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Mason, Jeremiah 1768-1848

Legislator; born in Lebanon, Conn., April 27, 1768; graduated at Yale College in 1788; admitted to the bar in 1791; and began practice in Westmoreland, N. H. He was Attorney-General in 1802, and from 1813 to 1817 was United States Senator. For many years he was in the New Hampshire legislature, and was the author of

Statue of John Mason, of New Hampshire.

an able report on the Virginia resolutions touching the Missouri compromise (q. v.). In 1837 he removed to Boston, where, until he was seventy years of age, he was extensively engaged in his profession; but he was little known, personally, out of New England. His mind was clear, logical, and extremely vigorous, the characteristics of which, Webster said, were “real greatness, strength, and sagacity.” He died in Boston, Oct. 14, 1848.

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