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Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690

Author; born in Gordonston, Scotland, Dec. 23, 1648. At the age of nineteen, he embraced the principles of the Society of Friends. In 1670 he vindicated them from false charges in a pamphlet entitled Truth cleared of calumnies. He also published, in Latin and English, An apology for the true Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the people called, in scorn, Quakers. Barclay dedicated it to King Charles, with great modesty and independence, and it was one of the ablest defences of the doctrines of his sect. His writings attracted public sympathy to his co-religionists. The first remonstrance of Friends against war was put forth by Barclay in 1677, entitled a Treatise on universal love. Barclay made many religious journeys in England, Holland, and Germany with William Penn, and was several times imprisoned on account of the promulgation of his doctrines. Charles II. was Barclay's friend through the influence of Penn, and made his estate at Ury a free barony in 1679, with the privilege of criminal jurisdiction. He was one of the proprietors of East Jersey, and in [281] 1682 he was appointed its governor (see New Jersey) ; but he exercised the office by a deputy. He died in Ury, Oct. 13, 1690.

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