September 1.
A fight took place at Barbee's Cross-Roads, Va., between a patrol of forty-nine men belonging to the Sixth Ohio cavalry, under the command of Major John Cryor, and a party of rebel guerrillas, in which the former lost two killed, four wounded, and twenty-four prisoners.
Thomas E. Bramlette was inaugurated as Governor of Kentucky, to-day. In his inaugural address he contends that the revolted States did not change their status by rebelling; that all that is necessary for them to do is to return to their fealty, and take their position as States; that the rebellion did not remit them to a territorial state. He says we have now, and will have before the rebellion closes, the identical Constitution which extremists seek to destroy, the one by innovation, the other by force. It is not a restored Union, not a reconstructed Union that Kentucky desires, but a preserved Union and a restored peace upon a constitutional basis. The Governor strongly objects to the arming of negro regiments, and asks what is to be done with such soldiers at the end of the war. He points to the result of the recent election as a proof that Kentucky will not fraternize with rebellion, either open or covert, and declares that Kentucky ever has been, and now is, and always will be, loyal to the Government of our fathers.
A General engagement took place in Charleston harbor, between the iron-clads, and Forts Wagner, Sumter, and Moultrie. Fleet-Captain Oscar C. Badger, the successor of Captain Rodgers, was injured by the explosion of a shell.
An engagement took place at the Devil's Back-Bone, a point sixteen miles from Fort Smith, Arkansas, between a portion of the army of General Blunt, under Colonel Cloud, and the rebel forces under Cabell, in which the latter was routed with a loss of twenty-five killed and forty wounded. The National loss was two killed and twelve wounded and missing.--Fort Smith, Ark., was captured by the Union forces under General Blunt.--(Doc. 179.)
A force of rebel cavalry crossed the Upper Potomac, at Edwards's Ferry, Va., and captured a large number of cattle, which, however, they were unable to carry off, being pursued by the National forces.--six hundred persons, chiefly heads of families, and resident in Kansas City and vicinity, who were believed to be aiders and abettors of the rebellion, or strong sympathizers with it, were ordered to remove from the district, by General Ewing.
September 2.
Kingston, Tenn., was occupied by a portion of General Burnside's army, under the command of General Minty.--the gunboats Satellite and Reliance, which were captured by the rebels on the twenty-second of August,, were destroyed by the Union forces under the command of General Kilpatrick, at Port Conway, Va.--the guerrilla Hughes, with one hundred rebels, appeared in Burksville, Ky.
A joint committee of the Alabama Legislature reported a resolution in favor of the proposition to employ slaves in the military service of the confederate States, which proposition was favored by many of the presses of Mississippi and Alabama. After discussion in the Alabama House, the resolution was adopted by a vote of sixty-eight yeas to twelve nays, after striking out the words “military” before service, and “soldiers” at the end of the resolution. The resolution was amended and reads as follows:
That it is the duty of Congress to provide by law for the employment in the service of the confederate States of America, in such situations and in such numbers as may be found absolutely necessary, the able-bodied slaves of the country, whether as pioneers, sappers and miners, cooks, nurses and teamsters.--Savannah News, September 2.
September 3.
The battle of White Stone Hill, D. T., was fought this day.--(Doc. 161.)
The expedition under Acting Brigadier-General B. F. Onderdonk, which left Gloucester Point, Va., on the twenty-sixth of August, returned to the point from which it started, having been perfectly successful in accomplishing its object.--(Doc. 159.)
September 4.
Knoxville, Tenn., was occupied by the National forces under Major-General Burnside. “The East-Tennesseeans were so glad to see the Union soldiers that they cooked every thing [48] they had, and gave it to them freely, not asking pay, and apparently not thinking of it. Women stood by the roadside with pails of water, and displayed Union flags. The wonder was, where all the Stars and Stripes came from. Knoxville was radiant with flags. At a point on the road from Kingston to Knoxville sixty women and girls stood by the road-side waving Union flags and shouting: ‘ Hurrah for the Union.’ Old ladies rushed out of their houses, and wanted to see General Burnside and shake hands with him, and cried: ‘Welcome, welcome, General Burnside! welcome to East-Tennessee!’ ” --(Doc. 168.)
The women of Mobile, Ala., rendered desperate by their sufferings, met in large numbers on the Spring Hill road, with banners on which were printed such devices as “Bread or blood,” on one side, and “Bread and peace,” on the other, and, armed with knives and hatchets, marched down Dauphine street, breaking open the stores in their progress, and taking for their use such articles of food or clothing as they were in urgent need of.
September 5.
Major E. W. Stephens, with a portion of the First West-Virginia volunteer infantry, was surprised in his camp at Moorefield, Va., by a party of rebels under the command of Imboden and Jones.--(Doc. 141.)
Forts Wagner and Gregg, in Charleston harbor, were furiously bombarded by the National fleet and land batteries, under the command of Admiral Dahlgren and General Gillmore. The firing began at daylight and continued until dark.--(See Supplement.)
The Charleston Mercury of this date contained the following:
Although carefully covered over with the mantle of secresy by Congress, enough has been disclosed by stern realities to show the total incompetency of President Davis to govern the affairs of the Confederacy. He has lost the confidence of both the army and the people; and if an election to-morrow was to come off for the Presidency, we believe that he would not get the vote of a single State in the Confederacy. Yet, if the Provisional Congress had done its duty — if the present Congress would do its duty--President Davis could readily be driven into a course of efficiency. He is President of the confederate States for six years. The constitution has not been proved to be inadequate to rectify his imbecilities. He can be controlled and directed, as the King of Great Britain is. That government is a constitutional monarchy, having coordinate branches. In Great Britain, no policy of the government, no cabinet advisers, can stand against the expressed opinion of the House of Commons. Are the people less potent in the confederate States through their representatives in Congress, than the people of Great Britain in Parliament? We do not believe it. Parliament has no power, like that of Congress, to pass a law in spite of the King's veto; yet no King, since 1688, has dared to veto a bill passed by Parliament. No King has dared to defy public opinion in the appointment of the national counsellors and the commanders of the armies, setting up personal favoritism and partisanship above efficiency. . . . . The legislative power which Congress possesses, as to measures and men, can control the government and force efficiency into the administration whether in the appointment of cabinet officers, commanders of armies and bureau officers, or in the management of our diplomacy, our finances, our military operations, our naval preparations, and the efficiency of our bureaus of conscription, commissary stores and quartermaster stores. But this can never be done by those who look upon President Davis as ‘our Moses.’ Congress must assume its duties under the constitution, as an independent element of power. It must abandon the idea that it is only a secret body for registering the will of the President. It must be the people, standing forth in the light of day, clothed with the whole legislative power of the government, and with their agent, the President, instrumental for their deliverance. That our cause will ultimately triumph we do not doubt, in spite of the incompetency of President Davis and his silly and most disastrous policy, by which the confederate States have been deluged with blood, and covered over with suffering and misery. His inefficiency and Yankee efficiency will both be overcome. But if President Davis is to be treated as ‘our Moses’ we really do not see the use of Congress. If the people, through their representatives in Congress, are to exercise no power but at the bidding of the executive, Congress is a nonentity. It is worse; it is a tool of the executive, by which the constitution is practically overthrown and a military dictatorship established in its stead; characterized by a base assumption of power on the part of the executive[49] and a baser betrayal of trust on the part of Congress.
The United States troops encamped within the city of New York for the preservation of order during the draft, were removed by order of Brigadier-General Canby.--R. R. Belshaw, in a letter to Earl Russell, sets forth a series of outrages committed upon himself and other British subjects, by the rebel government in the States of Alabama and Tennessee, and asks for redress.--six privates and one of the telegraph operators, belonging to the army of General Rosecrans, were captured at Running Water Bridge, near Chattanooga.--A fight occurred in Dacotah Territory, near the battle-ground of White Stone Hill, between a party of hostile Indians and the Second regiment of Nebraska volunteers, belonging to the command of General Sully.--(Doe. 161.)
September 6.
A fight took place at Brandy Station, Va., in which the rebel cavalry, under General Stuart, were driven back four miles beyond Culpeper Court-House, on the road to Richmond, and two pieces of horse artillery were captured from the rebels by the Union forces, under the command, in person, of General Custer, who was slightly wounded.
The bombardment of Forts Wagner and Gregg, in Charleston harbor, was continued during the day. Last night battery Gregg was assaulted by the National forces, who were repulsed.
Fort Wagner and battery Gregg were evacuated by the rebels in accordance with the orders of General Beauregard, and seventy-five men and twenty-one guns were left in the hands of the National forces.--(See Supplement.)
September 7.
Cumberland Gap, Tenn., which had been well fortified and occupied by the rebels for the year past, surrendered to the Union forces under the command of General Shackelford, without firing a gun. The garrison consisted of four regiments, namely, Fifty-fifth Georgia, Sixty-fourth Virginia, Sixty-second and Sixty-fourth North-Carolina, a portion of Leyden's artillery, Captain Barnes's company, of Georgia; also Fain's Tennessee battery, commanded by Lieutenant Conner.--A cavalry force belonging to General Herron's army, under Major Montgomery, on a reconnoissance from Morgan's Bend, La., met a party of rebel pickets about three miles from the river and commenced skirmishing with them, continuing all day, the rebels constantly falling back, the Unionists following until the rebels had crossed the Atchafalaya River, twelve miles from the position where the skirmishing commenced. Here the rebels made a stand, and crossing the river being impracticable, the Unionists fell back and encamped for the night, with a loss of one killed and eight wounded.--this evening the monitor Weehawken went aground midway between Forts Sumter and Moultrie, in Charleston harbor. Several attempts were made to get her off, but each proved ineffectual. To. ward evening the Ironsides, with the monitors Nahant, Montauk, Patapsco, and Lehigh commenced a vigorous bombardment of Fort Moultrie, withdrawing at dark.
September 8.
The United States gunboats Clifton and Sachem were captured by the rebels at Sabine Pass, La., being disabled by the fire from the fortifications on shore. They were operating for the landing of a column of United States troops under Major-General Franklin, to be employed in a movement against Louisiana and Texas. In consequence of the failure at this point, the movement was abandoned.--(Docs. 125 and 165.)
Chattanooga was evacuated by the rebels, who retreated to the south.--the bombardment of Fort Moultrie, by the monitors Nahant, Montauk, Patapsco, and Lehigh, was renewed and continued during the first half of the day. A house on Sullivan's Island was set on fire by the shells.--the Washita River expedition, consisting of the greater part of General Logan's old brigade, a regiment of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, returned to Vicksburgh from the portion of Louisiana lying adjacent to Washita River. No organized force of the rebels could be found. The detour was made to the north-west, in direction of the village of El Dorado, Ark. A large number of rebel soldiers came voluntarily into the Union lines and surrendered.--A force of National troops assaulted Fort Sumter; but were repulsed, leaving in the hands of the rebels a large number of prisoners.--(See Supplement.)
The National forces at Bath, Va., composed of a portion of two companies of Colonel Wynkoop's Seventieth Pennsylvania cavalry, were attacked this morning at three o'clock by a party of rebels, numbering over two hundred, who were repulsed and driven off.--at Baltimore, Md., General Schenck issued an order suppressing the substitute business in Maryland and in [50] his department, it having been found that the agencies for procuring substitutes to go out of the State and department interfered with the operation of the draft and recruiting.
September 9.
Chattanooga, Ga., was occupied by the National forces belonging to the army of General Rosecrans.--Colonel Cloud, with his division, belonging to the army of General Blunt, attacked a body of over one thousand rebels at Dardanelle, Ark., and defeated them, capturing their entire camp and a large amount of stores.--Lieutenant-Colonel Hays, with companies A, B, H, and parts of E and F, of the One Hundredth Ohio regiment, was attacked near Telford, Tenn., ninety-three miles up the railroad, by one thousand eight hundred rebels, under Jackson, and fought them gallantly for two hours, losing heavily in killed and wounded, but was finally compelled to surrender to overpowering numbers. National loss by the affair was about three hundred--killed, wounded, and prisoners — of which an undue proportion were commissioned officers.--the bombardment of Fort Moultrie, S. C., was continued.
September 10.
Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, from his headquarters at Memphis, Tenn., issued general orders causing reprisals to be made for all rebel outrages committed within his lines, by levying assessments upon the wealthiest and most notorious sympathizers with the rebellion, adding fifty per cent to the amount of damages proven.--last night a party of soldiers, belonging to General Benning's rebel brigade, robbed the office of the Standard newspaper, at Raleigh, N. C., and this morning a crowd of citizens “gathered and rushed upon the office of the State Journal, in the same place, and totally destroyed the furniture and printing materials.” --(Doc. 166.)
Little Rock, Arkansas, was captured by the National forces under the command of General Steele.--(Docs. 124 and 145.)
Major-General James G. Blunt, from his headquarters at Fort Smith, issued the following address to the people of Arkansas:
The flag that two and a half years ago was struck, when a weak garrison of United States troops were compelled to abandon this post, before a superior number of maddened and infuriated men, who had resolved upon the overthrow of the best Government upon earth, now floats in triumph over Fort Smith. In reply to the many inquiries made, ‘Is the occupation of this post by Federal troops to be permanent?’ I answer yes. The flag that floats from yonder staff, shall continue to wave its folds to the breeze, never again to be desecrated by treason's foul pollution. The whole of the Indian Territories and Western Arkansas are now in my possession, and under my control. All the rebel hordes, except a few guerrillas, have been driven beyond the Red River. The most obnoxious of the rebel citizens have followed the army with their families to seek the ‘last ditch.’ It is for you, who have chosen to remain at your homes, to elect whether you will have peace or war. From the unfeigned joy manifested by thousands of your citizens upon the occupation of this city and the neighboring city of Van Buren — from the reports of delegations who have visited me from over one hundred miles in the interior, south of the Arkansas River, as also from the fact that hundreds of true men have come from the mountains to swell the Union ranks in the last few days, and still continue to come from whither they have been driven and hunted like beasts of prey by confederate soldiers — gives assurance that the love and attachment for the Union is not yet extinct in Western Arkansas. Moreover, the bleached and crumbling bones of hundreds of Arkansians who, in this locality, have recently been hung upon the gibbet, by a fiendish and merciless crew of confederate murderers, for no other reason than that they loved the old flag, and would not bow their necks to the behests of treason, is evidence that they were true and devoted heroes, worthy a better fate. Many applications have been made by citizens for safeguards. None will be issued. The best safeguard you can have is the American flag suspended over your premises, and to deport yourselves as becomes good and loyal citizens. Your conduct must be your safeguard. If it shall be your desire to disenthral yourselves from the tyranny and oppression to which you have been subjected, and organize a civil government, under the auspices of the United States authority, every facility will be afforded you to accomplish this purpose. I leave the matter with you, trusting that wise counsels may prevail.
The Eleventh regiment of Kentucky mounted infantry, commanded by Colonel Love, in pursuit of the rebel guerrillas under Colonel O. P. Hamilton, overtook them at Brimstone Creek, Tenn., where a brisk skirmish occurred, the guerrillas [51] mounting their horses and making off. Hamilton, who was recognized, rode boldly up to within one hundred and fifty yards of the Union advance, and delivered his fire, then turned and dashed into the bush. He was followed by a volley and retreated to the hills. The morning report of their Adjutant was captured, showing four hundred and eighty men for duty. Four of the guerrillas were killed and found in the brush. Two prisoners were taken, who acknowledged that seven were wounded. The rebels, who had bushwhackers in the hills assisting them, so completely blockaded the road by felling trees, that it was found impossible to pursue them. Colonel Love withdrew, and under orders from Colonel Harney, halted at Ray's Cross Roads. The following proclamation was found posted on a tree at Tompkinsville, given literally:
Mathew F. Maury addressed a letter to the London Times, on the reports and war-plans of the National Government.--A fight occurred at Ringgold, Ga., between the National forces under Colonel Wilder and General Van Cleve, and a portion of the rebel army which was retreating from Chattanooga, resulting in the expulsion of the latter from the town, with a loss of three killed and eighteen taken prisoners. The Union loss was three men wounded of the Ninety-third Illinois regiment.--Major-General Rosecrans entered Chattanooga.
B. H. Richardson and his son, Frank A. Richardson, and Stephen J. Joyce, proprietors of the Baltimore, Md., Republican, were to-day arrested by order of General Schenck, for publishing in their paper of yesterday evening a piece of poetry entitled the “Southern Cross.” The three were sent across our lines this morning. The proprietors of the Republican were frequently warned by the authorities against the publication of disloyal sentiments in their paper.
September 11.
The steamer Sir William Peel was captured at the mouth of the Rio Grande, by the United States steamer Seminole.
September 12.
About three o'clock to-day, a prowling band of guerrillas, some three hundred strong, supposed to be a part of the rebel Colonel Freeman's men, at Salem, Mo., attacked the Union forces, consisting of one company of the Fifth M. S. M., under command of Captain Whyback, resulting in the greatest confusion and slaughter among the rebels. The rebels had laid their plans to surround the soldiers, and in attempting to carry out their projects — the strong wind blowing the dust in thick clouds round about — they became literally entangled among themselves, and supposing a part of their own men to be Nationals, commenced a most deadly engagement, resulting in great slaughter. In the mean time the militia were “keeping cool,” watching the sport, and at the proper time charged upon the confused foe, raking them down in every direction, putting their vastly superior number to flight, hotly pursued by the undaunted boys of the gallant Fifth, who scattered death and terror to the rebels in their hasty retreat, a distance of eighteen miles. Their loss was not less than twenty killed in the chase. There was not a man of the Fifth killed, and only three wounded. A more complete victory over guerrillas has not been accomplished in Missouri for many months.--Rollo Express, September 19.
The blockade-runner Alabama was chased ashore on the Chandeleur Islands, Mississippi, and captured, by the United States flag-ship San Jacinto; during the afternoon the rebel steamer Fox was driven ashore by the United States steamers Genesee, Calhoun, and Jackson, and afterward burned by the rebels.--Fitz-Hugh Lee, a brigadier-general in the rebel service, relinquished the command of his brigade, having received promotion to a major-generalship.--As the second battalion of the Sixty-third Indiana regiment was returning from Terre Haute to Indianapolis, this day, an attempt was made to hang D. W. Voorhees, who was reelected to Congress from Indiana at the last election. Mr. Voorhees was travelling as a passenger in the same train with the soldiers. He was rescued by the officers, but compelled by the soldiers to leave the train [52] at Greencastle.--the national salute was fired at noon to-day from the Fort at Sandy Hook, Fort Lafayette, Castle William, and Fort Schuyler, New York, in honor of the Union victories at Morris Island, Knoxville, and Chattanooga.--the schooner Flying Scud was captured by the National steamer Princess Royal. She was from Brazos, Texas, and was loaded with cotton.
September 13.
A portion of rebel guerrillas belonging to the band of the Chief Biffles, amounting in number to over one hundred and ten, was surrounded by a detachment of Missouri cavalry and a company of mounted infantry from Paducah, Ky., near Paris, Tenn., and six of them killed, twenty-one wounded, and the rest captured.--the Clyde-built side-wheel steamer Jupiter, a noted blockade-runner, one hundred and eighty-four feet long, nineteen feet beam, formerly a passenger-boat on the Clyde, was captured by the United States steamer Cimarron, at halfpast three o'clock this morning, in attempting to run the blockade into Savannah, by the way of Warsaw Sound. She had for passengers four officers of the Royal Navy, an agent of the Confederacy named Weaver, and a commercial agent. Also Nassau and Savannah pilots.--A cavalry fight took place near Culpeper Court-House, Va., between the Nationals, under General Kilpatrick, and the rebels, under General Lomas and Colonel Beale, of the Ninth Virginia cavalry, resulting in a complete rout of the rebels, with considerable loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners.--(Doe. 169.)
The National troops stationed at Salem, Dent County, Mo., were attacked by four hundred rebels, who were repulsed, with a loss of twenty killed and a number wounded.--the expedition against the Sioux Indians, commanded by General H. H. Sibley, returned to Fort Snelling.--the United States steamer Genesee, and gunboats Calhoun and Jackson, shelled the rebel iron-clad Gaines near the fort at Grant's Pass, below Mobile, and compelled her to retire behind the fort, together with another vessel belonging to the rebel fleet. After the retreat of the rebel iron-clad and the transport steamer behind the fort, the shelling was directed solely against the latter. Twenty-two shells from the Genesee alone, fell inside the fort, and the firing from the other boats was remarkably accurate. Sand, stones, logs of wood, etc., were sent flying upward in great quantities, and before the action terminated every gun was dismounted, and, it is believed, disabled. One large gun in particular was knocked completely end over end, as could be plainly seen from the vessels, and the achievement drew forth hearty cheers from the gallant tars.--an expedition composed of sailors and marines from the Navy-Yard and frigate Potomac, was organized at Pensacola, Florida, and sent up the Blackwater River to destroy a ferry and bridges used by the rebel troops in passing from Alabama into Florida, for the purpose of annoying our garrisons and stealing supplies. Lieutenant Houston, United States Marine corps, employed the captured steamer Bloomer, and accomplished his mission with a loss of two men, namely, Corporal Enderly, marine guard, killed; private----, Potomac guard, wounded.
September 14.
This evening three squadrons of the First Maryland cavalry, commanded by Major Russell, were ordered to the front to relieve the Sixth Ohio, then engaged with the rebels at Rapidan Station. When it reached the battleground the enemy was forming for a charge. One squadron was immediately dismounted and deployed as skirmishers, and the other two formed in line of battle. Scarcely were they formed when the enemy charged with a full regiment upon the line of skirmishers. These two squadrons promptly charged the enemy and drove him back. The enemy soon rallied and charged again; but Major Russell had his men well in hand, and met the enemy the second time and drove him back again, capturing one officer and one private. The enemy was satisfied with charging. All this time the rebels had four batteries playing at cross-fires upon the Unionists, and yet, strange to say, the only casualties in the regiment of First Maryland cavalry are Captain Joseph Cook, company D, slightly wounded; Corporal Jno. McCowhen, company G, killed; private John Otto, company F, wounded; private John Schmits, company A, wounded, and three privates missing. Never did men charge more gallantly, or behave better than did these sqadrons. They met more than double their number, and twice drove them back and held the field. Lieutenant Bankard, company A, distinguished himself by his cool and gallant conduct.
The following circular was issued this day from the headquarters of the army of the Potomac, by command of Major-General Meade: I. Newspaper correspondents will be admonished to hold no communication with prisoners of war, whether on their way to headquarters or
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The cavalry advance of the army of the Potomac, under the command of General Pleasanton, reached the Rapid Ann River, at Raccoon Ford, after considerable heavy skirmishing between Culpeper and that point. No rebel infantry had been met with, though a strong force of rebel cavalry had been constantly driven back by the National forces.
This morning, at about six o'clock, a regiment of Texas Rangers, the Second Texas cavalry, two hundred and fifty strong, under command of Colonel George Madison, charged on the Union picket stationed about one mile south of the town of Vidalia, La., on the road leading along the levee, near the river. The picket — only one lieutenant and six men strong — had to fall back against such an overwhelming power. The musketry firing was distinctly heard in town, where only two companies of the Thirtieth Missouri regiment were stationed. Colonel Farrar, who happened to be present, at once ordered all his men to “fall in,” and was in a few minutes at the place of attack, having only about twenty men, who were first under arms, along with him, the whole force at Vidalia who were fit for duty consisting only of about fifty men. In the doublequick he rushed forward, and was received by a heavy fire of the enemy, who had taken possession of a pontoon train encamped in the southern part of the town, and were just preparing to burn up the wagons loaded with the pontoons. The Union skirmishers opened a brisk fire on the enemy, who was covered by a live hedge, and could not be seen by the men, though the distance was only about twenty yards. Colonel Farrar seeing that the object of the enemy's attack was the destroying of the pontoon trains, ordered a charge at once, and with cheers his men rushed to the guard, where a lively skirmish for about fifteen minutes took place, and he succeeded in driving the enemy back. The Unionists lost two men killed and four wounded. The enemy lost six killed, eleven wounded, and two prisoners, among whom was a Lieutenant Skinner, of the Twenty-sixth Tennessee cavalry, who stated that the strength of his regiment was two hundred and fifty, and that Brigadier-General Majors, with a body-guard of thirty men from a Louisiana cavalry regiment, was near, but did not take part in the charge; that his regiment had crossed Black River near Trinity City, La., on the evening of the thirteenth, to charge on Vidalia for the purpose of burning down the pontoon train; that besides his regiment there were two Texas cavalry regiments, under command of Colonels Stone and Lane, at Black River, seventeen miles distant, and also one Louisiana and one Arkansas cavalry regiment, all under command of Brigadier-General Majors. Colonel Farrar, who had sent notice to Natchez about the attack, at once prepared to have his men mounted to follow up the enemy as quick as reenforcements came. At about eight o'clock two regiments of infantry and a few companies of cavalry had crossed the river and come to his assistance. The enemy was followed up closely and overtaken at Black River, where another skirmish took place, lasting until dark. The enemy was forced to cross the river, and the National forces returned to camp, where they arrived at eleven o'clock P. M.
September 15.
Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, writing to the Navy Department from Cairo, Ill., under this date, says:
The river below seems quiet. There has been but one attempt made to obstruct commerce or transportation. A party of guerrillas attacked the gunboat Champion from behind the levee while she was convoying a body of troops below. The troops passed on safely, and the Champion stopped and fought the rebels until she made them retire, losing some of their men — report says fifty-seven. They have not been heard of since, excepting that they were falling back on Alexandria, General Herron having given them a chase with his division. As I came up, I overtook a part of the Marine Brigade under Colonel Curry. He reported to me that he had just captured at Bolivar three rebel paymasters with two million two hundred thousand dollars in confederate money to pay off the soldiers at Little Rock. He also captured the escort consisting of thirty-five men. This will not improve the dissatisfaction now existing General Price's army, and the next news we hear will be that General Steele has possession of Little Rock. The gunboats pick up deserters every day, who say the rebels do not intend to fight in Arkansas, and that with proper steps she will be in the Union again in [54] forty days. Lieutenant Bache captured a Colonel Mattock, who was on a conscription expedition, and it gave unusual satisfaction to all the people.
At Richmond, Va., three Irishwomen were charged with buying a load of mush-melons in the Second Market, with intent to retail them, and were fined five dollars, and the melons were ordered to be confiscated. It is well the attention of the efficient clerk of the Second Market has been called to these creatures. They swarm through the market every morning, and buy up the major part of the fruit brought in by the country people, and take it to their houses to retail. As they understand the world, a jug of whisky and a half-dozen melons, and a dozen hard-boiled eggs, constitute a respectable store.--Richmond Examiner.
M. Larue Harrison, commanding a force of National troops three hundred strong, attacked the combined forces of the rebels Coffee and Brown at Seneca Station, one mile west of Enterprise, at the mouth of Buffalo Creek, Indian Territory, at ten o'clock this morning, and after an engagement of two hours, completely routed them, driving them southward in disorder. As the engagement occurred in a dense grape-vine thicket, it was impossible to estimate the loss of the rebels; five were ascertained to have been killed, among them a Captain W. R. Johnson. Colonel Harrison lost none, either in killed, wounded, or missing.--A magazine on James Island, S. C., belonging to the rebels, exploded, killing a lieutenant and six men.--President Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases.--(Doc. 171.)
September 16.
The rebel steamer Lizzie Davis, from Havana, for Mobile, Ala., was captured in latitude 25° 58′ north, longitude 85° 11′ west, by the National flag-ship San Jacinto.--the rebel forces made an attempt to recross the Rapid Ann River, but were foiled by the National artillery and cavalry. They advanced in three columns, with artillery, toward the river, but being opposed by the Union troops on the north side, soon fell back.--A spirited skirmish took place at White Plains, Va., in which the rebels were dispersed in disorder.
September 17.
The steamer Marcella was seized and plundered by rebel guerrillas, in the vicinity of Dover Landing, ten miles below Lexington, Mo. Four soldiers of company A, Fifth M. S. M.--Edwin Ross, Chris. Sele, Martin Fisher, and Charles Waggoner — were on the steamer visiting their homes at the latter place, on furloughs. They were taken out and marched off with the assurance that they were to be exchanged for other prisoners or paroled. When the rebels had marched about two miles, they stopped and divided the plunder and money, which employed them about an hour, after which the prisoners were put in line, and instantly the order was given to fire, at which Ross, Sele, and Fisher fell dead, but young Waggoner, finding himself unhurt, sprang away for safety, and though shot after shot rattled past him, he finally made his way uninjured to the brush, and went into Lexington.
A rebel raid was made upon a collection of vessels on the eastern shore of Virginia. The schooners Ireland and John J. Houseman were taken out to sea, plundered, and set adrift. The schooner Alexandria was also plundered, and the government schooner Alliance, loaded with stores valued at thirty thousand dollars, was captured.
September 18.
General Schofield, in command in Missouri, issued a General Order, stating that martial law would be enforced throughout his department against all persons who should in any manner encourage military insubordination, or endeavor to create disaffection among the troops and against all persons who should publish or utter publicly words calculated to excite insurrection, lawless acts among the people, or who should publish falsehoods or misrepresentations of facts, calculated to embarrass or weaken the military authorities, or in any way interfere with the men in the discharge of their duties. Any person guilty of either of the offences above mentioned, should be punished by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of a military commission, and any newspaper which might contain said publications in violation of this order would be suppressed.
A party of soldiers, belonging to the Eighty-third Illinois regiment, were attacked, about five miles above Fort Donelson, Tenn., by a party of rebel guerrillas, led by the notorious George Hinson. The guerrillas were secreted in bushes, from which they fired a volley, killing two of the soldiers, named John Pickerel and A. P. Wolfe, of company E. The guerrillas escaped after the firing. The soldiers sent a man to the fort for an ambulance, removed a short distance [55] from the road, and hid in the bushes. The guerrillas soon returned, when the soldiers fired on them five rounds. Hinson was shot in the head. The rest fled.
Major-General Dix issued general orders, thanking the troops quartered in the city of New York, during the difficulties consequent upon the draft, for their admirable discipline and soldierly deportment.--Colonel Trusten Polk, formerly United States Senator from Missouri, with his wife and daughter, was captured at Bolivar Landing, Arkansas, and delivered to General Buford, commanding at Helena. Colonel Polk was General Holmes's Judge-Advocate General, and was with the rebels at New Madrid.
September 19.
A party belonging to the command of General Buford, swam the Rapid Ann River, near Raccoon Ford, and after capturing a considerable number of prisoners, returned to their camp in safety.--the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., between the Union forces under General Rosecrans, and the rebels under General Bragg, commenced this day.--(Does. 43, 105, and 123.)
September 20.
Lieutenant Earl, of the Fourth Wisconsin regiment, in command of a squad of forty cavalry, marched from Baton Rouge, La., as far as Comite River, and captured fourteen prisoners, with their arms, horses, and equipments. Among the prisoners were Colonel Hunter and Captain Perry, notorious guerrilla chiefs.
September 21.
Twenty-one persons, exiled for various degrees and offences of disloyalty, accompanied by nine ladies, who went by permission of the War Department to rejoin their families, permanently residing at the South, left St. Louis, Mo., in charge of Captain Edward Lawler, of the First Missouri infantry. They were sent within the rebel lines in accordance with orders of the National War Department, of April twenty-fourth, 1863.--James M. Mason, the rebel commissioner in England, informed Earl Russell, at the Court of St. James's, that his commission was at an end, and that he was ordered by Jefferson Davis to remove from the country.--the British schooner Martha Jane, was captured by the gunboat Fort Henry's tender Annie, off Bayport, Florida.
The revenue steamer Hercules, while lying off the Virginia shore, was attacked by a large party of rebel guerrillas, but they were driven off after a fight of about twenty minutes, without inflicting any serious damage to the steamer or her crew.--the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., was concluded by the Union forces falling back on Chattanooga, after a gallant fight by General Thomas's corps.--(Docs. 43, 105, 123, and 184.)
September 22.
General Buford, with a portion of his division, drove the rebel pickets through Madison Court-House, Va. Three miles beyond he encountered a strong force of the enemy's cavalry, and after a spirited fight he forced them to retreat, and drove them across the Rapidan at the point where the Gordonsville Railroad intercepts the river. The National casualties were one killed and about twenty wounded. Forty-five prisoners were taken; among them Lieutenant-Colonel Delaney, of Cobb's Georgia Legion, Lieutenant Boyce, and two privates of North-Carolina regiments, who were seriously wounded. Unionists wounded include Lieutenant Hines, of the Fifth New York cavalry, and Lieutenant G. W. Bullock, of the Ninth; also, R. Minshall, of the Third Indiana, and Sergeants Dunning, Cummings, and Bell, and Corporal Bell, all of the Eighth Illinois, and J. Ingmonson, of the Twelfth Illinois, (the last-named a bugler.) B. F. Soder, of the Third Indiana, was killed.
A scout of the Sixth Provisional regiment, E. M. M., commanded by Captain Holloman, attacked a party of guerrillas in Arkansas, killing four, wounding four, and capturing one--the wounded also being prisoners.--the steamer Leviathan, which was captured at an early hour this morning by the crew of the rebel yacht Teaser, was recaptured by the National gunboat De Soto, soon after she had left the mouth of the Mississippi River.--the battle of Blountville, Tenn., was fought this day between the Union forces under the command of Colonel Foster, and the rebels under Carter.--(Doc. 173.)
The English steamer Juno, which had run the blockade of Wilmington the night previous, was captured by the National gunboat Connecticut.--A body of rebel cavalry crossed into Upper Maryland, a few miles from Rockville, but had not proceeded far before they were met by a portion of Scott's “Nine hundred” cavalry and an infantry force. A fight ensued, and thirty-four rebels were killed and wounded. Among their killed was Captain Frank Kilgore, (of Maryland,) the commander of the enemy's forces. The rebels finding they were contending with superior numbers, retreated.
September 23.
The blockade-running steamer Phantom was chased ashore near Rich Inlet, N. C., by the Union gunboat Connecticut, and afterward deserted by her crew, who set her on fire before leaving; in the afternoon, men were sent on shore from the Connecticut, to destroy the boats of the steamer that had been drawn up on the beach. While in the act of destroying them, the men were attacked by a party of concealed rebels, who succeeded in driving them back to the gunboat with a loss of one killed and one wounded.--Lieutenant-General Longstreet issued General Orders to his troops, congratulating them on the brilliant victory which had crowned their heroic efforts at Chickamauga.--at one o'clock this morning, a raid was made upon a telegraph office opposite Donaldsonville, La., by a band of rebel guerrillas, who captured and carried off fourteen men of the Fourteenth regiment of New York cavalry and the telegraph operator.--the English steamer Diamond, while attempting to run the blockade, was captured by the United States steamer Stettin, off St. Simon's Sound, Ga.--A secret expedition from Beaufort, S. C., to the mainland, under Captain J. E. Bryant, of the Eighth Maine volunteers, and consisting of two companies of colored troops, the chaplain of Colonel Higginson's regiment, a telegraph operator, and a lieutenant of the Fourth South-Carolina volunteers, returned with only partial success. The expedition started by order of General Gillmore, with the view, not of cutting the rebel telegraph between Charleston and Savannah, but of attaching a wire and receiving their despatches. Owing to the carelessness of the operator, the wire, instead of being hid behind the pole, was allowed to hang in plain sight, and was discovered by the passengers in the first passing train; not, however, until some very important messages had been received, and among others a telegram to the commander of the rebel troops in Savannah from Beauregard, ordering all his forces to Charleston, to engage in an attack on Folly Island.
September 24.
General Robert E. Lee issued an order announcing to the rebel army in Virginia, “with profound gratitude to Almighty God, the victory achieved at Chickamauga by the army of Braxton Bragg,” and calling upon his soldiers to “emulate the heroic example of our brethren in the South, until the enemy shall be expelled from our borders, and peace and independence be secured.” --between eight and nine o'clock this morning a squad of twenty-one guerrillas made a raid at Wood Station Number Thirteen, on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, Va., about twelve miles from the latter place, stealing nine mules. Sergeant Highland, of Pennsylvania, who started in the direction of the plunderers, was taken prisoner.--President Lincoln issued a proclamation raising the blockade of the port of Alexandria, Va.--(Doc. 175.)
September 25.
The English steamer William Penn, which was captured near the Rio Grande, arrived at New Orleans.--Spencer Kellogg Brown, condemned by the rebels as a spy, was hung at Richmond, Va.--A fight took place near Upperville, Va., between Major Cole's command of National cavalry, and about one hundred and fifty guerrillas belonging to Mosby's gang, in which the latter were defeated and put to flight. Major Cole recaptured seventy-five horses and mules, and one man belonging to the Nineteenth New York cavalry, besides killing one of the guerrillas and capturing nine.--A party of guerrillas attacked the Union garrison at Donaldsonville, La., but were repulsed, and compelled to retire with slight loss.
September 26.
E. Kirby Smith, Lieutenant-General in the rebel army, commanding in the South-West, issued the following address to the people of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas:
Your homes are in peril. Vigorous efforts on your part can alone save portions of your State from invasion. You should contest the advance of the enemy, thicket, gully, and stream; harass his rear and cut off his supplies. Thus you will prove important auxiliaries in any. attempt to reach him in front, and drive him, routed, from our soil. Determination and energy only can prevent his destruction of your homes. By a vigorous and united effort you preserve your property, you secure independence for yourselves and children — all that renders life desirable. Time is our best friend. Endure awhile longer; victory and peace must crown our efforts. The amended regulations governing the formation of corps for local defence are published for your information, and I call upon you to organize promptly under its provisions.
September 27.
Captain Parker, of the First Arkansas infantry, with seventy-five men, was attacked near Moffat's Store, in Franklin County, Arkansas, by Shelby's rebel cavalry. His loss was two killed, two wounded, and fifteen prisoners. The rebel loss was five killed and twenty [57] wounded-among the latter, Shelby, their commander.
September 28.
President Lincoln directed that the Twentieth and Twenty-first army corps be consolidated and called the Fourth army corps, and that Major-General Gordon Granger be the commander of this consolidated corps. He also directed that a Court of Inquiry be convened to inquire into and report upon the conduct of Major-Generals McCook and Crittenden in the battles of the nineteenth and twentieth instant. These officers were relieved from duty in the army of the Cumberland, and were ordered to repair to Indianapolis, Ind., reporting their arrival by letter to the Adjutant-General of the army.--Lieutenant Earl and thirty men, belonging to the Fourth Wisconsin cavalry, captured a party of rebel guerrillas and cavalrymen, in the neighborhood of the junction of the Amite and Comite Rivers, La., and safely conducted them into Baton Rouge. Among the prisoners were Colonel Hunter (Ten-Mile Bob) and Captain Penny, the leaders in the raids and attacks on the river steamboats in that vicinity.--Fort Sumter, S. C., was bombarded by the National batteries on Morris Island.--Mr.----Spence, of London, England, ceased to be the financial agent of the rebel government.--Richmond Dispatch, Sept. 29.
An engagement took place at McMinnville, Tenn., in which the rebels were repulsed with a loss of a large number of prisoners.--the rebel steamer Herald was captured by the gunboat Kearny, and carried into Key West, Fla.--Major-General Grant, from his headquarters at Vicksburgh, issued Special Orders authorizing the issuing of rations to such families only, as should “take an oath to support the Government of the United States, and to withdraw all support and countenance from the so-called confederate government.” --the entire cotton crop in South-Carolina was seized by order of Brigadier-General Rufus Saxton, by virtue of authority vested in him as Military Governor of the Department of the South.--General Orders were issued by Major-General Banks, at New Orleans, La., authorizing the Commanding-General of the Corps d'afrique “to detail from the line an additional staff-officer, with the rank and pay of captain, to be designated ‘Corps Instructor,’ whose duty it shall be to superintend in garrison, and, as far as may be consistent with military duty, in the field, the education of men engaged in the Corps d'afrique.”
September 29.
The Cincinnati Enquirer of this day contained the following:
It is now stated that a bill has been prepared and will be placed before the next Congress, declaring Lincoln President while the war lasts. Thus the mad fanatics are plotting against our liberties, and if we do not speak right soon through the ballot-box, the last vestige of our republican government will have been swept away.
The gunboat Bombshell, Captain Brinkerhoff, left Newbern a few days ago, under sealed orders, and made a reconnoissance of Pasquotank River, which empties into Albemarle Sound. Landing a boat's crew near Elizabeth City, the men were captured by rebels, when Captain Brinckerhoff opened a vigorous fire on the town, doing considerable damage.--A slight skirmish took place at Moor's Bluff on the Big Black River, Miss., resulting in the retreat of the Union forces.--A battle took place at Morganza, La.--(Doc. 177.)
September 30.
Colonel Rowett, with the Seventh Illinois and Seventh Kansas regiments of cavalry, had a fight with the rebel guerrillas under Newsome, at Swallow's Bluff, on the Tennessee River. Colonel Rowett came up with the rebels while they were crossing the river. About one hundred had already crossed with the horses and baggage, leaving a major and twenty men on this side. The rebels were sheltered by the bluff, and defended by their comrades on the other side, who were in supporting distance, but the Unionists dashed in and captured the whole party with the loss of one killed and two wounded.--the bombardment of Forts Sumter, Johnson, and Simpkins, in Charleston harbor, was continued all day, Forts Moultrie and Simpkins alone replying.--(See Supplement.)
Leonidas Polk, a Lieutenant-General in the rebel service, being relieved from his command “in consequence of an unfortunate disagreement between himself and the commander-in-chief of the rebel department of the Mississippi,” issued his farewell order.