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The opposing forces in the Maryland campaign.

The composition, losses, and strength of each army as here stated give the gist of all the data obtainable in the Official Records. K stands for killed; w for wounded; m w for mortally wounded; in for captured or missing ; c for captured.

The Union Army.

(On September 14th, the right wing of this army, consisting of the First and Ninth Corps, was commanded by Maj.-Gen. A. E. Burnside; the center, composed of the Second and Twelfth Corps, by Maj.-Gen. Edwin V. Sumner; and the left wing, comprising the Sixth Corps and Couch's division, of the Fourth Corps, by Maj.-Gen. W. B. Franklin.)

Army of the Potomac.--Major-General George B. McClellan.

Escort, Capt. James B. McIntyre: Oneida (N. Y.) Cav., Capt. Daniel P. Mann; A, 4th U. S. Car., Lieut. Thomas H. McCormick; E, 4th U. S. Cav., Capt. James B. McIntyre. Regular Engineer Battalion, Capt. James C. Duane. Provost Guard, Maj. William H. Wood: 2d U. S. Cav. (4 co's) Capt. George A. Gordon; 8th U. S. Inf. (4 co's), Capt. Royal T. Frank; G, 19th U. S. Inf., Capt. Edmund L. Smith; H, 19th U. S. Inf., Capt. Henry S. Welton. Headquarters Guard, Maj. Granville O. Haller: 93d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Benjamin C. Butler. Quartermaster's Guard: 1st U. S. Cav. (4 co's), Capt. Marcus A. Reno.

first Army Corps,, Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker (w), Brig.-Gen. George G. Meade. Staff loss: Antietam, w, 1.

Escort: 2d N. Y. Cav. (4 co's), Capt. John E. Naylor.

first division, Brig.-Gen. Rufus King, Brig.-Gen. John P. Hatch (w), Brig.-Gen. Abner Doubleday. Staff loss: South Mountain, w, 1.

First Brigade, Col. Walter Phelps, Jr.: 22d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. John McKie, Jr.; 24th N. Y., Capt. John D. O'Brian (w); 30th N. Y., Col. William M. Searing; 84th N. Y. (14th Militia), Maj. William 11. de Bevoise; 2d U. S. Sharp-shooters, Col. Henry A. V. Post (w). Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 20; w, 67; m, 8 == 95. Antietam, k, 30; w, 120; ml, 4 == 154. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Abner Doubleday, Col. William P. Wainwright (w), Lieut.-Col. J. William Hofmann: 7th Ind., Maj. Ira G. Grover; 76th N. Y., Col. William P. Wainwright, Capt. John W. Young; 95th N. Y., Maj. Edward Pye; 56th Pa., Lieut.-Col. J. William Hofmann, Capt. Frederick Williams. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 3; w, 52; m, 4==59. Antietam, w, 10. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Marsena R. Patrick: 21st N. Y., Col. William F. Rogers; 23d N. Y., Col. Henry C. Hoffman; 35th N. Y., Col. Newton B. Lord; 80th N. Y. (20th Militia), Lieut.-Col. Theodore B. Gates. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 3; w, 19; m, 1 == 23. Antietam, k, 30; w, 187; mn, 17 == 234. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John Gibbon: 19th Ind., Col. Solomon Meredith, Lieut.-Col. Alois 0. Bachman (k), Capt. William W. Dudley: 2d Wis., Col. Lucius Fairchild, Lieut.-Col. Thomas S. Allen (w); 6th Wis., Lieut.-Col. Edward S. Bragg (w), Maj. Rufus R. Dawes; 7th Wis., Capt. John B. Callis. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 37; w, 251; m, 30 == 318. Antietam, k, 68; w, 275; m, 5 == 348. Artillery, Capt. J. Albert Monroe: 1st N. Y., Lieut. Frederick M. Edgell; D, 1st R. I., Capt. J. Albert Monroe; L, 1st N. Y., Capt. John A. Reynolds; B, 4th U. S., Capt. Joseph B. Campbell (w), Lieut. James Stewart. Artillery loss: Antietam, k, 12; w, 46; m, 8 == 66.

Second division, Brig.-Gen. James B. Ricketts.

First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Abram Duryea: 97th N. Y., Maj. Charles Northrup; 104th N. Y., Maj. Lewis C. Skinner; 105th N. Y,, Col. Howard Carroll; 107th Pa., Capt. James MacThomson. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 5; w, 16 == 21.

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Fitzhugh Lee (5)
George B. McClellan (4)
William (3)
Evan Thomas (3)
William E. Starke (3)
Roger A. Pryor (3)
Fitz John (3)
John B. Hood (3)
Ambrose P. Hill (3)
Jubal A. Early (3)
Howell Cobb (3)
Amasa Cobb (3)
Ambrose R. Wright (2)
R. W. Withers (2)
H. J. Williams (2)
Frederick Williams (2)
Alpheus S. Williams (2)
Vincent M. Wilcox (2)
Joseph Walker (2)
John G. Walker (2)
William P. Wainwright (2)
Peter Turney (2)
Ike N. M. Turner (2)
James Thompson (2)
Edwin V. Sumner (2)
H. B. Strong (2)
Leroy A. Stafford (2)
William Smith (2)
James L. Sheffield (2)
Truman Seymour (2)
Paul J. Semmes (2)
Eliakim P. Scammon (2)
C. C. Sanders (2)
Thomas H. Ruger (2)
R. E. Rodes (2)
R. Biddle Roberts (2)
Official Records (2)
Dunbar R. Ransom (2)
Edmund Pendleton (2)
William D. Pender (2)
A. C. Page (2)
Joshua T. Owen (2)
William Nelson (2)
J. Albert Monroe (2)
Nelson A. Miles (2)
George G. Meade (2)
D. K. McRae (2)
Lafayette McLaws (2)
James B. McIntyre (2)
William MacRae (2)
Peter Lyle (2)
James Longstreet (2)
Robert E. Lee (2)
E. McIver Law (2)
James C. Lane (2)
John H. Lamar (2)
Joseph F. Knipe (2)
Joseph B. Kershaw (2)
James L. Kemper (2)
William B. Jones (2)
Theodore Jones (2)
John R. Jones (2)
William A. Jenkins (2)
James W. Jackson (2)
J. William Hofmann (2)
James G. Hodges (2)
Daniel H. Hill (2)
William Hays (2)
Winfield S. Hancock (2)
Norman J. Hall (2)
E. D. Hall (2)
Guild (2)
Bryan Grimes (2)
A. J. Grigsby (2)
Maxcy Gregg (2)
George H. Gordon (2)
Samuel Garland (2)
R. D. Gardner (2)
William B. Franklin (2)
Hugh Ewing (2)
Nathan G. Evans (2)
Thomas F. Drayton (2)
Abner Doubleday (2)
George Doles (2)
Benjamin F. Davis (2)
A. S. Cutts (2)
George Crook (2)
Samuel W. Crawford (2)
Orrin J. Crane (2)
Jacob D. Cox (2)
Richard Coulter (2)
Darius N. Couch (2)
George H. Chapman (2)
John C. Caldwell (2)
Ambrose E. Burnside (2)
John Burke (2)
Hamilton A. Brown (2)
W. T. H. Brooks (2)
James R. Branch (2)
R. T. Bennett (2)
De Witt C. Baxter (2)
William Barksdale (2)
William K. Bachman (2)
Jonathan Austin (2)
Lewis A. Armistead (2)
James J. Archer (2)
John W. Andrews (2)
George L. Andrews (2)
Thomas M. Anderson (2)
Robert Anderson (2)
Richard H. Anderson (2)
George T. Anderson (2)
Henry I. Zinn (1)
P. M. B. Young (1)
John W. Young (1)
P. A. Work (1)
Pichegru Woolfolk (1)
Orpheus S. Woodward (1)
George A. Woodruff (1)
George W. Wooding (1)
William N. Wood (1)
William H. Wood (1)
John W. Wolcott (1)
William T. Wofford (1)
William H. Withington (1)
Isaac J. Wistar (1)
F. V. Winston (1)
Cleveland Winslow (1)
W. L. Wingfield (1)
Charles S. Winder (1)
A. Wimbish (1)
John Wilson (1)
Frank C. Wilson (1)
Edward B. Williston (1)
Edward J. Willis (1)
J. M. Williams (1)
Orlando B. Willcox (1)
John D. Wilkins (1)
Edward A. Wild (1)
W. C. Wickham (1)
Charles J. Whiting (1)
E. R. White (1)
Carr B. White (1)
Frank Wheaton (1)
Bernhard Wever (1)
Lewis E. Wentworth (1)
Henry S. Welton (1)
Thomas Welsh (1)
Norval E. Welch (1)
Julius Wehle (1)
Stephen H. Weed (1)
Max Weber (1)
Robert F. Webb (1)
David Watson (1)
Thomas C. Watkins (1)
Richard Waterman (1)
Gouverneur K. Warren (1)
E. T. H. Warren (1)
Adoniram J. Warner (1)
John E. Ward (1)
Joel B. Wanner (1)
John B. Walton (1)
David H. Walton (1)
W. H. Wallace (1)
Thomas M. Walker (1)
R. Lindsay Walker (1)
James A. Walker (1)
James H. Walbridge (1)
Ernest Vegesack (1)
Theodore J. Vanneman (1)
R. B. Valkenburgh (1)
Emory Upton (1)
Hector Tyndale (1)
Erastus B. Tyler (1)
Oscar L. Tuttle (1)
Isaac R. Trimble (1)
A. T. A. Torbert (1)
Robert Toombs (1)
R. Toombs (1)
John A. Tompkins (1)
Silas Titus (1)
Jonas H. Titus (1)
S. Tilton (1)
William L. Tidball (1)
John T. Thornton (1)
Edward L. Thomas (1)
C. C. Tew (1)
William C. Talley (1)
William B. Taliaferro (1)
Elijah D. Taft (1)
George Sykes (1)
Jacob B. Sweitzer (1)
George J. Summat (1)
Alfred Sully (1)
James A. Suiter (1)
Joseph M. Sudsburg (1)
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William Stuart (1)
James E. B. Stuart (1)
David L. Stricker (1)
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W. A. Stowe (1)
Charles B. Stoughton (1)
J. M. Stone (1)
T. B. W. Stockton (1)
James Stewart (1)
P. F. Stevens (1)
William H. P. Steere (1)
J. M. Steedman (1)
Henry J. Stainrook (1)
Henry R. Stagg (1)
C. W. Squires (1)
George C. Spear (1)
Franklin B. Speakman (1)
S. Snow (1)
Joseph Snider (1)
William F. Smith (1)
Richard P. Smith (1)
Levi B. Smith (1)
Jonathan P. Smith (1)
Edmund L. Smith (1)
C. Ross Smith (1)
Benjamin H. Smith (1)
Henry W. Slocum (1)
Thomas Sloan (1)
Lewis C. Skinner (1)
William Sinclair (1)
John Sims (1)
W. D. Simpson (1)
John G. Simpson (1)
Benjamin L. Simpson (1)
Seth J. Simmonds (1)
William W. Sillers (1)
Joshua K. Sigfried (1)
L. M. Shumaker (1)
S. G. Shepard (1)
William B. Shaut (1)
Alexander Shaler (1)
Frederick A. Seymour (1)
James L. Selfridge (1)
John Sedgwick (1)
Joel J. Seaver (1)
William M. Searing (1)
Jonas Seamen (1)
L. H. Scruggs (1)
Frederick Schambeck (1)
Franklin Sawyer (1)
W. D. Saussure (1)
John Saunders (1)
J. S. Saunders (1)
William P. Sanders (1)
Henry M. Rutledge (1)
William F. Russell (1)
David A. Russell (1)
Richard H. Rush (1)
Thomas Ruffin (1)
S. Z. Ruff (1)
Thomas A. Rowley (1)
William L. Rosset (1)
Thomas L. Rosser (1)
H. M. Ross (1)
William F. Rogers (1)
Isaac P. Rodman (1)
James G. Rodgers (1)
Robert E. Rodes (1)
W. Robinson (1)
Lucius N. Robinson (1)
Beverly H. Robertson (1)
G. M. Roberts (1)
Charles W. Roberts (1)
Roswell S. Ripley (1)
Benjamin Ringold (1)
James B. Ricketts (1)
Richard H. Richardson (1)
J. B. Richardson (1)
Israel B. Richardson (1)
William H. Rice (1)
John A. Reynolds (1)
Marcus A. Reno (1)
Jesse L. Reno (1)
James Reilly (1)
John W. Reedy (1)
William E. Reed (1)
John P. W. Read (1)
Robert Ransom (1)
M. W. Ransom (1)
Alanson M. Randol (1)
Charles I. Raine (1)
Matthew S. Quay (1)
Quartermaster (1)
Edward Pye (1)
Purnell (1)
T. J. Purdie (1)
William Purcell (1)
Charles M. Prevost (1)
Eugene Powell (1)
Robert B. Potter (1)
Henry A. V. Post (1)
Carnot Posey (1)
Josiah Porter (1)
Fitz John Porter (1)
William T. Poague (1)
Alfred Pleasonton (1)
Francis E. Pinto (1)
S. F. Pierson (1)
George E. Pickett (1)
Walter Phelps (1)
C. R. Phelps (1)
Jefferson Peyton (1)
Rufus D. Pettit (1)
James M. Perrin (1)
Sanford H. Perkins (1)
John E. Penn (1)
William N. Pendleton (1)
John Pelham (1)
W. J. Pegram (1)
G. M. Patterson (1)
Marsena R. Patrick (1)
W. W. Parker (1)
Francis M. Parker (1)
Francis J. Parker (1)
Philip J. Parisen (1)
William A. Parham (1)
Ario Pardee (1)
William J. Palmer (1)
Oliver H. Palmer (1)
T. Jefferson Page (1)
R. C. M. Page (1)
Samuel W. Owen (1)
Charles D. Owen (1)
Edward Overton (1)
John M. Oliver (1)
Richard A. Oakford (1)
Joseph O'Neill (1)
O'Neil (1)
E. A. O'Neal (1)
John D. O'Brian (1)
John Nyce (1)
Charles Northrup (1)
M. Nolan (1)
John Newton (1)
J. M. Newton (1)
David J. Nevin (1)
I. Neill (1)
James H. Neal (1)
John E. Naylor (1)
James D. Nance (1)
James Nagle (1)
Samuel B. Myers (1)
Henry R. Myers (1)
George R. Myers (1)
Thomas T. Munford (1)
H. P. Muirheid (1)
Edward D. Muhlenberg (1)
Charles P. Muhlenberg (1)
E. M. Morrison (1)
David Morrison (1)
Dwight Morris (1)
George W. Morell (1)
Turner G. Morehead (1)
Augustus Moor (1)
George V. Moody (1)
E. B. Montague (1)
D. Monier (1)
William T. Millican (1)
Marcus P. Miller (1)
M. B. Miller (1)
F. P. Miller (1)
John Milledge (1)
Solomon Meredith (1)
William H. Medill (1)
Thomas F. Meagher (1)
Andrew T. McReynolds (1)
James McQuade (1)
John B. McPhail (1)
Hugh W. McNeil (1)
James R. McMullin (1)
R. E. McMillan (1)
Richards McMichael (1)
F. W. McMaster (1)
K. McLemore (1)
John McKie (1)
David B. McKibbin (1)
H. Boyd McKeen (1)
William J. McKaig (1)
D. G. McIntosh (1)
J. A. McGregor (1)
Freeman McGilvery (1)
Dennis McGee (1)
Kennon McElroy (1)
Thomas H. McCormick (1)
W. H. McCorkle (1)
William McComb (1)
Jeremiah McCarthy (1)
Edward S. McCarthy (1)
James M. McCarter (1)
Joseph H. McArthur (1)
Lee M. McAfee (1)
Victor Maurin (1)
Ezra W. Matthews (1)
Roderick Matheson (1)
E. A. Marye (1)
William T. Martin (1)
Leonard Martin (1)
Augustus P. Martin (1)
S. W. Marshborne (1)
John W. Marshall (1)
Elisha G. Marshall (1)
W. T. Marsh (1)
William H. H. Mapes (1)
Joseph K. F. Mansfield (1)
Van I. Manning (1)
S. M. Manning (1)
Daniel P. Mann (1)
Basil C. Manly (1)
James E. Mallon (1)
William Mahone (1)
Arthur Maginnis (1)
Albert L. Magilton (1)
William J. Magill (1)
Madison (1)
James MacThomson (1)
M. C. Macon (1)
John D. MacGregor (1)
Henry W. Lyon (1)
Chauncey A. Lyman (1)
J. H. Lowe (1)
Charles S. Lovell (1)
P. H. Loud (1)
Newton B. Lord (1)
James W. Lockert (1)
W. P. Lloyd (1)
D. Livingston (1)
Calvin Littlefield (1)
F. H. Little (1)
J. N. Lightfoot (1)
P. F. Liddell (1)
Enoch E. Lewis (1)
George F. Lemon (1)
William H. Leese (1)
William A. Leech (1)
William Raymond Lee (1)
Stephen D. Lee (1)
S. D. Lee (1)
David A. Leckey (1)
Alexander R. Lawton (1)
A. R. Lawton (1)
J. W. Latimer (1)
George R. Latham (1)
Robert Langner (1)
John Lane (1)
James H. Lane (1)
Charles Kusserow (1)
Joseph M. Knap (1)
Von Kleiser (1)
Thomas J. Kirkpatrick (1)
Henry W. Kings (1)
Rufus King (1)
Nathan Kimball (1)
John W. Kimball (1)
Edgar A. Kimball (1)
John C. Key (1)
James K. Kerr (1)
John D. Kennedy (1)
Patrick Kelly (1)
James Kelly (1)
Peter Keenan (1)
F. Kearse (1)
T. C. Jordan (1)
Hilary P. Jones (1)
H. P. Jones (1)
David R. Jones (1)
D. R. Jones (1)
William A. Johnston (1)
F. M. Johnston (1)
Riley Johnson (1)
Marmaduke Johnson (1)
John R. Johnson (1)
George W. Johnson (1)
Charles A. Johnson (1)
Bradley T. Johnson (1)
Jeff (1)
Edward Jardine (1)
Samuel R. James (1)
Thomas J. Jackson (1)
Samuel M. Jackson (1)
Nathaniel J. Jackson (1)
Lyman J. Jackson (1)
Alfred Iverson (1)
John B. Isler (1)
J. H. Hyman (1)
Thomas W. Hyde (1)
Breed N. Hyde (1)
William Huson (1)
A. Hupp (1)
Eppa Hunton (1)
Charles J. Hunt (1)
Benjamin G. Humphreys (1)
Andrew A. Humphreys (1)
Benjamin Huger (1)
Henry W. Hudson (1)
Charles T. Huckstep (1)
Albion P. Howe (1)
Oliver O. Howard (1)
G. A. Howard (1)
Oliver Hopkinson (1)
Charles M. Hooper (1)
A. J. Hoole (1)
Joseph Hooker (1)
Willis C. Holt (1)
William R. Holmes (1)
Holcombe (1)
Henry C. Hoffman (1)
E. L. Hobson (1)
Edward W. Hinks (1)
M. Hilton (1)
Robert C. Hill (1)
George H. Hildt (1)
Jacob Higgins (1)
William Hexamer (1)
Arthur Herbert (1)
John W. Henagan (1)
Charles E. Hazlett (1)
John G. Hazard (1)
Harry T. Hays (1)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1)
Joseph Hayes (1)
Joseph W. Hawley (1)
William B. Hatch (1)
John P. Hatch (1)
George L. Hartsuff (1)
John F. Hartranft (1)
James F. Hart (1)
William Harrow (1)
N. B. Harrison (1)
Skidmore Harris (1)
John L. Harris (1)
Michael G. Harman (1)
A. W. Harman (1)
Edward Harland (1)
R. A. Hardaway (1)
John S. Hard (1)
Wade Hampton (1)
Robert B. Hampton (1)
William W. Hammersly (1)
S. P. Hamilton (1)
D. H. Hamilton (1)
Granville O. Haller (1)
Michael Hall (1)
Isaac L. Haldeman (1)
Richard Gustin (1)
Gustavus (1)
Patrick R. Guiney (1)
Ira G. Grover (1)
Simon G. Griffin (1)
Charles Griffin (1)
W. L. Grice (1)
Edgar M. Gregory (1)
George S. Greene (1)
Tully Graybill (1)
Frank Graves (1)
Lewis A. Grant (1)
William M. Graham (1)
J. Parker Gould (1)
Willis A. Gorman (1)
James Gordon (1)
George A. Gordon (1)
William B. Goodrich (1)
Jacob B. Golladay (1)
Thomas C. Glover (1)
J. B. Gilmore (1)
George W. Gile (1)
John Gibbon (1)
Joseph Gerhardt (1)
B. B. Gayle (1)
Theodore B. Gates (1)
N. J. Garrison (1)
Thomas M. Garrett (1)
Richard B. Garnett (1)
Hugh R. Garden (1)
A. W. Garber (1)
M. W. Ganz (1)
Thomas F. Gallagher (1)
Franklin Gaillard (1)
Birkett D. Fry (1)
B. W. Frobel (1)
Jacob G. Frick (1)
William H. French (1)
Thomas B. French (1)
Royal T. Frank (1)
Paul Frank (1)
John D. Frank (1)
Henry Fowler (1)
Robert W. Folsom (1)
De Lancey Floyd (1)
Joseph W. Fisher (1)
John C. Fiser (1)
Charles W. Field (1)
Edward Ferrero (1)
A. M. Feltus (1)
Enoch Q. Fellows (1)
Winfield S. Featherston (1)
I. B. Feagin (1)
John F. Farnsworth (1)
Lucius Fairchild (1)
Harrison S. Fairchild (1)
E. F. M. Faehtz (1)
Richard S. Ewell (1)
Henry L. Eustis (1)
J. L. Eubank (1)
B. F. Eshleman (1)
Ralph Ely (1)
William Elliott (1)
James G. Elder (1)
O. E. Edwards (1)
John Edwards (1)
Frederick M. Edgell (1)
J. Eugene Duryea (1)
Abram Duryea (1)
S. A. Durham (1)
George W. Durell (1)
William W. Dudley (1)
James C. Duane (1)
Hiram Dryer (1)
Marcellus Douglass (1)
William H. Diehl (1)
Samuel B. Dick (1)
Thomas C. Devin (1)
Arthur F. Devereux (1)
Charles Devens (1)
William F. Dement (1)
William G. Delony (1)
Dennis Delaney (1)
Rufus R. Dawes (1)
Greenlee Davidson (1)
C. A. Davidson (1)
David (1)
Willis J. Dance (1)
Napoleon J. T. Dana (1)
Louis E. D'Aquin (1)
W. E. Cutshaw (1)
Joseph B. Curtis (1)
John I. Curtin (1)
John B. Cumming (1)
Alfred Cumming (1)
Casper Crowninshield (1)
J. T. Crowder (1)
Edward E. Cross (1)
Samuel Croasdale (1)
William G. Crenshaw (1)
Andrew Cowan (1)
A. R. Courtney (1)
George W. Cothran (1)
Montgomery D. Corse (1)
Joseph W. Corning (1)
G. Coppens (1)
James H. Cooper (1)
Philip St. George Cooke (1)
David M. Cook (1)
Benjamin F. Cook (1)
Asa M. Cook (1)
Freeman Conner (1)
James A. Congdon (1)
James M. Comly (1)
Rawley T. Colston (1)
Alfred H. Colquitt (1)
A. H. Colquitt (1)
John Collins (1)
Frank H. Collier (1)
Mark W. Collet (1)
Silas Colgrove (1)
Augustus H. Coleman (1)
C. C. Cole (1)
A. Coke (1)
John Cochrane (1)
John L. Cochran (1)
Adam Clement (1)
Melvin Clarke (1)
William S. Clark (1)
Joseph C. Clark (1)
John B. Clark (1)
John Clark (1)
Daniel H. Christie (1)
William A. Christian (1)
Benjamin C. Christ (1)
Jonathan W. Childs (1)
James H. Childs (1)
R. P. Chew (1)
Alford B. Chapman (1)
James Cavanagh (1)
William H. Caskie (1)
Thomas H. Carter (1)
B. F. Carter (1)
Sumner Carruth (1)
Howard Carroll (1)
Joseph Carpenter (1)
Ezra A. Carman (1)
Henry H. Carlton (1)
Andrew P. Caraher (1)
E. B. Cantey (1)
John H. Candler (1)
Joseph B. Campbell (1)
James C. Campbell (1)
John B. Callis (1)
Henry L. Cake (1)
Henry C. Cabell (1)
George C. Cabell (1)
James N. Byrnes (1)
S. F. Butler (1)
M. C. Butler (1)
J. H. Butler (1)
Benjamin C. Butler (1)
Hiram Burnham (1)
Richard H. Burks (1)
Elisha Burbank (1)
James H. Bull (1)
Samuel L. Buck (1)
Robert C. Buchanan (1)
Charles R. Brundage (1)
John T. Bruen (1)
William H. Browne (1)
William D. Brown (1)
W. Harvey Brown (1)
James S. Brown (1)
J. Thompson Brown (1)
Henry W. Brown (1)
John R. Brooke (1)
J. M. Brocken (1)
J. B. Brocken (1)
William Brisbane (1)
L. T. Brien (1)
Melvin Brewer (1)
Charles Brestel (1)
Carter M. Braxton (1)
L. O'B. Branch (1)
Edward S. Bragg (1)
James Brady (1)
R. Boyce (1)
Henry M. Bossert (1)
Levi C. Bootes (1)
J. W. Bondurant (1)
George N. Bomford (1)
Henry C. Bolinger (1)
Matthew M. Blunt (1)
Leopold Blumenberg (1)
Zebulon B. Blethen (1)
James Ap Blackshear (1)
William H. Bevoise (1)
W. H. Betts (1)
Clermont L. Best (1)
Richard C. Bentley (1)
Henry L. Benning (1)
Samuel N. Benjamin (1)
Emory W. Belton (1)
T. C. Beckham (1)
Gottfried Becker (1)
George L. Beal (1)
Francis Beach (1)
C. A. Battle (1)
Nelson B. Bartram (1)
Joseph J. Bartlett (1)
Joseph H. Barnes (1)
James Barnes (1)
Dixon Barnes (1)
Almont Barnes (1)
Francis C. Barlow (1)
W. P. Barclay (1)
John F. Ballier (1)
Lawrence S. Baker (1)
Silas M. Baily (1)
Nathan S. Babcock (1)
Romeyn B. Ayres (1)
William Atterbury (1)
Hiram Appelman (1)
E. B. Andrews (1)
George B. Anderson (1)
John J. Ancell (1)
Adelbert Ames (1)
Alois (1)
Thomas S. Allen (1)
Edward J. Allen (1)
Peter H. Allabach (1)
Alfred (1)
Charles M. Alexander (1)
William C. Alberger (1)
D. Wyatt Aiken (1)
Julius W. Adams (1)
Alonzo W. Adams (1)
Alexander D. Adams (1)
James Abraham (1)
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