Whereas, For the security and happiness of the people of the
State of Florida, it is necessary that a State government be formed, in accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution of the United States, and of the
State of Florida, as it existed previous to the passage of the ordinance of secession; therefore,
Resolved, That, in order to facilitate the formation of such a government, a convention of the people be called, to meet at the city of
Jacksonville, on the tenth day of April, 1862, to establish a State government, elect a Governor and other State officers, a representative to Congress, or, in their sovereign capacity, to provide therefor as they shall deem best for their interest.
Be it further resolved, That all the counties and precincts of the
State, which shall think proper, be requested to send delegates to said convention.
Be it further resolved, That the counties of
St. John,
Orange and
Brevard, be specially requested to send delegates to said convention.
Be it further resolved, That, under the benign influence of the
Government of the
United States, as it now exists over us, our property and lives are secure from the incendiary and assassin, and that we invite the citizens of the
State to return to their allegiance to the
United States, and enjoy the protection and peace which are now ours.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be distributed throughout the
State, as extensively as possible.
All of which has been respectfully submitted.