

Abbot, Henry Livermore, 76, 318, 332; death, 95, 97.

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 104.

Agassiz, Louis, III.

Aide-de-camp, qualities of, 121.

Aiken house, 219, 220.

Alden, Algernon Sidney, 257, 289.

Alexandria, Va., 4.

Anderson, —, 265.

Anderson house, 115, 128.

Annoy, use of word, 247.

Appleton, Nathan, 72, 127, 169.

Appomattox campaign, 803; High Bridge, 352.

Armistice, 154, 170, 201.

Armstrong house, 114.

Army, on the march, 29, 55; reinforcing, 31, 177; intercourse with enemy, 106, 153, 181; formation of, 263.

Assaults, effect of too many, 148n.

Atlanta, capture of, 228.

Atlanta, iron-clad, 161, 163.

Avery, Martin P., 171.

Ayres, Romeyn Beck, 234, 236, 242, 331.

Babcock, Orville Elias, 161, 314.

Bache, —, 204.

Badajos, English at, 207.

Badeau, Adam, 314.

Baldwin, Briscoe G., 125.

Barlow, Francis Channing, 109, 117, 135,157, 215, 216; described, 107, 158, 189; at Cold Harbor, 144; at Petersburg, 186.

Barnard, Daniel P., 343.

Barnard, George, 91n.

Barnard, John Gross, 248, 290.

Barnes, Joseph K., 248.

Barney, Hiram, 249.

Barrows, William Eliot, 350.

Barstow, Simon Forrester, 7, 48, 64, 232, 289.

Bartlett, Joseph Jackson, 72.

Battle, a great, 101.

Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 173n, 201, 222.

Benham, Henry Washington, 23, 335; described, 241.

Benson, —, 280.

Bethesda Church, 140.

Biddle, James Cornell, 24, 48, 69, 70, 122, 168, 204, 228, 249, 265, 289; on leave of absence, 59; camp commandant, 67; Meade and, 176; early hours, 239; excitement, 241; cigar incident, 249.

Bingham, Henry Harrison, 253.

Birney, David Bell, 77, 82, 92, 94, 114, 117, 121, 135, 137, 150, 233; described, 107, 188; at Cold Harbor, 146; at Petersburg, 165, 170, 174; death of, 266.

Blake, Peleg W., 169.

Blunt, —, Miss., 76.

Boissac,,----de, 254.

Boleslaski,----Austrian officer, 20.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 114.

Bootekoff, —, 62.

Botiano, —, 308, 311.

Botts, John Minor, 46, 82.

Boydton plank road, 293, 347.

Bradley, Joseph P., 315.

Breckinridge, John Cabell, 136.

Brevets, distribution of, 257, 289.

Briscoe, James C., 82.

Brockenbrough, Mrs., 131.

Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh, 148.

Buford, John, 15, 40, 50; described, 21; advice to a volunteer aide, 35.

Bullets, explosive, 102.

Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 106, 108, 110, 114, 128, 134, 140, 211; at church, 120; corps incorporated, 127; at Smith's, 149; at Petersburg, 164, 167, 168, 197; mine, 199, 200, 310.

Bushwhacking, 295.

Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 118; orders demonstration, 68; Petersburg and, 160; described, 192; Smith and, 192; visit to, 193, 204, 279; sharpshooters and, 205; Dutch Gap canal, 213, 282; stampeded, 237; cabinet rumor, 266; devices, 284.

Cabot, Louis, 353.

Cadwalader, Charles E., 69, 130, 210.

Cadwalader, S., 359.

Calling the hours, 276.

Cameron, Simon, 317.

Cannon, management of, 202; wooden, 242. [366]

Carr, Joseph Bradford, 67, 180.

Carroll, Samuel Sprigg, 92, 139.

Casey, Silas, 262.

Castle-Cuffe, Viscount, see O'Connor.

Cattle, stampede of, 275.

Cavada, Adolph, 65, 210.

Cavalry, southern, 125; boastfulness, 346.

Chambliss, John Randolph, Jr., 216.

Chanal, colonel de, 178, 179, 191, 193, 199; love of trees, 195.

Chapin's farm, 233.

Charles City, 156.

Chesterfield station, 122.

Chickahominy River, 157.

Childer's house, 346.

City Point, 163; explosion, 209.

Civilians, visiting, 145.

Clapp, Channing, 23, 241.

Cohorns, 135.

Cold Harbor, battle of, 118; described, 140.

Cold Spring, N. Y., sword for Warren, 25.

Collis, Charles Henry Tucky, 247.

Commissioners, Christian, 231, 288.

Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, 81, 126.

Concord, Transcendentalists, 260.

Conscription, Rebel, 132.

Contrabands, 287.

Cook, arrest of the, 88.

Cortez, Jose, 23.

Counselman, Jacob Henry, 18.

Coxe, —, 74.

Craig, John Neville, 244.

Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 89, 169, 181, 234, 242, 253, 279, 299, 316, 331; portrait, 312.

Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas, 116, 128.

Crow, —, 172.

Cullum, George Washington, 223.

Culpeper, Va., cavalry raid, 16.

Cummings house, 321.

Curtis, Arthur Russell, 318.

Custer, George Armstrong, 77, 189; described, 17.

Dabney's Mill, 330, 333.

Dahlgren, John Adolph, 290.

Dalton, Edward Barry, 90, 184, 210, 216.

Dana, Charles Anderson, want of tact, 126.

Davies, Henry Eugene, Jr., 253, 347.

Dead, care for the, 48.

Deatonsville, fight at, 349, 351.

Delafield, Richard, 290.

De Ray, —, 205.

Devereux, John H., 4.

Dickinson, —, 13.

Division, moving a, 184.

Doyle, Sir, Charles Hastings, 244.

Draft, quality of, 209.

Draper, Simeon, 249.

Dresser, George Warren, 253.

Duane, James Chatham, 196n, 223, 257, 260, 289, 291, 293, 306, 339.

Dutch Gap canal, 213, 233, 282.

Earle, William, lieutenant-colonel, 49.

Early, Jubal Anderson, 182, 185n, 190, 210, 216, 294, 320.

Early, —, 36.

Earthworks, use of, 99, 143, 240.

Eaton, Amos Beebe, 248.

Egan, Thomas Washington, 252.

Ely's Ford, 86.

Epps's house, 183.

Eustis, Henry Lawrence, 33, 89, 91.

Ewell, Richard Stoddert, 90, 93, 184; retreats, 45; suggests Lee's surrender, 354.

falls,----, 212, 214.

Farquhar, Francis Ulric, 138.

Fay, Harry C., 213.

Ferrero, Edward, 102, 310; described, 180; anecdote, 212.

Fessenden, Francis, 248.

Fessenden, William Pitt, 249, 259.

Field, Charles W., 360.

Fitzhugh, Norman R., 286.

Flag of truce, 149, 170.

Flint, Edward A., 278, 311.

Forbes's naked-eyed Medusa, 226.

Forsyth, James William, 357.

Fort Fisher, 316.

Fort Harrison, 281.

Fort Stedman, 323.

Fort Wadsworth, 249.

Freikle, —, 287.

French, William Henry, 26, 52, 53, 60, 80; described, 10; at Kelly's Ford, 43; failure to connect, 54; rage of, 57.

Freeman's Bridge, 294.

Garland, John, 313.

Garrett's Tavern, 121.

Gatineau, —, 262.

General, and details of movements, 214.

Germanna Ford, 86.

Germans, poor showing, 131, 207, 214, 277, 285.

Getty, George Washington, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 300. [367]

Gettysburg, battle of, 7.

Gibbon, John, 92, 103, 134, 147, 291, 329, 338; described, 107, 268; on Jericho, 135.

Girardey, Victor J. B., 216.

Globe Tavern, 219, 233, 234.

Graham, William Montrose, 16.

Grant, Lewis Addison, 175.

Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 87, 93, 123, 131; described, 80, 81, 83, 156; confidence of, 91; Lee's retreat, 102; in danger, 105, 210; on fighting in the east, 126; headaches, 130, 354; at Petersburg, 164, 166, 179, 248; French language, 178; Meade and, 224, 272, 359; balance, 243; humor, 269; visits Butler, 279; in Mexican war, 313; presentation of medal, 318; demands Lee's surrender, 354, 355.

Grant, Mrs., 316.

Gravelly Run, 329.

Graves, soldiers', 180.

Greek fire, 280, 283, 284.

Gregg, David McMurtrie, 15, 20, 103, 216, 224, 234, 252, 278, 285, 287, 294; resigns, 310.

Greyhound, steamer, 204.

Griffin, Charles, 26, 87, 88, 114, 127, 232, 233, 235, 242, 316, 329; anger of, 90, 168n.

Guerillas, repressing, 5; operations, 39.

Guinea Bridge, 119.

Gurley house, 234.

Guzman, captain, 178, 179, 183, 190, 214.

Hagood, Johnson, 222.

“Hail Columbia” and North Carolina regiment, 182.

Halleck, Henry Wager, 37, 68; difference with Meade, 35; Butler on, 193.

Halsted, George Blight, 317.

Hamlin, Hannibal, 76.

Hampton, Wade, 252.

Hamyl, —, 151.

Hancock, Winfield Scott, 88, 90, 93, 96n, 107, 119, 121, 122, 129, 145, 148, 150; qualities to command, 60, 204; described, 82, 91, 120, 189; white shirt, 107, 184; at the Salient, 110; on Ricketts' division, 139; before Petersburg, 162, 168, 197, 216, 221, 224, 233, 234, 251; on Lyman, 177; on Shaw, 191; plundering, 288.

Hancock's cavalry, 221.

Hapgood, Charles Eager, 150.

Hartranft, John Frederic, 323.

Harvard Club, Washington, i.

Harwood, Franklin, 201.

Hatcher's Run, 292, 309, 329, 837.

Haw's store, 131.

Hayes, Joseph, 186, 220, 224; dinner party, 71; wounded, 90.

Hays, Alexander, 42, 82, 139; death of, 92.

Hayter, Arthur Divett, 241.

“Heavy artillery,” 81.

Henderson, Mary, II.

High Bridge, Appomattox, 352.

Hill, Ambrose Powell, 88, 89, 93, 94, 222, 293, 294; death of, 341.

Hoke, Robert F., 136.

Holbrooke, —, Dr., 72.

Holland, Sir, Henry, 21.

Holman, Silas Atherton, 316.

Hood, John Bell, 296.

Hooker, Joseph, 93, 114; described, 230.

Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 36, 57, 60, 65, 68, 69, 232, 277, 316, 318, 324, 329, 345, 346, 352; 353, 356; described, 6, 73, 78, 108, 307; on horses, 8; rejoins army, 64; mystery, 76; before Petersburg, 163, 217, 234, 237; on war, 243; new command, 279, 285, 326; at races, 321.

Hunt, Henry Jackson, 63, 197, 275, 277; on Grant, 313.

Hutchins, Benjamin Tucker, 16.

Huts for winter quarters, 60.

ice, 135.

Indian, picket, 242.

Ingalls, Rufus, 34, 60, 163, 279.

Irish, good qualities, 131, 208.

James river, 158.

Jericho Bridge, 122.

Jeter, —, 129.

Jetersville, 342, 345, 349.

John, history of, 274.

Johnson, Edward, 111.

Johnson, —, 183.

Johnston, Joseph, 102n.

Joinville, Prince de, 95.

Kearny, Philip, 139.

Kellogg, —, 61.

Kelly's Ford, 43.

Kelly's house, 140, 143.

Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 73.

Kent, —, 179.

Kilpatrick, Judson, 15, 68, 76; raid, 77, 79.

Kirkpatrick, —, 274. [368]

Landron house, 114.

Lazelle, Henry Martyn, 286.

Leave of absence, 59.

Ledlie, James Hewitt, 167, 199, 310.

Lee, Robert Edward, 163, 184; movement by, 29, 30; retreat, 102; annihilation, 124; character, 125; Appomattox campaign, 303, 305; effort to escape, 349; surrenders, 355, 357; described, 360.

Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 362.

Leigh, Bishop, 281.

Letterman, Jonathan, 22.

Lever, Charles James, “Tony Butler,” 260.

Lincoln, Abraham, 319; merciful policy, 117; reelection, 154, 204, 245, 259; government, 247; review of troops, 322; described, 324.

Linear house, 220.

Locke, Frederick Thomas, remark of, 47.

Long's Bridge, 156, 157.

Longstreet, James, 94, 95, 122, 126.

Loring, Charles Greely, 200, 211, 239, 246.

Ludlow, Benjamin Chambers, 54, 56.

Lunn, —, 276, 277.

Lyman, Elizabeth (Russell), III, 3.

Lyman, Mary (Henderson), II.

Lyman, Richard, i.

Lyman, Theodore (1st), i.

Lyman, Theodore (1792-1849), II.

Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897), account of, i; joins Meade's staff 1; with Pleasonton, 14; goes to Washington, 36; astronomical observations, 44; thirty-first year , 226; visits the North, 228, 303; important, 335; meets Lee, 361; Meade's letter, 362.

Lyon, Nathaniel, 9.

McClellan, Arthur, 70, 112.

McClellan, George Brinton, 141, 262.

McGregor, —, 234.

McKibbin, Chambers, 220.

McLaughlen Napoleon Bonaparte, 261, 323.

McMahon, John E., 154.

McMahon, Martin Thomas, 107, 247.

McParlin, Thomas Andrew, 115, 221.

Macy, George Nelson, 97, 215.

Madison's ordinary, 119.

Mahon, Lord, see Stanhope.

Mahone, William, 188.

Mangohick Church, 130.

Maps, difficulties of, 136.

Marivault, —, de, 290.

Marseilles, anecdotes of, 191.

Marshall, Charles, 361.

Marshall, Elisha Gaylord, 199.

Martyn, steamer, 319.

Marylanders, 221.

Mason, Addison Gordon, 69, 122, 249.

Mat, the, 121.

Matile, George Auguste, 212.

Matinee musicale, 317.

Meade, George, 36, 48, 75, 359.

Meade, George Gordon, 97, 107, 122, 338; at Key West, III; accepts Lyman as volunteer aide, 3; manner of riding, 8; at Gettysburg, 12; characteristics, 25, 38, 57, 61, 73, 123, 128, 134, 138, 148, 167, 176, 188, 225, 358; difference with Halleck, 35; visits Washington, 36, 48; well laid plans, 46; succession to, 60; illness, 64, 345, 355; in danger, 105, 232, 238, 332; Sheridan and, 105, 271, 348; Sherman's despatch, 126; before Petersburg, 165, 214, 242; Burnside and, 200; rumored removal, 204; force reduced, 210; good sleeper, 217; Grant and, 224; engineer, 246; report, 256; fraudulent votes, 264; services, 271; major-general, 283; pay, 287; bon-mot, 298; in Petersburg, 340; on Lee's surrender, 358; meets Lee, 360; letter to Lyman, 362.

Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham, 248.

Meherrin Bridge, 295.

Mercier, —, chef, 265, 276.

Merritt, Wesley, 68, 346.

Mexicans at Headquarters, 23.

Miles, Jeremiah, 206.

Miles, Nelson Appleton, 150, 292, 322, 331, 337, 338.

Milford, 119.

Miller, Theodore, 324.

Miller, William DeWitt, 225.

Mills, Charles James, 233, 332, 338.

Milroy's weary boys, 98.

Mine Run, 55, 68.

Mitchell, John Fulton Berrien, 48.

Mitchell, William Galbraith, 82, 92, 134, 150, 226, 233, 253, 288.

Moncure house, 122.

Monocacy Bridge, 185.

Montbarthe, Vicomte de, 254.

Morale, in army, 115, 179.

Morgan, Charles Hale, 233, 288.

Morris, William Hopkins, 67.

Morris, —, 312.

Morton, James St. Clair, 167.

Morton, Samuel George, 167.

Morton's Ford, 68, 69. [369]

Mott, Gershom, 92, 93, 95, 108, 109, 217, 337.

Mott's division, misconduct, 92, 93, 95, 109, 110n, 114, 208, 252, 294.

Mt. Carmel Church, 122.

Namozine road, 342, 346.

Negro, Virginia, 67; free and slave, 74; troops, 102, 162, 180, 256, 262; “aunty,” 183; Petersburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker game, 269.

Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.

New London, Conn., 223.

Newspapers, errors of, 100.

Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.

Newton, Mrs., 131.

North Anna, 122, 126.

O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.

Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.

Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.

Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.

Otto, William Tod, 212.

Ovens, Dutch, 351.

Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.

Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234, 236, 323, 334; described, 213; engineer, 246.

Parker, Isaac Brown, 288.

Parker, Theodore, 260.

Patrick, Marsena Rudolph, 74.

Patten, Henry Lyman, 208.

Pease, Charles Elliott, 358.

Peeble house, 235, 254, 321.

Peel, Cecil Lennox, captain, 49.

Pell, Duncan Archibald, 212, 312, 319.

Pemberton, John Clifford, 102.

Perkins house, 328.

Perkinson, —, 347.

Petersburg, manoeuvres about, 160; mine, 195, 310, 341; taken, 333, 339.

Phillips, Charles Appleton, 169.

Picket line, described, 301.

Piney Branch church, 104.

Platt, Edward Russell, 123.

Pleasonton, Alfred, 75, 79, 80; Lyman with, 14; for command, 60.

Pleasants, Henry, 195, 198.

Plunder, demoralizing effect, 40; Hancock and, 288.

Point of Rocks, Appomattox River, 193.

Pontoon bridge, 130, 159.

Po-Ny, 119.

Pope, John, 60.

Poplar Grove church, 234.

Porter, David Dixon, 249.

Porter, Georgia Ann (Patterson), 249.

Porter, Horace, 142.

Potter, Alonzo, 167.

Potter, Robert Barnwell, 166, 212, 219, 234, 237, 296, 297, 334.

Pourtales, Louis Auguste de, 212.

Pratt, Mary, 26.

Prisoners, provost, 13; Rebel, 32, 45, 324, 836, 347.

Punishments, 243.

Raccoon Ford, 19, 68, 69.

Races, horse, 321.

Railroad construction, 311.

Rapidan River, 51.

Rawlins, John Aaron, 91n, 114n.

Reams' station, 224, 234.

Rebels, fighting qualities, 87, 99, 100, 208; privations, 132; valuable qualities, 186; wearing down, 245, 271; deserters, 305, 310; appearance, 324, 360.

Revere, Paul Joseph, 34.

Review of troops, 9, 316, 318; 2d corps, 75; 9th corps, 261.

Rice, James Clay, 109, 180.

Rice's station, 352.

Richmond, fall of, 343.

Ricketts, James Brewerton, 98, 139, 144, 174, 176, 177, 184, 208, 232, 299.

Riddle, William, 293.

Ring, —, 172.

Robertson's Tavern, 53, 54, 58.

Robinson, John Cleveland, 104.

Rockwell, —, Rev., 74.

Roebling, John Augustus, 240.

Roebling, Washington Augustus, 56, 168, 253; described, 240.

Rogers, William Barton, 315.

Rosencrantz, Frederick, 63, 64, 177, 183, 193, 202, 204, 210, 232, 244, 249, 277, 304, 306, 309, 315, 336; first meeting, 6; on the English, 268; major, 290.

Roumania, 307.

Rowley, William Reuben, 84, 164.

Rush's Lancers, 130.

Russell, David Allen, 128, 144, 177.

Russell, Elizabeth, III.

Russell, George Robert, III.

Russell, Henry Sturgis, 161, 164, 165, 269.

Russians on horse, 61. [370]

Sailor's Run, 351.

Salient, taking of the, 110; map, 113.

Sanders, William Wilkins, 163, 177, 199.

Sanford, Charles W., 255.

Sanford, Henry Shelton, 262.

Sanitaries, 135, 182, 183.

Satterthwait, —, 291.

Schack, George von, 322.

Schuyler, Philip, 292.

Sedgwick, Arthur, 224.

Sedgwick, John, 60, 66, 98, 106, 180; in command, 36; at Kelly's Ford, 43, 44, 45; on Butler's demonstration, 68, 69; marches, 77; death of, 107.

Sentry, a patriotic, 206.

Sergeant, William, 295.

Seward, William Henry, 259.

Seymour, Truman, 98, 299.

Shaler, Alexander, 98.

Shaw, Robert Gould, 257; death of, 1.

Shaw, —, 134, 250, 285; described, 191.

Shells, behavior of mortar, 261, 270.

Sheridan, Philip, 136, 300, 332, 347; chief of cavalry, 81; described, 82, 327; Meade and, 105n, 271, 348; raids, 125, 320; to command, 210; major-general, 270; credit claimed, 351.

Sherman, John, 115.

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 271, 281, 296, 305; reflects on Army of the Potomac, 126; described, 327.

Shot, behavior of round, 149.

Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 60.

Sleeper, Jacob Henry, 49, 225, 266; resigns, 310.

Sleeping-car, 229.

Slocum, Henry Warner, 22.

Smith, William Farrar, 136, 137, 143, 160; described, 140; lunch, 148; before Petersburg, 161, 164n; Butler and, 192.

Smyth, Henry Augustus, 275.

Snyder, —, 72.

Soldier, qualities of a great, 163.

Spaulding, Ira, 311.

Spaulding, —, 26.

Spies, Rebel, 244.

Spotsylvania, operations near, 104.

Sprague, William, 75, 115, 188.

Stanhope, Arthur Philip, Lord Mahon, 241.

Stanton, Edwin MeMasters, 234, 247, 248, 264, 266; daughter, 314.

Starr, James, 104.

Stephenson, Sussex Vane, captain, 49.

Steuart, George H., 111.

Stevenson, Thomas Greely, 95, 116.

Stony Creek station, 285.

Stragglers and pillaging, 117, 331; Barlow and, 157; Warren and, 291.

Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 18; death, 125.

Summerhayes, John Wyer, 268.

Sumner, Charles, 78.

Surgeon, English fusileer, 115.

Sutherland's station, 339, 341.

Swede, a visiting, 41, 63; indignation of a, 262.

Sykes, George, 34, 52, 53, 60, 80; visited, 8; at dinner, 72.

Ta, the, 119.

Thanksgiving Day, 278.

Thatcher, Horace Kellogg, 171.

Theatre, engineers', 311.

Thomas, George Henry, 296.

Thomas, Henry Goddard, 211.

Thomas, Lorenzo, 290.

Thompson, —, 130.

Todd's Tavern, 103.

Tompkins, Charles H., 112.

Townsend, Charles, 22.

Trobriand, Philippe Regis de, 256.

Trowbridge, —, 312.

Tyler, John, 159.

Tyler, —, 185.

Tyler house, 121.

Upton, Emory, 109.

Vermont captain, exploit of a, 174.

Via's house, 140.

Virginia, devastation, 48; houses, 301.

Volunteers, 209.

Votes, fraudulent, 263.

Wadsworth, James Samuel, 90, 180.

Wadsworth, Craig, 125.

Wainwright, Charles Sheils, 296.

Walker, Mary E., 6n.

Wall house, 339.

Wallace, Lewis, 185.

Wallace, —, 341.

Walsh, James William, 343.

War, general features, 124; ending the, 187.

Ward, John Henry Hobart, 82; relieved from command, 106.

Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 32, 34, 4, 45, 53, 60, 69, 104, 106, 108, 114, 119, 122, 127, 128, 134, 138, 140, 242, 279, 316, 330, 333; presentation of sword, 25; manoeuvres, 50; at Mine Run 56; [371] Morton's, 70; Sheridan's dislike, 106n; defect, 110n; search for, 146; feeling, 147; before Petersburg, 168, 217, 221, 233, 234, 251, 294, 297; narrow escape, 219; stragglers, 292; relieved of command, 333.

Washburn, Elihu Benjamin, 318, 319.

Washburn, Francis, 353.

Washington, D. C., Harvard Club, i; in 1863, 4.

Waste in the war, 207.

Way, a covered, 203.

Webb, Alexander Stewart, 42, 45, 59, 94, 807, 313, 317, 345, 356; described, 307.

Weld, Stephen Minot, Jr., 128, 211.

Weldon railroad, 217, 224, 226, 23, 294.

Wheaton, Frank, 91, 299; before Petersburg, 175, 177.

White, Julius, 219.

Wilcox's wharf, 163.

Wilderness, the, 53, 89; battle of, 98.

Wilkinson, Morton Smith, 75.

Willcox, Orlando Bolivar, 212, 234, 310.

Williams, Seth, 23, 60, 110, 123, 171, 221, 258, 270; on Sunday work, 28; brevet denied, 289; messenger to Lee, 354.

Williams house, 173, 189.

Wilson, James Harrison, 82, 104, 136, 156.

Wingate, —, 357.

Winthrop, Frederick, 800.

Wise, Henry Alexander, 162, 361.

Women in camp, 64, 65, 74, 75, 314, 317, 318; dinner party, 71; ultra-secessionist, 119; poor, 129.

Woodruff, George, 315.

Woodruff, Henry Dwight, 287.

Woody's house, 140.

Woolsey, Charles W., 253, 294.

Wooten, Thomas J., 152, 187.

Worth, William Scott, 64, 210, 318.

Wounded, spirit of the, 71, 128.

Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 88, 90, 98, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 128, 135, 137, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 179, 190, 314, 350, 352; on Mott's men, 110n; before Petersburg, 173, 184, 334, 337; poor luck, 800.

Wyatt's house, 301.

Yorke, Victor A., 42, 267.

Young, —, Dr., 26.

Zacksnifska [Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth], 5.

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Washington (United States) (4)
Kelly's Ford (Virginia, United States) (3)
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (2)
High Bridge (Wisconsin, United States) (2)
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Dutch Gap Canal (United States) (2)
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (2)
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (2)
Wilderness, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (1)
Todd's Tavern (Virginia, United States) (1)
Stony Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (1)
Sailor's Run (Ohio, United States) (1)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (1)
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (1)
Raccoon Ford (Virginia, United States) (1)
Ordinary (Virginia, United States) (1)
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (1)
New London (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Milford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Mexico (Mexico) (1)
Marseilles (Illinois, United States) (1)
Madison (Wisconsin, United States) (1)
Key West (Florida, United States) (1)
Jetersville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (1)
Hatcher's Run (Ohio, United States) (1)
Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (1)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
Fort Wadsworth (New York, United States) (1)
Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Dutch (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Culpeper, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Cold Spring, N. Y. (New York, United States) (1)
City Point (Virginia, United States) (1)
Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) (1)
Charles City (Virginia, United States) (1)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Boydton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Badajos (Amazonas, Brazil) (1)
Austria (Austria) (1)
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (1)

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Richard Lyman (7)
Friend George G. Meade (5)
William Henry Fitzhugh Lee (5)
Ulysses Simpson Grant (4)
Gouverneur Kemble Warren (3)
Robert Gould Shaw (3)
Gershom Mott (3)
Theodore Lyman (3)
Robert E. Lee (3)
Winfield Scott Hancock (3)
Tony Butler (3)
Benjamin Franklin Butler (3)
John Tyler (2)
Arthur Philip Stanhope (2)
Ira Spaulding (2)
Baldy Smith (2)
John Sherman (2)
Philip Sheridan (2)
Elizabeth Russell (2)
James Brewerton Ricketts (2)
James Clay Rice (2)
David Dixon Porter (2)
Alfred Pleasonton (2)
W. Ulick O'Connor (2)
John Newton (2)
Samuel George Morton (2)
George Gordon Meade (2)
Edward Johnson (2)
Mary Henderson (2)
Henry Wager Halleck (2)
Elizabeth (2)
Jubal Anderson Early (2)
Ambrose Everett Burnside (2)
Francis Channing Barlow (2)
— Young (1)
Victor A. Yorke (1)
Horatio Gouverneur Wright (1)
William Scott Worth (1)
Thomas J. Wooten (1)
Charles W. Woolsey (1)
Henry Dwight Woodruff (1)
George Woodruff (1)
Henry Alexander Wise (1)
Frederick Winthrop (1)
— Wingate (1)
James Harrison Wilson (1)
Seth Williams (1)
Orlando Bolivar Willcox (1)
Morton Smith Wilkinson (1)
Wilcox (1)
Julius White (1)
Frank Wheaton (1)
Stephen Minot Weld (1)
Alexander Stewart Webb (1)
Francis Washburn (1)
Elihu Benjamin Washburn (1)
John Henry Hobart Ward (1)
James William Walsh (1)
Lewis Wallace (1)
Lew Wallace (1)
Mary E. Walker (1)
Charles Sheils Wainwright (1)
James Samuel Wadsworth (1)
Craig Wadsworth (1)
Emory Upton (1)
— Trowbridge (1)
Philippe Regis De Trobriand (1)
Charles Townsend (1)
Charles H. Tompkins (1)
— Thompson (1)
Lorenzo Thomas (1)
Henry Goddard Thomas (1)
George Henry Thomas (1)
Theatre (1)
Horace Kellogg Thatcher (1)
George Sykes (1)
Sutherland (1)
Charles Sumner (1)
John Wyer Summerhayes (1)
James Ewell Brown Stuart (1)
Thomas Greely Stevenson (1)
George H. Steuart (1)
Sussex Vane Stephenson (1)
James Starr (1)
Edwin MeMasters Stanton (1)
William Sprague (1)
Rebel Spies (1)
— Snyder (1)
Henry Augustus Smyth (1)
William Farrar Smith (1)
Henry Warner Slocum (1)
Jacob Henry Sleeper (1)
Daniel Edgar Sickles (1)
William Tecumseh Sherman (1)
P. H. Sheridan (1)
Alexander Shaler (1)
Truman Seymour (1)
William Henry Seward (1)
John Sedgwick (1)
Arthur Sedgwick (1)
Philip Schuyler (1)
George Von Schack (1)
— Satterthwait (1)
Henry Shelton Sanford (1)
Charles W. Sanford (1)
William Wilkins Sanders (1)
Henry Sturgis Russell (1)
George Robert Russell (1)
David Allen Russell (1)
William Reuben Rowley (1)
Frederick Rosencrantz (1)
William Barton Rogers (1)
Washington Augustus Roebling (1)
John Augustus Roebling (1)
— Rockwell (1)
John Cleveland Robinson (1)
— Ring (1)
William Riddle (1)
Paul Joseph Revere (1)
John Aaron Rawlins (1)
Mary Pratt (1)
Louis Auguste De Pourtales (1)
Robert Barnwell Potter (1)
Alonzo Potter (1)
Horace Porter (1)
Henry Pleasants (1)
Edward Russell Platt (1)
Charles Appleton Phillips (1)
— Perkinson (1)
John Clifford Pemberton (1)
Duncan Archibald Pell (1)
Cecil Lennox Peel (1)
Charles Elliott Pease (1)
Patterson (1)
Henry Lyman Patten (1)
Marsena Rudolph Patrick (1)
Theodore Parker (1)
Isaac Brown Parker (1)
John Grubb Parke (1)
Francis Winthrop Palfrey (1)
William Tod Otto (1)
Edward Otho Cresap Ord (1)
James Willis Nesmith (1)
Virginia Negro (1)
James St. Clair Morton (1)
— Morris (1)
William Hopkins Morris (1)
Charles Hale Morgan (1)
Vicomte De Montbarthe (1)
William Galbraith Mitchell (1)
John Fulton Berrien Mitchell (1)
Milroy (1)
Charles James Mills (1)
William DeWitt Miller (1)
Theodore Miller (1)
Nelson Appleton Miles (1)
Jeremiah Miles (1)
Wesley Merritt (1)
— Mercier (1)
Montgomery Cunningham Meigs (1)
George Meade (1)
Thomas Andrew McParlin (1)
Martin Thomas McMahon (1)
John E. Mcmahon (1)
Chambers McKibbin (1)
— McGregor (1)
George Brinton McClellan (1)
Arthur McClellan (1)
George Auguste Matile (1)
Martyn (1)
Elisha Gaylord Marshall (1)
Charles Marshall (1)
— Marivault (1)
William Mahone (1)
Mahon (1)
George Nelson Macy (1)
Nathaniel Lyon (1)
— Lunn (1)
Benjamin Chambers Ludlow (1)
Charles Greely Loring (1)
James Longstreet (1)
Frederick Thomas Locke (1)
Abraham Lincoln (1)
Charles James Lever (1)
Jonathan Letterman (1)
Leigh (1)
Robert Edward Lee (1)
James Hewitt Ledlie (1)
Henry Martyn Lazelle (1)
— Kirkpatrick (1)
Judson Kilpatrick (1)
— Kent (1)
Joseph Camp Griffith Kennedy (1)
— Kellogg (1)
Philip Kearny (1)
De Joinville (1)
Joseph Johnston (1)
— Jeter (1)
Irish (1)
Rufus Ingalls (1)
Benjamin Tucker Hutchins (1)
Henry Jackson Hunt (1)
Andrew Atkinson Humphreys (1)
Joseph Hooker (1)
John Bell Hood (1)
Silas Atherton Holman (1)
Henry Holland (1)
— Holbrooke (1)
Robert F. Hoke (1)
Ambrose Powell Hill (1)
Arthur Divett Hayter (1)
Alexander Hays (1)
Joseph Hayes (1)
Haw (1)
Franklin Harwood (1)
John Frederic Hartranft (1)
Charles Eager Hapgood (1)
— Hamyl (1)
Wade Hampton (1)
Hannibal Hamlin (1)
George Blight Halsted (1)
Johnson Hagood (1)
Guzman (1)
Charles Griffin (1)
David McMurtrie Gregg (1)
Graves (1)
Lewis Addison Grant (1)
William Montrose Graham (1)
Addison Gordon (1)
Victor J. B. Girardey (1)
John Gibbon (1)
George Washington Getty (1)
— Gatineau (1)
John Garland (1)
William Henry French (1)
— Freikle (1)
James William Forsyth (1)
Forbes (1)
Edward A. Flint (1)
Norman R. Fitzhugh (1)
Charles W. Field (1)
William Pitt Fessenden (1)
Francis Fessenden (1)
Edward Ferrero (1)
Harry C. Fay (1)
Francis Ulric Farquhar (1)
Richard Stoddert Ewell (1)
Henry Lawrence Eustis (1)
Thomas Washington Egan (1)
Amos Beebe Eaton (1)
James Chatham Duane (1)
George Warren Dresser (1)
Simeon Draper (1)
Charles Hastings Doyle (1)
— Dickinson (1)
John H. Devereux (1)
Richard Delafield (1)
— De Ray (1)
Henry Eugene Davies (1)
Charles Anderson Dana (1)
Edward Barry Dalton (1)
John Adolph Dahlgren (1)
George Armstrong Custer (1)
Arthur Russell Curtis (1)
George Washington Cullum (1)
— Crow (1)
Thomas Leonidas Crittenden (1)
Samuel Wylie Crawford (1)
John Neville Craig (1)
— Coxe (1)
Jacob Henry Counselman (1)
Jose Cortez (1)
Cook (1)
Rebel Conscription (1)
Transcendentalists Concord (1)
Cyrus Ballou Comstock (1)
Charles Henry Tucky Collis (1)
Channing Clapp (1)
Christian (1)
Chapin (1)
De Chanal (1)
John Randolph Chambliss (1)
Adolph Cavada (1)
Silas Casey (1)
Samuel Sprigg Carroll (1)
Joseph Bradford Carr (1)
Simon Cameron (1)
S. Cadwalader (1)
Charles E. Cadwalader (1)
Louis Cabot (1)
John Buford (1)
William Thomas Harbaugh Brooks (1)
Brockenbrough (1)
James C. Briscoe (1)
John Cabell Breckinridge (1)
Joseph P. Bradley (1)
John Minor Botts (1)
— Botiano (1)
— Bootekoff (1)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1)
McLaughlen Napoleon Bonaparte (1)
Boleslaski (1)
— Blunt (1)
Peleg W. Blake (1)
David Bell Birney (1)
Henry Harrison Bingham (1)
James Cornell Biddle (1)
— Benson (1)
Henry Washington Benham (1)
Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (1)
Joseph Jackson Bartlett (1)
Simon Forrester Barstow (1)
William Eliot Barrows (1)
Hiram Barney (1)
Joseph K. Barnes (1)
John Gross Barnard (1)
George Barnard (1)
Daniel P. Barnard (1)
Briscoe G. Baldwin (1)
Adam Badeau (1)
— Bache (1)
Orville Elias Babcock (1)
Romeyn Beck Ayres (1)
Martin P. Avery (1)
Nathan Appleton (1)
— Anderson (1)
Algernon Sidney Alden (1)
Louis Agassiz (1)
Charles Francis Adams (1)
Henry Livermore Abbot (1)
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226 AD (1)
1897 AD (1)
1863 AD (1)
1849 AD (1)
1833 AD (1)
1792 AD (1)
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