may treat a bill passed by Congress in any of five ways: (1) Sign it; (2) sign it with a protest; (3) if presented more than ten days before the close of the session, and he takes no action, at the expiration of ten days it becomes a law without his signature; (4) if presented within ten days of the close of the session, and he fails to return it, it does not become a law; this is termed a “pocket veto” ; (5) veto it, giving his reasons to Congress.
Bills vetoed by the Presidents—Continued.
President. | No. | Date.
| Subject of Bill.
| Remarks. |
Jackson, 12 |
18 | Dec. 1, 1834 | Internal Improvements, Wabash River | Pocketed. |
19 | March 3, 1835 | Compromise Claims against the Two Sicilies. |
20 | June 9, 1836 | Regulations for Congressional Sessions. |
21 | March 3, 1837 | Funds Receivable from United States Revenue | Pocketed. |
Tyler 9 |
22 | Aug. 16, 1841 | Incorporating Fiscal Bank. |
23 | Sept. 9, 1841 | Incorporating Fiscal Corporation. |
24 | June 29, 1842 | First Whig Tariff. |
25 | Aug. 9, 1842 | Second Whig Tariff. |
26 | Dec. 14, 1842 | Proceeds of Public Land Sales | Pocketed. |
27 | Dec. 14, 1842 | Testimony in Contested Elections | Pocketed. |
28 | Dec. 18, 1842 | Payment of Cherokee Certificates | Pocketed. |
29 | June 11, 1844 | River and Harbor. |
30 | Feb. 20, 1845 | Revenue-cutters and Steamers for Defence | Passed over the veto, the first. |
Polk, 3 |
31 | Aug. 3, 1846 | River and Harbor. |
32 | Aug. 8, 1846 | French Spoliation Claims. |
33 | Dec. 15, 1847 | Internal Improvements | Pocketed. |
Pierce, 9 |
34 | May 3, 1854 | Land Grant for Indigent Insane. |
35 | Aug. 4, 1854 | Internal Improvements. |
36 | Feb. 17, 1855 | French Spoliation Claims. |
37 | March 3. 1855 | Subsidy for Ocean Mails. |
38 | May 19, 1856 | Internal Improvements, Mississippi | Passed over veto. |
39 | May 19, 1856 | Internal Improvements, St. Clair Flats, Mich. | Passed over veto. |
40 | May 22, 1856 | Internal Improvements, St. Mary's River, Mich. | Passed over veto. |
41 | Aug. 11, 1856 | Internal Improvements, Des Moines River, Mich. | Passed over veto. |
42 | Aug. 14, 1856 | Internal Improvements, Patapsco River, Md | Passed over veto. |
Buchanan,7 |
43 | Jan. 7, 1859 | Overland Mails | Pocketed. |
44 | Feb. 24, 1859 | Land Grants for Agricultural Colleges. |
45 | Feb. 1, 1860 | Internal Improvements, St. Clair Flats, Mich. | Pocketed. |
46 | Feb. 6, 1860 | Internal Improvements, Mississippi River | Pocketed. |
47 | Apr. 17, 1860 | Relief of A. Edwards & Co. |
48 | June 22, 1860 | Homestead. |
49 | Jan. 25, 1861 | Relief of Hockaday & Legget. |
Lincoln, 3 |
50 | June 23, 1862 | Bank Notes in District of Columbia. |
51 | July 2, 1862 | Medical Offices in the Army. |
52 | Jan. 5, 1865 | Correcting Clerical Errors | Pocketed. |
Johnson, 21 |
53 | Feb. 19, 1866 | Freedmen's Bureau. |
54 | March 27, 1866 | Civil Rights | Passed over veto. |
55 | May 15, 1866 | Admission of Colorado. |
56 | June 15, 1866 | Public lands (Montana Iron Company). |
57 | July 15, 1866 | Continuation of Freedmen's Bureau | Passed over veto. |
58 | July 28, 1866 | Survey District of Montana. |
59 | Jan. 5, 1867 | Suffrage in District of Columbia | Passed over veto. |
60 | Jan. 29, 1867 | Admission of Colorado. |
61 | Jan. 29, 1867 | Admission of Nebraska | Passed over veto. |
62 | March 2, 1867 | Tenure of Office | Passed over veto. |
63 | March 2, 1867 | Reconstruction | Passed over veto. |
64 | March 23, 1867 | Supplemental Reconstruction | Passed over veto. |
65 | July 19, 1867 | Supplemental Reconstruction | Passed over veto. |
66 | July 19, 1867 | Joint Resolution Reconstruction | Passed over veto. |
67 | March 25, 1868 | Amending Judiciary | Passed over veto. |
68 | June 20, 1868 | Admission of Arkansas (reconstructed) | Passed over veto. |
69 | 25 1868 | Admission of Southern States | Passed over veto. |
70 | July 20, 1868 | Exclusion of Electoral Votes of Unreconstructed States | Passed over veto. |
71 | July 25, 1868 | Discontinuance of Freedmen's Bureau | Passed over veto. |
72 | Feb. 13, 1869 | Trustees of Colored Schools in District of Columbia. |
73 | Feb. 22, 1869 | Tariff on Copper | Passed over veto. |
Grant, 43. |
74 | Jan. 11, 1870 | Relief, Private | Passed one House over veto. |
75 | July 14, 1870 | Southern Union Troops. |
76 | Jan. 4, 1871 | Relief. |
77 | Feb. 7, 1871 | Relief. |
78 | Apr. 1, 1872 | Relief | Passed one House over veto. |
79 | Apr. 1, 1872 | Relief. |
80 | Apr. 10, 1872 | Relief. |
81 | Apr. 15, 1872 | Pension, Private. |
82 | Apr. 22, 1872 | Pension. |
83 | May 14, 1872 | Pension, Mary Ann Montgomery | Passed over veto. |
84 | June 1, 1872 | Pension. |
85 | June 7, 1872 | Relief. |
86 | Jan. 6, 1873 | Relief. |
87 | Jan. 22, 1873 | New Trial in Court of Claims. |
88 | Jan. 29, 1873 | Relief of East Tennessee University. |
89 | Feb. 8, 1873 | Relief. |
90 | Feb. 8, 1873 | Relief. |
Bills vetoed by the Presidents—Continued.
President. | No. | Date. | Subject of Bill. | Remarks. |
Grant, 43 |
91 | Apr. 10, 1874 | Relief. |
92 | Apr. 22, 1874 | Inflation of Currency. |
93 | May 12, 1874 | Relief. |
94 | Jan. 30, 1875 | Relief. |
95 | Feb. 12, 1875 | Pension. |
96 | Feb. 3, 1876 | Custody of Indian Trust Funds. |
97 | March 27, 1876 | Relief. |
98 | March 31, 1876 | Relief of G. B. Tyler and E. H. Luckett. | Passed over veto. |
99 | Apr. 18, 1876 | Reduction of President's Salary. |
100 | May 26, 1876 | Recording in the District of Columbia. |
101 | June 9, 1876 | Relief. |
102 | June 30, 1876 | Internal Improvements. |
103 | July 11, 1876 | Relief of Nelson Tiffany. | Passed over veto. |
104 | July 13, 1876 | Pension. |
105 | July 20, 1876 | Post office Statutes. |
106 | Aug. 4, 1876 | Relief. |
107 | Aug. 15, 1876 | Paving Pennsylvania Avenue. |
108 | Aug. 15, 1876 | Sale of Indian Lands. | Passed over veto. |
109 | Aug. 15, 1876 | Relief. |
110 | Jan. 15, 1877 | Homestead Entries. |
111 | Jan. 23, 1877 | District of Columbia's Police. | Passed in the House over veto. |
112 | Jan. 26, 1877 | Diplomatic Congratulations. |
113 | Jan. 26, 1877 | Relief. |
114 | Feb. 14, 1877 | Relief. |
115 | Feb. 14, 1877 | Advertising of Executive Department. |
116 | Feb. 28, 1877 | Relief. |
Hayes, 12 |
117 | Feb. 28, 1878 | Standard Silver Dollar. | Passed over veto. |
118 | March 6, 1877 | Special Term of Courts in Mississippi. |
119 | March 1, 1879 | Restriction of Chinese Immigration. |
120 | Apr. 29, 1879 | Army Appropriation. |
121 | May 12, 1879 | Interference at Elections. |
122 | May 29, 1879 | Civil Appropriations. |
123 | June 23, 1879 | Payment of Marshals. |
124 | June 27, 1879 | Relief. |
125 | | Payment of Marshals. |
126 | May 4, 1880 | Payment of Marshals. |
127 | June 15, 1880 | Payment of Marshals. |
128 | March 3, 1881 | Refunding the National Debt. |
Arthur, 4 |
129 | Apr. 4, 1882 | Chinese Immigration. |
130 | July 1, 1882 | Carriage of Passengers at Sea. |
131 | Aug. 1, 1882 | River and Harbor Bill. | Passed over veto. |
132 | July 2, 1884 | Relief of Fitz-John Porter. | Passed over the veto in the House, 168-78; vote in the Senate, 27-27. |
Cleveland, 301 |
133 | March 10, 1886 | Relief. |
134 | March 11, 1886 | Settlers' Titles to Des Moines Public Lands. | Passed over the veto in the Senate. |
135 | Apr. 26, 1886 | Bodies for Dissection. |
136 | Apr. 30, 1886 | Omaha a Port of Entry. |
137 | May 8, 1886 | Pensions. |
138 |
139 | May 17, 1886 | Springfield a Port of Entry. |
140 to 156 | May 17 1886 to June 19, 1886 | Pensions, Private. |
157 | May 19, 1886 | Public Building at Sioux City, Ia. | Passed over the veto in the Senate. |
158 | May 19, 1886 | Public Building at Zanesville, O. |
159 to 226 | June 19, 1886 to July 6, 1886 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
227 | June 6, 1886 | Public Building at Duluth, Minn. |
228 to 231 | July 6, 1886 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
232 | July 7, 1886 | Right of Way to Railroad in North Montana. |
233 | July 9, 1886 | Pension, Private. |
234 | July 9, 1886 | Public Building in Dayton, O. | Passed over veto. |
235 | July 10, 1886 | Public Building in Asheville, N. C. |
236 | July 30, 1886 | Bridge across Lake Champlain. |
237 | July 30, 1886 | Public Building at Springfield, Mass. |
Bills vetoed by the Presidents—Continued.
President. | No. | Date. | Subject of Bill. | Remarks. |
Cleveland, 301 |
238 to 261 | July 31, 1886 to Feb. 11, 1887 | Pensions and Reliefs Private. |
262 | Feb. 16, 1886 | Texas Seed Bill. |
263 to 272 | Feb. 19, 1887 to Feb. 24, 1887 | Pensions. |
273 | Feb. 25, 1887 | Public Building at Lynn, Mass. |
274 | Feb. 26, 1887 | Pensions, Private. |
275 |
276 | Feb. 26, 1887 | Public Building at Portsmouth, O., and Lafayette, Ind. |
277 |
278 to 292 | Apr. 4, 1888 to May 3, 1888 | Pensions and Reliefs. |
293 | Apr. 7, 1888 | Sale of Indian Land. |
294 | Apr. 9, 1888 | Public Building at Allentown, Pa. |
295 to 297 | May 9, 1888 to May 18, 1888 | Pensions. |
298 | May 18, 1888 | Use of Castle Island, Boston Harbor. |
299 to 307 | May 18, 1888 to May 26, 1888 | Pensions. |
308 | May 28, 1888 | Public Building at Youngstown, O. |
309 to 311 | May 28, 1888 | Pensions. |
312 | May 29, 1888 | Public Building at Columbus, Ga. |
313 | June 5, 1888 | Public Building at Bar Harbor, Me. |
314 | June 5, 1888 | Government Land Purchase, Council Bluffs, Ia. |
315 to 344 | June 5, 1888 to July 26, 1888 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
345 | June 26, 1888 | Right of Way for Railroad through Indian Lands. |
346 | Aug. 3, 1888 | Relief. |
347 | Aug. 7, 1888 | Land Grant to Tacoma, Wash. |
348 to 361 | Aug. 9, 1888 to Aug. 10, 1888 | Pensions, Private. |
362 | Aug. 14, 1888 | Additional Copies of United States Map for 1886. |
363 to 373 | Aug. 14, 1888 to Aug. 27, 1888 | Pensions and Reliefs. |
374 | Aug. 27, 1888 | Public Building, Sioux City, Ia. |
375 to 385 | Aug. 27, 1888 to Sept. 13, 1888 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
386 | Aug. 24, 1888 | Land Grant to Kansas. |
387 | Aug. 24, 1888 | Sale of Military Reservation in Kansas. |
388 to 424 | Oct. 10, 1888 to Feb. 14, 1889 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
425 | Oct. 21, 1888 | Quieting Settlers' Titles on the Des Moines River. |
426 to 432 | Feb. 23, 1889 to Feb. 26, 1889 | Pensions and Reliefs, Private. |
433 | March 2, 1889 | Refunding the Direct Tax. | Passed over the veto in the Senate. |
Harrison, 19 |
434 | Apr. 26, 1890 | City of Ogden Increased Indebtedness. |
435 | Apr. 29, 1890 | Public Building, Dallas, Tex. |
436 | June 4, 1890 | Public Building, Hudson, N. Y. |
437 | June 12, 1890 | Public Building, Tuscaloosa, Ala. |
438 | June 17, 1890 | To change boundary of Uncompabgre Reservation. |
439 | June 20, 1890 | Bonds issued by Maricopa county, Arizona, for certain Railroad. |
440 | July 9, 1890 | Indian Payment. |
441 | Sept. 30, 1890 | Relief of Capt. Charles B. Stivers. |
442 | Oct. 1, 1890 | Relief of the Portland Company. |
443 | Oct. 1, 1890 | Relief of Charles B. Chouteau. |
444 | Oct. 1, 1890 | Pool Selling in the District of Columbia. |
445 | Dec. 24, 1890 | Public Building, Bar Harbor, Me. |
446 | Jan. 26, 1891 | Bonds, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory. |
447 | Feb. 26, 1891 | Act to Establish the Record and Pension of the War Department, etc. |
448 | March 2, 1891 | Relief of George W. Lawrence. |
449 | July 19, 1892 | An Act to Establish Circuit Court of Appeal, etc. |
Bills vetoed by the Presidents—Continued.
President. | No. | Date. | Subject of Bill. | Remarks. |
Harrison, 19 |
450 | July 29, 1892 | Relief of William McGarrahan | Senate fails to pass it over the veto, Jan. 17 1893. |
451 | Aug. 3, 1892 | An Act to Provide for Bringing Suit against the United States. |
452 | Feb. 27, 1893 | An Act to prescribe the number of District Attorneys and Marshals in the Judicial Districts of the State of Alabama. | Passed over the veto, March 2, 1893. |
Cleveland, 2d Term, 44 |
453 | Jan. 17, 1894 | An Act for Relief. |
454 | Jan. 20, 1894 | An Act to Authorize the New York and New Jersey Bridge Companies to Construct a Bridge Across the Hudson. |
455 | March 29, 1894 | An Act Directing the Coinage of the Silver Bullion in the Treasury, etc. |
456 | Aug. 7, 1894 | An Act for Relief. |
457 | Aug. 11, 1894 | An Act for Relief. |
458 | Jan. 4, 1895 | An Act Authorizing entry of Certain Lands and Granting Right of Way for Pipe Lines. |
459 | Feb. 1, 1895 | An Act Granting Right of Way through the San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona, to a Railroad Company. |
460 | Feb. 5, 1895 | An Act for Relief. |
461 | Feb. 12, 1895 | An Act for Relief. |
462 | Feb. 19, 1895 | An Act to Remove Charge of Desertion. |
463 | Feb. 20, 1895 | An Act for Relief. |
464 | Feb. 23, 1895 | An Act Granting Right of Way for a Railroad through Indian Reservations in Indian, Oklahoma, and New Mexico Territories. |
465 | Feb. 23, 1895 | An Act to Incorporate the Society of American Florists. |
466 | Feb. 23, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
467 | Feb. 27, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
468 | Feb. 27, 1895 | An Act Granting Relief. |
469 | Feb. 28, 1895 | An Act Granting Right of Way for a Railroad through Indian Territory. |
470 | Feb. 28, 1895 | An Act Granting Right of Way for a Railroad through Indian and Oklahoma Territories. |
471 | Feb. 28, 1895 | An Act Leasing Lands for Educational Purposes in Arizona. |
472 | Apr. 21, 1895 | An Act Granting Relief. |
473 | Apr. 21, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
474 | Apr. 25, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
475 | May 19, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
476 | May 20, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
477 | May 21, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
478 | May 23, 1895 | An Act to Amend Part of the Revised statutes of the United States. |
479 | May 26, 1895 | An Act Granting Relief. |
480 | May 29, 1895 | An Act Making Appropriation for Certain Public Works, Rivers and Harbors. |
481 | May 29, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
482 | May 29, 1895 | An Act for Payment of a Claim. |
483 | May 30, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
484 | May 30, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
485 | June 1, 1895 | An Act Granting Pension. |
486 | June 6, 1895 | An Act Making Appropriation for Supplying Deficiencies, etc. |
487 | June 10, 1895 | An Act to Lease Fort Omaha Military Reservation to the State of Nebraska. |
488 | Jan. 14, 1897 | An Act Concerning the Eastern Judicial District of Texas. |
489 | Feb. 22, 1897 | An Act Granting Pension. |
490 | Feb. 22, 1897 | An Act Granting Pension. |
491 | Feb. 22, 1897 | An Act Granting Pension. |
492 | March 1, 1897 | An Act to Restore Pension. |
493 | March 1, 1897 | An Act Granting Pension. |
494 | March 2, 1897 | An Act to Amend Immigration Laws. |
495 | Dec. 30, 1898 | An Act Granting Pension. | Pocket veto. |
496 | Dec. 31, 1898 | An Act to Increase Pension. | Pocket veto. |