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The Plot against the President's life.--For a long time it was believed that an Italian barber of this city was the Orsini who undertook to slay President Lincoln on his journey to the capital in February, 1861, and it is possible he was one of the plotters; but it has come out on a recent trial of a man named Byrne in Richmond, that he was the captain of the band that was to take the life of Mr. Lincoln. This Byrne used to be a notorious gambler of Baltimore, and emigrated to Richmond shortly after the nineteenth of April, of bloody memory. He was recently arrested in Jeff Davis's capital on a charge of keeping a gambling-house and of disloyalty to the chief traitor's pretended government. Wigfall testified to Byrne's loyalty to the rebel cause, and gave in evidence that Byrne was the captain of the gang who were to kill Mr. Lincoln, and upon this evidence, it appears, he was let go.--Providence Journal, April 4.

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