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Operations around Winchester in 1863.

Report of General J. A. Walker.

camp near Chambersburg, June 25th, 1863.
Captain,--I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Stonewall Brigade around Winchester and Jordan's Springs on the 13th, 14th and 15th insts.

At daylight on Saturday morning of the 13th, the brigade moved from its camp near Cedarville in the direction of Winchester on the Front Royal and Winchester turnpike. About noon, when three miles from Winchester, the Second Virginia Regiment, Colonel Nadenbousch commanding, was detached from my command and deployed on the left of the road as skirmishers. For report of operations of that regiment during the remainder of that day see report of Colonel Nadenbousch enclosed.

The remainder of the brigade was formed in line of battle on the right of the turnpike out of sight and out of range of the enemy's guns. After remaining in this position for half an hour, I received orders to move by the left flank under cover of a ravine, and occupy a wood a few hundred yards in our front, which was done.

After occupying that position for a short while, I again received orders to move to another wood on our left and nearer Winchester, which was also done, and we remained in that position during the remainder of the day and that night. That portion of the brigade under my command did not fire a single gun during these operations and did not suffer a single casualty, although we were in range of the enemy's [326] fire during a considerable portion of the time. After nightfall, the Second regiment rejoined the command.

Early on the morning of the 14th, I was ordered by the Major-General commanding the Division to move across the Millwood Pike and to advance between the Millwood and Berryville pikes until I occupied the hills to the east of and fronting the town of Winchester.

Moving by the right flank under cover of the hills, until the command reached a position opposite the point it was ordered to occupy, the Fifth regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Williams commanding, was deployed as skirmishers and advanced in the direction of the town rapidly as possible. The remainder of the brigade following about three hundred yards in the rear. My skirmishers encountered the enemy's skirmishers on the crest of the hills and drove them back to the edge of the town, where they remained during the remainder of the day under shelter of the houses and the fences, and keeping up a continual and brisk fire upon our skirmishers, who occupied the stone fence at the western base of the hills within easy musket range of their position. A continuous and brisk skirmish between the two lines was kept up until dark and the Fifth regiment lost during the day, three men killed, sixteen wounded and ten missing.

About four o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy advanced a considerable body of men against the right of the line of skirmishers compelling it to fall back and capturing ten prisoners. At this time Lieutenant-Colonel Williams, who had command of the regiment during the day, with activity, coolness and courage, was wounded by a musket ball through the thigh and the command of the regiment devolved on Major Newton.

The Eighteenth Connecticut Regiment was deployed in front of our skirmishers, and from the testimony of some of its officers captured by this brigade the next day, I was highly gratified at the efficiency and accuracy of the fire of my skirmishers.

During the day the rest of the brigade occupied a position in rear of the hills under cover of a ravine and lost not a single man either killed or wounded.

After dark I received an order from Lieutenant Heindrick's, of Major-General Johnson's staff, to “move forward,” with the further direction to push my skirmishers into and through the town, if practicable. While preparing to obey this order, Dr. Coleman, Medical Director for the division, came up and informed me that the rest of the division was moving on the Berryville turnpike and that it was intended that my command should follow. I immediately sent Lieutenant Hunter of my [327] staff to find Major-General Johnson, and ascertain what I was expected to do. While he was gone, I ordered the left of my skirmishers to advance into Winchester and learn whether the enemy still held the place. They advanced into the town and reported that the enemy had left and retired to their fortifications soon after dark. About eleven o'clock Lieutenant Hunter returned, having found the Major-General commanding, who directed me to follow the rest of the division on the Berryville road. Calling in my skirmishers as quickly as possible, I moved by the Berryville Pike and Jordan Springs, and was within a mile of Stevenson depot, at dawn, when heavy firing in that direction announced that the brigade in our front were engaging the enemy. Hurrying up the command as rapidly as possible, we reached the scene of action just as a portion of the enemy's forces were endeavoring to make their escape in the direction of Jordan's Springs. I ordered the Fourth, Twenty-seventh and Thirty-third regiments which were in rear of the column to face to the left and advanced in line of battle in the direction of the enemy's column to cut off their retreat.

The Second and Fifth Regiments were moved forward and formed in line of battle on the right of the road, and on the right flank of General Stuart's brigade. At this juncture, Captain Douglas, of Major-General Johnson's staff, informed me that the whole of my command was needed on the right. I directed Captain Arnall, of my staff, to recall the Fourth, Twenty-Seventh, and Thirty-Third Regiments from the left and bring them to the support of the Second and Fifth on the right. Advancing at once with the Second and Fifth Regiments through the fields in right of the woods, in which General Stuart's brigade was posted, we crossed the railroad and reached the turnpike without encountering the enemy.

The smoke and fog was so dense that we could only see a few steps in front, and when, on reaching the Martinsburg turnpike, I saw a body of men about fifty yards to the west of that road moving by the flank in the direction of Martinsburg, it was with difficulty I could determine whether they were friends or foes, as they made no hostile demonstrations, and refused to say to what brigade they belonged. Being satisfied, at last, that it was a retreating column of the enemy, I ordered the command to fire. The enemy gave way and retreated back from the pike in disorder at the first fire, returning only a straggling and inaccurate fire.

Pressing them back rapidly to the woods west of the road, they made no stand, but hoisted a white flag and surrendered to the two regiments before the others came up. Total number of prisoners taken by the [328] brigade at this point amounted to 713 non-commissioned officers and privates, and eighty-three commissioned officers, six stand of colors, and arms, accoutrements, &c., corresponding to the number of prisoners taken. Among the prisoners was Colonel Ely, of the Eighteenth Connecticut, commanding the brigade; Colonel Wilson, 123d Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Nichols, Eighteenth Connecticut; Lieutenant-Colonel----, Twelfth Virginia, and two or three other field officers. The prisoners captured represented the following regiments: Eighteenth Connecticut, 123d Ohio, Fifth Indiana, Twelfth Virginia, and Seventy-Sixth Pennsylvania. Total casualties of the brigade on this day was three wounded.

During the entire operations detailed above, the officers and men of the command behaved to my entire satisfaction, and not a single instance of misbehavior came under my observation.

To my personal staff, Lieutenants Cox, Hunter and Arnall, I am indebted for their prompt and ready assistance during the three days operations.

I have, Captain, the honor to be,

Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

J. A. Walker, Brigadier-General. Captain B. W. Leigh, A. A. G. Johnson's Division.

List of casualities in the Stonewall brigade in operations around Winchester 13th, 14th and 15th June, 1863:

Second Virginia infantry.


Wounded-Privates Asa Jenkins, Company E, finger, shell; Wm. Deane, Company F, leg, slight.

Fourth Virginia infantry.



Fifth Virginia infantry.

Killed-Privates Robert Wood, Company A; James Fridley, Company C; J. A. Elliott, Company I. [329]

Wounded--Lieutenant-Colonel H. J. Williams, thigh, severe. Corporals J. Ramsey, Company E, slight, knee; John Wallace, Company G, slight, back. Privates D. H. Blakemore, Company C, severe, wrist; A. H. Gay, Company D, severe, head; P. J. Hight, Company E, severe, in leg; R. F. Weeks, Company E, slight, in leg; P. C. Sherman, Company F, slight, in arm; J. Yago, Company F, severe, face; J. B. Gibson, Company G, slight, side; D. Wiele, Company I, slight, side; J. H. Guy, Company K, severe, hip; Sergeant J. H. Roller, Company L, severe, arm. Privates W. H. H. Day, Company L, slight, hand; J. W. Graver, Company L, finger off; J. Day, Company L, slight, foot.

Missing--Sergeant John Perry, Company F. Privates Riley Morris, J. L. Pumphrey, S. M. Shiplett, J. Stinespring, M. Stimbock, Company C; John Kelley, Company G; J. Leptrap, Company H; J. Hansberger, William Ruebush, Company I.

Twenty-seventh Virginia infantry.



Thirty-third Virginia infantry.


Wounded-Private Patrick Cavanaugh, Company E, severe, hip.



Headquarters Stonewall brigade, June 16, 1873.
Major,--In obedience to circular of this morning, I have the honor to report the following list of killed, wounded, and missing in this brigade in the recent operations around Winchester: [330]

regiments.killed.wounded.missing.Total loss.remarks.
Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.
Second Va. Infantry   2  2 
Fourth Va. Infantry       No loss.
Fifth Va. Infantry 3116 1030Lt.-Co. Williams is the officer reported wounded.
Twenty-seventh Va. Infantry      No loss.
Thirty-third Va. Infantry   1  1 

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. A. Walker, Brigadier General. Major B. W. Leigh, Assistant Adjutant-General, Johnson's Division.

Report of General George H. Steuart.

Headquarters Steuart's brigade, June 19th, 1863.
Sir,--I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the recent operations around Winchester: On the morning of the 13th instant I marched up the Front Royal road, towards Winchester, with the Tenth Virginia, First and Third North Carolina Regiments, the Twenty-Third Virginia having been detached to guard the division train, and the Thirty-Seventh Virginia to support the reserve artillery. The brigade was not engaged during the day, being posted to the right of the road as a support to the Stonewall brigade. Early on the morning of the 14th instant that brigade moved nearer the town, throwing out skirmishers, and I also moved forward, and in the afternoon, farther to the right, next to the Berryville turnpike. At dark, I was directed by the Major-General commanding, to move down the road towards Berryville, and after marching several miles (a guide afterwards coming up to show the way) the brigade took a circuitous left-hand road, passing by Jordan's Springs, and was halted just before daybreak, on the 15th instant, at the small bridge where [331] the road crosses the Winchester and Potomac railroad, about four miles from Winchester, and a few hundred yards from the Martinsburg turnpike. Wagons were heard moving along the pike, and, after a few minutes halt, the Major-General commanding, who had gone forward to reconnoitre, gave orders to move into the woods to the right of the road between the railroad and turnpike, and, just as the head of the column was crossing the bridge, it was fired into, causing momentary confusion. Notwithstanding the difficulty of crossing in the dark, fences to the right and left of the road, line of battle was soon formed along the railroad cut, the Tenth Virginia to the right of the bridge, and the First and Third North Carolina to the left, where there was no wood. Skirmishers were thrown forward, and a brisk fire commenced. The enemy advanced in line of battle, cheering and driving in our skirmishers, but were soon themselves, in turn, driven back. Receiving information that an attempt was being made to turn our left flank, I threw out two companies of the Third North Carolina to protect it. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, commanding the artillery battalion attached to this division, had previously placed a piece of the Maryland artillery on the bridge, and the other pieces of that battery, and a section from each of the batteries of Captains Rains and Carpenter's, on the rising ground in rear of my left, rendering most valuable support. A column of the enemy was now observed passing round to our left and rear, and I directed the Third North Carolina to repel the attack, but, finding that two regiments of Nichols's brigade were coming up, that regiment was returned to its original position. Colonel Warren, of the Tenth Virginia, sent word from the right that the enemy were pressing him very hard, his supply of cartridges rapidly diminishing, and I sent the First and subsequently a portion of the Third North Carolina to his support. Just before this, the Major-General commanding, with the aforementioned regiments of Nichols's brigade, attacked and pursued most vigorously that portion of the enemy, who were passing to our left and rear. After a while I was informed that the ammunition of the Tenth Virginia was all expended but one round held in reserve, and that the other two regiments of my brigade had only a few rounds left; also that the ordnance wagons were behind, and after sending repeatedly, I found it impossible to get more ammunition.

Several attempts were made by the enemy to carry the bridge, and almost all the cannoneers of the piece placed there were killed or wounded. The gallant Lieutenant Contee was also wounded, and I must here mention the gallant conduct of Lieutenant John A. Morgan, First North Carolina regiment, who, with Private Owens, of the Maryland [332] artillery, and some occasional assistance, manned the piece most effectively, driving the enemy back from the bridge at a most critical moment, as the regiments near, from want of ammunition, were unable to render any assistance. Up to this time my brigade (with assistance from the artillery) had alone sustained the attack upon the front and right. Brigadier General Walker now came up on my right with two regiments of his brigade (Stonewall) and rapidly advanced in line of battle through the woods, towards the turnpike. The Major-General commanding being engaged in a different part of the field, I directed two regiments of Nichols's brigade to cross the bridge and attack the enemy's rear, which was passing. At the same time General Walker was pressing them on their right, and thus hemmed in, they gave way, and many were taken prisoners — about 1.000 by my brigade and the remainder by General Walker. Four stands of colors were taken by my brigade; also about 175 horses. I am glad to say that my loss was small — only nine killed and thirty-four wounded--though I regret to mention among the killed, Captain J. S. R. Miller, a gallant and meritorious officer of the First North Carolina regiment. I cannot speak in terms too high of the tanner in which all the officers and men conducted themselves, every one doing all in his power to accomplish the end in view. Captain G. G. Garrison, assistant Adjutant-General, and First Lieutenant R. H. McKim, may aid de camp, rendered valuable assistance, the latter occasionally serving at the piece on the bridge.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Geo. H. Steuart, Brigadier-General Commanding. Major B. W. Leigh, A. A. Gen'l, Johnson's Division.

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