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A Western inland State of the United States, lying between lat. 41° and 45° N., and long. 104° and 111° W., is bounded on the north by Montana, east by South Dakota and Nebraska, south by Colorado and Utah, and west by Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Area, 97,890 square miles, in twelve counties. Population, 1890, 60,705; 1900, 92,531. Capital, Cheyenne.

Sieur de la Verendrye and his sons, from Canada, travel as far south as Wind River......1843-44

John Colter winters on the headwaters of Pryor's Fork, 1806; visits Shoshone Lake, crosses the Rocky Mountains to the head of Green River, and returns to the head of Wind River and Pryor's Fork......1807

Ezekiel Williams, trapper, wanders from the Yellowstone to the South Platte through Wyoming......1807

First recorded expedition from the east, the Pacific Fur Company, on the way to Oregon under Wilson Price Hunt, passes through Wyoming, crossing Powder River Valley and Big Horn Mountains to the Wind River, thence to the Snake River......1811

William H. Ashley, of the North American Fur Company, with 300 men, explores the Sweetwater and Green rivers......1824

Capt. E. L. Bonneville leads the first caravan, 110 trappers and twenty wagons, from the Platte through South Pass to the Green River. At the junction of Lead Creek he builds a fort......1832

William Sublette and Robert Campbell erect a fort on Laramie Fork, which they name Fort William, since Fort Laramie.......1834

First emigrant train for Oregon and California crosses Wyoming......1841

Fort Bridger erected on Green River by James Bridger, a famous trapper......1842

Col. J. C. Fremont, with a government exploring expedition, ascends and names Fremont's Peak......1842

Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young, pass Fort Laramie on their way to Great Salt Lake through South Pass......June 1, 1847

Part of Wyoming is included in the territory acquired by the United States from Mexico by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo......Feb. 2, 1848

Fort Laramie transferred to the United States......1849

Fort Bridger sold for $8,000 to the Mormons......1853

Sioux Indian war begins; Lieutenant Grattan and twenty-eight men sent from Fort Laramie to arrest an Indian who had shot a cow of a Mormon emigrant. The Indians refusing to give up the culprit, Grattan fires, and the whole party are killed......summer of 1854

Sir George Gore, of Sligo, Ireland, with his private hunting expedition, winters at [564] Fort Laramie, 1854, and with James Bridger as guide travels north to Powder River......1855

Oil is collected from a spring near Poison Spider Creek, and sold along the Mormon trail for axle-grease......1863

Bill introduced in Congress by James M. Ashley, of Ohio, to provide a temporary government for “the Territory of Wyoming” ......1865

Massacre of United States troops by the Indians in a sortie, under Colonel Fetterman, from Fort Philip Kearny, near Big Horn; three officers and ninety men killed and scalped......Dec. 21, 1866

Cheyenne first settled, July, 1867, and a city government established, with H. M. Hook as mayor......August, 1867

First newspaper published in the Territory, the Cheyenne Evening leader, Sept. 19; Daily argus, Oct. 25; and Rocky Mountain Star, Dec. 8......1867

First passenger train from Omaha arrives at Cheyenne......Nov. 13, 1867

Gold discovered on the sources of the Sweetwater......1867

Laramie City located on the Union Pacific Railroad......April, 1868

Territory of Wyoming organized by act of Congress out of parts of Dakota, Utah, and Idaho......July 25, 1868

Coal discovered three miles from Evanston, 1868, and first mine opened......1869

Cheyenne designated as the capital of Wyoming, and first territorial court held there......Sept. 7, 1869

Act approved giving women the right to vote and hold office in Wyoming......Dec. 10, 1869

Grand jury of men and women impanelled at Laramie......March 7, 1870

Lieut. Gustavus C. Doane makes a reconnoissance from Fort Ellis, Montana, to Yellowstone Lake, via Gallatin River...... 1870

Act of Congress approved setting apart 3,575 square miles near the headwaters of the Yellowstone as a public park......March 1, 1872

Military expedition under Captain Jones proceeds north from Bryan, on the Union Pacific Railroad, through the Wind River Valley and the Yellowstone National Park, to Fort Ellis......1873

Gov. William Hale dies......Jan. 13, 1885

Two hundred miners attack 400 Chinese, imported to work in the Union Pacific Railroad coal-mines, and drive them to the hills, massacring many......Sept. 2, 1885

Treaty concluded with the Shoshones and Bannocks at Fort Bridger, setting apart a reservation in Wyoming......July 3, 1886

Laramie Glass Company inaugurate the first window-glass factory west of Illinois......April 6, 1887

University of Wyoming at Laramie chartered 1886; corner-stone laid Sept. 27, 1886; and opened......September, 1887

New capitol at Cheyenne occupied by the legislature......1888

Constitutional convention assembles at Cheyenne, Sept. 3-30; constitution submitted to the people, and ratified by a vote of 6,272 to 1,923......November, 1889

Wyoming admitted to the Union by act of Congress approved......July 10, 1890

Francis E. Warren inaugurated first governor of the State of Wyoming......Oct. 14, 1890

First State legislature convenes at Cheyenne......Nov. 13, 1890

Legislature passes the Australian ballot law......1890

Forest reservation in Wyoming adjacent to Yellowstone Park set apart by proclamation of President Harrison......March 30 and Sept. 10, 1891

Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians cede to the United States 1,000,000 acres of land at 55 cents per acre ......Oct. 16, 1891

Five hundred cowboys set out to exterminate the cattle thieves in Wyoming and Montana......April 10, 1892

United States troops called out to suppress the cowboy disturbance......April 13, 1892

All persons engaged in resisting the laws and processes of the United States courts in Wyoming commanded to desist, by proclamation of President Harrison......July 30, 1892

Shoshone Indian reservation ceded to the United States......1893

Wyoming was without representation in the United States Senate from 1893. C. D. Clark, Republican, and F. E. Warren, Democrat, elected......June 22, 1895

Legislature provides for a State militia and encouragement of beet-sugar industry......1897

C. D. Clark re-elected United States Senator......Jan. 25, 1899 [565]

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Wyoming (Wyoming, United States) (14)
United States (United States) (7)
Cheyenne (Wyoming, United States) (7)
Fort Laramie (Wyoming, United States) (5)
Montana (Montana, United States) (4)
Green (Kentucky, United States) (4)
Utah (Utah, United States) (3)
Fort Bridger (Wyoming, United States) (3)
South Pass City (Wyoming, United States) (2)
South Dakota (South Dakota, United States) (2)
Pryors Fork (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (2)
Laramie (Wyoming, United States) (2)
Idaho (Idaho, United States) (2)
Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Sweetwater (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Sligo (Irish Republic) (1)
Shoshone Lake (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Salt Lake (Utah, United States) (1)
Poison Spider Creek (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Omaha (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (1)
Nebraska (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Mohawk Mountains (Arizona, United States) (1)
Middle Fork Powder River (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Middle Beaver Creek (Wyoming, United States) (1)
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (1)
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Gallatin (United States) (1)
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Evanston (Illinois, United States) (1)
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (1)
China (China) (1)
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California (California, United States) (1)
Bryan, O. (Ohio, United States) (1)

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