March 8, 1862.-Morgan's operations near Nashville, ten.
No. 1.-Col. John Kennett, Fourth Ohio Cavalry. No. 2.--Capt. John H. Morgan, Kentucky Cavalry (Confederate).No. 1.-report of Col. John Kennett, Fourth Ohio Cavalry.
headquarters Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Camp Jackson, Tenn., March 8, 1862.
Dear sir: On receipt of your order to go in pursuit of Morgan and his men we were in our saddles in ten or fifteen minutes. I took charge
of the right wing, and sent the left wing under the charge of the two majors, instructing them to head off Morgan at Stone River, where I understood the bridge was destroyed, while the right wing would follow their trail and the left cut them off. We pursued them, and kept their trail through the woods, thickets, rocky ways, and swamps, with twists and turns and fences let down, until we reached the pike.
There, misled by a white man, we went one mile and a half back, making 3 miles out of our way, but we found the trail again and continued it on the jump all the way. Whenever the gait was slackened on account of the rocks the command was hurried onward, and the boys resumed the rapid gait with a will.
The right wing finally came up to Major Dresbach, who was in charge of our teamsters and horses and a number of your body guard.
Finding Morgan's men were dispersed, and Major Pugh was still in pursuit of 5 remaining men, I halted the right and ordered the Rifles (Captain Mathews' company, C) to push on to join Major Pugh.
They went on, but never reached Pugh, but returned separately.
Major Pugh pursued the enemy to Stone River. Five of Morgan's men plunged into the river and swam over.
Seeing none of our men in their charge, and not knowing what ambush might be laid, the pursuit was ended.
Three picket men taken prisoners and all others were dropped on the way. Charles P. Sweet, orderly sergeant of Company H, shot at two of the rebels.
He killed one, and the other is in the hospital badly wounded, and will die; his name is Love.
Lieut. W. W. Shoemaker, of Company H, led the charge; shot three times with a pistol.
He was shot at with a gun. His first shot killed one of the enemy.
His second shot the enemy ran, and he struck him with his saber across the mouth, cutting it in two.
The horse of one of the rebels fell, and John Shanks struck him with the saber.
Shanks' horse fell over bim; jumping upon his enemy, he seized him a prisoner.
His name is E. W. Pratt; sent to you last night.
Private Fogger, Company H, ran on a rebel and shot him in the back.
He kept up close to Lieutenant Shoemaker, who led the advance.
Fogger's horse fell dead under him. Lieutenant Shoemaker, Private Fogger, both of Company H, and George W. Wakefield, Company G, took Garrett a prisoner.
Said Garrett had run down a bank and hid himself when he was arrested.
We have to report 4 of the enemy killed, 2 wounded. Their names are Love and Warfield, the latter a son of Sallie Carneal.
He says if he gets away he will join the Southern Army again.
Two prisoners sent to you. We captured a negro man and boy, whose team the rebels had impressed and were carrying them off; they were sent home.
Our teamsters and horses were recaptured.
We have some men missing, but as the force pursued dwindled down to five, who were run to Stone River, which they swam, we hope they escaped and will turn up. Major Pugh was in command of the pursuing force.
Morgan left his men and put out for himself; he was fired at, but missed.
Our pursuit was a hot one when we struck into the woods at full tilt, through thick underbrush, cedar thickets, and swamps, meandering into rocky spots, evidently done to obliterate the trail by the enemy.
We began to see lost harness, caps, hats, blankets, horses hitched and left on the way. On we went until we overtook the teamsters and General Dumont's aide, and prisoners left on the way, liberated by the onslaught of the advance.
Harper, of your body guard, escaped after being shot at twice and feigning to be shot by falling.
Never was joy more portrayed in the countenances of men when liberated.
One of our teamsters
(Crow) is, we fear, mortally wounded.
We have taken some guns and horses.
Many thrilling incidents took place that would make my report too long.
The white people are treacherous and unreliable, all lying to deceive us. We can only depend on the statements of negroes.
No doubt many of our horses will be broken down and worthless by the chase.
I have to report my entire command being eager to meet the enemy, although a very small portion-15 or 20 men in advance-did most of the execution as we had to move by files through the woods, and that with great difficulty.
But for the fact that the enemy placed our teamsters and prisoners between us and themselves we would have done great execution; as it was, we think Morgan got the worst of the attack.
Had we ammunition, or our riflemen been in the advance, the list of the killed and wounded would have been very heavy.
Company 0 had been out all night near La Vergne and 3 miles beyond; the men and horses tired, but they jumped to their guns and saddles when ordered.
We have reason to know we are surrounded with treachery.
The prisoners examined lied when examined.
Many who take the oath of allegiance only do it to betray us. I have sent out three scouting parties all over the country to recover whatever may be found-stray horses, harness, &c.
Respectfully submitted to you.
No. 2
Report of Capt. John H. Morgan, Kentucky Cavalry (Confederate).
Murfreesborough, Tenn., March 10, 1862.
Sir: With a view of determining the enemy's position and his move.
ments Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, myself, 10 Rangers, and 15 of my squadron left here on the 7th instant at 2 p. m. and proceeded in the direction of Nashville; marching 18 miles, and avoiding the pike, we encamped for the night.
Early on the morning of the 8th, having procured suitable guides, we resumed our march and entered the Federal lines.
At about half a mile from a cavalry camp, which we were compelled to pass in full view, we captured 5 men, belonging to the Thirteenth Ohio, Colonel Smith; their arms, Enfield rifles, were also secured.
Passing the cavalry camp we continued our march in the direction of Nashville.
Having obtained a suitable position in the woods opposite the Lunatic Asylum, where we had a good view of the pike, operations commenced.
Seeing a train with its guard approaching, Colonel Wood, myself, and 4 men, wearing United States overcoats, rode down to the pike, stopped the train, and made 23 prisoners. The horses and mules were cut from the wagons and the prisoners mounted and sent back to the party in the woods.
This continued until we had accumulated 98 prisoners, among them General Dumont's aide and several other officers.
Returning in three parties, with the prisoners, one party, consisting of 60 prisoners and 10 guards.
commanded by one of my lieutenants (Owens), was
attacked and pursued by the Fourth Regiment Ohio Cavalry.
After a pursuit of 15 miles, during which the prisoners were abandoned, the lieutenant succeeded in reaching the river with his party, and, plunging in from a steep bank, swam across, the river arresting the progress of the enemy.
During the pursuit many shots were fired by the enemy, but without effect.
Two of the prisoners who resisted (officers) were shot.
Four of the lieutenant's men, who were in danger of being overtaken, turned off in the woods, and as yet have not made their appearance.
Colonel Wood, with 14 men and 28 prisoners, succeeded in crossing the country and reaching our pickets near Murfreesborough the same night, having passed within a mile of the enemy's cavalry.
Returning alone in the direction of Murfreesborough I encountered a picket of 6 men, who surrendered to me on being summoned, and delivered up their arms.
Being joined by a man of my command (Mr. Spalding), with 4 additional prisoners, the next morning we joined Colonel Wood's party and returned to Murfreesborough.
We have 38 prisoners, who have been sent forward.
We have a large number of horses and mules, sabers, pistols, saddles, harness, &c., which I shall distribute to the men of my command here who need them.
There are no indications of an advance on the part of the enemy.
Their force is about 65,000.
Their advance (a regiment of cavalry) is about 8 miles this side of Nashville, on the Murfreesborough pike.
A sergeant among the prisoners, who seems to be an intelligent man, can give you some interesting details.
I shall report to you in person on Tuesday.
Colonel Wood desires me to say he will return this evening or to-morrow.
John H. Morgan, Captain, Commanding Post. Major-General Hardee, Commanding First Division, Shelbyille, Tenn.
Huntsville, Ala., March 15, 1862.
Respectfully forwarded.
The within gives accounts of another gallant act performed by this valuable officer.
The Government ought at once to make some recognition of his services.
I respectfully, but urgently, recommend that he be appointed a colonel in the Confederate service.
W. J. Hardee, Major-General.