Prices in Richmond.--The following advertisement appeared in the Enquirer:
paper — paper.--Just received, 100 Reams of superior Brown Colored paper, suitable for envelopes or wrapping purposes.
Size 24 by 38--40 lbs. to the ream.
Price, $80 per ream.
Apply at the Enquirer office.
Richmond Markets.
Oysters are selling in Richmond for $16 per gallon.
Flour, $120 a $150 per barrel.
Wheat, $16 to $20 per bushel.
Apples, $80 per barrel.
Bacon, $2.25 per pound.
Butter, $5.50 per pound.
Beans, $28 per bushel.
Cheese, $7 per pound.
Coffee, $11.50 per pound.
Whisky, $85 per gallon.
Sugar — Brown, $3.40; crushed, $5.50.
Vinegar, $6 per gallon.
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