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Doc. 226. battle of camp Alleghany, Va., fought December 13, 1861.

A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial gives the following particulars of the battle.

Cheat Mountain Summit, December 20, 1861.
On Thursday morning, December 12th, the Union troops under command of Brig.-Gen. R. H. Milroy, took up their march for the enemy's camp, which is situated on the top of the Alleghany Mountains, eight and a half miles beyond the Greenbrier River, or what is better known, Camp Bartow. This Camp Bartow is the Camp at which Gen. Reynolds reconnoitered so effectually October 3d last, and from which the rebels have since fled. This Camp Bartow, is at a point on the Staunton Pike, called “The traveller's repose.” The Union command, consisting of detachments from the Ninth and Thirteenth Indiana, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio, Second Virginia regiment, and Bracken's Cavalry, numbered in all about two thousand men. The column reached Camp Bartow about eight o'clock P. M., where the same halted and rested.

At this point the column was divided into two divisions--one consisting of the detachments from the Ninth Indiana and Second Virginia regiments, numbering about one thousand strong; the other consisting of the detachments from the Thirteenth Indiana, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio regiments, and Bracken Cavalry. At 11 P. M. the Ninth Indiana and Second Virginia took up their march on what is known as the old “Greenbank road” to attack the enemy on his left — the Ninth Indiana under Col. Moody and Major John B. Milroy; Second Virginia under Major Owens. At ten o'clock A. M., December 13th, the Thirteenth Indiana, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio, and Bracken Cavalry under Major Dobbs, Col. J. A. Jones, Captain Hamilton and Captain Bracken, accompanied by Brigadier General R. H. Milroy, his staff, consisting of Captain S. J. Drumm, A. Q. M., Lieut. J. O. Craven, Aide-de-Camp, and Lieut. Aide-de-Camp Isaiah B. McDonald, of Gen. Reynolds' staff. This column took the Staunton pike and moved along very cautiously, meeting with no opposition till within sight of the rebel camp, when one of the advance guard, a young man by the name of Latham, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, was shot and killed by a rebel picket. After throwing out additional skirmishers, the column proceeded and marched to a point within a half mile of the enemy's camp, where a halt was ordered. Here the column waited only a short time, when they were ordered to march, when the same left the road and commenced to ascend the mountain to the enemy's right. After driving in and capturing some of the rebel pickets, the column reached the top of the mountain to the enemy's right in good order.

The fight commenced about twenty minutes after daylight. The following, from the report of the fight by Col. Jas. A. Jones, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio regiment, I am permitted to extract. Col. Jones is a cool and brave officer, and saw the whole action on the enemy's right. He says: “ After leaving the pike we advanced up the mountain, which was very steep and rocky, for about one mile, to the summit, on the right and rear of the enemy's camp, to await the attack of the Ninth Indiana and Second Virginia, as you directed. But as we approached the top of the hill we discovered the enemy's pickets, who immediately retreated on our approach. I gave the order to pursue them in double-quick, as the enemy would be informed of our advance. One company of the Thirteenth Indiana, being in advance, was conducted by Lieut. McDonald, of Gen. Reynolds' staff, until we arrived at the edge of the woods, in full view of the enemy's camp. Finding them already formed, and advancing with a large force to attack us, Lieut. McDonald halted the company of the Thirteenth Indiana, and ordered it to deploy into line, immediately formed the Twenty-fifth Ohio on his left, and the other two companies of the Thirteenth Indiana on our left, and a detachment of the Thirty-second Ohio formed on their left. The fire was already opened on the right, and was carried through the lines. After a few rounds the enemy retreated in great confusion, with great slaughter, leaving their dead and wounded. They now again rallied, and commenced to advance, returning our fire with great vigor. Some of the men commenced falling to the rear all along the line. Captains Charlesworth and Crowe, [467] of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, Lieut. McDonald, Captains Myers and Newland, of the Thirteenth Indiana, and Captain Hamilton, of the Thirty-second Ohio, rallied them, and brought them up into line in a few moments. The enemy fell back, and attempted to turn our right flank, but was immediately met and repulsed. Our men by this time had become broken, but were again rallied by the officers of the different commands, who conducted themselves nobly. The enemy again attempted to advance upon us, but shared the same fate as before, and, after making several attempts to drive us from the woods, deployed to the left to turn our left flank and get in our rear. I ordered a portion of the command to advance and attack them, which was done in a gallant manner, the enemy retiring to their cabins. They soon appeared again, however, and our men finding that they were not receiving the support of the Ninth Indiana and Second Virginia, quite a number commenced retreating, and it was with great difficulty that they were rallied. Some did not return, but disgracefully left the field. The remainder of the command fought like veteran soldiers, and drove the rebels again to their cabins; but they were soon rallied by their officers, and renewed the attack with a large reinforcement, pouring a galling fire into our thinned ranks; yet our men held their position, and returned the fire with great energy and slaughter, the officers of the different detachments urging and cheering them on.

Many of the men had left the field with the wounded, and some without cause, which had very much reduced our number, and our ammunition was almost exhausted. Their artillery was turned upon us with shot and shell, but without any effect, and the enemy was again compelled to retire to their cabins, with great slaughter, as usual. Our ammunition being exhausted, I thought it prudent to fall back to the Headquarters of the Commanding General, which was done in good order.

The fight here lasted about three hours. The Union forces engaged at this point were about seven hundred and fifty strong; the rebels about twenty-five hundred, and nine pieces of artillery. The following are the officers who were engaged on the right, all of whom, it is said, behaved well to the last: Colonel Jones, Twenty-fifth Ohio; Captains Charlesworth, Crowell, Johnson, and Askew; Lieutenants Dirlam, Bowlus, Merriman, Wood, and Haughton, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio; Lieut. Aide-de-Camp McDonald, of General Reynolds' staff, Major Dobbs, Adjutant C. H. Ross, Captains Newland, Johnson, Harrington, Clinton, Kirkpatrick, Myers, Smith, Delong, Shields, Bailey, Durbin, Jones, (killed,) and many others, of the Thirteenth Indiana; Captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Brent, of the Thirty-second Ohio. All of these did their duty manfully, and made great slaughter among the rebels.

Owing to the very bad road which the Ninth Indiana and the Second Virginia had to travel, and the amount of fallen timber thrown in their way by the rebels the day previous, their march was much impeded, so that they did not reach in time to make a simultaneous attack with Gen. Milroy's column on the right. Col. Moody arrived with his force just about the time the Twenty-fifth, Thirty-second Ohio, and Thirteenth Indiana had retired, hence had to fight the rebels single-handed, which he, Major Milroy, of the Ninth, and Major Owens did until three o'clock P. M., when they retired in fine order, bringing off all their wounded and most of their dead. Whenever the rebels would come out of their works, the Ninth and part of the Second Virginia would drive them back with great slaughter. This force fought the rebels for six hours, killing many men and officers.

Taking the whole matter as a fight, the Union troops did very well — though their plans were thwarted by the fallen timber on the left of the rebel camp, thereby frustrating a simultaneous attack. The fight has done much good — in the first place it has taught the rebels that our boys are not afraid of them, even three to one. Considering the severity of the battle, and the length of the same, our loss is small when compared with that of the enemy, which cannot be less than two hundred killed, thirty-one prisoners, and a great many wounded. The gallant Union boys feel encouraged by the result. Col. Anderson, Major Rigger, Capt. Mollibon, and many other officers, are acknowledged to be killed, and that Gen. (or Col.) Johnson, commanding, was wounded in the mouth. So you see that the late battle was a good thing on our part — the rebels so regard it.

I here venture to say that there has not been a single fight of the war as nobly fought as the late one at Camp Alleghany. The troops which attacked the enemy on the right of their camp — the Thirteenth Indiana and Thirty-second Ohio, together with over two-thirds of the Twenty-fifth Ohio--fought beyond description; never did old veterans fight more bravely; and had the column on the other side succeeded in making time, one of the grandest victories of the war would have been achieved in a short time. As it is, our boys did well, and are satisfied.

Bracken's Cavalry, though not directly engaged, were on the ground anxious for a “pitch in.” The gray-haired Captain Bracken is a cautious and watchful man, and has splendid boys. Gen. Milroy, the commander of the expedition, was quite energetic, and always in the lead in the proper place — no braver man lives.

The following is a list of our killed and wounded, as many friends will look with interest to see the fate of their friends in the battle, to wit:

killed, wounded, and missing.

Twenty-Fifth Ohio regiment.--Killed.--Co. D--Private Charles Latham. Co. E--Corporal Levi S. Stewart; Privates Christopher J. Thayer, Isaac Nyne. Co. F--Private John C. Fuller. Co. G--Private Wm. J. Maher. [468]

Wounded.--Co. A--Sergt. Hezekiah Thomas, seriously; Privates J. W. Holland, seriously; C. H. King, seriously; Levi Butler, slightly; Henry Meek, slightly; Levi Ryan, slightly; Wm. J. Lockwood, slightly; Samuel Henry, slightly; James McMullins, slightly; Daniel J. Crooks, slightly; James C. Bolan, slightly. Co. B--Second Lieut. John D. Merriman, slightly; First Sergt. George W. Martin, slightly; Corporal Charles Beck, left arm fractured; Private Joseph J. Hopton, slightly. Co. C--Sergeant Wm. Henthorn, supposed mortally; Privates Jonathan Dunn, supposed mortally; W. J. Henthorn, slightly; Elijah Beckett, severely; Isaiah Masters, slightly. Co. D--First Lieut. Derius Dirlam, slightly; Sergeant Hiram A. Ward, supposed mortally; Privates Wm. Jones, supposed mortally; Jonathan Ward, severely; William White, slightly; Daniel S. Coe, severely; R. B. Compton, slightly. Co. E--Privates John E. Rearich, severely in leg; Richard D. Phelps, severely, in thigh; August Fruh, slightly, on the head. Co. F--Corporal Enville A. Hasson, slightly, in elbow; Privates Thomas Jones, severely, in thigh — fractured; Asa Meredith, severely, in shoulder; George Alter, slightly, in elbow; John MeKinly, slightly, in hand; Hugh Wilson, slightly — toe shot off. Co. G--Privates George Haney, supposed mortally; Michael Harris, slightly, in neck; John D. Fisher, slightly, on top of head; Gilbert J. Ogden, slightly, in right leg; John Ewalt, slightly, in right arm. Co. H--Corporal Cornelius S. Barrett, severely, in face; Privates John P. Durson, severely, in arm; William Chadwick, elbow shattered; Blair Kinkead, severely, in calf of leg; George W. Read, severely, in cheek. Co. J-Privates Archelam Snigo, slightly, in hand; Wm. Barlo, slightly; N. C. Lovett, slightly; Isaac Kirk, slightly; James Break, slightly, in leg. Co. K--Privates Sheppard Lewis, supposed mortally; Harlem Page, severely; Andrew Hutchinson, slightly.

Missing.--Co. A--Private John Richards. Co. D--Private Wm. H. Brown. Co. I--Private Lorenzo Shackler. Co. K--Privates Marcus L. Decker, John H. Briscoe.

Thirty-Second Ohio regiment.--Killed.--Co. G--Private Samuel H. Prior. Co. I--Private William Clarke.

Wounded.--Co. F--Privates Abraham Lessy, seriously; John Clarke, seriously. Co. G--Privates Robert J. Hamilton, seriously; Harper Brosens, seriously. Co. H--Private Chas. Prior, seriously. Co. K--Private Thomas B. Hess, seriously. Co. B--Private Isaac Hamilton, slightly. Co. F--First Lieutenant Charles C. Brant, slightly; Private Will Sharpe, slightly. Co. G--Private James White, slightly.

Thirteenth Indiana regiment.--Killed.--Co. B--Private William Day. Co. K--Second Lieutenant Joseph P. Jones.

Wounded.--Co. A--Private Jas. Miller, slightly. Co. B--Private Matt. Fogen, slightly, left on field. Co. C--Serg't Edward Foster, seriously. Co. E--Sergeants G. L. J. King, slightly; D. J. Kemp, slightly; J. R. Cole, slightly. Privates John Burns, left on field; Col. Song, slightly; George Huid, slightly; Thomas Boyne, slightly; Wm. Shields or Shuly, slightly; M. Honlert, slightly; E. Lam, slightly. Co. G--Privates Dennis Spencer, slightly; Elijah Mitchell, slightly. Co. H--Second Lieutenant William O'Neil, in the thigh; Sergeant William A. Durst, slightly. Co. I--Corporals H. H. Swindler, slightly; Benj. Kenyon, slightly; Frederick Fisher, slightly. Co. K--Sergeant A. W. Huffman; Privates John Nelroman, seriously; John Kath, slightly.

Missing.--Co. D--Private William Brown. Co. E--Sergeant ZZZLat. Randolph. Co. F--Privates William Stinson, Jacob Weassan.

Ninth Indiana regiment.--Killed.--Co. A--Privates Daniel S. Souders, Jackson Kilmer. Co. E--Sergeant Thomas R. McKay. Co. F--Private Walter H. Pangborn. Co. G--Privates Joseph Gordon, Perry Knowles, Charles Wilson. Co. H--Corporal Benjamin F. Huntington.

Wounded.--Co. A--Capt. Thomas Madden, seriously. Co. B--Privates Stephen Wilcox,----Sweet. Co. C--Private Erastus Sanders. Co. D--Private Moris E. Richards. Co. E--Capt. James R. Sherwood; Private Charles H. Allen. Co. I--Privates Christian Bliss, Levisone Packard, William Hackerthorn. Co. K--Sergeant Frank M. Rust; Private David Widman.

Second Virginia regiment.--Killed.--Co. A--Private Gustavius Steider, shot in the head. Co. G--First Lieutenant Sickman.

Wounded.--Co. D--Fourth Corporal John L. Heist, mortally. Co. C--Fourth Serg't Christ. Schweder, dangerously. Co. F--First Corporal James Stewart.

Slightly Wounded.--Co. A--Second Lieutenant O. R. West, in the knee. Private Samuel L. Reynolds, in shoulder. Co. D--Private M. B. Mnyson, shot through body. Co. G--Private William Hulville, in cheek.

Total killed20
Total wounded107
Total missing10

The foregoing is a true statement of facts, as they have occurred in the late battle at Camp Alleghany.

Yours, &c.,

J. S. H.

Wheeling Intelligencer account.

camp Elkwater, Va., Dec. 18, 1861.
on the 9th of December, an order was received from Headquarters, at Huttonville, for a portion of the Second Virginia to report at Cheat Mountain Summit immediately, or as soon as the weather and muddy roads would permit. About 2 o'clock P. M. of that day, detachments of Companies A, C, D, G, H, I, J and K, in all about two hundred and ninety men, under command of Major Owens, took up the line of march for the Summit, where we arrived at 9 o'clock, and were joined by detachments of the Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio, Ninth and Thirteenth Indiana regiments, [469] making a column of one thousand four hundred men at the Summit. The object of the expedition was explained to us, it being to clean out Camp Baldwin, situated on top of the Alleghany Mountains, distant from Cheat Mountain Summit about twenty-five miles.

On the 12th instant we left there, (the Summit,) and marched to the old camp of the rebels at Greenbrier, and there halted long enough to get supper and rest, where our force was divided, seven hundred going up the Greenbrier River, and a like number up the turnpike toward Staunton, where the two columns were to make the attack at 4 o'clock in the morning; but owing to the roughness of the road, and three miles of it up the mountain, much steeper than any part of Wheeling Hill, the column which your correspondent was with could not get up until about 8 o'clock in the morning, when we commenced the fight, on our side, by wounding two of the rebel pickets and killing one; our lines were formed, and forward, charge bayonets given; away we went, whooping like devils, within two hundred yards of the rebel intrenchments, when the fire became so hot that all had to take shelter behind logs, trees, and whatever else could be found. In this position we kept up a regular Indian fight for over four hours; toward the last the firing became so accurate, that if an inch of one's person was exposed, he was sure to catch it. At last came orders to draw off, which was done in tolerably good order. My opinion is that there were over three thousand rebels we had to fight, and at no time had we over two hundred and fifty men in the fight; opposed to this force was at least one thousand five hundred rebel muskets, and four or five pieces of artillery, among which was a thirty-two pounder.

Our loss in killed and wounded, I think, will reach nearly one hundred and fifty, and the rebel loss in killed alone, over two hundred. It was one of the hardest fought battles that has yet occurred in Western Virginia. The fight occurred in Highland County, seven miles from Monterey, from which place they (the rebels) received large reinforcements. I notice that some member of the Convention proposed to include Highland in the new State. I think if he had been at the fight he would accept the amendment to strike out that county.

The loss in the Second Virginia regiment is three killed and ten wounded--some mortally, though they have not died, and one missing. Among the killed was Lieut. Sickman, of the Plummer Guards, now Company G in the regiment. He was highly esteemed and a gallant officer. The rebel artillery was silenced four or five times by some boys of the Second, who annihilated one artillery company. There were many amusing incidents occurring during the fight, which, as I have spun this letter out to a considerable length, cannot be related here. From our column, which was composed of the Second Virginia and Ninth Indiana, all fought bravely, and were deserving of victory, but the odds were too great against us. I have just learned that the rebels contemplate attacking Elkwater in force. Let them come! The rebels also had a Second Virginia in the fight, and they were all fine-looking men, and well clothed. Our regiment was the last to leave the rebels. Considering that this was the first time we had been under fire, the men behaved well indeed. Major Milroy, of the Ninth Indiana, regardless of langer to himself, was everywhere encouraging the men during the fight.

Secession Narratives. Richmond Enquirer account.

Richmond, Dec. 16.
the news has reached this city, both officially and otherwise, of a brilliant triumph of our arms over the enemy, on Friday morning last, the 13th inst.

The scene of the conflict was on the top of the Alleghany Mountain where it is crossed by the turnpike road leading west from Staunton, through Monterey, to Cheat Mountain. This point is about fifteen miles beyond Monterey, and about ten miles this side of the battle of Greenbrier, on the 3d of October. The intrenched camp of the enemy on Cheat Mountain is about seven miles beyond the Greenbrier River, and therefore seventeen miles west of the scene of the battle on Friday last.

The troops of the enemy were supposed to number about five thousand, and supposed also to be under the orders of Gen. Reynolds, the same who commanded at Greenbrier. The troops on our side consisted of two Georgia regiments, Col. J. B. Baldwin's regiment of Virginia troops, and two Virginia battalions — the one commanded by Lieut.-Col. Hansbrough, of Taylor County, the other by Maj. Rogers, of Barbour County. There were also two field-batteries — the one commanded by Capt. Anderson, the other the battery of Capt. Rice. Our whole force numbered about two thousand, and were under the command of Col. Edward Johnson, of the Georgia troops, a native of Chester-field County, Va.

It has already been stated that our army had fallen back from their entrenched camp at Greenbrier River, the scene of their former glory, and that a portion of our troops had been transferred elsewhere. Encouraged by this, the enemy threw forward their column, and by a night march reached the present camp of our troops, on the Alleghany, on Friday morning. They commenced their attack about sunrise. The battle raged for seven hours, when the enemy, appalled by his heavy losses, and the total failure of his efforts, beat a final retreat.

On our side twenty men fell upon the field. The wounded and missing will amount, it is supposed, to a hundred men. The loss of the enemy was very great. Their ambulances were busy throughout the fight, and as their rear was unmolested, they carried off a vast number of killed and wounded. Notwithstanding, when [470] forced to yield in the field, they left a large number of their dead in our hands. Eighty had already been found, at the date of our reports.

Among the slain on our side, we are sorry to hear the name of Captain Anderson of the artillery. Lieut.-Col. Hansbrough is among the wounded, but, we are happy to hear, not dangerously.

Thus have the heroes of Greenbrier again taught the enemy a bloody lesson. On the river side and on the mountain top, twice has Reynolds sought to overpower them with superior numbers, and twice he has been driven back with shattered lines, and with heavy slaughter. This last failure has proved even far more disastrous than the first; and again have the brave soldiers, who have been enduring the hardships of the Virginia mountains, gladdened the hearts of their countrymen and added new glory to their own fame, by winning a victory of which our whole people will be proud.

For the particulars, as above narrated, we are indebted to a gentleman who came hither from Monterey after the news of the battle had reached there. Since writing it, we have obtained a copy of a despatch received here by the War Department. It is as follows:

Staunton, December 14.
A despatch from Col. Johnson states that the enemy attacked him yesterday, five thousand strong, but was repulsed with great loss, after an engagement of seven hours. The battle commenced at seven o'clock A. M. Johnson's force was twelve hundred.

W. W. Loring, Brigadier-General.

Another account.

camp Alleghany, Dec. 21, 1861.
Our boys are laughing heartily over the Yankees' published account of the battle of Alleghany. The following passage is really amusing: “The rebels set fire to their camp and retreated to Staunton. Our boys left the field in good order.” Why, my dear sirs, it would have done your heart good to have seen the scoundrels run! The road for three miles was covered with their knapsacks, canteens, blankets, hats, and haversacks, and the citizens from the country bring us the news that they were stricken with the most disgraceful panic. The villains vented their spleen upon an old woman living upon the Greenbank road, aged eighty-two years, by destroying her furniture, carrying off her provisions, and breaking up her cooking utensils. Col. Johnson sent her a sack of flour and some other articles. Their troops went back to Cheat Mountain in wild confusion, demoralized and dispirited. Nothing prevented their entire capture but the withdrawal of Col. Taliaferro's brigade from this line of operation.

We learn from our spies, and from men recently from Northwestern Virginia, that the enemy confess a loss, in killed, wounded, and missing, of over seven hundred men. Their dead bodies are still being found in the woods. Six were found yesterday, with their eyes picked out by the crows, and many more doubtless lie scattered through the dense forest.

Among the officers that distinguished themselves in the late battle was Major Boykin, who commanded the Thirty-first Virginia Regiment. He charged at the head of his men, cheered them on by his valor, and drove the enemy in confusion down the hill. Major Boykin is from Lewis County, a graduate of the Military Institute, and is quite a young man. He is the idol of his men. We learn that he has since been promoted to a lieutenant-colonelcy.

We daily expect a renewal of the attack upon our camp. The enemy, under the guidance of a tory named Slavin, have been reconnoitring our position, with the intention of cutting a road for artillery. A party has gone out to capture them, and I hope they may succeed, as Slavin is a great scoundrel, and guided the enemy in the attack on the 13th inst. If they head “old Johnson,” they may next head the devil.

T. S.

--Richmond Dispatch.

Richmond, Dec. 22.
A letter from Camp Alleghany states that in the bloody fight of the 13th, Col. Johnson appeared upon the field in citizen's dress, gave his commands in the most emphatic manner, and led the fierce charges in person. After the Yankees had been driven to the woods, the Lee battery, of Lynchburg, opened upon them with marked effect. Capt. B. P. Anderson, who commanded this battery, seeing a number of men partially concealed by fallen timber, supposed they were our pickets, and called out to them to come into the ditches. Hardly were the words out of his mouth, when a shower of musketry was poured upon him, and the noble old hero fell from his horse and died in about fifteen minutes. The command of the battery now devolved upon Lieut. W. W. Hardwicke, of Lynchburg, who directed the shots admirably, and exhibited much personal bravery. Capt. Miller's battery, from Rock bridge, opened upon the enemy in the thicket, with canister shot, and sent many a poor Hessian to his last account.

From another letter, addressed to a gentleman in this city, we glean the following incidents:

In the second charge, while leading in the front, Lieut. Lewis Thompson received a shot through his body and another in his arm, just as he had shouted, “Come on, my brave boys, follow me!” He fell into the arms of Col. Johnson, who says he was as brave a man as he ever saw.

Capt. Thompson also behaved with great gallantry. He was surrounded once, but extricated himself, receiving many bullets through his clothing, but sustaining no personal injury.

It is stated of Capt. Anderson, the veteran hero who fell early in the engagement, that this was his fifty-eighth battle.

Col. Johnson said on the battle-field, that he could storm Arlington Heights with ten thousand such troops as the boys from the Northwest, [471] Johnson was always in the thickest of the fight, sometimes with a club in his hand, but generally with a musket; and another officer has since remarked that he could load and shoot faster than any man he saw.

The enemy, in the early part of the engagement, got between our commissary stores and the Confederate troops, and afterward two dead Yankees were found close to our tents, who are said to have been shot by a sick man lying in one of them.

Many of our men had bullet-holes through their clothing, and it is miraculous that our list of killed and wounded is so small. Fifty-five of the enemy were buried by our men, and some of them recognized as “Union men” from Marion County, by their old neighbors. It is stated by one who saw a good many of the dead Hessians, that none of them were shot lower than the breast, and many through the heart.

A little hero named Musgrove, from Ritchie County, was shot through the arm by a man concealed behind a log. He immediately got a friend to load his musket, and, jumping over a pile of brush, shot the rascal who had wounded him, and secured his oil-cloth coat, with a name on it.

Every account which we have seen concurs in representing the rout of the enemy to have been complete, though it is not probable that we shall ever learn his actual loss.

--Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 23.

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Edward Johnson (9)
R. H. Milroy (6)
Isaiah B. McDonald (5)
James A. Jones (5)
J. J. Reynolds (4)
Bracken (4)
B. P. Anderson (4)
Samuel L. Reynolds (3)
B. S. Owens (3)
George W. Johnson (3)
Hugh Wilson (2)
Lewis Thompson (2)
Sickman (2)
William Shields (2)
Newland (2)
Harrison Myers (2)
Moody (2)
James Miller (2)
John D. Merriman (2)
Charles Latham (2)
Hansbrough (2)
Robert J. Hamilton (2)
John Hamilton (2)
Dobbs (2)
Derius Dirlam (2)
Charlesworth (2)
Boykin (2)
ZZZLat (1)
R. H. Wood (1)
Stephen Wilcox (1)
David Widman (1)
William White (1)
James White (1)
O. R. West (1)
Jonathan Ward (1)
Hiram A. Ward (1)
Hezekiah Thomas (1)
Christopher J. Thayer (1)
Taliaferro (1)
H. H. Swindler (1)
William Stinson (1)
Levi S. Stewart (1)
James Stewart (1)
Gustavius Steider (1)
Dennis Spencer (1)
Daniel S. Souders (1)
Song (1)
Archelam Snigo (1)
Isaac Smith (1)
James R. Sherwood (1)
Will Sharpe (1)
Lorenzo Shackler (1)
Erastus Sanders (1)
Levi Ryan (1)
Frank M. Rust (1)
C. H. Ross (1)
Levi Rogers (1)
Rigger (1)
Moris E. Richards (1)
John Richards (1)
George L. Rice (1)
John E. Rearich (1)
George W. Read (1)
John Randolph (1)
Samuel H. Prior (1)
Charles Prior (1)
Richard D. Phelps (1)
Walter H. Pangborn (1)
Levisone Packard (1)
Gilbert J. Ogden (1)
William O'Neil (1)
John Nelroman (1)
Musgrove (1)
Mollibon (1)
M. B. Mnyson (1)
Elijah Mitchell (1)
John B. Milroy (1)
Asa Meredith (1)
John MeKinly (1)
Henry Meek (1)
James McMullins (1)
Thomas R. McKay (1)
George W. Martin (1)
William J. Maher (1)
Thomas Madden (1)
N. C. Lovett (1)
W. W. Loring (1)
William J. Lockwood (1)
Sheppard Lewis (1)
Abraham Lessy (1)
E. Lam (1)
Perry Knowles (1)
Kirkpatrick (1)
Isaac Kirk (1)
Blair Kinkead (1)
G. L. J. King (1)
C. H. King (1)
Kilmer (1)
Benjamin Kenyon (1)
D. J. Kemp (1)
John Kath (1)
William Jones (1)
Thomas Jones (1)
Joseph P. Jones (1)
John (1)
Jacob (1)
William H. Jackson (1)
Isaac (1)
Andrew Hutchinson (1)
Benjamin F. Huntington (1)
William Hulville (1)
George Huid (1)
A. W. Huffman (1)
Joseph J. Hopton (1)
M. Honlert (1)
J. W. Holland (1)
Thomas B. Hess (1)
William Henthorn (1)
W. J. Henthorn (1)
Samuel Henry (1)
John L. Heist (1)
Haughton (1)
Enville A. Hasson (1)
Michael Harris (1)
H. Harrington (1)
W. W. Hardwicke (1)
George Haney (1)
Isaac Hamilton (1)
William Hackerthorn (1)
Joseph Gordon (1)
John C. Fuller (1)
August Fruh (1)
Edward Foster (1)
Matthew Fogen (1)
John D. Fisher (1)
Frederick Fisher (1)
John Ewalt (1)
William A. Durst (1)
John P. Durson (1)
Durbin (1)
Jonathan Dunn (1)
S. J. Drumm (1)
Doc (1)
Delong (1)
Marcus L. Decker (1)
William Day (1)
Henry Crowell (1)
Crowe (1)
Daniel J. Crooks (1)
J. O. Craven (1)
R. B. Compton (1)
J. R. Cole (1)
Daniel S. Coe (1)
Clinton (1)
William Clarke (1)
John Clarke (1)
Jesus Christ (1)
Charles (1)
William Chadwick (1)
Levi Butler (1)
John Burns (1)
William H. Brown (1)
William Brown (1)
Harper Brosens (1)
H. Briscoe (1)
Brent (1)
Charles C. Brant (1)
Thomas Boyne (1)
Bowlus (1)
James C. Bolan (1)
Privates Christian Bliss (1)
Elijah Beckett (1)
Charles Beck (1)
Cornelius S. Barrett (1)
William Barlo (1)
J. B. Baldwin (1)
John Bailey (1)
Askew (1)
Robert Anderson (1)
Charles H. Allen (1)
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