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Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy.

The statistics in this chapter, with the exception of the percentages, are compiled largely from the recent official publications of the War Department. They show not only the aggregate mortuary loss of the Union Armies during the War of the Rebellion, but show the losses sustained by each State, together with the various causes of death.

The tables are based upon the statistics prepared in the War Department at Washington, in 1885, by order of General Richard C. Drum, Adjutant-General United States Army, the work being done under the supervision of Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley, the statistician of that department. This work of the War Department was one of immense magnitude; but it was done conscientiously and intelligently, and the extracts given here may be considered not only as official, but final.

The period during which these deaths occurred embraces, in the Regular Army, the time between April 15, 1861, and August 1, 1865; but, in the volunteers, it covers the time from the date of muster — in to the date of final muster-out of each organization. Soldiers who died after they had been discharged or mustered out are not counted, except those who were prisoners of war at the time of their death. Most of the volunteer regiments were mustered out in the summer of 1865; some remained in service until January, 1866, and a few were not discharged until 1867.

In presenting here these important statistics, the figures have been arranged in tables so as to bring out clearly their important features; and, to these have been added various columns of percentages which may be of interest in connection with the matter.

In Table A, Column IV, the official figures for the enlistment, reduced to a three years standard, are used as a basis in calculating the percentage of loss in the various States. As has already been explained, the terms of enlistment varied in length, and, although the bulk of the army was enlisted for a three years term of service, many of the regiments were mustered in to serve for three months, six months, nine months, one year, or two years. In some of the calls for troops made by the President these different terms were, at one time or another, specified in the proclamation. Of the 2,778,304 separate enlistments, there were 2,036,700 who enlisted for three years, including the veteran reenlistments; 391,752 who enlisted for one year; 44,400 for two years; 1,042 for four years; 87,588 for nine months; 108,416 for three months; 20,439 for six months; 85,507 for one hundred days; 2,045 for sixty days; 373 for eight months; and 42 for four months. There were also several New York militia regiments which served for thirty days in various emergencies, and bodies of “minute men” from other States, of which no account was made. Reduced to a basis of a three years term, these various enlistments were equal to 2,326,168 men recruited for three years service. [526]

Table A. Total deaths and percentages by States.

States. Killed or mortally wounded. Deaths from all other causes. total deaths. Troops furnished; three years standard.1 Per cent. of killed. Per cent. of other deaths. Per cent. of total deaths.
  I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII.
Maine 3,184 6,214 9,398 49,635 6.4 12.5 18.9
New Hampshire 1,903 2,979 4,882 29,150 6.5 10.2 16.7
Vermont 1,809 3,415 5,224 26,355 6.8 12.9 19.8
Massachusetts 6,115 7,827 13,942 98,803 6.2 7.9 14.1
Rhode Island 460 861 1,321 13,688 3.3 6.3 9.6
Connecticut 1,947 3,407 5,354 45,181 4.3 7.5 11.8
New York 19,085 27,449 46,534 334,784 5.7 8.1 13.8
New Jersey 2,578 3,176 5,754 44,398 5.8 7.1 12.9
Pennsylvania 15,265 17,918 33,183 214,427 7.1 8.3 15.4
Delaware 383 499 882 7,888 4.8 6.3 11.1
Maryland 909 2,073 2,982 24,954 3.6 8.3 11.9
West Virginia 1,247 2,770 4,017 27,518 4.5 10.0 14.5
Ohio 11,588 23,887 35,475 225,669 5.1 10.6 15.7
Kentucky 2,478 8,296 10,774 43,550 5.7 19.0 24.7
Indiana 7,243 19,429 26,672 150,177 4.8 12.9 17.7
Illinois 9,894 24,940 34,834 210,043 4.7 11.8 16.5
Missouri 3,317 10,568 13,885 78,035 4.2 13.5 17.7
Michigan 4,448 10,305 14,753 76,218 5.8 13.5 19.3
Wisconsin 3,802 8,499 12,301 73,865 5.1 11.5 16.6
Minnesota 626 1,958 2,584 18,554 3.4 10.5 13.9
Iowa 3,540 9,461 13,001 68,118 5.2 13.8 19.0
Kansas 737 1,893 2,630 16,624 4.4 11.4 15.8
District of Columbia 41 249 290 6,546 0.6 3.8 4.4
Colorado 153 170 323 3,697 4.1 4.6 8.7
California 108 465 573 15,725 0.7 2.9 3.6
New Mexico 73 204 277 4,432 1.6 4.6 6.2
Nebraska 35 204 239 2,175 1.6 9.3 10.9
Oregon 11 34 45 1,773 0.6 1.9 2.5
Nevada 2 31 33 1,080 0.1 2.9 3.0
Dakota 2 4 6 206 1.0 2.0 3.0
Washington Territory   22 22 964   2.2 2.2
Tennessee 744 6,033 6,777 26,394 2.8 22.8 25.6
Arkansas 305 1,408 1,713 7,836 3.9 17.9 21.8
Louisiana 214 731 945 4,654 4.6 15.7 20.3
Alabama 50 295 345 1,611 3.1 18.3 21.4
North Carolina 43 317 360 3,156 1.4 10.0 11.4
Florida 18 197 215 1,290 1.4 15.2 16.6
Texas 12 129 141 1,632 0.7 7.9 8.6

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Rock Island, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (2)
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