersburgh, Tenn.--Chicago Tribune.
The steamers T. D. Wagner, Leopard, and Ruby, all from Nassau, N. P., with “large and valuable cargoes,” ran the blockade and arrived at Charleston, S. C., at an early hour this morning.--J. P. Benjamin, the rebel Secretary of State, addressed a circular to the foreign consuls in the Southern States, informing them that the National fleets having been dispersed at Galveston, and Sabine Pass, Texas, those ports were open to the trade of the merchants of their several nations.--Eli Thayer, at the Cooper Institute at New York, delivered an address advocating the colonization of Florida with loyal colonists from the North.
February 8.
Colonel W. R. Penick, from his headquarters at Independence, Mo., sent a detachment of fifty men from the Fifth cavalry of Missouri volunteers, under the command of Lieutenant D. A. Colvin, in pursuit of a guerrilla camp, which he ascertained existed in the vicinity. His scout came up with the enemy at two o'clock this afternoon, when a running fight commenced, which lasted about thirty minutes, and resulted in the rout of the guerrillas, with eight killed, two wounded, and all their arms captured. To test the fighting qualities of the negro, Colonel Penick sent a contraband with the party at his own request. The negro was severely wounded in the shoulder, but expressed “his willingness to again fight the bushwhackers as soon as he should recover.” --Colonel Penick's Report.
The expedition under Generals Davis and Morgan, sent from Nashville, Tenn., in pursuit of Forrest and Wheeler's rebel force, who were retreating to the West, returned this evening. Seven miles east of Charlotte, thirty rebel prisoners were captured, among whom were Colonel Carroll, and Major Rembrant, of Forrest's staff.--Lebanon, Tenn., was entered and occupied by the National forces, who succeeded in capturing six hundred rebels, most of them belonging to the command of General Morgan.--The work of cutting the canal at Vicksburgh continued rapidly, a large force being engaged upon it night and day.--Rear-Admiral Porter reported the capture of three rebel transport steamers on the Red River, Ark., by the Queen of the West, under the command of Colonel Ellet.--The circulation of the Chicago Times newspaper was prohibited in the command of General Hurlbut, by a general order issued at Memphis, Tenn.
February 9.
A cavalry skirmish occurred near Summerville, Va., between a detachment of Union cavalry belonging to Major Knox's command, and a scouting-party of rebels, in which the latter were compelled to retreat, with the loss of several of their number killed and wounded. The National party were uninjured.--Philadelphia Inquirer.
[45] It having been frequently reported to General Rosecrans, that rebel soldiers approached his lines, near Murfreeboro, Tenn., dressed in the uniform of the National troops, and that they had even carried the colors of the United States, like savages to deceive his men, he ordered that none so dressed should receive, when captured, the rights of prisoners of war, and that in battle, no quarter should be given them.--General Orders No. 16.
February 10.
George P. Hodges, of Kentucky, introduced the following preamble and resolution in the rebel House of Representatives, which was agreed to: Whereas, information has reached this Congress of the passage by the Congress at Washington, D. C., of a bill for the enlistment of negroes as soldiers in the armies of the United States, which armies are to be engaged in the further invasion of the confederate States of America; And whereas, the Constitutions both of the confederate States and the United States recognize Africans and their descendants as property; And whereas, we cannot consent to any change in their political status and condition; therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of bringing in a bill providing the proper forms for the disposition of all negroes or mulattoes who may be captured from the enemy in such manner that those of them who are fugitives from their masters may be returned to their rightful owners, and those for whom no masters can be found shall be sold into perpetual bondage, for the purpose of raising a fund to reimburse citizens of this Confederacy who have lost their slave property by reason of the interference therewith by the enemy.
A fight took place at Old River, La., between a National force, under Captain T. Tucker of the First Kansas volunteers, and the First battalion of the Third regiment of Louisiana cavalry.--(Doc. 120.)
A. D. Mahony, President of the “Prisoners of State Association,” published a notice calling upon “all such persons as had been arrested without charge, imprisoned without trial, and discharged from confinement on the mere order of Abraham Lincoln, or of some one of his subordinates, to convene on the fourth day of March next, in the city of New York, for the purpose of devising, adopting, and putting into practical effect, such means as might be deemed best to obtain satisfaction for the outrages to which we, prisoners of state, have been subjected, and reparation done us in person and property, and for the further purpose of doing what becomes us as American patriots to preserve our Constitution and Government from total subversion, and the liberties of the people from subjection to arbitrary power.”
Information was received at the War Department at Washington, that a party of loyal Delaware and Shawnee Indians, of Kansas, had taken the rebel Wachita agency in Texas, killed Leoper the agent, and captured a hundred disloyal Indians, together with a large number of horses, papers and rebel bonds. Among the papers were treaties made with the rebel government, and signed by Albert Pike. The party returned to Kansas, with the loss of four men.
February 11.
William H. Seward, Secretary of State, in answer to the call of the Senate of the United States for information concerning the French Minister's (M. Mercier) visit to Richmond, Va., said that “since March fourth, 1861, no communication, direct or indirect, formal or informal, save in relation to prisoners of war, has been held by this Government, or by the Secretary of State, with the insurgents, their aiders or abettors; no passport has been granted to any foreign Minister to pass the military lines, except by the President's direction.” --At the Lord Mayor's banquet at London, this day, the rebel Commissioner, J. M. Mason, was present, and delivered a speech.--London News.
February 12.
Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, sent a message to the Senate and House of Representatives of that State, recommending the passage of a joint resolution, earnestly requesting that Congress should pass laws defining and punishing offences against the Government of the United States, and providing for the fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury, of persons charged with such offences, in the loyal and undisturbed States, so that the guilty might justly suffer, and the innocent be relieved.--(Doc. 121.)
The ship Jacob Bell was captured and burned, in lat. 24°, lon. 65°, by the rebel privateer Florida.
February 13.
A large and enthusiastic public meeting of unconditional Union men was this evening held in the city of Leavenworth, Kansas. Speeches were made by General Blunt, and others, and loyal resolutions were unanimously adopted, proclaiming “all who ask for peace with [46] rebels in arms against the Government, except on the terms of unconditional submission to the Constitution and the laws, or who propose a separation of the Union in any manner,” to be traitors, and indorsing the President's Emancipation Proclamation.
Yesterday, about one o'clock in the afternoon, a squad of Baylor's rebel cavalry attacked a small scouting-party of twelve men, of the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry from Kearneysville, near Smithfield, Va., killing one, wounding two, and capturing four men and several horses. About four o'clock P. M., General Kelly's scouts from Harper's Ferry, Md., fell in with the same party a few miles south of Charlestown, and after a running fight of several miles recaptured the men and horses, and captured Lieutenant Baylor, two of his men, and several horses.--General Kelly's Despatch.
A skirmish took place to-day in the vicinity of Bolivar, Tenn., between a detachment of National cavalry and a body of rebels, in which four of the latter were killed, five taken prisoners, and a number wounded. The rebels also lost several of their horses. The Union party had none killed or wounded.--Chicago Tribune.
To-night the United States gunboat Indianola, under the command of Captain Brown, successfully passed the rebel batteries before Vicksburgh. Twenty heavy guns were fired at her, but she escaped without being hit.--The steamer Douglass ran out of Charleston, S. C., with James B. Clay, of Kentucky, on board, as a passenger, for Liverpool. She successfully passed the blockading fleet.--Charleston Mercury.
February 14.
A squadron of the Fifth Michigan cavalry regiment was surprised at Annandale, Va., by a superior force of rebels, and were forced to retreat with a loss of fifteen killed and missing and several wounded.--The rebel steamer Era No. Five, laden with four thousand five hundred bushels of corn, was this day captured in the Red River, La., by the United States gunboat Queen of the West, under the command of Colonel Charles R. Ellet.
The United States gunboat Queen of the West got aground near Gordon's Landing, Red River, La., in full range of a powerful rebel battery which poured into her several volleys of shot and shell, cutting the steam-pipe. thereby necessitating her abandonment.--(Doc. 105.)
February 15.
A party of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois regiment, under the command of Colonel James Monroe, in company with twenty of Stokes's Tennessee cavalry, encountered a body of rebel cavalry belonging to Gen. J. H. Morgan's force, at a point near Cainesville, Tenn., and after a sharp conflict completely routed them, killing twenty, wounding a large number, and taking six prisoners. He also captured fifty horses and destroyed three hundred stands of arms. During the action three of Colonel Monroe's men were wounded.--Cincinnati Gazette.
A detachment of fourteen men of the Second Minnesota volunteers, under the command of Sergeant L. N. Holmes, while escorting a wagon-train near Nolensville, Tenn., were attacked by a party of rebel guerrilla cavalry, numbering one hundred and thirty-five men. The small Union party stood firm, and returned the rebel fire with such effect, that in a few minutes they had killed eight, wounded twenty, and taken four of their number prisoners, beside killing eight horses and capturing four. The rest of the rebel party retreated.--Nashville Union.
A fight took place at Arkadelphia, Ark., between a small party of Unionists under the command of Captain----Brown, which lasted from sunrise until noon, when the rebels were routed, with a loss of fourteen killed and twelve wounded. Captain Brown lost two killed and twelve wounded.--General Hooker issued an order to the army of the Potomac, announcing that the order of the War Department authorizing the enlistment of volunteers into the regular service had been rescinded.
February 16.
The act for enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes, was passed by the Senate of the United States at midnight.--(See Supplement.)
February 17.
In the British House of Commons Mr. Bentick rose to ask the noble Lord at the head of the government whether the government were in possession of any official information on the subject of the reported defeat by the rebels of the blockading squadron off Charleston; and if so, whether that information was of a character to raise the question of the legality of the future blockade of that port. Lord Palmerston replied that Her Majesty's government had had no information with regard to the transaction other than that which had been conveyed by the telegrams. They simply state that the blockade was raised on the morning of one day, and [47] reimposed on the succeeding day. With regard to the application of the general law of nations to a transaction of that kind, his lordship would give no opinion, because, he said, the application of that law depended so much upon the circumstances of the case, that until it was well known what had really happened, it would be improper in Her Majesty's government to commit themselves to any opinion as to the effect which this occurrence might have.
At a point five miles west of Romney, Va., a forage train under an escort composed of companies from the One Hundred and Sixteenth and One Hundred and Twenty-third Ohio infantry, was captured by a party of rebels who escaped with the train, after paroling the Nationals, who were allowed to return to Romney.--Pittsburgh Chronicle.
By order of General Grant all restrictions imposed on the circulation of the Chicago Times, were rescinded.--The steamer Hercules was burned by guerrillas this day at a point a few miles above Memphis, Tenn.--A heavy snow-storm prevailed on the Rappahannock and its vicinity.
February 18.
At Charleston, S. C., General Beauregard issued the following proclamation: “It has become my solemn duty to inform the authorities and citizens of Charleston and Savannah that the movements of the enemy's fleet indicate an early land and naval attack on one or both cities, and to urge that persons unable to take an active part in the struggle shall retire. It is hoped, however, that this temporary separation of some of you from your homes will be made without alarm or undue haste, thus showing that the only feeling which animates you in this hour of supreme trial is the right of being able to participate in the defence of your homes, your altars, and the graves of your kindred. Carolinians and Georgians! the hour is at hand to prove your country's cause. Let all able-bodied men from the sea-board to the mountains rush to arms. Be not too exacting in the choice of weapons. Pikes and scythes will do for exterminating your enemies, spades and shovels for protecting your firesides. To arms, fellow-citizens! Come to share with us our danger, our brilliant success, or our glorious death.” --About noon to-day ten wagons sent out on a foraging expedition from Memphis, were attacked and captured in Nonconnah Bottom, by a party of one hundred and fifty rebel cavalry.
Secretary chase transmitted to Congress to-day a report of Hiram Barney, Government cotton agent at New York, the footings of which showed that he had sold at public auction since the blockade commenced, three thousand three hundred and twenty-five bales of sea island and upland cotton, and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine bales of unginned cotton, valued at six hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars.
The siege of Vicksburgh was commenced to-day by the Union mortar-boats, which threw a number of shells into the city. The rebels opened three batteries of heavy guns on the boats, but their shot fell short, and did no injury.
By order of General R. B. Mitchell, commanding the National forces at Nashville, Tenn., G. W. Donegan and W. H. Calhoun, two wealthy citizens of that place, were arrested and confined in the State penitentiary, as hostages for the safe return within the National lines of John A. Galty and T. T. Tabb, Union men held by the rebels at Chattanooga.--Clifton, Tenn., was captured and destroyed by a detachment of the Third Michigan cavalry under the command of Captain Cicero Newell.--Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Democratic Convention which met to-day at Frankfort, Ky., for the purpose of nominating candidates for State officers for the ensuing August election, was broken up and dispersed by Colonel S. A. Gilbert, under orders received from Brigadier-General Q. A. Gillmore, commanding the district. The members of the Convention were said to be avowed rebel sympathizers.
February 19.
A reconnoitring party from Yazoo Pass to Coldwater, Miss., under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Wood of the First Indiana cavalry, surprised two hundred rebel cavalry and routed them, killing six, mortally wounding three, and capturing fifteen.--See Supplement.
Hopefield, Ark., opposite Memphis, Tenn., was this day burned by order of General Hurlbut. It was done because the guerrillas made the town their headquarters.--The office of the Daily Constitution, at Keokuk, Iowa, was destroyed by the soldiers in the hospital at that place.--The brig Emily Fisher was captured off Castle Island, Bahama, by the privateer Retribution, and after being partly unloaded, was released on bonds for her value.--A large meeting was held in Liverpool, England, in support of [48] President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Resolutions applauding the course of Mr. Lincoln on the slavery question, and an address to be presented to him through Mr. Adams, were adopted At the same time a meeting was held at Carlisle, and a similar series of resolutions were adopted unanimously.
February 20.
Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of Tennessee, issued a proclamation warning all persons holding, renting, occupying, or using any real or personal property in that State belonging to rebels, not to pay the rents, issues, or profits thereof to the rebel owners or their agents, but to hold the same until some person should be appointed in behalf of the United States to receive them.--(Doc. 122.)
Major Justus McKinstry, Quartermaster of the United States army, was finally dismissed the service by order of President Lincoln.--The United States Bank bill passed the House of Representatives, it having been adopted by the Senate previously.--Colonel Charles Carroll Hicks of the rebel army, was arrested at New York.--Decimal and fractional currency being scarce in the loyal States, tradesmen and others gave out personal notes of the value of one, two, and three cents and upwards.--A battalion of the Fifth Illinois cavalry sent out to reconnoitre the banks of the Yazoo Pass, had a brisk skirmish with a company of sixty mounted rebels, dispersing them and killing six, wounding several, and capturing twenty-six. The National casualties were five wounded.--Chicago Tribune.
February 21.
The ships Golden Eagle and Olive Jane, in lat. 29° 17 “, lon. 45° 15” , were captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama.--An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Bloomfield, Indiana.--The National gunboats Freeborn and Dragon made a reconnaissance up the Rappahannock River, Va., a distance of sixty-five miles. Just below Fort Lowry they were fired on by a rebel battery, and an engagement of an hour's duration occurred, in which the batteries were silenced. The Freeborn received unimportant injuries and had three men slightly wounded. The expedition was conducted by Lieut. Commander Samuel Magaw, and was a perfect success.--Official Report.
A party of guerrillas, dressed as Union soldiers, made a descent upon South-Union, or Shakertown, Ky., this day, and destroyed a number of cars belonging to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, besides a large quantity of property belonging to the National Government. After having finished their depredations they left the place, taking the road toward Greenville, when Colonel Benjamin H. Bristow of the Eighth Kentucky cavalry, sent a portion of his regiment in pursuit, and succeeded in capturing four of the guerrillas.--Cincinnati Gazette.
February 22.
Colonel F. M. Cornyn, Tenth Missouri cavalry, in command of a detachment of Union troops, made a successful scouting expedition to Florence and Tuscumbia, Ala. he assessed the wealthy slaveholders in sums of five hundred dollars and upwards, carried off fifty bales of cotton, a large number of horses and mules, sixty negroes, and a number of prisoners.--(Doc. 123.)
A Captain and eight privates belonging to the Fifty-seventh rebel regiment of Virginia, were captured near Gatesville, Va., by a small force of Union troops.--The expedition through the Yazoo Pass reached Moon Lake this day.--See Supplement.
February 23.
Union meetings were held at Cincinnati, Ohio, Russellville, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn., at which the action of the National Government was sustained, and pledges to perpetuate the authority of the Constitution were renewed.--A fight took place near Greenville, Miss., between the rebel forces under General Ferguson, and the Nationals, commanded by General Burbridge. In the action, Major Mudd, of the Twenty-second Illinois cavalry, was killed.--New York Tribune.
A skirmish took place near Athens, Ky., between a party of National troops and a body of Morgan's guerrillas, who were making a raid through that State. In the fight, Dr. Theophilus Steele, a rebel, was severely wounded, and Charlton Morgan, a brother to the rebel General John H. Morgan, with others, was taken prisoner.
The One Hundred and Thirty-third New York regiment, accompanied by a company of cavalry, went from Plaquemine to Rosedale, La., a distance of nearly thirty miles, to break up a rebel camp, supposed to be situated there. They found the rebels had gone, but some medicines, nineteen bales of cotton, and several horses were taken, together with four prisoners. A portion of the party went three miles above Port Hudson, on the opposite side of the river.--Louisville Journal.
[49] A body of seven hundred rebel guerrilla cavalry, under the leadership of Colonel Leroy Cluke, made a thieving expedition into Kentucky. They first went to Winchester, thence to Mount Sterling, Straw Hill, and Hazel Green, robbing and destroying property of every description. A large amount of government property was destroyed at Paris, in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebels. They were pursued by a detachment of National troops, under the command of Colonel B. P. Runkle, but the rebels, though superior in numbers to the Union force, preferred the business of robbing to that of fighting, and continued to retreat from place to place, until they finally got away with a large amount of property, and a great number of horses.
Governor Brown, of Georgia, issued an order compelling all the militia officers of that State, except those already tendered and accepted by General Beauregard, “to repair forthwith, without hesitation or delay, to the city of Savannah, and report to General Beauregard, to be organized under his direction into companies, for duty in the defence of that city.”
The steamer Belle, of Memphis, while lying at Cottonwood Landing, Tenn., was boarded by a party of rebel guerrillas who attempted to capture her, but they were beaten off by the passengers and crew, and the boat escaped. In the fight, one Union man was wounded, and one of the guerrillas was killed.--Philadelphia Inquirer.
February 24.
The United States steamer Indianola, under the command of Lieutenant George Brown, was this day captured in the Mississippi River, near Grand Gulf, after an engagement lasting one hour and a half, by the rebel iron-clad steamers Queen of the West and William H. Webb, and the armed steamers Doctor Batey and Grand Duke.--(Doc. 124.)
The steamer Hetty Gilmore, was captured and destroyed by the rebels under the command of W. C. P. Breckenridge, at Woodbury, Tenn.--The Savannah News of this date said: “There seems to be now a great rage for investing in confederate bonds. Every body is buying bonds — that is, every body who has treasury notes wherewith to buy. How great the contrast! Here our people are seeking confederate government paper. In Lincolndom every body is avoiding government paper, and paying enormous prices for every article which will enable them to get rid of Yankee promises to pay! This is one of the best signs of the times.”
At Richmond, Va., Judge Meredith of the Circuit Court, decided in a habeas corpus case, that every citizen of Maryland, and every foreigner who had enlisted in the rebel army, no matter for how short a period, had acquired a domicile, and therefore was liable to conscription between the ages of eighteen and forty-five.--Richmond Examiner.
February 25.
The act for “enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes,” passed the United States House of Representatives by a vote of one hundred and fifteen yeas to fifty-nine nays.--About noon to-day, Stuart's rebel cavalry made an attack on a portion of General Averill's division of cavalry, near Hartwood Church, Va., when a fight ensued, which terminated in the repulse and rout of the rebels with a loss of one captain, a lieutenant and several privates. General Averill pursued them to Kelly's Ford, but they succeeded in crossing the river before he arrived.--Philadelphia Inquirer.
An expedition, consisting of a force of Union troops, under the command of General Rose, left Moon Lake on board several steamers, under Lieutenant Commanding Smith, and proceeded up Yazoo Pass.
The rebels under Cluke, in their raid through Kentucky, were overtaken at Licktown, twelve miles east of Mount Sterling, and dispersed.--The British steamer Peterhoff, was captured off St. Thomas, W. I., by the United States gunboat Vanderbilt, and sent to Key West, Fila., for adjudication.--The bakers in Charleston, S. C., advanced the price of bread to twenty-five cents for a half-pound loaf. Flour sold at sixty-five dollars a barrel.--Charleston Courier.
February 26.
Yesterday, a rebel cavalry scout, eighty strong, came inside the National pickets on the Strasburgh road, Va. After a skirmish with infantry pickets, in which two were wounded on each side, they retired, capturing a cavalry picket of twelve men. This morning, five hundred of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania and First New York cavalry sent in pursuit, recaptured, beyond Strasburgh, most of the prisoners and horses, and also took a number of prisoners. The commander of the Union detachment, exceeding his orders, pursued them beyond Woodstock. After driving in the rebel pickets, he [50] stood parleying in the road, without guarding against surprise. The enemy returned in force, charged upon and threw them into confusion, killing and capturing two hundred.--See Supplement.
The National Council of the Cherokee Indians adjourned this day, having repealed the ordinance of secession passed in 1861. They also passed an act depriving of office in the nation, and disqualifying all who continued disloyal to the Government of the United States; and also an act abolishing slavery.--The yacht Anna was captured in the Suwanee River, Ga., by the National steamer Fort Henry.--New York Journal of Commerce.
A very large and enthusiastic meeting of the people of Indiana was this day held at Indianapolis, the capital of the State. Loyal and patriotic resolutions were adopted, and speeches were made by Governor Wright, Governor Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, General S. F. Carey, of Ohio, T. Buchanan Read, of Pennsylvania, Charles W. Cathcart, Charles Case, and others.
A freight train on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, laden with merchandise belonging to private individuals, and a quantity of Government stores, and two hundred and forty mules, were this day captured near Woodburn, Tenn., by a party of rebel guerrillas. After driving off the mules and rifling the cars of their contents, they set fire to and totally destroyed them; they then raised steam upon the locomotive to its fullest height, and started it along the road at the top of its speed, hoping that it would encounter the passenger train coming from Nashville. The locomotive drove along the track through Franklin, and passed other stations at a fearful rate of speed, but the supply of steam was finally exhausted, and the machine came to a full stop, without doing any harm.
February 27.
Jefferson Davis issued a proclamation to the people of the States in rebellion, appointing the twenty-seventh of March as a day of fasting and prayer.--General John Cochrane resigned his command in the United States army of the Potomac, and issued a farewell address to the soldiers of his late brigade.
A skirmish took place at a point fifteen miles from Newbern, N. C., between a detachment of Mix's New York cavalry, under the command of Captain Jacobs, and a strong scouting-party of rebel infantry, in which the latter were routed after the first fire, with a loss of three of their number killed and forty-eight taken prisoners, including a commissioned officer. The National party had none killed, and only one man wounded.
February 28.
General R. E. Lee, commanding the rebel army in Virginia, issued an order reviewing its operations for the year 1862.--(Doc. 126.)
The armed rebel steamer Nashville, while aground under the guns of Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogecchee River, Ga., was this day destroyed by the United States gunboat Montauk, under the command of Catain J. L. Worden.--(Doc. 127.)