Doc. 8. operations of the Fifteenth army corps.
Rfport of General Hazen.
headquarters Second division, Fifteenth army corps, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 9, 1865.
To the A. A. General Fifteenth Army Corps, present:
I have the honor to report the operations of this division since my last official report was furnished, as follows:
From that date till October fourth, it remained in camp at East-Point, Ga. At nine A. M., it marched for Ruff's Mills, across the Chattahoochee, continuing the march to a point three and a half miles south-west of Marietta, where it arrived on the fifth, remaining till the eighth, when it moved three miles north of Marietta, where it remained till the evening of the tenth, when it march toward Rome via Allatoona.
At that point, Colonel Fowler's brigade (the Third) was put on cars and sent forward.
The division arrived at Rome the twelfth, and next day marched toward Resaca, reaching that place, and passing through it and Snake Gap on the fifteenth.
We passed Villanow on the sixteenth, and stopped for the night in Ship's Gap, on Taylor's Ridge.
On the seventeenth, we moved to La Fayette, and on the eighteenth, to Summerville; on the nineteenth, to Alpine, and on the twentieth, to Gaylesville, and on the twenty-first, moved out seven miles on Little River, and went into camp, where we remained till the twenty-fourth, when the division, with the First of this corps, went in the direction of Gadsden on a reconnoissance.
On the twenty-fifth, this division having been left in reserve at Blount's Farm, was ordered forward to form on the right of the First division, which was five miles in our front, deployed, and sharply engaging the enemy with artillery, from points considerably in front of the infantry-line.
Taking a right-hand road, Colonel Wells S. Jones's brigade was deployed while marching, and moving forward without any halt, or use of any artillery, Wheeler's entire force was driven from a strong line of rail-works, and to a point near the town of Gadsden.
There were four men wounded in this affair.
The division returned to its former camp on Little River, where it remained till the twenty-ninth, when it crossed the Chattooga, and took up its march in the direction of Atlanta, arriving at Cave Springs the thirty-first.
Number of miles marched during the month, two hundred and seventy.
Number of casualties, four.
The march was resumed November first, and on the fifth, the division arrived at Smyrna Camp-Ground, near the Chattahoochee, where it remained, receiving payment and breaking up railroad, till the thirteenth, when it moved across Turner's Ferry, and to Whitehall, two miles west of Atlanta.
On the fifteenth of November, every preparation being completed, this division, with the army, broke camp at Atlanta and set out upon its march through Georgia.
It then numbered an effective strength of four thousand four hundred and twenty-six officers and men, and was composed of seventeen regimental organizations.
Its three brigade commanders being, Colonels John M. Oliver, Fifteenth Michigan; Wells S. Jones, Fifty-third Ohio; and Theodore Jones, Thirtieth Ohio.
The troops moved rapidly, passing through McDonough the seventeenth, Indian Springs the eighteenth, crossing the Ocmulgee the nineteenth, at Roach's Mills, reaching Hillsboro the twentieth, and Clinton the twenty-first, where Colonel Theodore Jones's brigade was left to cover the Macon roads till the next division arrived.
Some skirmishing took place here, with a few casualties.
On the twenty-second, the Macon and Augusta Railroad was crossed, and the march continued, passing Irwinton the twenty-fourth, and the Oconee River, at Bull's Ferry, the twenty-fifth.
The enemy was found on the opposite bank, and two regiments deployed to develop them.
On the morning of the twenty-sixth, they had left, and preparations were at once made to cross, which was commenced by eleven A. M.
The march was resumed without loss of time; passing Irwin's Cross-Roads the twenty-seventh, we moved toward Sunmmertown, through continuous pine forests, crossing several low marshy branches of the Ohoopee, reaching Summertown the thirtieth.
The number of miles marched this month, two hundred and seventy-five.
Number of casualties, eleven.
On December first, the march was resumed in the direction of Statesboro, along the right bank of the Ogeechee River.
The remainder of the march was much impeded by low broad marshes, which it was invariably found necessary to corduroy.
From Summertown to the Cannouchee River, which was reached the seventh, the Third division, General John E. Smith, with my own, formed a column, under my command, and was somewhat exposed to annoyance from the enemy endeavoring to reach Savannah from the west, before us. On the third, the Fifty-third
Ohio lost by capture a foraging-party of one officer and eleven men.
On the fourth, near Statesboro, the foragers met a brigade of the enemy's cavalry endeavoring to join Wheeler; were attacked by them, and driven to the main column, losing by capture twenty-seven, and by wounds, eight.
The enemy lost two killed and two captured.
The enemy defended the crossing of the Cannouchee with infantry and two pieces of artillery, having burned the bridge.
During the night of the eighth, the enemy retired, and the bridge being repaired, at eleven A. M. the ninth, two brigades were crossed, one pushed to King's Bridge, the other to a point on the Gulf Railroad about six miles from King's Bridge, which was reached, and much of the road destroyed toward the river, by night, including the bridge.
On the tenth, the division re-crossed the Cannouchee, moving to and crossing the Ogeechee at Dillon's Ferry, and proceeding to near the Anderson plantation, nine miles from Savannah.
On the twelfth, the division moved back to King's Bridge, it having received orders to cross the Ogeechee there, and move down its right bank to Fort McAllister, and capture it.
At daybreak the thirteenth, the troops were put in motion, reaching the vicinity of McAllister at about eleven A. M. About one mile from the Fort a picket was captured, revealing the whereabouts of a line of torpedoes across the road.
Some time was lost in safely removing them, when, leaving eight regiments at that point, nine were carried forward to about six hundred yards from the Fort, and deployed, with a line of skirmishers thrown sufficiently near the Fort to keep the gunners from working their guns with any effect; those firing to the rear being in barbette.
The grounds to the right of the Fort being marshy, cut through by deep streams, rendered the deployment of that part of the line slow and difficult, and was not completely effected till forty-five minutes past four P. M., at which time, every officer and man of the nine regiments being instructed what to do, the bugle sounded the forward, and at precisely five o'clock the Fort was carried.
The troops were deployed in our line as thin as possible, the result being that no man in the assault was struck till they came to close quarters.
Here the fighting became desperate and deadly.
Just outside the works, a line of torpedoes had been placed, many of which were exploded by the tread of the troops, blowing many men to atoms; but the line moved on without checking, over, under, and through abattis, ditches, palisading, and parapet, fighting the garrison through the Fort to their bomb-proofs, from which they still fought, and only succumbed as each man was individually overpowered.
Our losses were, twenty-four officers and men killed, and one hundred and ten officers and men wounded.
Captain John H. Groce, Thirtieth Ohio, an officer of many rare and valuable qualities, and who led the first assault on Vicksburgh, was killed; and Colonel Wells S. Jones, Fifty-third Ohio, commanding brigade, severely wounded.
The regiments most conspicuous in their gallantry, were the Seventieth, Forty-seventh, and Thirtieth Ohio.
All the rest performed their duty equally well.
After the proper commander of the Second brigade fell, Colonel James S. Martin, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois, assumed command of it, led it in the assault, rendering distinguished service.
Colonel A. C. Parry, Forty-seventh Ohio, and Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips, Seventieth Ohio, were also conspicuous in their performance of duty.
Major Thomas T. Taylor, Forty-seventh Ohio, Acting Judge-Advocate of this division, preferring to serve with his regiment in the campaign, was severely wounded while fighting in the Fort.
The captures were as follows: The garrison, including killed, two hundred and fifty men and officers; twenty-four pieces of ordnance, with their equipments; forty tons of ammunition; a month's supply of food for the garrison; the small-arms of the command; all the animals and equipments of a light battery; the horses of the officers, and a large amount of private stores, placed in the Fort for safety.
To my entire staff especial praise is due, for their faithful and efficient conduct during the entire campaign.
After the fall of McAllister, the division was directed to destroy the Gulf Railroad for a distance of twenty miles west of the Ogeechee, which it proceeded to do in the most thorough manner, completing the work December twenty-first.
I would respectfully call attention to accompanying reports of brigade commanders.
Also to drawing of Fort McAllister, and a map of the country passed over.
The supply-train of this division on leaving Atlanta consisted of eighty-three six-mule wagons.
I transferred to other commands, after reaching the vicinity of this place, twenty-two thousand rations.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, To the A. A. General Fifteenth Army Corps, present:
W. B. Hazen, Brigadier-General.
General Corse's Report.
headquarters Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, Rome, Ga., October 27, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of operations of this division since the twenty-fifth day of September, 1864, at which time two brigades of the division were lying at East-Point, Georgia, with the troops of our corps and department.
The Third brigade, Colonel Richard Rowett commanding, garrisoned Rome, Georgia, on the twenty-sixth of September, ultimo.
In pursuance to orders from Major-General Howard, I moved that portion of the division at East-Point to Rome via Atlanta, where we obtained transportation, and arrived
in Rome on the twenty-seventh of September, at two A. M. The Special Order No. 217, headquarters department and army of the Tennessee, directed that, on reaching Rome, I should unite the division, and be prepared to act against any force that might attempt to threaten Bridgeport from the direction of Gadsden.
Verbal instructions from General Sherman, received while passing through Atlanta, indicated in addition, that the division was placed at Rome in observation, ready at all times to strike in any direction the enemy might be discovered taking.
The commanding officer at Rome was relieved on the twenty-ninth, and I assumed command at once, bending all energies to organizing, drilling, and equipping the command for rapid work.
The First Alabama cavalry, Colonel George E. Spencer commanding, was ordered to report to me, and the Ninth Illinois mounted infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel L. P. Hughes commanding, which came from East-Point with us together, furnished an excellent mounted brigade for offensive operations and reconnoissances.
The lines were sealed against citizens, the earthworks overhauled and new ones commenced, and such disposition made of the troops as would insure safety and comfort to the command.
On the twenty-ninth, a telegram was received from General Sherman, intimating that Hood was crossing the Chattahoochee, in the direction of Blue Mountain, and directed me to watch well for the appearance of infantry in or about Cedartown.
Spies and scouts were sent out in every direction, frequent reconnoissances made with the cavalry, and no positive information gained of the enemy, except the whereabouts and movement of their cavalry, and that Hood had crossed a part, if not all his force, over the Chattahoochee.
I ascertained, on the second instant, that the enemy's cavalry had destroyed the railroad at or near Big Shanty, that Wheeler was at Villanow, and had sent a detachment to assault Dalton, which sent in a summons to surrender, but did not await to attack.
Later in the day a train was captured near Acworth, and the road torn up three miles south of Allatoona, and on the following day, (October third,) General Sherman ordered me to suspend a movement I contemplated, stating that Hood was gradually developing his plans, which were of a very extensive character.
At noon, on the fourth instant, they were sufficiently discovered to induce General Sherman to signal from Kenesaw (telegraph communication having been destroyed) that Hood was moving on Allatoona, thence to Rome.
Large fires were discovered from the Allatoona Heights along the track toward Big Shanty.
In short, there remained no doubt of Hood's entire army being near the railroad, north of Kenesaw.
My command was in readiness to move in the morning, either on Wheeler, if he should attempt to pass south, or to the assistance of General Raum, at Cartersville or Allatoona, in case these place were threatented.
At the request of General Raum for reenforcements, I telegraphed to Kingston for cars, intending sending a brigade to Cartersville, to be placed at his disposal; but another signal from Sherman, directing me to move at once with my whole command, changed the programme, and I immediately got ready to move to Allatoona with the division, as soon as the cars arrived at Kingston.
The train, in moving down to Rome, threw some fourteen or fifteen cars off the track, and threatened to delay us till the morning of the fifth, but the activity of the officers and railroad employes enabled me to secure a train of twenty cars, about seven P. M., of the fourth.
On to them I loaded three regiments of Colonel Rowett's brigade, and a portion of the Twelfth Illinois infantry, with about one hundred and sixty-five thousand rounds of ammunition, and started for Allatoona at half-past 8 P. M., where we arrived at one A. M., on the morning of the fifth instant, immediately disembarked, and started the train back with instructions to get the balance of the brigade, and as many of the next brigade as they could carry, and return by daylight.
They unfortunately met with an accident that delayed them, so as to deprive me of any reenforcements until about nine P. M. of the fifth.
In justice to Messrs. Drake and Hughes, gentlemen stationed at Kingston, connected with the railroad, I would state that the late freshets had carried away the bridge at Resaca, about the time the railroad was destroyed south of Allatoona,leaving between the two points but two locomotives and very few cars; that the road had washed, so as to cause the track to spread frequently, and that they and their employes were in no wise responsible for the accidents that delayed me, and finally deprived me of the much-needed reenforcements.
The ammunition being unloaded, and the train sent back for reenforcements, accompanied by Colonel Tourtelotte, the Post Commandant, I rode around and inspected the ground, and made such disposition of the troops as in my judgment was necessary to hold the place until daylight.
I then learned from Colonel Tourtelotte, that the garrison embraced the Fourth Minnesota infantry, four hundred and fifty men, Major J. C. Edson commanding; Ninety-third Illinois infantry, two hundred and ninety men, Major Fisher commanding; seven companies Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, one hundred and fifty men, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson commanding; Twelfth Wisconsin battery, six guns, Lieutenant Amsdon commanding — furnishing a force of eight hundred and ninety men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Tourtelotte, Fourth Minnesota volunteer infantry.
I took with me, of Rowett's brigade, of this division, eight companies Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry, two hundred and eighty men, Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield commanding; nine companies Seventh Illinois infantry, two hundred and ninety-one men, Lieutenant-Colonel Pewin commanding; eight companies Fiftieth Illinois infantry, two hundred and sixty-seven men, Lieutenant-Colonel Hanna commanding; two companies Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, sixty-one men, Captain Vanstienburg commanding;
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To which I made the following reply:sir: I have placed the forces under my command in such positions, that you are surrounded, and to avoid a needless effusion of blood, I call on you to surrender your forces at once and unconditionally. Five minutes will be allowed you to decide. Should you accede to this, you will be treated in the most honorable manner as prisoners of war. I have the honor to be, very respectfully yours,S. G. French, Major-General Commanding Forces C. S.
I then hastened to my different commands, informing them of the object of the flag, etc., my answer, and the importance and necessity of their preparing for hard fighting. I directed Colonel Rowett to hold the spur, on which the Thirty-ninth Iowa and Seventh Illinois were formed; sent Colonel Tourtelotte over to the east hill, with orders to hold it to the last, sending to me for reenforcements, if needed. Taking two companies of the Ninety-third Illinois down a spur parallel with railroad and along the brink of the cut, so disposed them as to hold the north side as long as possible. Three companies of the Ninety-third, which had been driven in from the west end of the ridge, were distributed in the ditch south of the redoubt, with instructions to keep the town well covered by their fire and watch the depot, where were stored over a million rations. The remaining battalion, under Major Fisher, lay between the redoubt and Rowett's line, ready to reenforce wherever most needed. I had hardly issued the incipient orders, when the storm broke in all its fury on the Thirty-ninth Iowa and Seventh Illinois. Young's brigade of Texans, one thousand nine hundred strong, had gained the west end of the ridge, and moved with great impetuosity along its crest, till they struck Rowett's command, where they received a severe check; but, undaunted, they came again and again. Rowett, reenforced by the Ninety-third Illinois, and aided by the gallant Redfield, encouraged me to hope we were safe here, when I observed a brigade of the enemy, under General Sears, moving from the north, its left extending across the railroad. I rushed to the two companies of the Ninety-third Illinois, which were on the brink of the cut running north from the redoubt and parallel with the railroad, they having been reenforced by the retreating pickets, and urged them to hold on to the spur; but it was of no avail. The enemy's line of battle swept us like so much chaff, and struck the Thirty-ninth Iowa in flank, threatening to engulf our little band without further ado. Fortunately for us, Colonel Tourtelotte's fire caught Sears in flank, and broke him so badly as to enable me to get a staff-officer over the cut with orders to bring the Fiftieth Illinois over to reenforce Rowett, who had lost very heavily. However, before the regiment sent for could arrive, Sears and Young both rallied, and made their assaults in front and on the flank with so much vigor and in such force, as to break Rowett's line, and had not the Thirty-ninth Iowa fought with the desperation it did, I never would have been able to get a man back into the redoubt. As it was, their hand-to-hand conflict and stubborn stand broke the enemy to that extent, he must stop and reform, before undertaking the assault on the fort. Under cover of the blow they gave the enemy, the Seventh and Ninety-third Illinois, and what remained of the Thirty-ninth Iowa, fell back into the fort. The fighting up to this time (about eleven A. M.) was of a most extraordinary character. Attacked from the north, from the west, and from the south, these three regiments, Thirty-ninth Iowa, Seventh and Ninety-third Illinois, held Young's [180] and a portion of Sears's and Cockeral's brigades at bay for nearly two hours and a half. The gallant Colonel Redfield, of the Thirty-ninth Iowa, fell shot in four places, and the extraordinary valor of the men and officers of this regiment, and of the Seventh Illinois, saved to us Allatoona. So completely disorganized was the enemy, that no regular assault could be made on the fort, till I had the trenches all filled, and the parapets lined with men. The Twelfth Illinois and Fiftieth Illinois arriving from the east hill, enabled us to occupy every foot of trench and keep up a line of fire that, as long as our ammunition lasted, would render our little fort impregnable. The broken pieces of the enemy enabled them to fill every hollow and take every advantage of the rough ground surrounding the fort, filling every hole and trench, seeking shelter behind every stump and log that lay within musketrange of the fort. We received their fire from the north, south, and west face of the redoubt, completely in face of the murderous fire of the enemy now concentrated upon us. The artillery was silent for want of ammunition, and a brave fellow, whose name I regret having forgotten, volunteered to cross the cut, which was under fire of the enemy, and go to the fort on the east hill and procure some ammunition. Having executed his mission successfully, he returned in a short time with an arm-load of canister and caseshot. About half-past 2 P. M., the enemy were observed massing a force behind a small house and the ridge on which the house was located, distant north-west from the fort about one hundred and fifty yards. The dead and wounded were moved aside, so as to enable us to move a piece of artillery to an embrasure commanding the house and ridge. A few shots from the gun threw the enemy's column into great confusion, which, being observed by our men, caused them to rush to the parapet and open such a heavy and continuous musketry-fire that it was impossible for the enemy to rally. From this time until near four P. M., we enfilading our ditches and rendering it almost impracticable for a man to expose his person above the parapet, an effort was made to carry our work by assault, but the battery (Twelfth Wisconsin) was so ably manned and so gallantly fought as to render it impossible for a column to live within one hundred yards of the work. Officers labored constantly to stimulate the men to exertion, and most all that were killed or wounded in the fort met their fate while trying to get the men to expose themselves above the parapet and nobly setting them the example. The enemy kept up a constant and intense fire, gradually closing around us and rapidly filling our little fort with the dead and dying. About one P. M., I was wounded by a rifle-ball, which rendered me insensible for some thirty or forty minutes, but managed to rally on hearing some person or persons cry, “Cease firing!” which conveyed to me the impression that they were trying to surrender the fort. Again I uged my staff, the few officers left unhurt, and the men around me, to renewed exertion, assuring them that Sherman would soon be there with reenforcements. The gallant fellows struggled to keep their heads above the ditch and parapet, had the advantage of the enemy, and maintained it with such success that they were driven from every position, and finally fled in confusion, leaving the dead and wounded and our little garrison in possession of the field. The hill east of the cut was gallantly and successfully defended by Colonel Tourtelotte with that portion of the Third division, Fifteenth army corps, that fell back from the town early in the morning. Not only did they repulse the assaults made upon them, but rendered me valuable aid in protecting my north front from the repeated assaults made by Sears's brigade. Colonel Tourtelotte and his entire garrison are deserving of the highest praise, and I take especial pleasure in recommending that gallant officer for promotion. Colonel Richard Rowett, Seventh Illinois veteran infantry, commanding Third brigade of the division, manifested such zeal, intrepidity, and skill as to induce us all to feel that to his personal efforts we owe in an eminent degree the safety of the command. Twice wounded, he clung tenaciously to his post and fully earned the promotion I so cheerfully recommend may be awarded him. The gallant dead, whose loss carries grief to so many households, have left an imperishable memory, and the names of Redfield, Blodgett, and Ayres must prove as immortal as the holy cause for which they sacrificed their lives. I saw so many individual instances of heroism, that I regret I cannot do them justice and render the tribute due each particular one. I can only express in general terms the high satisfaction and pride I entertain in having been with and amongst them on that occasion. I respectfully call your attention to the accompanying reports of regimental and detachment commanders, also the tabular statement of losses. We buried two hundred and thirty-one rebel dead, captured four hundred and eleven prisoners, three stands of colors, and about eight hundred stand of arms. Among the prisoners brought in was Brigadier-General Young, who estimates the enemy's loss at two thousand, killed, wounded, and missing. To my personal staff, Captain M. R. Flint, First Alabama cavalry, and Lieutenant A. P. Venegham, Fifty-second Illinois infantry volunteers, I tender my heartiest thanks and congratulations for their distinguished bearing and efficient services during the entire engagement; also to Lieutenant William Ludlow, Chief Engineer Twentieth army corps, who, sent to Rome to superintend the works there, arrived as we were leaving, and volunteered as an aid for the [181] expedition: he rendered, with the other gentlemen above mentioned, valuable services, and manifested a personal courage and zeal deserving high praise.headquarters Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, Allatoona, Ga., 8.30 A. M., October 5, 1864.Your communication demanding surrender of my command, I acknowledge receipt of, and respectfully reply that we are prepared for the “needless effusion of blood,” whenever it is agreeable to you. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major-General S. G. French, C. S. Army, etc.:John M. Corse, Brigadier-General Commanding Forces U. S.
John M. Corse, Brigadier-General Commanding. Captain Frederick Whitehead, Assistant Adjutant-General, Fifteenth Army Corps, in the Field.
Lieutenant-Colonel Martin's Report.
headquarters First brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, Rome, Ga., October 10, 1864.
Captain L. H. Everts, Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Captain: I have the honor to submit, in compliance with circular from your headquarters of this date, the following report of the part taken by the regiments of this command in the engagement at Allatoona, Georgia, October fifth, 1864, and also of the marches connected with the movement:
Although this command, in obedience to orders from General Corse, commanding division, was in readiness to move the night of the fourth instant, the train that was to convey this brigade to Allatoona, owing to an accident, did not arrive to this place until nearly nine P. M. the. sixth instant, and then there were only seven (7) cars--three box-cars, two platform-cars, and two cabooses.
Two companies of the Seventh Iowa infantry were immediately embarked with the Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, of the Third brigade, and forwarded to the break in the railroad.
On the return of the train at twelve M., the remainder of the Seventh Iowa infantry, Major Samuel Mahon commanding, and four companies of the Fifty-second Illinois infantry, under command of Major W. Boyd, were sent forward.
At three P. M., the train returned, and the remaining five companies of the Fifty-second Illinois infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Bowen commanding, and five companies of the Sixty-sixth Indiana infantry, Captain D. M. Jordan commanding, were immediately embarked.
I accompanied this train, leaving Captain Morris, Sixty-sixth Indiana infantry, to bring forward the remainder of the Sixty-sixth Indiana and the Second Iowa infantry, Captain John A. Duckworth commanding.
I reached the break in the road at five P. M., and found that the Seventh Iowa infantry and the four companies of the Fifty-second Illinois infantry, under command of Major W. Boyd, of the latter regiment, had embarked on the train from Kingston, as I had previously ordered, and were on their way to Allatoona.
At nine P. M., the remainder of the brigade reached me from Rome, and after waiting until half-past 11 P. M., the train returned from Cartersville to convey the remainder of my command there.
I immediately embarked and pushed forward as rapidly as possible, reaching Cartersville at daybreak.
After stopping a moment to confer with General Raum, commanding at Cartersville, I pushed forward again until a break in the road was reached.
This was soon repaired, as well as the telegraph line, and the train moved forward, reaching Allatoona about ten A. M. Here I found the Seventh Iowa and the four companies of the Fifty-second Illinois, who had reached the place the evening before.
I remained at the place with the command until the seventh instant, when, in obedience to orders from General Corse, commanding division, the command prepared to move back to Cartersville.
At three P. M., the command was on the road leading to Cartersville, which place was reached about half-past 5 P. M., the command encamping south of the town.
The eighth instant, at ten A. M., the command moved forward on the road leading to Kingston, which place was reached at five P. M., distance marched eleven miles. The ninth instant, the command moved at daylight on the road leading to Rome, arriving here at twelve M., marching a distance of fourteen miles.
I have no casualties to report, as none of my command was engaged with the enemy.
I have the honor to be, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Captain L. H. Everts, Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Roger Martin, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Brigade.
Lieutenant-Colonel Tourtelotte's Report.
headquarters post Allatoona, October 7, 1864.
Lieutenant A. P. Vaughn, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Lieutenant: For some two days previous to the fifth of October, instant, the enemy had been operating in this vicinity, especially on the railroad to the southward, but not till the evening of October fourth did they make any demonstration against this point.
It then became evident that they proposed to attack the place in the morning.
The garrison here consisted of the Ninety-third Illinois infantry, two hundred and ninety guns, Major Fisher commanding; seven companies of the Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, one hundred and fifty guns, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson commanding; the Fourth Minnesota infantry, four hundred and fifty guns, Major J. C. Edson commanding; the Twelfth Wisconsin battery, six guns, Lieutenant Amsdon commanding, and fifteen men of the Fifth Ohio cavalry.
Of the effective force of the Fourth Minnesota infantry, one hundred and eighty-five were recruits, just received from the North.
My first unpleasant apprehensions were, that the rebels would make a night attack, and taking advantage of the darkness, deprive me of the advantage of position, the fortifications of this place all being on the high ridge, while the stores are collected on the flat land at the hill's base and on the south side, from which direction the rebels were approaching.
To prevent such approach, I strengthened the grand guard, barricaded the roads to the south, and made preparations to fire a building, which should so illuminate the site of the village and stores, that my men could see, even in the night, to a considerable extent, any approach of the
In this way I hoped to hold the rebels till daylight, when we should have the full advantage of our superior position.
About twelve o'clock midnight, I was not a little relieved by the arrival of General Corse with one brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps.
About two o'clock A. M. of October fifth, the rebels charged upon my picket-lines, and drove the out-posts back upon the reserves.
I immediately sent Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, to deploy his command and hold the rebels, approaching on the Acworth and Dallas roads, until further orders.
This he did successfully, remaining on the line until the rebels had wholly outflanked and rendered his position worthless.
When he moved back into the fortifications, I placed the Fourth Minnesota infantry in the fortifications on the east side of the railroad; five companies of the Ninety-third Illinois infantry, in the fortifications on the west side of the railroad; and five companies of the Ninety-third Illinois, I sent out to hold a commanding point on the road leading to Pumpkinvine Creek.
About half-past 6 A. M., the rebels opened on us with artillery, with which they kept up a fierce and continuous fire for more than an hour, when it temporarily and partially ceased.
At about half-past 8 o'clock A. M., the rebel infantry moved upon us, their line extending from the railroad south of our position around on the west, to a considerable distance over and beyond the railroad on the north.
General Corse ordered two regiments of his division, the Twelfth and Fiftieth Illinois infantry, into the works east of the railroad, and with those regiments, together with the Fourth Minnesota infantry, he directed me to hold the position.
About half an hour afterward, General Corse, to cover a necessary movement, ordered to the west side of the railroad, one of the regiments left with me. By some error in communicating the order, both the Twelfth and Fiftieth Illinois regiments moved to the other side of the railroad, leaving the Fourth Minnesota infantry to contend against the troops advancing directly upon us from the north.
This, from our great advantage of position, we were able to do, and also, to assist greatly the troops on west side of railroad against rebels charging on them from the north and north-west.
About half-past 10 A. M., Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson brought four companies of his regiment, Eighteenth Wisconsin, to the assistance of the Fourth Minnesota infantry, the other three companies of his command, under Captain Bumer, having some time before moved back into the fort on west side of railroad.
The detachment of Ninety-third Illinois infantry sent out on the Pumpkinvine Creek road, were moved back into the fortifications about ten A. M. There was no further movement of my command.
From the commencement of the attack, the contest was never for one moment intermittent.
The rebels moved forward with boldness and perseverance, and at length, when they did withdraw, at about three P. M., they had been so broken in the contest, they withdrew as individuals and not as organizations.
The rebel loss has been heavy.
With the conduct of my command I am satisfied.
Officers commanding regiments and batteries labored bravely and faithfully.
The whole command seemed determined to hold the place at any cost, and many brave deeds I saw that day. I have to thank the officers and men of my command for the earnestness with which they did their duty, and especially do we all most heartily express our thanks to General Corse and his command, for the opportune arrival and heroic conduct.
My losses are considerable, and areas follows: Ninety-third Illinois infantry: killed, twenty-one; wounded, fifty-two; missing, ten. Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry: killed, one; wounded, nine; missing, two. Fourth Minnesota infantry: killed, eleven; wounded, thirty-three. Twelfth Wisconsin battery: killed, five; wounded, fifteen.
Detachment Fifth Ohio cavalry: wounded, one.
Total loss, one hundred and sixty.
Some seventy or eighty prisoners were brought in by my command, and the Fourth Minnesota infantry brought in two rebel flags.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieutenant A. P. Vaughn, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Lieutenant-Colonel Perrin's Report.
headquarters Seventh Illinois veteran infantry volunteers, Rome, Geo Gia, October 15, 1864.
Lieutenant A. Flansburg, Assistant Adjutant-General Third Brigade:
sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Seventh Illinois veteran infantry volunteers in the battle at Allatoona Pass, October fifth, 1864.
In compliance with orders from Colonel R. Rowett, commanding Third brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, on the fourth of October, 1864, I had my command in readiness to move at a moment's notice.
At about six o'clock P. M., I was ordered to proceed to the railroad depot to get aboard the train, and to leave one company (company D) to report for duty to Major Johnson, commander post of Rome.
The remaining nine companies, numbering two hundred and ninety-one muskets and eight musicians, got on board the train with the Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry, Fiftieth Illinois infantry, two companies of the Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, and the Twelfth Illinois infantry, under command of Brigadier-General J. M. Corse; left Rome at about nine o'clock P. M., and arrived at Allatoona a little after midnight. After disembarking, I was ordered to take my position on the left of the railroad, south of the depot.
About two o'clock A. M., I was ordered to form line of battle, some two hundred yards in front of my former position, with the right of my command resting on the railroad.
At about three o'clock A. M., I received orders to move my command on the right of the railroad, with the left resting on the railroad, and the right resting on some buildings.
A little after daybreak I received orders from Colonel R. Rowett, to throw two companies as skirmishers in front of my command, and to retire slowly to the fort on the hill, leaving one other company in town to cover the retreat of the skirmishers, if necessary.
I was then ordered to take possession of a line of rifle-pits near the Cartersville road, with my right resting on that road and joining with the Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry.
At about half-past 8 o'clock A. M, the enemy advanced against our lines on the Cartersville road.
I therefore sent for my skirmishers, (three companies,) which were still on the right of the railroad and in town.
They arrived as the enemy was charging our lines most furiously, and enabled, by their timely assistance, a portion of the Thirty-ninth Iowa to regain possession of a line of rifle-pits, from which they had been driven.
After a long-contested struggle, the right of the line gave way before a vastly superior force, which movement compelled my command to abandon their rifle-pits and retreat to the fort.
With a portion of it, I fled into the riflepits around the fort, and another portion entered into the fort, where the fighting was kept on until half-past 2 o'clock P. M., when the enemy retreated.
The loss sustained by my regiment are as follows: (37) thirty-seven killed; (66) sixty-six wounded--most of them dangerously — and thirty-eight missing.
I would here remark that all officers and men of my command did their duty well.
Not one left his post as long as it could be held.
Inclosed is a complete list of casualties in my command.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
I have the honor to be most respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieutenant A. Flansburg, Assistant Adjutant-General Third Brigade:
Hector Perrin, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Regiment.
Captain Koehler's Report.
headquarters Twelfth regiment Illinois infantry volunteers, camp near Rome, Ga., October 10, 1864.
Lieutenant P. P. Ellis, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
sir: In pursuance to circular, dated headquarters, Second brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, October tenth, 1864, I respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the engagement at Allatoona, Georgia, on the fifth instant, marches, incidents, etc., belonging thereto:
On the afternoon of the fourth instant, about five P. M., I moved my command, the Twelfth Illinois infantry, pursuant to orders, with three (3) days' rations, in light marching order, and sixty (60) rounds of ammunition to the man, to the railroad depot, to await further orders.
At half-past 6 P. M., the train being ready, I reported my command, consisting of eight officers, and one hundred and fifty-five (155) men, to Colonel Rowett, Seventh Illinois infantry, commanding the expedition, and took possession with other troops of the cars.
A portion of my regiment, being on duty on the picket-line, (two officers and sixty-eight men,) were not relieved, and left behind; I also left in camp fifty-four enlisted men, convalescent and sick.
We left Rome for the place of our destination at about eight P. M., arriving in Allatoona, Georgia, at midnight, half-past 1 A. M. After the disembarkation of the different regiments, I was ordered to form my command in close column of divisions in an open space east of the railroad track, in line with other troops, the Fiftieth Illinois being to my right, the Seventh Illinois was formed in my immediate rear.
Arms were stacked, and the men rested close by for about half an hour, when I received orders to form in line of battle on the foot of the hill, east of the railroad, my right resting near the embankment, my left extending to the camp of the Ninety-third Illinois, and about one hundred yards in rear, and running parallel of the Fiftieth Illinois, which was formed in like manner, and behind a barricade of United States army wagons, being taken apart to afford shelter in case of attack.
At daybreak, the regiment in my front (Fiftieth Illinois) was ordered up the hill in our rear, while I, receiving no orders, remained in position.
At the hour of six and seven A. M., the batteries of the enemy in front, and occupying a range of hills about one thousand five hundred yards distance opposite us, opened their fire upon the fort above, and some shots, falling short or with purpose, struck around and among my regiment, wounding several men slightly.
I at once moved my line of battle a little forward in shelter of a small ravine, and sent for further instructions up to the fort in our rear, and reported the exposed condition of my men. I was ordered to report with my regiment to Major Hanna, Fiftieth Illinois infantry, who, with his regiment, occupied a position on the hill and rear of the fort, east of the railroad.
I moved my command by detachments through the railroad cut, ascending the hill from the rear, and formed in line of battle, my left resting on the right of the Fiftieth Illinois, in which position I remained for about one hour.
The troops on the range of hills west of the railroad soon became hotly engaged.
I was ordered at once to form my regiment in line of battle on the crest of the cut facing west, and to direct my fire upon the hills and ravines north of the fort opposite us, from whence our skirmishers were seen being driven in. I took the assigned position with rapidity, and engaged with my right wing the approaching enemy for about thirty minutes, losing one officer and five men wounded, when I received orders to throw my regiment across the railroad in support of the other fort.
I moved double-quick by the left flank, and gained the opposite hill under a heavy and severe fire of the enemy's artillery, killing and wounding some, but the men kept cool and self-possessed admirably.
On reaching the summit, I found the fort and the surrounding rifle-pits thickly occupied by other troops.
I posted the left wing of the regiment to the right of the fort behind the shelter of small wooden buildings, used as quarters for a section of artillery there stationed, my right remained to the left and south of the fort, and opened upon the enemy, who was
trying to enter the town below, and succeeded in keeping him back in the woods.
The men being much exposed to the enemy's fire from almost all sides, I took possession of the rifle-pit in front of the fort facing west toward the white house, where the enemy was seen thickest; the rifle-pits then being thinly manned, as the troops of other commands, who occupied them, were fast seeking shelter inside the fort, leaving the ditch almost empty.
A small portion of my regiment, for want of room in the out-works or shelter, were placed inside the fort.
The engagement lasted with terrible fury for about four hours, the enemy enfilading great parts of the poorly constructed rifle-pits; but the men fought with veteran coolness, bravery, and determination, without discarding their perilous position — the ditches filling fast with dead, dying, and wounded — my officers assisting me in encouraging and cheering up the men, and obeyed and executed all orders with alacrity, regardless of danger and exposure.
Five out of seven company commanders were wounded, but their wounds did not prevent them to stand with manful bravery at their posts, till the enemy was finally repulsed, and retreated.
The conduct of both officers and men was highly estimable, and where all have done their duty so well without exception, I refrain special mention.
The following is a list of the number engaged and casualties during the action:
Present in action: Five captains, four lieutenants, twenty-three sergeants, twenty corporals, one hundred and twelve privates.
Killed, four sergeants, one corporal, five privates; wounded, four captains, one lieutenant, eight sergeants, six corporals, twenty-seven privates.
Total killed and wounded, four captains, one lieutenant, twelve sergeants, seven corporals, thirty-two privates.
After the close of the engagement, the men were re-formed, the ditches cleared, and the old position retained, the men rested on their arms, and pickets posted to cover our front, while a heavy rain set in during the night.
On the following morning, the sixth instant, the First brigade arrived, and I reported my command to Colonel Hurlbut, Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, Colonel Rowett and Major Hanna both being wounded in action the day before.
On the seventh instant, the regiment was assigned to the Third brigade, till we could rejoin our own. Left Allatoona for Rome at four P. M.; arrived in Cartersville at half-past 7 P. M., where we camped for the night.
Left Cartersville for Kingston at eleven A. M. on the following day, which place we reached at half-past 5 P. M. Started at day-break on the ninth instant for Rome, and rejoined our brigade on the old camp-ground at one P. M.
Accompanying this report is a list of casualties, giving names, rank, company, and regiment of the killed and wounded, and particulars.
I am, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieutenant P. P. Ellis, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Robert Koehler. Captain Commanding Regiment Twelfth Illinois Infantry Volunteers.
Report of Lieut.-Colonel William Hanna.
headquarters Fiftieth Illinois infantry veteran volunteers, Rome, Ga., October 10, 1864.
In compliance with orders received from brigade headquarters, I took measures, and provided my regiment with three (3) days' rations, and forty (40) rounds of ammunition to each man. I then formed the regiment, and marched it to the depot at Rome, Georgia, where there was a train in readiness, upon which I embarked the regiment on the evening of the fourth of October, 1864.
About eight o'clock P. M., the train moved out, and arrived at Allatoona, Georgia, about one o'clock the same night.
We then disembarked, and bivouacked for the remainder of the night on the east side of the railroad, immediately in front of the two forts occupied by the troops stationed at that place; and a little before daylight I received orders to move my regiment back from the position I then occupied, and take a new position in column by division in rear of a temporary breastwork built of wagon-boxes and wheels, which I did, the men moving quickly but silently in position.
During this time the pickets had been firing.
I then received orders from Colonel Rowett, to move on the hill in rear of the fort on the east side of the railroad.
I moved by the right of companies to the rear, and gallantly did the officers and men move up the steep hill-side, covered with underbrush and briers, expecting every moment to be opened on by the enemy's artillery, which was reported they had in position.
After I arrived on top of the hill, I took up a position a few yards in the rear of the fort.
I had just taken the position, when began a fearful artillery-fire from the enemy's battery, which was spiritedly replied to by the battery in the fort.
Many of my men being wounded by the rebel shell, I kept the regiment in the same position for about three hours. At about ten o'clock A. M., the Twelfth Illinois infantry reported to me by direction of Colonel Rowett.
I placed them on the right of the Fiftieth Illinois infantry.
In a short time I received orders to move one of my regiments to the bank of the railroad cut. On receipt of the order, I moved the Twelfth Illinois infantry on the double-quick.
They then halted, and took up a new position as directed.
I regret that, being personally unacquainted with the officers and men of the Twelfth Illinois infantry, I am unable to give you the names of those worthy of particular mention.
Both officers and men of the Twelfth Illinois infantry performed their part most gallantly.
It being about eleven o'clock A. M., the artillery firing partially ceased, and the enemy advanced, in force, both in front and on our right flank, nearly in rear of my position.
I then went to see if I could find a better position, which I did. I countermarched the Fiftieth Illinois infantry, and took up a new position, my right resting a little in the rear and to the right of the fort, on the right of the railroad, my left resting on the dirt-road running up between the two forts.
I then ordered company B of my regiment out as
skirmishers, and under a galling fire of musketry the men deployed, and took their position along the road running in front of the regiment, and about three hundred yards from the enemy's line of battle.
The enemy charged our line three times, but by the gallant conduct of the officers and the cool and courageous bravery of the men, they repulsed them with heavy loss, our loss being very heavy also; and now the battle raged.
I received orders to report with my command on the west side of the railroad at the fort.
I drew off the regiment and marched at a double-quick off to the left of the hill; and under fire of artillery and musketry which I never have seen equalled, the regiment passed down the hill facing the enemy, and across the railroad at the depot, and up the hill to the fort on the hill, where I was ordered to report the command.
During the movement I had my regimental flag-staff shot off three different times with the enemy's shell.
I am unable to give the number, but many of my men fell, before it was possible to accomplish the movement and get the regiment in position-either killed or wounded.
Bravely and nobly did the officers and men of the Fiftieth Illinois infantry maintain their order, marching up with that determined feeling which only visits the brave soldier, to conquer or die, trusting in the God of battles for that glorious result which followed-victory.
I then, with the assistance of what officers I had, quickly formed the regiment in front of the fort next to the railroad, some occupying a position to the left of the fort, which they took and held under the most destructive fire of artillery and musketry that has ever, in my opinion, been witnessed during this present rebellion.
By this time I had lost all my officers but four, and about one fourth of my men either killed or wounded.
I was then struck by a musket-ball in the left thigh, which disabled me, but the men did not falter, but fought on with that stern determination which characterized them through the whole engagement.
Though assailed by thrice their number, they still firmly held their ground, dealing out death to the enemy on every occasion, though their comrades were falling thick and fast around them; and thus the battle continued until nearly three P. M., and at four P. M. it had ceased altogether.
Captain Horn, of my regiment, then coming up with the remainder of his company, took command of the regiment, and under his supervision the dead and wounded were cared for — the dead buried, and the wounded carried to the hospital that was established in the town.
I wish particularly to call your attention to the gallant and soldierly conduct of A. G. Picket, Second Assistant-Surgeon of my regiment — after having been wounded, commenced loading muskets for the men to fire.
I do not mention any of my line-officers, for the reason that I should be compelled to compliment all, which would occupy too much time and space, mentioning each one separately, though I here tender to the officers of the Fifteth Illinois infantry my heartfelt thanks for their gallant support and soldierly bearing during the whole engagement.
After the dead and wounded were cared for, the regiment bivouacked on the battle-field immediately in front of the fort.
I have received the report of casualties of each company, and find that out of two hundred and sixty-seven officers and men which I took into action, I lost in killed and wounded eighty-six officers and men. I was placed on the train.
The regiment started from Allatoona on the afternoon of the seventh, and arrived at Rome, Georgia, on the ninth of October, 1864.
I am, very respectfully, William Hanna, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hurlbut's Report.
headquarters Third brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, Rome, Georgia, October 15, 1864.
Captain L. H. Everts, Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
Captain: I would most respectfully report that on the fourth instant I received orders from Colonel R. Rowett, then commanding brigade, to report with my command, Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, at the railroad depot, which I did about seven o'clock P. M.; but owing to the scarcity of cars, could not get off but two companies, A and B, on the first train, with the balance of my brigade, but was ordered to remain and come on next train, which did not arrive, owing to a break in the railroad seven miles from here, till about half-past 7 A. M. on the fifth.
The Fifty-seventh Illinois was immediately run down to the break, when the train returned for detachment of Seventh Iowa and Fifty-second Illinois, (six companies of Seventh Iowa and four of Fifty-second Illinois.) Soon as they arrived and were reloaded on train east side of the break, I ordered the conductor to move with all possible despatch to Cartersville, and from there to near the Allatoona Iron-Works, where the whole command were unloaded and moved directly to Allatoona, arriving about eight P. M., several hours after the fighting had ceased, and, on reporting to the General commanding, learned that every field-officer belonging to the command had either been killed or wounded.
He at once placed me in command of the brigade, but as there was no fighting after my arrival, I can do but little more than forward you the reports of the several regimental commanders, which, in my opinion, are very complete of themselves.
The Twelfth Illinois infantry were temporarily attached to the brigade, but on its return, rejoined its own brigade, and no official report has been received from it by me.
During the night of the fifth, that part of the Fifty-seventh Illinois, Fifty-second Illinois, and Seventh Iowa which had arrived with me, were engaged in digging rifle-pits, and on the morning of the sixth, there being no signs of the enemy, details were made and sent out to bury the dead, bring in the wounded, and pick up the fire-arms lying scattered over the field.
This occupied the entire day, and a part of the seventh.
Our losses were as follows:
Total killed in brigade: six commissioned officers, eighty-one enlisted men; aggregate, eighty seven.
Total wounded in brigade: eleven commissioned officers, one hundred and ninety-six enlisted men ; aggregate, two hundred and seven Total missing in brigade: two commissioned officers, one hundred and nine enlisted men; aggregate, one hundred and eleven.
Total loss in brigade: nineteen commissioned officers, three hun dred and eighty-six enlisted men; aggregate, four hundred and five.
The command moved from Allatoona at about half-past 2 P. M. on the seventh, marched to Cartersville that night; next day, the eighth, to Kingston, where one company from Fifty-seventh Illinois were left in charge of prisoners capture at Allatoona; balance of the brigade returning to Rome, next day, ninth, arriving at about twelve M., each regiment going directly to camp Accompanying this, forward a list of casualties.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Captain L. H. Everts, Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps:
F. J. Hurlbut, Lieutenant-Colonel Fifty-seventh Illinois Infantry, Commanding Brigade.
Major Forsse's Report.
headquarters Fifty-Seventh Illinois veteran volunteer infantry, Rome, Georgia, October 10, 1864.
Nelson Flansburg, Lieutenant and Assistant Adjutant-General:
Lieutenant: In accordance with circular, dated headquarters Third brigade, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, October tenth, 1864, I would very respectfully submit the following report.
Owing to an accident on the railroad on the morning of the fifth instant, the regiment did not arrive at Allatoona until after the battle.
Companies A and B were there, and were occupied during the night of the fourth instant in unloading ammunition from the railroad train and carrying it into the fort.
At daylight both companies were sent out as skirmishers, under command of Captain Vansteinburg, company B.
They remained on the line until driven into the fort, where they fought during the remaining part of the engagement.
Casualties: Company A, Thomas Ward, Phillip Bohaler, killed; Thomas Minza, wounded; William Duell, missing.
Company B, Lieutenant G. U. Barr, wounded; Michael White, killed; John James, John W. Clark, Granville Garo, George H. Guler, Corporal Hiram Lewis, wounded.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Nelson Flansburg, Lieutenant and Assistant Adjutant-General:
Erix Forsse, Major Fifty-seventh Regiment Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
Captain Cameron's Report.
headquarters Thirty-Ninth Iowa infantry, Kingston, Georgia, October 9, 1864.
Lieutenant N. Flansburg, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps.
Lieutenant: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry in the engagement at Allatoona, Georgia, on the fifth day of October, 1864, the march pursuant thereto, together with a tabular list of the casualties sustained.
The regiment, consisting of eight (8) companies, numbering two hundred and eighty (280) men, and commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield, left Rome, Georgia, at eight o'clock P. M., October fourth, 1864, and proceeded by rail to Allatoona, Georgia, a distance of thirty-five (35) miles, arriving at one o'clock A. M., October fifth.
At daybreak, were thrown into line, two hundred (200) yards west of depo, but were immediately after ordered into position, three hundred (300) yards further west, and four hundred (400) yards west of main fortification on Cartersville road. Here a disposition was made of the forces, as it seemed certain that the main attack would come from this direction.
Companies B and C of the Thirty-ninth Iowa were thrown forward as skirmishers on the left of the line, and companies A, F, and I were sent forward three hundred (300) yards to the right and front of the main line, to hold the crest of a hill, and discover any movements which the enemy might contemplate on our right flank, while companies E, G, and K were in the centre, holding hastily-constructed rifle-pits, with orders to maintain their position at all hazards.
This was the disposition of the companies of the regiment at the time that General Corse sent to the rebel General French his refusal to surrender the town and his command.
The engagement opened at nine o'clock A. M., between our skirmishers and those of the enemy.
The latter immediately threw forward heavy bodies of infantry, but were held in check for some time by our advanced companies, and it was in the attempt of the enemy to drive back our right, that Lieutenant O. D. Russell, company C, received a painful wound in the breast while firmly maintaining his position.
After an obstinate resistance of an hour, these companies were compelled to retire, which they did, stubbornly contesting every inch of ground, and punishing the enemy terribly at every step of his advance.
At this juncture of affairs, the brave and gallant Lieutenant-Colonel, James Redfield, fell, pierced through the heart by a musket-ball, while enthusiastically encouraging his command to stand firm, and hurl back death and defiance at the enemies of our country.
Almost simultaneously, the brave and courteous Lieutenant O. C. Ayres received the fatal shot while nobly discharging his duty.
The advanced companies having retired to the crest of a hill, in rear of the riflepits, continued to pour a murderous and destructive fire into the ranks of the enemy with telling effect, causing him to stagger and waver; at length, however, the enemy threw a heavy force round our right flank, and pouring a deadly enfilading fire, rendered our position upon the crest of a hill entirely untenable, and compelled our forces to retire within the main works, four hundred (400) yards in rear of our advance line, leaving only the three companies in the rifle-pits to contest the advance of the
enemy, and these companies having received orders to hold the works at all hazards, did not feel warranted in quitting them without orders, and the enemy, emboldened by our weakness, massed a heavy column on the Cartersville road, (leading to the fort,) and charged us on the double-quick, passed the works, and turning upon our men in the rifle-pits, killed, wounded, or made prisoners every man remaining but nine, (9.) It was in this charge that the colors of the regiment were captured, but not until the entire guard were killed or wounded; these brave boys suffering themselves to be bayoneted rather than surrender the colors which had been placed in their hands, and the companies which had them in charge were captured, killed, or wounded.
Finding that by remaining longer I would subject myself and the handful of men with me to needless capture, without being able to effect any results, I fell back to the fort.
Here the men of the command fought with the same determination and enthusiasm that had characterized their conduct on the open field.
Here that brave, gallant, and lamented young officer, Lieutenant A. T. Blodgett, fell, inspiring the men by his gallant and noble conduct, of which he was the very embodiment.
The fighting continued desperate and bloody, the spirit of the men arising as the fight progressed, until, at three o'clock P. M., we had the satisfaction of seeing the rebel host leaving in utter rout, and the hard-fought field was ours.
I cannot close this report without giving expression to the heartfelt grief which pervades all breasts for the loss of our valiant dead; yet we have the consolation of knowing that they all fell nobly battling in defence of the country, and so long as brave and gallant conduct continues to excite emotion in the breast of man, the names of Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield, Lieutenant Blodgett, Lieutenant Ayres, Lieutenant Wright, Lieutenant Jones, and the noble dead who fell under them, will ever be remembered.
To the wounded, we would say: Your wounds are sacred, received in a holy cause; to you we extend a soldier's sympathy, and assure you that you shall never be neglected nor forgotten.
And to the living, who passed through that terrible ordeal, unharmed, I would say: Your deeds will live after you, and your names will be remembered in history.
And although, where all did so well, to particularize would seem invidious, I cannot refrain from making mention of the conduct of Lieutenant W. C. Ghost, Acting Adjutant of the regiment, who continued to ride the entire length of the line under a murderous fire, encouraging the men by his words, and inspiring them by his noble daring; also the entire color-guard, and especially the color-sergeant, Charles Armstrong, who so gallantly defended his flag.
Subjoined is a list of the casualties of the regiment in the engagement: Commissioned officers, killed, five; wounded, one; missing, two; total, eight.
Enlisted men: killed, twenty-eight; wounded, sixty-one; missing, sixty-eight; total, one hundred and fifty-seven.
Aggregate, one hundred and sixty-five.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant Lieutenant N. Flansburg, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps.
Charles A. Cameron, Captain Commanding.
Report of Killed, Wounded, and Missing in Battle at Allatoona, Ga., on the fifth day of October, 1864.
regiments and batteries. | killed. | wounded. | missing. | total. | wounded. | remarks. | ||||||
Commissioned officers. | Enlisted men. | Aggregate. | Commissioned officers. | Enlisted men. | Aggregate. | Commissioned officers. | Enlisted men. | Aggregate. | Killed, Wounded, and Missing. | General officer. | ||
Twelfth Illinois infantry, | 9 | 9 | 5 | 44 | 49 | 58 | 1 | Brigadier-General John M. Corse, wounded in face by rifle-ball. | ||||
Seventh Illinois infantry, | 1 | 34 | 35 | 3 | 64 | 67 | 39 | 39 | 141 | |||
Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry, | 5 | 35 | 40 | 1 | 51 | 52 | 2 | 76 | 78 | 170 | ||
Fiftieth Illinois infantry, | 15 | 15 | 6 | 57 | 63 | 78 | ||||||
Companies A and B Fifty-seventh Illinois infantry, | 4 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 13 | ||||
Total, Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, | 6 | 97 | 103 | 16 | 223 | 239 | 2 | 116 | 118 | 460 | ||
Fourth Minnesota infantry, | 11 | 11 | 2 | 31 | 33 | 44 | ||||||
Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, | 2 | 2 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 80 | 84 | 98 | ||||
Ninety-third Illinois infantry, | 21 | 21 | 3 | 49 | 52 | 10 | 10 | 83 | ||||
Twelfth Wisconsin battery, | 5 | 5 | 1 | 15 | 16 | 21 | ||||||
Total, Third division, Fifteenth army corps, | 39 | 39 | 6 | 107 | 113 | 4 | 90 | 94 | 246 | |||
Grand total, | 6 | 136 | 142 | 22 | 330 | 352 | 6 | 206 | 212 | 706 | 1 |
Major Griffith's Report.
headquarters Forty-Sixth regiment. Pennsylvania veteran Vols., Savannah, Ga., Dec. 26, 1864.
Captain D. W. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade:
sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my regiment since the occupation of Atlanta.
September second, marched from the south bank of the Chattahoochee River through the city of Atlanta, and camped on the north side of the Decatur road at the rebel works.
September twelfth, moved camp to the north side of the city.
September seventeenth, division reviewed by General Williams. September nineteenth, division reviewed by General Slocum. October twentieth, Colonel James L. Selfridge took command of the First brigade. October twenty-first, moved out the Decatur road on a foraging expedition under command of Colonel.
October twenty-third, Colonel Carman came out with Second brigade to support us, and took command; arrived in camp October twenty-sixth at four P. M. Brought in some eight hundred wagons loaded with corn.
October twenty-eighth, 1864, moved out to Decatur to support a forage party, returned the same night.
November fifth, moved out the McDonough road three miles, camped for the night.
Some little picket-firing took place during the night.
Returned to our old camp on the sixth. November eleventh, an election was held in the regiment; two hundred and forty-three votes were polled for A. Lincoln, and one hundred and thirty-one for General McClellan. November fifteenth, left Atlanta, Georgia, nothing of importance transpiring; camped near Stone Mountain at four P. M. Sixteenth, nothing of importance transpiring; camped at Yellow River at twelve P. M. Seventeenth, nothing of importance transpiring, camped five miles from Hot Creek at twelve P. M.; roads bad, forage plenty.
Eighteenth, rear-guard; left camp at half-past 7 A. M. Passed though Social Circle at noon, crossed the river, camped five miles from Rutledge at two P. M. Nineteenth, left camp at six A. M. Train-guard.
Raining. Weather warm.
Passed through Madison at one P. M. Camped four miles from Madison on the Milledgeville road at five P. M. Twentieth, rainy all night.
First brigade rear-guard; passed through Eatonton at noon. Roads almost impassable.
Camped at two A. M. Twenty-first, rain.
Roads worse than yesterday.
Camped at two A. M. Twenty-second, left camp at seven A. M. Weather very cold.
Crossed Little River at ten A. M. Arrived in Milledgeville, Georgia, at four P. M. Crossed Oconee River to camp.
Twenty-third, left camp to burn railroad.
First brigade destroyed five miles of road.
Returned to camp at ten P. M. Twenty-fourth, left Milledgeville at seven A. M. Weather clear and cold.
Roads good.
Passed through several cane-brakes, and camped near Hebron at four P. M. Twenty-fifth, left camp at six A. M. Delayed at Buffalo Creek on account of bridges having been destroyed.
Moved to near Sandersville.
Cavalry had a severe skirmish with the enemy.
Camped in line for the night.
Twenty-sixth, left camp at seven A. M. The advance skirmishing to Sandersville.
Ene my retreating.
Moved to Tennille Station, three miles and a half. Destroyed immense amounts of cotton, both raw and manufactured.
Destroyed one and a half miles of railroad, and large warehouses used by the rebel government to store provisions.
Twenty-seventh, marched from Tennille to Davidsboro.
Camped at four P. M. Twenty-eighth, destroyed railroad from Davidsboro to Spears's Station, a distance of eleven miles. Camped before night.
Twenty-ninth, resumed destroying the railroad, and after destroying eight miles encamped at dark near Bostwick.
Thirtieth, left camp at half-past 8 A. M. Course due north.
Camped near Louisville at dark.
December first, left camp at daylight, and camped at eight P. M., nothing of import transpiring.
December second, left camp at half-past 6 A. M. Camped at Buckhead Creek at eight P. M. December third, left camp at half-past 5 A. M. Marched eighteen miles, and encamped at four P. M. Weather cloudy.
December fourth, showers during the night.
Nothing of importance transpiring.
December fifth, left camp at dark.
Camped at twelve P. M. Forage plenty.
December sixth, left camp at nine A. M. Camped at dark.
December seventh, left camp near Sylvania at ten A. M. Rain all night.
Passed through the worst kind of swamps on road until daylight.
December eighth, resumed the march at half-past 8 A. M. Weather good.
Camped at dark.
December ninth, left camp at eight A. M. Advance engaged with the enemy.
First division, in advance, found the enemy strongly posted in earth-works at Cypress Swamp. First brigrade moved forward in the centre, Second brigade on the right, and Third brigade on the left; charged and took the enemy's works in fine style.
Loss in regiment, three (3) wounded.
Camped on the captured ground at dark.
December tenth, left camp at eight A. M. Came on the enemy's works four miles from Savannah, when I was ordered by Colonel James L. Selfridge, commanding First brigade, First division, Twentieth corps, to move my regiment about half a mile to the left, on the road leading from the main road to the river.
About half an hour after I received an order from Brigadier-General Jackson, commanding division, directing me to push my command to the river, if I could do so safely.
I moved on to within one quarter of a mile of the river, where we met the enemy's skirmishers, and exchanged shots with them about twenty minutes. Finding the enemy's line strong, and my flanks entirely exposed, I deemed it prudent to fall back a distance of two hundred yards, where I remained in line of battle during the night, having at the same time thrown out a strong skirmish-line covering my front and left; my right connecting with the Third brigade skirmishers, who were thrown forward during the evening.
During the night I received seven (7) deserters from the enemy, whom I forwarded to brigade headquarters under guard.
On the twelfth, was ordered into
camp near the road occupied by my regiment the night previous.
Threw up breastworks and remained until the twenty-third, when it was found that the enemy had evacuated his works, when we advanced to within two miles of the city, and went into our present camp.
From the fifteenth of November (the date of leaving Atlanta) until the twenty-third of December, we drew about ten days full rations of crackers, sugar, and coffee; the balance of our supplies were foraged from the country through which we passed.
During the campaign I captured fifteen or twenty negroes, whom I directed to report to Captain Cadwallader, Division Quartermaster; also some mules and horses, which were turned in to Captain Whittelsey, Corps Quartermaster.
My command captured four (4) Prussian rifled muskets, which were turned in to the division ordnance department.
The officers of my command behaved well during the campaign.
The enlisted men of my regiment, with one or two exceptions, obeyed orders promptly.
Those who failed to observe them were punished at the time.
When the regiment left Atlanta, the effective strength was sixteen (16) officers and four hundred and fifteen enlisted men.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Captain D. W. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade:
P. Griffith, Major Commanding Regiment.
Captain Merrell's Report.
headquarters one hundred and Forty-First regiment New-York Vols., Savannah, Ga., Dec. 26, 1864.
D. W. Palmer, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General:
sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this command during the recent campaign.
From the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, the regiment was engaged in building quarters and the usual duties of camp-life until the third instant, when we were ordered to report to Colonel N. M. Crane, commanding a provisional brigade, doing guard-duty in the city.
Here we remained until the commencement of the recent campaign.
On the morning of November fifteenth, we broke camp, and joined the First brigade on the Decatur road.
Marching fifteen miles, we halted near Stone Mountain, and camped for the night.
Sixteenth, marched across Yellow River.
Guarding ammunition-train.
Halted at half-past 11 P. M., for the night.
Seventeenth, commenced the march at ten A. M. Guarding train.
Camped at half-past 12 P. M. Eighteenth, marched at nine A. M. Halted at Social Circle, at two P. M., for dinner.
Afternoon, resumed the march, passing through Rutledge, and encamped at eleven P. M. Nineteenth, marched at nine A. M. On train-guard.
Passed through Madison at two P. M.; taking the Milledgeville road at that place, we camped four miles from the town.
Twentieth, marched at nine A. M., camping near Eatonton for the night.
Twenty-first, marched at nine A. M. Passed through Eatonton.
Camped at one A. M. Twenty-second, four miles from that place.
Twenty-second, marched at daylight.
Crossed Little River. Reached Milledgeville at sunset.
Went into camp about one mile east of the town.
Twenty-third, was ordered out in light marching order at one P. M. Marched to the Milledgeville and Eatonton Railroad.
We were engaged in destroying that road until after dark, when we returned to camp.
Twenty-fourth, marched at daylight from Milledgeville.
Camped about four P. M. Twenty-fifth, marched at half-past 6 P. M. Made about eight miles. Twenty-sixth, marched at a quarter-past six A. M. Reached Sandersville at ten A. M., when we halted for dinner.
We then marched to Tennille Station, on the Georgia Central Railroad, and halted for the night.
Twenty-seventh, marched at six A. M., from Tennille Station to Davisboro, fifteen miles. Captured, during the afternoon twelve head of cattle and two mules.
Went into camp for the night.
Twenty-eighth, marched at seven A. M., to the railroad, destroying it to Spears's Station.
Encamped for the night at that place.
Twenty-ninth, marched at half-past 6 A. M., on the railroad; destroyed it to Bostwick Station, a distance of eight miles, and camped for the night.
Thirtieth, marched at half-past 9 A. M. Crossed the Ogeechee River two miles from Louisville, and camped for the night.
Nothing of importance occurred until the ninth of December, when the road was found to be obstructed by felled timber, rendering it impossible to advance.
The pioneers were ordered forward, but as soon as the work began, the rebels opened a piece of artillery upon the advance, which had halted in the road.
After a short time, the balance of our brigade were ordered to advance, and support the Fifth Connecticut volunteers, which were on the skirmishline, while Second brigade were sent on the flanks.
The First brigade advanced as fast as the nature of the ground would permit, and, after getting within range, the Fifth Connecticut volunteers opened a terrific fire on the enemy's battery, driving them in great confusion from their works, which we soon occupied.
Here we halted for the night.
Tenth, marched at half-past 7 A. M., striking the Charleston and Savannah Railroad at ten A. M. After a halt of three hours, we again advanced in direction of Savannah, and within four miles of the city, when it was discovered that a large force of the enemy was in our front, when we halted and formed a line of battle to the left of the road.
After sending out pickets, we encamped for the night.
Eleventh, advanced about a quarter of a mile, constructed works, and remained until the morning of the twenty-first, when it was discovered that the enemy had evacuated, when we immediately advanced our lines.
Moved within one mile of the city, where we are now encamped.
There were issued during the campaign eleven days rations; the balance of rations were foraged from the country.
There were twenty-five negroes brought along by this command.
I have with honor to be, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant. D. W. Palmer, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General:
William Merrell, Captain Commanding One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment New-York Volunteers.