At a meeting of the loyal citizens of the
United States of America, held in
Jacksonville, East-
Florida, March twentieth, 1862, at half-past 10 o'clock A. M.,
C. L. Robinson, acting as
Chairman, and
O. L. Keene as
Col. Jno. S. Sammis,
Jno. W. Price,
S. F. Halliday,
Paran Moody, and
Philip Fraser were appointed a Committee to draft resolutions to lay before said meeting, the following being a true copy of the same, which were unanimously received and adopted:
We, the people of the city of
Jacksonville and its vicinity, in the county of
Duval, and
State of Florida, embraced within the territory and jurisdiction of the
United States of America, do hereby set forth our declaration of rights, and our solemn protest against the abrogation of the same by any pretended State or other authority:
We hold that government is a compact in which protection is the price of allegiance; that when protection is denied through weakness or design, allegiance is no longer due.
We hold that our established form of government cannot be changed or abrogated, except by the will of the people, intelligently and clearly expressed, and fairly ratified.
We hold that no State of the
United States has any legal or constitutional right to separate itself from the government and jurisdiction of the
United States.
We hold that the act of the Convention of the State of
Florida, commonly known as the Ordinance of Secession, is void, being in direct conflict with the
Constitution of the United States, and never having been submitted to the people for ratification.
We hold that the
State of Florida is an integral part of the
United States, and subject to the constitutional jurisdiction of the same, and we have reason to believe that thousands of her citizens would hail with joy the restoration of the authority of the
Government, bringing deliverance from the terrors of an unrestrained popular and military despotism.
We solemnly protest against all the acts and ordinances of the Convention of the State of
Florida, which were designed to deprive us of our rights as citizens of the
United States.
We protest against the despotism fostered by the
State and other authorities claiming jurisdiction over us, which has denied to us the rights most dear to freemen — freedom of speech and a free press.
We protest against the exactions which have been imposed upon us — forced contributions of money, property and labor, and enlistments for military service, procured by threats and misrepresentations.
We protest against the tyranny which demands of us, as a measure of revolutionary policy, the abandonment of our homes and property, and the exposure of our wives and children to sickness, destitution, gaunt famine, and innumerable and untold miseries and sorrows.
We protest against the mad and barbarous policy which has punished us for remaining in our own homes, by sending a brutal and unrestrained
soldiery to pillage and burn our property, and threaten and destroy our lives.
We protest against the denunciations of the
Governor, who threatens to hang us because we do not tamely submit to such indignities and “lick the hand just raised to shed our blood.”
From such a despotism, and from such dangers and indignities, we have been released by the restoration of the government of the
United States, with the benign principles of the
The reign of terror is passed, and law and order prevail in our midst.
It belongs now to the citizens of this State, who hold to their allegiance under the
Constitution of the United States, to reestablish a State government according to those provisions of the
Constitution of the
State which are not in conflict with or repugnant to the provisions of the
United States.
Be it, therefore,
Resolved, That we adopt the foregoing declaration of rights and protest, and recommend that a convention be called forthwith of all loyal citizens, for the purpose of organizing a State government for the
State of Florida.
Be it further resolved, That the chief of the proper military department of the
United States be requested to retain at this place a sufficient force to maintain order and protect the people in their persons and property.
All of which has been respectfully submitted.
I acknowledge the above to be a true copy.