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Wilkes, John 1727-1797

Politician; born in London, England, Oct. 17, 1727. He became a member of Parliament in 1757. In 1763 he made a severe attack on the govern-

John Wilkes.

[368] ment in his newspaper (the North Briton, No. 45), for which he was sent to the Tower (see ninety-two and forty-five). On account of a licentious essay on woman, he was afterwards expelled from the House of Commons. After his release from the Tower, he went to Paris, and, returning in 1768, sent a letter of submission to the King, and was soon afterwards elected to Parliament for Middlesex; but his seat was successfully contested and he was elected alderman of London. The same year he obtained a verdict of $20,000 against the secretary of state for seizing his papers. In 1771 he was sheriff of London, and in 1774 lord mayor. In 1779 he was made chamberlain, and soon afterwards retired from political life. Wilkes was always the champion of the colonists, and was regarded as the defender of popular rights. He died in London, Dec. 20, 1797.

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