Doc. 3. operations of the Twentieth army corps
Brigadier-General Jackson's Report.
headquarters First division, Twentieth corps, Savannah, Ga., December 31, 1864.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Twentieth Corps:
Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this division, from the time at which I was placed in command, to the time of the occupation of Savannah.
November 11th.--Pursuant to Special Orders No. 124, Headquarters Twentieth corps, I assumed command of the First division, Twentieth corps.
November 13th.--The Second brigade (Colonel E. A. Carman commanding) was ordered to proceed to a point on the Chattanooga Railroad, midway between the Chattahoochee Bridge and the city of Atlanta, and destroy the railroad track, each way. Colonel Carman reported that he destroyed three and a half miles.
November 15th.--Pursuant to orders previously received, the division having the advance of the corps, moved out of Atlanta at seven A. M., taking the road through Decatur, and encamping at night one and one half miles south-east of Stone Mountain.
The Second Massachusetts volunteers (Colonel Cogswell commanding) remained behind to destroy the public property in the city and accompany the Fourteenth corps until such time as it could rejoin its command.
Marched sixteen miles.
November 16th.--The division being ordered to march in the rear, did not break camp until two P. M. In the mean time the Third brigade (Colonel Robinson, commanding) moved to the Georgia Railroad, and destroyed two (2) miles of the track.
The road was hilly and rough, and the march consequently impeded by the several trains of the corps.
Crossed Yellow River, and encamped at ten P. M. near Rockbridge Post-Office.
Marched ten miles.
November 17th.--Marched at ten A. M., in the rear.
Crossed No Business, Big Haynes, and Little Haynes Creeks, and encamped for the night near Flat Creek, the rear of the division not getting up until after midnight. Distance, thirteen miles.
November 18th.--Marched at seven A. M., still having the rear of the corps.
Passed through Social Circle at noon, where we crossed to the south side of the Georgia Railroad.
After passing Social Circle, the road was good, and at ten P. M. the whole division was in camp within five (5) miles of Madison, having marched nineteen miles.
November 19th.--The division had charge of the entire wagon-train of the corps, the other two divisions having been assigned to other duty.
Marched at seven A. M., passing through Madison, and encamped four (4) miles south of that place.
Marched nine miles.
November 20th.--Broke camp at eight A. M., the division being in the rear and guarding one half of the trains of the Second division.
Considerable rain had fallen, which retarded the movement of the trains, so that the rear did not get into camp until eleven P. M. Encamped within four and a half miles of Eatonton, having marched fourteen miles.
November 21st.--Marched at seven A. M., still in the rear and having the same number of wagons to guard.
Passed through Eatonton at twelve M. On account of continued rain the roads were extremely muddy, and it was with the greatest labor that a portion of the trains could be got along.
Marched twelve miles.
November 22d.--Crossed Little River at nine A. M., the division having the advance.
The head of the column arrived within one mile of Milledgeville at two P. M.., having met with no opposition.
Here the command was halted, and, pursuant to orders from Major-General Slocum, commanding left wing, army of Georgia, the Third Wisconsin and One Hundred and Seventh New-York volunteers were sent forward to occupy as provost-guard, the city, Colonel Hawley, commanding Third Wisconsin volunteers, being appointed Post Commander.
The remainder of the division was then marched through the city across the Oconee River, where it encamped(, with right resting on that river.
Marched fourteen miles.
November 23d.--Pursuant to orders from headquarters of the corps, I ordered the First brigade (Colonel Selfridge commanding) to proceed to the Gordon and Milledgeville Railroad, and destroy the track.
Colonel Selfridge reported that he effectually destroyed five (5) miles of the track.
The remainder of my command remained in camp resting after their tedious marches.
November 24th.--Moved at seven A. M., having the advance.
Roads good.
Encamped at four P. M., having marched fifteen miles.
November 25th.--Moved at six A. M., having again the lead, reached Buffalo Swamp at eight A. M., found that the bridges, nine (9) in number, had been destroyed by enemy's cavalry, which delayed the column until two P. M. Encamped at four P. M., cavalry skirmishing in front.
Distance nine miles.
November 26th.--Marched at six A. M., the division still having the advance ; entered Sandersville at eleven A..M., having driven out the enemy's cavalry with my skirmish line.
Leaving the wagon-trains to be guarded by the Third division, my command marched to the Georgia Central
Railroad, at Tennille Station, and destroyed six (6) miles of track, the railroad depot, government warehouses, and three hundred and forty-two bales of cotton.
Marched nine miles.
November 27th.--Marched to Davisboro, sixteen miles.
November 28th-29th.--Destroyed the Georgia Central Railroad, from Davisboro to Bostwick Station, a distance of twenty miles, together with the depots and government buildings along that portion of the road, also two (2) saw-mills and lumber-yards, and four (4) large bridges framed and ready for use, estimated to contain one million five hundred thousand feet of lumber.
November 30th.--Crossed the Ogechee River, and joined the trains near Louisville, having marched eleven miles.
December 1st.--Moved at half-past 11 A. M., being the centre division in column.
Portion of the road very bad. The First brigade (Colonel Selfridge commanding) was, by order of Brigadier-General Williams, commanding corps, directed to report to General Ward, to assist in guarding the trains of the cavalry.
Encamped at eleven P. M. Marched ten miles.
December 2d.--Marched through Bardsville to Buckhead Church, thirteen miles. The First brigade reported back to the command.
December 3d.--Crossed the Waynesboro Railroad three (3) miles north of Millen.
The enemy having destroyed the bridges, the column was somewhat delayed.
Encamped on Home Creek at four P. M., having marched fifteen and a half miles, the division being in advance.
December 4th.--Division again in advance; crossed several streams ; country low ; marched fourteen miles.
December 5th.--Marched at five P. M., having waited in camp for the other divisions to pass.
The road was extremely bad, and but three (3) miles were made at eleven P. M., at which time the division went into camp.
December 6th.--Marched at seven A. M., still in the rear.
Roads very bad. Marched fourteen miles.
December 7th.--Moved at seven A. M., still in rear, and encamped at ten P. M.., near Springfield.
Country low and swampy, and roads bad. Marched fifteen miles.
December 8th.--Leaving the wagon-trains in charge of Third division, my command moved through Springfield in rear of Second division.
Marched sixteen miles.
December 9th.--My command moved in advance, coming into the main Savannah road shortly after leaving camp.
On arriving at Monteith Swamp about noon, the road was found very much obstructed by felled trees; beyond the portion of the road obstructed, the enemy had thrown up two redoubts, and in the more advanced one, had posted a piece of artillery, which commanded the road and prevented the removal of the obstructions.
Having ordered Colonel Selfridge (commanding First brigade) to occupy the attention of the enemy in front, I sent the Second brigade (Colonel Carman commanding) to the right of the road, with instructions to advance well around the enemy's left and endeavor to get in his rear.
At the same time I ordered Colonel Robinson, commanding Third brigade, to send three (3) regiments to the left of the road, to come up on the right flank of the enemy.
Owing to the nature of the ground — a rice-swamp-Carman's brigade was unable to reach the desired position before the regiments of the Third brigade had debouched from the woods on the right of the enemy's works.
The enemy fled after firing one volley, leaving their knapsacks and camp equipage, but succeeded in removing the piece of artillery.
Four (4) prisoners were captured.
My loss was one man killed and seven (7) wounded.
The distance marched was nine miles.
December 10th.--Struck the Charleston and Savannah Railroad at Monteith Station, ten miles from Savannah.
After destroying three (3) miles of the track, my command advanced toward Savannah, following the Third division.
When within five miles of the city, the enemy having been found in an intrenched position, by direction of the Brigadier-General commanding the corps, I placed my command in position with right resting on Savannah road. I then ordered Colonel Selfridge, whose brigade was on the left, to send a regiment with instructions to go, if possible, to the river.
Afterward, it having been reported that this regiment was meeting with resistance, I ordered Selfridge to reeinforce it with another regiment.
Owing, however, to the lateness of the hour at which the expedition started, it did not succeed in reaching the river.
On the eleventh I ordered a reconnoissance to be made in front of my line, consisting of two regiments of Carman's brigade, under command of Colonel Cogswell, Second Massachusetts volunteers, which developed the enemy's position and the nature of the intervening ground.
On the same day, by direction of the Brigadier-General commanding the corps, I directed Colonel Carman to send one regiment to Argyle Island to secure the stories and hold the rice-mills upon the Island.
Pursuant to orders from headquarters of the corps, I also directed Colonel Robinson (commanding Third brigade) to send three regiments to the rear to protect the trains; and on the thirteenth, Colonel Robinson was directed to take the remainder of his brigade to the same position.
On the fifteenth, the Second Massachusetts volunteers, Colonel Cogswell commanding, was ordered to report with his regiment to Colonel Hawley, on Argyle Island, and on the next day, pursuant to orders from headquarters of the corps, I directed Colonel Carman to move the remaining regiments of his brigade to Argyle Island, and from thence to the South-Carolina shore.
Owing to the want of boats, the passage to the Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Perkins, Assistant Adjutant-General, Twentieth Corps: