Doc. 57.--a proclamation.-by the President of the United States.
The following is the form of the call on the respective State Governors for troops, issued through the War Department: Sir:--Under the Act of Congress for calling out the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, to suppress insurrection; to repel invasion, &c., approved February 28, 1795, I have the honor to request your Excellency to cause to be immediately detailed from the militia of your State the quota designated in the table below, to serve as infantry or riflemen for a period of three months, unless sooner discharged. Your Excellency will please communicate to me the time at about which your quota will be expected at its rendezvous, as it will be met as soon as practicable by an officer or officers to muster it into service and pay of the United States. At the same time the oath of fidelity to the United States will be administered to every officer and man. The mustering officers will be instructed to receive no man under the rank of commissioned officer, who is in years apparently over 45 or under 18, or who is not in physical strength and vigor. The quota for each State is as follows: [64]
Maine | 1 |
New Hampshire | 1 |
Vermont | 1 |
Massachusetts | 2 |
Rhode Island | 1 |
Connecticut | 1 |
New York | 17 |
New Jersey | 4 |
Pennsylvania | 16 |
Delaware | 1 |
Tennessee | 2 |
Maryland | 4 |
Virginia | 3 |
North Carolina | 2 |
Kentucky | 4 |
Arkansas | 1 |
Missouri | 4 |
Ohio | 13 |
Indiana | 6 |
Illinois | 6 |
Michigan | 1 |
Iowa | 1 |
Minnesota | 1 |
Wisconsin | 1 |
Opinions of the press.
“ To the simple, dignified, calm, but firm Proclamation of the President of the United States, the loyal States of this Union will respond, “In the name of God, Amen;” and not only 75,000, but five times 75,000 men will be ready to come forward to meet this rampant, insolent rebellion in arms of South Carolina and the States confederated with her in treason, and put it down. This rebellion has wantonly and without provocation, inaugurated civil war, and its first blow has been successful; but even its victory will bring down upon its head a signal defeat and terrible retribution in the end, for it will rouse the loyal States from a forbearance under insult and defiance unparalleled in the history of any Government; and with right for their cause, and force and means able to maintain it, the hour will soon come when South Carolina and her Confederates in Treason will rue the day when, with a spirit worthy of Lucifer, they undertook to break up the best and most beneficent Government on the face of the earth. We have firm trust in God that it will be so.
”Courier and Enquirer.
“ The Government of the United States is prepared to meet this great emergency with the energy and courage which the occasion requires, and which the sentiment of the nation demands. The President issues his proclamation to-day, convening Congress for the 4th of July, and calling for seventy-five thousand volunteers for the defense of the Union, and the protection of the rights and the liberties of the American people. The people will respond to this demand with alacrity and exultation. They ask nothing better than to be allowed to fight for the Constitution which their fathers framed. Whatever may have been their political differences, there has never been a moment when they were not ready to sink them all in devotion of their common flag. The President's Proclamation will be hailed with an enthusiasm which no event of the last twenty years has called forth — with a high-handed determination to exterminate treason, which will carry terror into the hearts of the Confederates, who have conspired for the destruction of the freest and best Government the world has ever seen.
”N. Y. Times.
“ On one point, so far as we have been able to ascertain, perfect unanimity exists among our moneyed men — the Government must be sustained. Every one deplores the terrible calamity which has befallen the Republic. But there is no desire among the merchants or capitalists of New York to shirk the issue, or to evade the responsibilities of the contest. Upon New York will devolve the chief burden of providing ways and means for the war; our financial community accept the duty, and will perform it. This view we find to be universal among moneyed men, including many whose sympathies have heretofore been with the South. If the Government prove true to the country, it need not feel any uneasiness about money. In the opinion of our leading bankers, a hundred millions, over and above the receipts of the Government from customs and land sales, if necessary to defray the expenses of the war for a year from this date, could be readily borrowed in Wall street, at a rate of interest certainly not exceeding that which France and England paid for the money which they borrowed for the Russian war. If for the purpose of bringing the war to an end, and settling this controversy of ours forever, a further sum be requisite, it will be forthcoming. Wall street, so far as we can judge, is ready to sustain the Government heartily and liberally.
”N. Y. Herald.
“ The Confederate Traitors have commenced the war, they have been so long preparing for without obstruction, and their first prize in fight (having previously confined themselves to stealing, under pretense of peace) has been the capture of Fort Sumter and sixty men by a force of five thousand, with nineteen heavy batteries. This inglorious success will cost them dear. Inexcusably and wantonly taking up the offensive, they have at once cut themselves off from all honest sympathy, even in the South, and kindled a patriotic rage that envelopes all parties and all classes throughout the Union States henceforth. The President has issued his proclamation calling out 75,000 men to put down the rebellion, and convening Congress on the Fourth of July. Gov. Morgan of this State, will at once call out a contingent of 25,000 men, and Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania will do the same. New regiments are already forming rapidly, in anticipation of the proclamation.
”N. Y. Sun.
“ It is now for the people of New England, especially, and of the great North-West, who have so earnestly demanded a vigorous policy, to prove the sincerity of their zeal by rallying to the support of the Government in this hour of its peril. Treason has boldly lifted up its head; it has marshaled its hosts; it has bid impudent defiance to the Government; it has cannonaded and taken a celebrated fortress; its Secretary of War has had the insolence to make a public boast that the Secession flag will float over the national capital before the 1st of May. These rebels and desperadoes have given unmistakable proofs of their earnestness. They must now be checked, or anarchy and misrule will sweep over the whole country like a destructive deluge. Fellow-citizens of the Free States, this is the hour to prove your loyalty — to test your patriotism — to earn the gratitude of your country.
”N. Y. World.
“ The President's proclamation proves him worthy to be the head of the nation. His honest words find an echo in millions of loyal hearts this day. Only these words were needed to seal the speedy doom of treason. To-day, who is not for the Union is against it. To-day he whose heart does not throb, and whose blood does not stir with patriotic [65] fire is a vile traitor. The rebels have chosen war. They have done their best to slay a loyal garrison. Without a single cause of complaint, they have turned their arms against the Union and against the lives of loyal citizens. From to-day dates the extermination of treason from the land. The people will not rest, the nation will not be satisfied, while a traitor is left in arms.
”Evening Post.
“ It is too late now for concession or compromise; government or anarchy is the only alternative left to us. Forbearance has been useless, and has been construed into evidence of fear or feebleness. It has also excited the cupidity of the rebels, and fostered their aggressive designs. It is no longer with them the assertion of the mere right of secession or separation from the Union. Their avowed purpose is the overthrow of Constitutional Government. With men thus minded it is useless to reason. No compromises will satisfy them; no concessions arrest their anarchical and wicked purposes. They, a small minority of the people, demand that the majority must recognize them as masters, and give up every thing to them — the archives and property and administration of the Government, our Constitution, our flag, our laws, our free institutions — all that, as freemen, is dear to us. To such a demand, freemen, lovers of constitutional government and constitutional rights, can make but one answer. And when the rebel minority that make it try to enforce it by the cannon and the sword, to the cannon and the sword the loyal majority must of necessity also make their appeal, and will do it., The majority have never sought, have never desired — nay, they have studiously avoided — a resort to war. It has been forced upon them. In honor, and in self-defence, they cannot refuse the alternative.
”Commercial Advertiser.
“ A few words more — as to what we think the President should do, (and the words are more valuable from an opponent than if from a friend,) because acts thus advised by an opponent cannot be complained of, if adopted. First: Not another mail should be sent to South Carolina. Twice has our flag been fired upon there, without direct or immediate, overwhelming necessity, and South Carolinians, by their own act, cease to be our countrymen. Second: Not another gun, cannon, revolver, or pound of powder should be permitted to go to the seceding States. The President of the United States, through his revenue officers, should instantly estop their exportation, and States should stop their inter-transit trade. Third: The Port of Charleston ought to be instantly blockaded. There may be no law for it, but South Carolina has put herself out of the protection of any law of ours. She does not respect us, and we cannot be expected to respect her.
”N. Y. Express.
“ “Take your places in line.” The American flag trails in the dust. There is from this hour no longer any middle or neutral ground to occupy. All party lines cease. Democrats, Whigs, Americans, Republicans, and Union men, all merge into one or two parties — patriots or traitors. For ourselves, we are not prepared for either or any form of government which the imagination might suggest as possible or probable to follow in the wake of a republic. We are for the Government as handed down to us by our fathers. It was consecrated in blood, and given to us as a sacred legacy. It is ours to live by, and, by the blessing of God, it shall be ours to die by. We will have it and none other. We have no political feuds or animosities to avenge; we know no cause save to wipe an insult from our flag, and to defend and maintain an assailed Government and a violated Constitution. We care not who is President, or what political party is in power, so long as they support the honor and the flag of our country, we are with them; those who are not are against us, against our flag, and against our Government. “Take your places in line.”
”Philadelphia Enquirer.
“ Henceforth each man, high and low, must take his position as a patriot or a traitor — as a foe or a friend of his country — as a supporter of the flag of the stars and stripes or of the rebel banner. All doubts and hesitation must be thrown to the winds; and with the history of the past spread before us, we must choose between maintaining the noble fabric that was reared by our wise and brave ancestors, under which we have enjoyed so much liberty and happiness, and openly joining the rash, reckless, despotic, cruel, and villanous band of conspirators, who have formed a deep-laid and desperate plot for its destruction. The contest which is impending will doubtless be attended with many horrors, but all the facts show that it has been forced upon us as a last resort; and war is not the worst of evils. Since the startling events of the last five months have been succeeded by a brutal bombardment of a fort erected at vast expense for the defence of Charleston harbor, which would have been peaceably evacuated if the rebels had not insisted upon the utter humiliation of the Government; and since the Secretary of War of the Southern Confederacy has threatened to capture Washington, and even to invade the Northern States, while a formal declaration of hostilities is about to be made by the Confederate Congress,--we should be wanting in every element of manhood, be perpetually disgraced in the eyes of the world, and lose all self-respect, if we did not arouse to determined action to re-assert the outraged dignity of the nation.
”Phila. Press.
“ In this lamentable condition of affairs, what is the duty of the Administration? We know not what course it has marked out for itself, or what sufficient preparations are made by it to hold its position securely in Washington. The Administration ought to be best advised of its danger and what is required of it in this emergency, and possibly has taken measures which it may deem sufficient for its security. It has sounded the military of the States which can be depended upon for defence, and has got offers of aid. But this force ought at once to be called into the service of the United States, and hurried on to Washington city as if an attack were certain every moment. Fifty thousand volunteers should be called into the service of the National Government, and be so placed that they could, under any circumstances, be within a few hours' reach of the capital. Ten thousand of them should be placed in that city, whether Maryland and Virginia like it or not. A proclamation should be issued calling upon all the Union men of the country, North and South, to hold themselves in [66] readiness to support the Government and the laws. An army of observation should be established at available points, to strike wherever a blow will tell the best the moment that the Secession Rebels make a single aggressive movement against the Government.
”Philadelphia Ledger.
“ The present presents the most momentous period in the world's history. For many years past the people of the United States have been engaged with a purpose, to exhibit to the nations of the earth the feasibility of a Republican form of Government; for as many years, thus far, the so-called experiment has proved successful, but it is to be now determined whether our supposed success was real or fancied. We are among those who believe, if properly managed, there is strength enough in a Republican form of Government to make it self-sustaining. Let us now test the question; let the strong arm of the law be seen and felt; let the authority of the Government be earnestly asserted; let every right and power of the nation be presented in its own defence, and then let European despotism mock at us if they dare.
”Philadelphia News.
“ The Secession leaders are relying very largely upon the first shock of battle for the promotion of a general Secession feeling in the Southern States. They ought, however, to consider that the sympathies of honest and sensible men are not likely to go with the wrong-doers. If the General Government commit any wrong or outrage upon South Carolina or Florida, it will be condemned; but if a United States vessel shall be fired into and her men slain for a mere attempt to take food to the Government's troops in the Government's own forts, and if war shall grow out of the collision, no spirit of Secession or rebellion will be created thereby this side the cotton line. Such at least is our opinion, founded upon our conviction that the great mass of our fellow-citizens are sensible and patriotic and just. Who that loves his country would see it humiliated and its honor trampled on?
”Louisville Journal.
“ The authorities at Washington are now for raising seventy-five thousand troops, and fancy they will do exploits. They ought to reflect that the few they can spare to the South go far from home, into an intensely hostile country, and to them most unpropitious climate. They will have, after the excitement is over, little heart in the business. There will be no laurels to win. The rest of mankind will give them no credit. Even England and France deplore the strife, and offer prayers that it may cease. Every patriot will feel ashamed of the fratricidal war. They will meet an enemy skilled in war, as proud and vain as ever trod a battle — field — an enemy fighting for his home and his firesides, and who can bring into the field any number of fighting men that he may need. We say any number, and it is true--one hundred thousand if needed. If they doubt it, they can try the experiment, and it will be another Fort Sumter experiment.
We don't doubt the bravery of the North; but in this contest they will lack the stimulus of their foes, and meet their equals at great disadvantage. Then there is a sentiment in this country that all just governments are founded on the consent of the governed. If a whole tier of States seek other arrangements in government; if their old government is odious to them, and they seek a release from it, and resist with determination the old government, what shall be done about it? There is our Declaration of Independence, and the strong expressions of States when they entered the Union, which, if they do not recognize the right of secession, squint so much that way that they are easily applied to that purpose. It is an odious task to force a government on an unwilling people. Resistance becomes exalted into a patriotic virtue. No matter how little cause really provokes the resistance. How easy it is to inflame the South against this conduct of coercion! What, they will say, is the motive? Is it any love for us that all this blood is shed to retain us in the same Union? No, they will say ; they hate us! They abhor slavery and slaveholders! They tried to keep us out of the Union, and they swear it as a part of their religion that they will have no more Slave States! Why do they wish to retain us, but to play the tyrant over us? Why are they not ready to let us go in peace? They preach against us, pray against us, and what do they want with us but to subjugate us — to indulge their preaching and prayer at our expense? The terms now used in all these irrepressible prints are, rebels, traitors, and the empty threats to punish them. The bluster and gasconade about having a government, only reminds men of George III., who used empty words after they had lost their meaning. We say nothing about the similarity of the cases upon their merits. George & Co. thought the Colonies had no more reason than the Southern States now have; and the latter think they have more reason to rebel than their fathers had, and they know that these threats against them are more imbecile than the threat of His Majesty against the Colonies. Depend upon it, Messrs. Lincoln & Co., you are wasting treasure and blood to no purpose. All your professions of peace will count nothing. You talk like enemies and act like them. Even these border Slave States, who have stood by their government, who feel a patriotic attachment to the Union their fathers made, are unheeded. Their advice disregarded, and their wise counsels spurned. They ask for peace most earnestly, as essential to a restoration of confidence and salvation of the Union: and Lincoln & Co. call for troops, and are mustering armies, when all the effect will be to gratify their own resentment and make the breach incurable. They mistake altogether our government and people. No power can restore a State to this Union but its people. ”Louisville Democrat.
[67]“ We learn that seventy-five thousand troops, the full number called for by the President's proclamation, have been tendered in this State alone, and that one hundred thousand are probably prepared to do military duty. Our people are all alive with patriotism and honest bravery. They will never let the Government languish or go down for want of support.
The quota of six regiments called for from Illinois was full last Saturday night, and enough additional companies were offered to make six regiments more. Altogether, up to Monday night, one hundred and twenty-five companies were offered to the Governor. Of these, sixty were accepted, twenty-five were accepted conditionally, and the remainder ordered to hold themselves in readiness. The work of recruiting still goes on. ”Cleveland leader.
““ There is one direction where we can scarcely look for the tears that blind us. When we see the whole-hearted, unselfish devotion of our Northern people, we thank God that we have a country. We thank God for mothers that cheer on their sons, for young wives that have said “go” to their husbands, for widows who have given their only sons. It is our solemn belief that, since the proclamation of the President, there has been in this country more earnest, unselfish heroism, more high-minded self-devotion, in one week than in years of ordinary life.
” N. Y. Tribune, April 17.
“ A despatch from Washington says that the President will to-day issue a proclamation, calling upon the loyal States for seventy-five thousand militia to aid the General Government in enforcing the laws and recapturing the forts and other public property seized by the revolutionists. We have no doubt the call will be responded to with a good deal of alacrity. We doubt, however, whether as many men will be as willing to enlist in the army as are anxious to hold office under the Government.
”Buffalo Courier.
“ Of all the wars which have disgraced the human race, it has been reserved for our own enlightened nation to be involved in the most useless and foolish one. What advantage can possibly accrue to any one from this war, however prolonged it might be? Does any man suppose that millions of free white Americans in the Southern States, who will soon be arrayed against us, can be conquered by any efforts which can be brought against them? Brave men, fighting on their own soil, and as they believe, for their freedom and dearest rights, can never be subjugated. The war may be prolonged until we are ourselves exhausted, and become an easy prey to [68] military despotism or equally fatal anarchy; but we can never conquer the South. Admit, if you please, that they are rebels and traitors; they are beyond our reach. Why should we destroy ourselves in injuring them?
Who are to fight the battles of sectional hatred in this sad strife? The Seceders will fight; but will the Abolitionists, who have combined with them to overthrow the Union, make themselves food for powder? If this could be so; if ten thousand picked fire-eaters of either side could be arrayed against each other, and would fight, until, like the Kilkenny cats, all were destroyed, the country would be the better for it. But while the Secessionist defends himself, the Abolitionist will sneak in the back ground, leaving those to do the fighting who have no interest in the bloody strife, no hatred against their brethren. The best we can hope is, that, at the end of a fearful struggle, when the country becomes tired of gratifying the spirit of fanaticism, we shall have a peace, through a treaty in which both sides must make sacrifices, but each must agree to respect the rights of the other. How much better to make such a treaty now, before further blood is shed, before worse hatreds are engendered.”Utica (N. Y.) observer.
“ To-day come the tidings that the President has made a call upon the Governors of the several States for seventy-five thousand men, and.intimates that if more are offered they will be accepted. Prominent men at Washington are leaving for their respective States, to aid in the organization of the troops. In ten days Lincoln will probably have two hundred thousand volunteers at his disposal. With this force he will be enabled to prosecute the John Brown schemes of his party for a time with vigor, and perhaps with success.
”Patterson (N. J.) reporter.
“ Seventy-five thousand men have been called for, and the War Department will make known the details of the service to the State authorities. We have no doubt that the demands of the Federal Executive will be responded to by the States on which they may be made. It is the imperative duty of all good citizens to desire to see the laws obeyed and all the constitutional obligations of the States fulfilled. None but those who invoke a “higher law,” as the rule and guide of their actions, will hesitate to do what the Constitution and the laws require them to do. Nevertheless, it is to be expected that there will be but little cheerfulness manifested in the obedience to a call which is intended to array in arms citizens of States connected by such numerous ties as have so recently bound together the people of this dissevered Confederacy. Painful as has been the suspense in which the President's dubious and vacillating course has held the public mind, it is much more so to find the last lingering hope of peace dispelled by this sudden call to arms under circumstances so embarrassing and humiliating.
”Trenton true American (N. J.)
“ We earnestly pray that the war may be averted. If the Border States, upon the action of which the whole question hinges, determine to remain in the Union, we cannot doubt that they will require a pacific policy to be pursued. If they join the already seceded States, then, as the point to be determined will be whether upon a mere sectional issue the North will fight with the South, the whole question will be presented in a new aspect, and we cannot but believe that cool reflection will then also demonstrate the necessity of a pacific policy. We leave the question at present for the development of future events.
”Boston Courier.
“ Democrats of Maine! The loyal sons of the South have gathered around Charleston as your fathers of old gathered about Boston in defence of the same sacred principles of liberty — principles which you have ever upheld and defended with your vote, your voice, and your strong right arm. Your sympathies are with the defenders of the truth and the right. Those who have inaugurated this unholy and unjustifiable war are no friends of yours, no friends of Democratic Liberty. Will you aid them in their work of subjugation and tyranny 9
When the Government at Washington calls for volunteers or recruits to carry on the work of subjugation and tyranny under the specious phrase of “enforcing the laws,” “retaking and protecting the public property” and “collecting the revenue,” let every Democrat fold his arms and bid the minions of tory despotism do a tory despot's work. Say to them fearlessly and boldly, in the language of England's great Lord, the Earl of Chatham, whose bold words in behalf of the struggling Colonies of America, in the dark hours of the Revolution, have enshrined his name in the heart of every friend of freedom and immortalized his fame wherever the name of liberty is known — say in his thrilling language: “If I were a Southerner, as I am a Northerner, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I would never lay down my arms--never, never, never!””Bangor (me.) Union.
“ The President has issued his proclamation calling Congress to meet on the 4th of July. Also calling for 75,000 volunteers to aid in carrying on a conflict with the South. The news already received from the Border States indicates that they will leave the Union, and that the war will be between nineteen free and fifteen slave States.
Could this war policy possibly save the Union and promote the welfare of the people, we could look upon it with more complacency. But as it must inevitably more completely divide the Union and injure the interests of the whole country, we believe it to be an unwise and unsafe policy. To march soldiers into the Southern country to contend with armies and yellow fever — and to end in no good, but much evil, does not seem to be a discreet or a righteous policy. A bloody conflict may be continued with the South for weeks, for months, or for years. At its close a compromise must be made no more favorable to the North than was the Crittenden compromise. But the evils of the unnecessary strife will continue into the long years of the future, and be felt by millions. No good whatever can come out of the shocking conflict. War has been commenced. Its origin is the negro agitation. Let the friends of the agitation point out the spot where a slave has been benefited if they can. Great evils have come. Where are the benefits?”Hartford (Ct.) times.
“ President Lincoln has called an extra session of Congress, to meet on the 4th of July, and the measure [69] will undoubtedly receive the approval of the people in all the loyal States.
We dislike to believe that the sole wish of the President is to be supplied with the means of prosecuting a war against the South, and that Congress will be asked to do nothing more than pass force bills and raise money for their execution. A war based upon a spirit of revenge, or a disposition to subjugate the States now assuming an attitude of rebellion, will not long be tolerated by the people. If we have no nobler purposes than to gratify our passions, we shall soon witness a sudden and overwhelming reaction all over the North, and the Governments of Europe will interfere to bring our quarrels to a close. We must not long embarrass the commerce of the country. England looks to the South for cotton, and will not, for any length of time, permit the blockading of Southern ports. The refusal of the Black Republican leaders to yield any thing of their contemptible party creed has weakened, and is still weakening the Government. The Border States would have been as firmly bound to the Union as Rhode Island herself, if Congress had adopted Crittenden's resolutions, or even the proposition of the Peace Conference at its recent session. In the free States there is a population of nearly 20,000,000 of souls. In the seven Confederate States there are less than 3,000,000 of white inhabitants. Even if all the Border Slave States should be against us, the difference in point of numbers would be as two to one. Under these circumstances the Christian world looks to us for a magnanimous, not to say generous policy. We must be liberal toward the South, in all things, where liberality can be deemed a virtue, or we shall become a hissing and by-word in every civilized community. Starting with these reflections, which seem to us true and appropriate, what shall we say of the duty of Congress? Is it not to make such offers to the revolted States as will give reasonable men there assurances of their safety in the Union's keeping? Is it not to do what alone can allay the fears of those thousands who are now ready to fight against us, because dreading their own subjugation and degradation? Is it not to remove, so far as it is in our power, the apprehensions of good men that we mean to wage a sectional warfare which shall end only in the overthrow of their institutions? Is it not to satisfy the world, by generous acts, that we still love forbearance and peace; that we do not willingly array brother against brother. We say, let Congress, on the first day of the session, put the Government right, and put the North right, on the questions which have led to this quarrel. Deny it who may, we began this controversy. We began this interference with State rights. We have been for thirty years the aggressors. We have produced, by our own wilfulness and bigotry, by our exhibitions of hatred and affected superiority, the very state of things from which the country is now suffering. Let Congress turn the tide which is now setting against us in the minds of thinking men. Let a fair, reasonable, liberal, honorable compromise be offered at once, and let the offer be kept before the South until the controversy is brought to an and. ”Providence daily Post.
“ Men of all parties, possessing intelligence, patriotism and independence of character, have been adverse to the political expediency of any attempt to reinforce Sumter; and when the proposition was made to abandon that fortification, upon tho urgent request of General Scott, the measure was hailed with joy as a peace-offering. We have never attempted to justify the Secessionists, any more than we have attempted to vindicate the clamors of Black Republicanism; but we have simply disapproved of a line of policy on the part of the administration of President Lincoln, which, if carried out, must entail upon our country all the horrors of a civil war. We did not believe such a policy would restore that Union, but expressed our opinion that it would forever defeat its reconstruction. Seriously impressed with the belief that our opinions upon these subjects were the reflection of the sentiments of the people of the country, we have given utterance to them. But for so doing we have received from Republican officials and others in this community coarse abuse and defamation. Events have demonstrated how well founded were our opinions. The attempt has been made at provisioning Sumter, and what is the result? Fort Sumter is captured by the Southern Confederacy--the Administration is defeated in the first onset. The Southern Confederacy has the prestige of victory. Has this defeat demonstrated that we have a Government? On the contrary, it has clearly demonstrated that fanaticism and imbecility rule at Washington. Overriding and disregarding the counsels of Gen. Scott, the Administration first declares for war, and then, when told by Gen. Scott that Sumter could not be relieved with a less force than 20,000 men, sends forth an armada of four or five vessels, and less than one-fourth of the number of men required to insure success. In disregarding the advice of Gen. Scott, President Lincoln has entailed upon the country the disgrace of a defeat in the first onset.
But the past is past, and cannot be recalled. As a choice between two evils, we would have preferred separation to civil war. The “powers that be” have chosen the latter alternative, and the destinies and honor of our country are in the hands of a weak and imbecile man, the tool of a party which has, ever since its organization, been arrayed in hostility to the Constitution and to the perpetuity of the Union. As it is, Abolition fanaticism bids fair to involve our whole country in the horrors of a civil war — a war in which brother must meet brother in the deadly conflict. While we will stand by the honor and integrity of our political institutions and civil authorities to the fullest extent required of loyal citizens, we do not feel to rejoice at the dark clouds which seem to be settling over our country. We will leave to Abolition fanatics the pleasure of rejoicing over the downfall of the Union, and the substitution of the evils of war for the pursuits of peace. ”Auburn Democrat.