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One of the central United States, lies west of the Mississippi River, which separates it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Arkansas bounds it on the south. On the west, a line drawn south from Kansas City in about long. 94° 30′, separates the State from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebraska north of Kansas City. The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary. It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° 30′ N., and in longitude from 89° 2′ to 95° 44′ W. Area, 65,370 square miles in 115 counties. Population in 1890, 2,679,184; 1900, 3,106,665. Capital, Jefferson City.

Fernando De Soto ascends the west bank of the Mississippi River as far as the present site of New Madrid......1541

Louis Joliet and Pere Jacques Marquette descend the Mississippi to lat. 33°......1673

Robert Cavalier de La Salle descends the Mississippi to its mouth......1682 [424]

A prospecting party sent out by French governor of Louisiana ascends the Missouri River to the mouth of the Kansas......1705

Missouri included in a grant to Anthony Crozat for the exclusive privilege of the commerce of Louisiana for fifteen years, made by Louis XIV......Sept. 14, 1712

Missouri included in a grant to the Mississippi Company on the resignation of Crozat......August, 1717

Lead-mining in St. Genevieve county by Sieur Renault......1720

Pierre Ligueste Laclede, head of Louisiana Fur Company, who in 1763 obtained from the director-general of Louisiana a monopoly of the fur trade with the Indians of Missouri, sends a party under Auguste Chouteau, who lays out St. Louis......Feb. 15, 1764

St. Ange de Belle Rive, the French commander of Fort Chartres, about 15 miles above St. Genevieve, surrendering the fort to the British, removes with officers and troops to St. Louis and assumes command of upper Louisiana......July 17, 1765

Spanish troops under Captain Rios reach St. Louis; Rios takes possession in the name of the King of Spain......Aug. 11, 1768

Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas, who was murdered at Cahokia, is buried at St. Louis, where he was a guest of St. Ange......1769

Blanchette, surnamed “The Hunter,” builds a log-hut on hills now occupied by the city of St. Charles, and establishes a military post under the governor of upper Louisiana......1769

Lieut.-Gov. Don Pedro Piernas arrives at St. Louis to assume the Spanish authority over upper Louisiana......1770

Francisco Crozat succeeds Piernas......1775

Don Ferdinando Leyba appointed governor to succeed Crozat......1778

Massacre of whites near St. Louis by Indians who, led by British, intended a general attack on the settlement, but were repulsed......May 26, 1780

Leyba removed and Francisco Crozat reinstated. Under his government St. Louis was regularly fortified......1780

Old St. Genevieve, which tradition says was founded by settlers from Kaskaskia in 1735, is destroyed by a flood, the inhabitants remove from river bottoms to the present site......1785

New Madrid, settled as early as 1780, is laid out on an extensive scale by Col. George Morgan, of New Jersey, who had received a grant of over 12,000,000 acres of land from Spain......1788

Crozat succeeded by Don Manuel Perez as commandant-general of the post of St. Louis......1788

Zenon Trudeau succeeds Perez......1793

Daniel Boone, of Kentucky, moves to what is now St. Charles county......1795

Trudeau succeeded by Charles Dehault Delassus de Delusiere......1798

Delassus appoints Daniel Boone commandant or syndic of the Femme Osage district......1800

Maj. Amos Stoddard, agent of France for receiving upper Louisiana from the Spanish, arrives at St. Louis, and on March 9 Delassus surrenders the territory to him, and next day it is transferred to the United States, Major Stoddard in command......March 10, 1804

Missouri included in the district of Louisiana, set off from the Territory of Louisiana, and placed under the government of Indiana Territory by act of Congress......March 26, 1804

Exploring expedition of Lewis and Clarke up the Missouri River leaves St. Louis......May 14, 1804

By act of Congress the district of Louisiana is regularly organized into the Territory of Louisiana, and President Jefferson appoints Gen. James Wilkinson as governor......March 3, 1805

Aaron Burr visits General Wilkinson at St. Louis......September, 1805

Lewis and Clarke expedition return to St. Louis......Sept. 23, 1806

Missouri Gazette established and published at St. Louis by Joseph Charless......July, 1808

Treaty of Fort Clark by which the Great and Little Osage tribes cede to the United States 33,173,383 acres of land in Missouri and 14,830,432 acres in Arkansas......Nov. 10, 1808

Town of St. Louis incorporated......Nov. 9, 1809

Town of New Madrid destroyed by an earthquake......Dec. 16, 1811

Act of Congress changing the name to the Territory of Missouri approved......June 4, 1812 [425]

Edward Hempstead first delegate to Congress......November, 1812

First General Assembly meets in the house of Joseph Robidoux, between Walnut and Elm streets, St. Louis......Dec. 7, 1812

United States Congress confirms to Daniel Boone 833 acres of land in the Femme Osage district......Feb. 10, 1814

Capt. James Callaway, with fifteen men, returning to the settlement of Loutre Island with some horses they had recovered from the Sac and Fox Indians, are attacked by the Indians in ambush and Captain Callaway and three of his men are killed......March 7, 1815

By act of Congress the election of the council in Missouri Territory is by choice of the people......April 29, 1816

Steamboat General Pike ascends the Mississippi to St. Louis......Aug. 2, 1817

Bill authorizing people of Missouri to frame a State constitution for admission into the Union introduced into Congress......Feb. 13, 1819

By act of Congress, Arkansas Territory is set off from Missouri......March 2, 1819

Independence, a pioneer steamboat, ascends the Missouri River and arrives at Franklin, Howard county......May 28, 1819

Western Engineer, a steamboat constructed by Col. S. H. Long for an expedition up the Missouri to the Yellowstone, leaves St. Louis......June 21, 1819

Act approved authorizing the people of Missouri Territory to form a State constitution......March 6, 1820

A constitutional convention meets at St. Louis, June 12, completes its labors, July 19, and the constitution is ratified by the people at the ensuing election......1820

Article III:, section 26, of the State constitution requires the legislature “to pass such laws as may be necessary” to prevent free negroes and mulattoes from coming to and settling in the State......1820

General Assembly, elected Aug. 28, meets in the Missouri Hotel at St. Louis and organizes a State government......Sept. 19, 1820

Daniel Boone dies at Femme Osage......Sept. 26, 1820

Missouri admitted into the Union with conditions that the legislature should pledge the faith of the State that the free negro clause should never be executed......March 2, 1821

Conditions of admission of Missouri into the Union being accepted, President Monroe approves the bill......Aug. 10, 1821

Thomas H. Benton enters the United States Senate and serves continuously until 1851......1821

St. Louis incorporated a city; population, 4,800......Dec. 9, 1822

Public reception of Lafayette in St. Louis......April 29, 1825

Gov. Frederick Bates dies......Aug. 1, 1825

Seat of government removed from St. Charles to Jefferson City, and legislature holds its first session there......Nov. 20, 1826

Joseph Smith, the Mormon leader, having found a location for “Zion” at Independence, Jackson county, in 1831, which he names “The New Jerusalem,” arrives from Kirtland, O., with many followers......1832

St. Louis University, founded 1829; incorporated......December, 1832

Mormons in Missouri publish a paper, the Evening Star, the sentiments of which are obnoxious to the people, who tar and feather the bishop and two others, and throw the presses into the river. On Oct. 31 an encounter occurs in which two citizens and one Mormon are killed. On Nov. 2 the Mormons attack Independence, but are routed and forced to promise to leave the county before. Jan. 1, 1834......Nov. 2, 1833

Congress adds the Platte purchase, a triangle north of the Missouri River, west of the western boundary of the State, and south of the northern boundary to Missouri, thus making it slave territory......June 7, 1836

Depredations and murders in Carroll county traced to a band of desperadoes composed principally of a family named Hetherly, old Mrs. Hetherly being a sister of the Kentucky brigands, Big and Little Harpe. The band broken up by the arrest and imprisonment of some of its chief men......July 17, 1836

Bank of the State of Missouri established at St. Louis; capital, $5,000,000, about four-fifths belonging to the State......1837

By proclamation of President Van Buren, the law of June 7, 1836, regarding the Platte purchase, takes effect......March 28, 1837 [426]

Col. Richard Gentry's regiment leaves Columbia for the Seminole War......Oct. 6, 1837

State-house burned with public papers and records......Nov. 17, 1837

Act of Congress to ascertain the true boundary-line of Missouri on the north, described in the act of admission as “the parallel of latitude which passes through the rapids of the river Des Moines, making the said line to correspond with the Indian boundary-line” ......June 18, 1838

Numerous conflicts occurring between the Mormons and people lead Governor Boggs to issue a proclamation to call out the militia and enforce the laws. Skirmishes occur at Crooked River and Haughn's Mills, near Breckinridge, between the militia and Mormons under G. W. Hinkle; in the latter eighteen Mormons were killed, some of them after surrender. At Far West, Caldwell county, Joe Smith surrenders to the militia and agrees that the Mormons shall leave the State......October, 1838

Corner-stone of the University of the State of Missouri at Columbia, laid......July 4, 1840

Suicide of Gov. Thomas Reynolds......Feb. 9, 1844

Remains of Daniel Boone and his wife are removed to Frankfort, Ky.......July 17, 1845

The first regiment of Missouri troops for the Mexican War arrives at Fort Leavenworth......June 18, 1846

State constitution completed, but rejected by the people......1846

Colonel Doniphan, with 924 Missouri volunteers, defeats 4,000 Mexicans under General Heredia in the pass of Sacramento......Feb. 28, 1847

First line of telegraph between East St. Louis and the East completed......Dec. 20, 1847

Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States upon the northern boundary is confirmed by Congress, and the present boundary established by act......Feb. 15, 1848

Claiborne F. Jackson, on Jan. 15, 1849, introduces resolutions in the State Senate, questioning the power of Congress to legislate on slavery in the Territories. Passed by the Senate, Jan. 20, and by the Assembly......March 6, 1849

Fire in St. Louis destroys twenty-three steamboats and their cargoes and a large section of the city......May 17, 1849

United States Senator Thomas H. Benton, in the hall of the House at Jefferson City, opposes the “Jackson resolutions,” as in the spirit of nullification and disunion, and appeals from the legislature to the people......May 26, 1849

Inter-State convention at St. Louis unanimously endorses a national Pacific railway across the continent......Oct. 16, 1849

Ground broken for the Pacific Railroad by the mayor of St. Louis......July 4, 1850

William Jewell College at Liberty, chartered in 1849, opened......1850

At a joint convention to choose a United States Senator, Henry S. Geyer, of St. Louis, Whig, defeats Thomas H. Benton......Jan. 22, 1851

Destruction of the Industrial luminary, a newspaper published at Parkville, by a pro-slavery faction......April 14, 1855

Gov. Trusten Polk resigns to become United States Senator......March, 1857

Dred Scott and family emancipated by Taylor Blow, under deed for that purpose from the family of Calvin C. Chaffee, who inherited then......May 26, 1857

First overland mail leaves St. Louis for San Francisco......Sept. 16, 1858

First overland mail from California arrives at St. Louis twenty-four days eighteen and a half hours from San Francisco......Oct. 9, 1858

Legislature calls a State convention, “that the will of the people may be ascertained and effectuated,” but providing that no ordinance of secession should be valid unless ratified by the people......Jan. 18, 1861

Edward Bates, of Missouri, United States Attorney-General......March 5, 1861

State convention assembles in the courthouse at Jefferson City; ninety-nine delegates. Sterling Price chosen president, Feb. 28. They adjourn to meet at St. Louis on March 4, when a committee reports against secession......March 9, 1861

In reply to President Lincoln's call for troops, Governor Jackson writes, “Not one man will the State of Missouri furnish to carry on such an unholy crusade” ......April 17, 1861

United States arsenal at Liberty seized and garrisoned by State troops under order from Governor Jackson......April 20, 1861 [427]

Captain Lyon, at the head of the United States forces in St. Louis, by a sudden move upon Camp Jackson, compels an unconditional surrender of the State militia there......May 10, 1861

General Harney, commandant at St. Louis, addresses the people of Missouri, denouncing a military act of the legislature as indirect secession and unconstitutional......May 14, 1861

Governor Jackson calls for 50,000 militia, “for the purpose of repelling invasion, and for the protection of the lives, liberty, and property of citizens of the State” ......June 12, 1861

Governor Jackson, with the State troops, proceeds to Booneville, leaving the capital to fall into the hands of Lyon......June 15, 1861

General Lyon defeats the State troops under Colonel Marmaduke in battle at Booneville......June 17, 1861

An indecisive battle is fought at Carthage between State troops under General Jackson and Federals under General Sigel......July 5, 1861

State convention makes Robert Wilson president in place of Sterling Price, made major-general in the Confederate army......July 22, 1861

State convention declares the office of governor, of lieutenant-governor, and of members of legislature vacant, and elects Hamilton R. Gamble as provisional governor......July 31, 1861

Thomas C. Reynolds, ex-lieutenant-governor, proclaims from New Madrid that the forces of General Pillow had come on the invitation of Governor Jackson, “to aid in expelling the enemy” ......July 31, 1861

Governor Gamble, by proclamation, promises protection to all citizens in arms who return peaceably to their homes......Aug. 3, 1861

Governor Jackson, returning from Richmond, Va., to New Madrid, issues a “Declaration of Independence of the State of Missouri” ......Aug. 5, 1861

Nationals under General Lyon defeat Confederates under Gen. James Rains at Dug Springs, Aug. 2, and are defeated by Gen. Benjamin McCulloch at Wilson Creek; General Lyon was killed......Aug. 10, 1861

Missouri is placed under martial law by General Fremont, at the head of the Western Department, and Major McKinstry, U. S. A., is created provost-marshalgeneral......Aug. 30, 1861

By proclamation, Aug. 30, General Fremont manumits two slaves of Thomas L. Snead, a secessionist of St. Louis......Sept. 12, 1861

Nationals are defeated in battles at Blue Mills Landing, Sept. 17, Lexington, Sept. 20, and Papinsville......Sept. 21, 1861

State convention at Jefferson City requires each civil officer within sixty days to subscribe an oath to support the constitution......Oct. 16, 1861

Lexington reoccupied by the Nationals, Oct. 16, who are also victorious at Fredericktown, Oct. 22, and at Springfield......Oct. 26, 1861

Governor Jackson issues (Sept. 26) a proclamation from Lexington, convening the legislature in extra session at Masonic Hall in Neosho, Newton county......Oct. 21, 1861

General Fremont is relieved by Gen. David Hunter......Nov. 2, 1861

Legislature at Neosho passes an act of secession, Oct. 28, and resolution requesting all members to sign it......Nov. 2, 1861

Indecisive battle at Belmont between Generals Grant and Polk, Nov. 7; Warsaw destroyed by Confederates......Nov. 19, 1861

Major-General Halleck, who succeeded General Hunter, Nov. 7, declares martial law in St. Louis, Dec. 23; and, some men returning from General Price's army having destroyed about 100 miles of the Missouri Railroad, he extends the order to all the railroads in the State......Dec. 25, 1861

Battles at Shawnee Mound and Milford, Dec. 18, 1861, and at Mount Zion......Dec. 28, 1861

New Madrid captured by General Pope......March 14, 1862

Independence captured by the Confederates......Aug. 11, 1862

Battle at Newtonia, Confederates victorious......Sept. 30, 1862

Andrew Allsman, an aged citizen of Palmyra, taken in a raid by Col. John C. Porter's band in September, and not heard of afterwards; General McNeil in retaliation shot ten of Porter's raiders......Oct. 18, 1862

Confederate Gen. John S. Marmaduke [428] repulsed at Springfield, Jan. 8, and at Hartsville......Jan. 11, 1863

Gen. John H. McNeil repulses General Marmaduke in a battle at Cape Girardeau......April 26, 1863

Ordinance adopted by the State convention, ordaining that slavery should cease, July 4, 1870, subject to provisions with regard to age, etc.......July 1, 1863

Death of Governor Gamble......Jan. 31, 1864

Robbery and general massacre of citizens and Federal soldiers in Centralia by guerilla band under Bill Anderson......Sept. 27, 1864

General Price invades Missouri; defeats Curtis at Little Blue, Oct. 21, but is repulsed by Nationals at Big Blue, Little Osage, and Newtonia......October, 1864

Constitutional convention meets at St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1865, adopts an ordinance abolishing slavery......Jan. 11, 1865

State board of immigration organized under act of legislature......1865

State convention vacates on May 1 the offices of judges of the Supreme Court, of all circuit courts, and others......March 17, 1865

New constitution completed April 10. Article II., section 9, provides that after sixty days “no person shall be permitted to practise as an attorney,” “nor be competent as a bishop, priest, deacon, minister, elder, or other clergyman” to teach or preach or solemnize marriages unless he shall have taken, subscribed, and filed an oath of loyalty. Constitution ratified by the people, vote 43,670 for and 41,808 against......June 6, 1865

Judges of the higher courts decline to yield to the new judges appointed by Governor Fletcher under ordinance of March 17, as not in the power of the convention. By special order, General Coleman is directed to use such force as may be necessary to establish the new judges in office, which he accomplishes......June 14, 1865

Excitement in Lafayette from political strife and robbery and murder by desperadoes under Archie Clemmens, who is killed by troops sent to quell the disturbance......spring of 1867

Legislature makes prize-fighting for money punishable by imprisonment from six to twelve months, or a fine of $500 to $1,000......Feb. 8, 1868

Monument to Thomas H. Benton, raised for the State government on Lafayette, Square, St. Louis, is unveiled......May 27, 1868

People reject the amendment striking out the word “white” in the suffrage clause, by 74,053 to 55,236......1868

Original seal of the State of Missouri, which had disappeared from the seat of government in 1861, is restored to Governor McClurg by ex-Lieut.-Gov. Thomas C. Reynolds......May 26, 1869

Legislature ratifies Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution......Jan. 10, 1870

State Agricultural College located at Columbia by law......1870

A movement set on foot in 1866 by Col. B. Gratz Brown, for universal amnesty, universal franchise, and revenue reform, divides the Republican party, at the State convention at Jefferson City, Aug. 31, 1870, into Radicals and Liberals or “Bolters,” headed by Gen. Carl Schurz. The Liberal candidate, B. Gratz Brown, elected governor......Nov. 8, 1870

Act passes over Governor Brown's veto directing that 422 bonds of the State of Missouri, of $1,000 each, issued in 1852 and falling due in 1872, “redeemable in gold or silver coin,” be redeemed in legaltender notes......Feb. 8, 1872

Seventy or eighty masked men stop a railroad train at Gun City, Cass county, and murder Judge J. C. Stephenson, Thomas E. Detro, and James C. Cline, charged with complicity in the fraudulent issue of railroad bonds, which imposed a heavy burden upon the tax-payers in that county......April 24, 1872

Railroad bridge over the Mississippi at St. Louis, designed by James B. Eads and constructed by the Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Company, formally opened......July 4, 1874

State railroad commission created by act of legislature......March 27, 1875

Ordinance passed by legislature to prevent the payment of 1,918 bonds and coupons of $1,000 each, executed by the Pacific Railroad of Missouri under a law of Dec. 10, 1855, which had disappeared, but had not been cancelled or destroyed......Oct. 30, 1875

New constitution framed by a State convention which sat at Jefferson City, May [429] 5, 1875, to Aug. 19, is submitted to the people and ratified by a vote of 90,600 to 14,362......Oct. 30, 1875

Convention of 869 delegates from thirty-one States and Territories assembles at St. Louis to take action upon the construction of the Southern Pacific Railroad......Nov. 23-24, 1875

Carl Schurz, of Missouri, Secretary of the Interior......March 12, 1877

State lunatic asylum at St. Joseph burned; the 218 inmates escape......Jan. 25, 1879

Cottey law passed, to take effect immediately, providing that county courts shall levy only four taxes: the State revenue tax, the State interest tax, tax for current county expenses, and school tax, unless ordered by the circuit court for the county or by the judge thereof in chambers......March 8, 1879

Laws creating a State fish commission, a bureau of labor statistics, and appropriating $3,000 for a State hatchery......1879

Proposed amendment to the constitution, article XIV., embodying the Maine liquor law, passes the House, and is rejected in the Senate by 12 to 10......1879

Convention of representatives of the commercial and agricultural and other productive industries of the Mississippi Valley meets at St. Louis......Oct. 26, 1881

Missouri River improvement convention meets at St. Joseph. Four States and two Territories are represented......Nov. 29, 1881

Downing high license law passed, which fixes the maximum State and county tax on license for dram-shops at $1,200 per annum......1883

State board of health created by act of legislature......1883

Some seventy-five of the “Bald-knobber” organization of Christian county are arrested in March, some on the charge of murder, others for attending unlawful assemblies of “Regulators.” All but the leaders are tried at Ozark and fined......August, 1887

Fifty out of seventy-eight elections under the Wood local option law result in favor of prohibition......1887

Governor Marmaduke dies......Dec. 28, 1887

Institution for deaf and dumb at Fulton burned......February, 1888

Bald-knobber leader David Walker and three accomplices tried, March and April, 1888. Sentenced to be executed on May 18; postponed. Their Bald-knobber friends, for revenge, seize and hang five of the witnesses......Nov. 14, 1888

Norman J. Coleman appointed Secretary of Agriculture......Feb. 12, 1889

Australian ballot reform act, applicable to cities and towns with a population of 5,000 and over, passed by the legislature......1889

Act of legislature appointing the first Friday after the first Tuesday of April to be observed as Arbor Day......1889

David Walker, William Walker, and John Matthews, Bald-knobbers, sentenced April, 1888, finally executed at Ozark......May 10, 1889

Inter-State Wheat Growers' Association of Mississippi Valley meets at St. Louis, N. J. Coleman, presiding......Oct. 27, 1889

Woman's temperance crusade in Lathrop, etc., from......Feb. 10, 1890

State Treasurer E. T. Noland suspended from office for defalcation to the amount of $32,745.69......March 4, 1890

Semi-centennial of the laying of the corner-stone of the State university at Columbia celebrated......July 4, 1890

Limited Kansas City express on the Missouri Pacific Railroad is “held up” by seven highwaymen at Otterville, and express car robbed of $90,000......Aug. 17, 1890

Representatives from the Union Labor, Prohibition, and Greenback parties meet at St. Louis, Sept. 3, and organize the National Reform party......Sept. 5, 1890

Gen. W. T. Sherman dies at New York City, Feb. 14, is buried at St. Louis......Feb. 21, 1891

Legal rate of interest fixed at 8 per cent. by act of legislature, which adjourns......March 24, 1891

National industrial conference (over 650 delegates from Farmers' Alliance and mutual benefit associations) meets at St. Louis and decides to act with the People's party in the Presidential campaign......Feb. 22, 1892

National Nicaragua Canal convention, with delegates from twenty-five or more States, meets at St. Louis......June 2, 1892

Southeast Missouri land commission created......1893 [430]

Cyclone at St. Louis, great loss of lives and property......May 27, 1896

Republican National Convention meets at St. Louis. Platform adopted......June 18, 1896

The People's Party National Convention meets at St. Louis......July 24, 1896

The street-railroad system of St. Louis sold to a New York syndicate for $8,500,000......Dec. 7, 1898

Tornado in northern part of the State (forty-two persons killed, over 100 injured)......April 27, 1899

Richard P. Bland dies at Lebanon, Mo.......June 15, 1899

Louisiana purchase exposition to receive $5,000,000 in bonds from St. Louis; $1,000,000 from the State; $5,000,000 from the United States after the committee has raised $10,000,000......1900

Department-store taxation law declared unconstitutional......Feb. 20, 1900

The great trolley-car strike settled......July 2, 1900

Seven constitutional amendments adopted......November, 1900


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United States (United States) (8)
Jefferson City (Missouri, United States) (7)
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (4)
St. Joseph, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
St. Charles, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
San Francisco (California, United States) (2)
Ozark, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
Newtonia (Missouri, United States) (2)
Neosho, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (2)
Mississippi (United States) (2)
Milton (Missouri, United States) (2)
Louisianaville (Missouri, United States) (2)
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (2)
Arkansas (United States) (2)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (1)
St. Charles County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Shawnee Mound (Missouri, United States) (1)
Santa Genoveva (Missouri, United States) (1)
Sacramento City (Missouri, United States) (1)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (1)
Pontiac (Michigan, United States) (1)
Parkville, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (1)
Papinsville (Missouri, United States) (1)
Otterville, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Osage (Missouri, United States) (1)
Oklahoma (Oklahoma, United States) (1)
New Madrid, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Nebraska (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Montana (Montana, United States) (1)
Milford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Loutre Island (Missouri, United States) (1)
Lebanon, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Kirtland (Ohio, United States) (1)
Kaskaskia (Illinois, United States) (1)
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (1)
Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Independence, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Hartsville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Fulton, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Fredericktown (Maryland, United States) (1)
Franklin, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (1)
France (France) (1)
Far West (Missouri, United States) (1)
East St. Louis (Illinois, United States) (1)
Dug Springs (New Mexico, United States) (1)
Crooked River (Florida, United States) (1)
Clark (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Christian (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Centralia, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Cass (Missouri, United States) (1)
Carroll (Missouri, United States) (1)
Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) (1)
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Claiborne F. Jackson (9)
Nathaniel Lyon (5)
Daniel Boone (5)
Sterling Price (4)
Francisco Crozat (4)
Thomas Hart Benton (4)
John S. Marmaduke (3)
John C. Fremont (3)
James Wilkinson (2)
David Walker (2)
Zenon Trudeau (2)
Amos Stoddard (2)
Carl Schurz (2)
Eugenio Montero Rios (2)
Thomas C. Reynolds (2)
John C. Porter (2)
Trusten Polk (2)
Don Pedro Piernas (2)
Don Manuel Perez (2)
David P. Lewis (2)
David Hunter (2)
Hetherly (2)
Hamilton R. Gamble (2)
Anthony Crozat (2)
Norman J. Coleman (2)
John Clarke (2)
James Callaway (2)
Benjamin Gratz Brown (2)
Robert Wilson (1)
Inter-State Wheat (1)
William Walker (1)
J. C. Stephenson (1)
Fernando De Soto (1)
Thomas L. Snead (1)
Joseph Smith (1)
Joe Smith (1)
Franz Sigel (1)
William Tecumseh Sherman (1)
Dred Scott (1)
De la Salle (1)
Joseph Robidoux (1)
Rive (1)
Thomas Reynolds (1)
James Rains (1)
John Pope (1)
Gideon Johnson Pillow (1)
E. T. Noland (1)
George Morgan (1)
James Monroe (1)
John H. McNeil (1)
John McNeil (1)
McKinstry (1)
Benjamin McCulloch (1)
Joseph W. McClurg (1)
John Matthews (1)
Pere Jacques Marquette (1)
John Sappington Marmaduke (1)
Stephen H. Long (1)
Benjamin Lincoln (1)
Don Ferdinando Leyba (1)
George Parsons Lathrop (1)
Motier De Lafayette (1)
Cavalier La (1)
Louis Joliet (1)
Thomas Jefferson (1)
Claiborne Fox Jackson (1)
Fox Indians (1)
G. W. Hinkle (1)
Heredia (1)
Edward Hempstead (1)
William S. Harney (1)
Henry W. Halleck (1)
Jesse Root Grant (1)
Henry S. Geyer (1)
Richard Gentry (1)
Hamilton Rowan Gamble (1)
Benjamin Fletcher (1)
James Buchanan Eads (1)
A. J. Downing (1)
Alexander W. Doniphan (1)
Thomas E. Detro (1)
Delassus Delusiere (1)
Charles Dehault (1)
George William Curtis (1)
Franklin N. Coleman (1)
James C. Cline (1)
Archie Clemmens (1)
Auguste Chouteau (1)
Joseph Charless (1)
Calvin C. Chaffee (1)
Aaron Burr (1)
Martin Van Buren (1)
B. Gratz Brown (1)
Lilburn W. Boggs (1)
Richard Parks Bland (1)
Ange Belle (1)
Frederick Bates (1)
Edward Bates (1)
W. Area (1)
Robert Anderson (1)
Andrew Allsman (1)
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April, 1888 AD (2)
October 30th, 1875 AD (2)
November 2nd, 1861 AD (2)
July 31st, 1861 AD (2)
June 7th, 1836 AD (2)
November 7th (2)
November, 1900 AD (1)
July 2nd, 1900 AD (1)
February 20th, 1900 AD (1)
1900 AD (1)
June 15th, 1899 AD (1)
April 27th, 1899 AD (1)
December 7th, 1898 AD (1)
July 24th, 1896 AD (1)
June 18th, 1896 AD (1)
May 27th, 1896 AD (1)
1893 AD (1)
June 2nd, 1892 AD (1)
February 22nd, 1892 AD (1)
March 24th, 1891 AD (1)
February 21st, 1891 AD (1)
September 5th, 1890 AD (1)
August 17th, 1890 AD (1)
July 4th, 1890 AD (1)
March 4th, 1890 AD (1)
February 10th, 1890 AD (1)
1890 AD (1)
October 27th, 1889 AD (1)
May 10th, 1889 AD (1)
February 12th, 1889 AD (1)
November 14th, 1888 AD (1)
March, 1888 AD (1)
February, 1888 AD (1)
December 28th, 1887 AD (1)
August, 1887 AD (1)
November 29th, 1881 AD (1)
October 26th, 1881 AD (1)
March 8th, 1879 AD (1)
January 25th, 1879 AD (1)
March 12th, 1877 AD (1)
November 24th, 1875 AD (1)
November 23rd, 1875 AD (1)
March 27th, 1875 AD (1)
1875 AD (1)
July 4th, 1874 AD (1)
April 24th, 1872 AD (1)
February 8th, 1872 AD (1)
1872 AD (1)
November 8th, 1870 AD (1)
August 31st, 1870 AD (1)
July 4th, 1870 AD (1)
January 10th, 1870 AD (1)
May 26th, 1869 AD (1)
May 27th, 1868 AD (1)
February 8th, 1868 AD (1)
1866 AD (1)
June 14th, 1865 AD (1)
June 6th, 1865 AD (1)
March 17th, 1865 AD (1)
January 11th, 1865 AD (1)
January 6th, 1865 AD (1)
October, 1864 AD (1)
September 27th, 1864 AD (1)
January 31st, 1864 AD (1)
July 1st, 1863 AD (1)
April 26th, 1863 AD (1)
January 11th, 1863 AD (1)
October 18th, 1862 AD (1)
September 30th, 1862 AD (1)
August 11th, 1862 AD (1)
March 14th, 1862 AD (1)
December 28th, 1861 AD (1)
December 25th, 1861 AD (1)
December 18th, 1861 AD (1)
November 19th, 1861 AD (1)
October 26th, 1861 AD (1)
October 21st, 1861 AD (1)
October 16th, 1861 AD (1)
September 21st, 1861 AD (1)
September 12th, 1861 AD (1)
August 30th, 1861 AD (1)
August 10th, 1861 AD (1)
August 5th, 1861 AD (1)
August 3rd, 1861 AD (1)
July 22nd, 1861 AD (1)
July 5th, 1861 AD (1)
June 17th, 1861 AD (1)
June 15th, 1861 AD (1)
June 12th, 1861 AD (1)
May 14th, 1861 AD (1)
May 10th, 1861 AD (1)
April 20th, 1861 AD (1)
April 17th, 1861 AD (1)
March 9th, 1861 AD (1)
March 5th, 1861 AD (1)
January 18th, 1861 AD (1)
1861 AD (1)
October 9th, 1858 AD (1)
September 16th, 1858 AD (1)
May 26th, 1857 AD (1)
March, 1857 AD (1)
December 10th, 1855 AD (1)
April 14th, 1855 AD (1)
1852 AD (1)
January 22nd, 1851 AD (1)
July 4th, 1850 AD (1)
October 16th, 1849 AD (1)
May 26th, 1849 AD (1)
May 17th, 1849 AD (1)
March 6th, 1849 AD (1)
January 15th, 1849 AD (1)
1849 AD (1)
February 15th, 1848 AD (1)
December 20th, 1847 AD (1)
February 28th, 1847 AD (1)
June 18th, 1846 AD (1)
July 17th, 1845 AD (1)
February 9th, 1844 AD (1)
July 4th, 1840 AD (1)
October, 1838 AD (1)
June 18th, 1838 AD (1)
November 17th, 1837 AD (1)
October 6th, 1837 AD (1)
March 28th, 1837 AD (1)
July 17th, 1836 AD (1)
January 1st, 1834 AD (1)
November 2nd, 1833 AD (1)
December, 1832 AD (1)
1831 AD (1)
1829 AD (1)
November 20th, 1826 AD (1)
August 1st, 1825 AD (1)
April 29th, 1825 AD (1)
December 9th, 1822 AD (1)
August 10th, 1821 AD (1)
March 2nd, 1821 AD (1)
September 26th, 1820 AD (1)
September 19th, 1820 AD (1)
March 6th, 1820 AD (1)
June 21st, 1819 AD (1)
May 28th, 1819 AD (1)
March 2nd, 1819 AD (1)
February 13th, 1819 AD (1)
August 2nd, 1817 AD (1)
April 29th, 1816 AD (1)
March 7th, 1815 AD (1)
February 10th, 1814 AD (1)
December 7th, 1812 AD (1)
November, 1812 AD (1)
June 4th, 1812 AD (1)
December 16th, 1811 AD (1)
November 9th, 1809 AD (1)
November 10th, 1808 AD (1)
July, 1808 AD (1)
September 23rd, 1806 AD (1)
September, 1805 AD (1)
March 3rd, 1805 AD (1)
May 14th, 1804 AD (1)
March 26th, 1804 AD (1)
March 10th, 1804 AD (1)
1785 AD (1)
May 26th, 1780 AD (1)
1780 AD (1)
August 11th, 1768 AD (1)
July 17th, 1765 AD (1)
February 15th, 1764 AD (1)
1763 AD (1)
1735 AD (1)
August, 1717 AD (1)
September 14th, 1712 AD (1)
1682 AD (1)
December 23rd (1)
November 2nd (1)
October 31st (1)
October 28th (1)
October 22nd (1)
October 21st (1)
October 16th (1)
September 26th (1)
September 20th (1)
September 17th (1)
September 3rd (1)
September (1)
August 30th (1)
August 28th (1)
August 19th (1)
August 2nd (1)
July 19th (1)
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April 10th (1)
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March 9th (1)
March 4th (1)
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February 14th (1)
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January 8th (1)
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