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Lieutenant-Generals, in Order of Rank.

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Order of RankName.State.To whom to report.Date of Appointment.Date of Rank.Date of Confirmation.Date of Acceptance.Remarks.
1James LongstreetAlabamaGen. R. E. LeeOct. 11, 1862.Oct. 9, 1862.Oct. 11, 1862. In command of 1st corps, Army of Northern Virginia, &c., &c. At the Battle of Fredericksburg, in November, 1862, General Longstreet's corps was composed of the divisions of Anderson, Pickett, Ransom. Hood and McLaws, and the artillery battalions of Colonels Alexander and Walton; in October, 1863, commanding corps in the Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of McLaws, Preston, Walker and Hood, and the artillery battalions of Alexander, Williams, Leyden and Robertson; Pickett's division belonged to this corps.
2E. Kirby SmithFloridaGen. B. BraggOct. 11, 1862.Oct. 9, 1862.Oct. 11, 1862. Promoted General P. A. C. S. February 19, 1864; commanded Department of East Tennessee and Kentucky, North Georgia and West North Carolina, with infantry divisions of Stevenson, McCown and Heth, and the cavalry brigades of Forrest, Morgan, Scott and Ashby; also in command of Trans-Mississippi Department.
3Leonidas PolkLouisianaGen. B. BraggOct. 11, 1862.Oct. 10, 1862.Oct. 11, 1862. Killed, June 14, 1864, on Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Georgia; at the time of his death in command of the Army of Mississippi, co-operating with the Army of Tennessee, both under command of General Joseph E. Johnston; commanded corps Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of Cheatham, Withers and McCown; commanded Army of Tennessee at Chattanooga, August, 1863; also, in 1863 and 1864, commanded Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana; assigned to command of Trans-Mississippi Department.
4Theophilus H. HolmesN. Carolina Oct. 13, 1862.Oct. 10, 1862.Oct. 13, 1862. In command, August, 1863, of the parolled prisoners of Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Louisiana, recently forming part of the garrisons of Vicksburg and Port Hudson.
5William J. HardeeGeorgiaGen. B. BraggOct. 11, 1862.Oct. 10, 1862.Oct. 11, 1862. In command of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; his corps, in the Army of Tennessee, composed of the Divisions of Cheatham, Cleyburne, Stevenson and Walker; subsequently Stevenson's division was exchanged for Bates' division; in command of the Army of Tennessee at Dalton, Georgia, December 21, 1863.
6Thomas J. JacksonVirginiaGen. R. E. LeeOct. 11, 1862.Oct. 10, 1862.Oct. 11, 1862. Died May 10, 1863; commanding Second corps Army of Northern Virginia. At the Battle of Fredericksburg this corps was composed of the divisions of A. P. Hill, D. H. Hill, Early and Taliaferro. Colonel Brown's regiment of artillery and numerous light batteries.
7John C. PembertonVirginiaGen. B. BraggOct. 13, 1862.Oct. 10, 1862.Oct. 13, 1862. Resigned May 18, 1864; assigned to the command of the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana.
8Richard S. EwellVirginiaGen. R. E. LeeMay 23, 1863.May 23, 1863.Feb. 2, 1864. Commanding Second corps Army of Northern Virginia, the Department of Richmond, &c.
9Ambrose P. HillVirginiaGen. R. E. LeeMay 23, 1863.May 24, 1863.Jan. 15, 1864. Killed in front of Petersburg, Va.; commanding Third corps Army of Northern Virginia, &c., composed of the divisions of Anderson, Heth and Pender.
10Daniel H. HillN. Carolina July 11, 1863.July 11, 1863.  In October, 1863, commanding corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of Cleburne and Stewart; corps afterwards composed of the divisions of Cleburne and Breckinridge.
11John B. HoodTexasGen. J. E. JohnstonFeb. 11, 1864.Sept. 20, 1863.Feb. 11, 1864. Promoted General with temporary rank July 18, 1864; commanding corps in the Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of Hindman, Stevenson and Stewart.
12Richard TaylorLouisianaGen. E. K. SmithMay 16, 1864.April 8, 1864.May 16, 1864. Commanding Department of Alabama, Mississippi and West Tennessee.
13Stephen D. LeeS. Carolina June 23, 1864.June 23, 1864.  Assigned to the command of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee; subsequently in command of Hood's old corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of Hill, Stevenson and Clayton.
14Jubal A. EarlyVirginiaGen. R. E. LeeMay 31, 1864.May 31, 1864.May 31, 1864. Commanded Second corps Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the divisions of Rodes, Gordon and Ramseur, and three battalions of light artillery under command of Brigadier-General Long.
15Richard H. AndersonS. CarolinaGen. R. E. LeeJune 1, 1864.May 31, 1864.June 1, 1864. Commanded Longstreet's corps while he was disabled by wounds encountered in the Battle of the Wilderness.
16Ambrose P. StewartTennesseeGen. J. E. JohnstonJune 23, 1864.June 23, 1864.  Corps composed of the divisions of French, Loring and Walthall, Army of the West.
17Nathan B. ForrestTennesseeGen. BeauregardFeb. 28, 1865.Feb. 28, 1865.March 2, 1865. Command composed of the cavalry divisions of Chalmers, Jackson and Buford, McCulloch's Second Missouri cavalry regiment as a special scouting force, and the Mississippi militia; Army of the West.
18Wade HamptonS. CarolinaGen. J. E. Johnston    Commanding cavalry in General Joseph E. Johnston's army during General Sherman's march through the Carolinas, and Butler's division of cavalry from the Army of Northern Virginia.
19Simon B. BucknerKentucky 1865.   Commanding District of Louisiana.
20Joseph WheelerGeorgiaGen. J. E. JohnstonFeb. 28, 1865.Feb. 28, 1865.  Commanding cavalry divisions of Allen, Humes and Dibbrell, composed of the brigades of Allen, Anderson, Breckinridge, Crews, Dibbrell, Ferguson, Harrison, Iverson and Lewis; again, commanding cavalry corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the divisions of Martin, Kelley and Humes, and at another time a cavalry division in the Army of Tennessee, composed of the brigades of Hagan, Wharton and Morgan.
21John B. GordonGeorgiaGen. R. E. Lee1865.   Commanding Second Army Corps, Army of Northern Virginia; at the time of General Lee's surrender, General Longstreet was in command of one wing of the Army of Northern Virginia and General Gordon of the other.


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Robert E. Lee (7)
Joseph E. Johnston (6)
Carter L. Stevenson (4)
James Longstreet (4)
John B. Hood (4)
Braxton Bragg (4)
Richard H. Anderson (4)
Ambrose P. Stewart (3)
John B. Gordon (3)
Leroy P. Walker (2)
Edmund Kirby Smith (2)
George E. Pickett (2)
John H. Morgan (2)
Lafayette McLaws (2)
John P. McCown (2)
Thomas J. Jackson (2)
W. Y. C. Humes (2)
Daniel Harvey Hill (2)
Ambrose P. Hill (2)
Henry Heth (2)
Jubal A. Early (2)
Dibbrell (2)
Patrick R. Cleburne (2)
Benjamin F. Cheatham (2)
John C. Breckinridge (2)
William W. Allen (2)
E. Porter Alexander (2)
Jones M. Withers (1)
C. H. Williams (1)
Joseph Wheeler (1)
John A. Wharton (1)
J. B. Walton (1)
E. C. Walthall (1)
Richard Taylor (1)
William B. Taliaferro (1)
Sherman (1)
Thomas M. Scott (1)
R. E. Rodes (1)
A. T. Robertson (1)
Matthew W. Ransom (1)
Stephen D. Ramseur (1)
John S. Preston (1)
Leonidas Polk (1)
W. D. Pender (1)
John C. Pemberton (1)
Henry E. McCulloch (1)
William T. Martin (1)
William W. Loring (1)
A. L. Long (1)
Leyden (1)
Joseph H. Lewis (1)
Stephen D. Lee (1)
R. E. Lee (1)
John H. Kelley (1)
Alfred Jr. Iverson (1)
Theophilus H. Holmes (1)
T. C. Hindman (1)
Daniel H. Hill (1)
Burton N. Harrison (1)
William J. Hardee (1)
Wade Hampton (1)
James Hagan (1)
S. G. French (1)
Nathan B. Forrest (1)
French Forrest (1)
Samuel W. Ferguson (1)
Richard S. Ewell (1)
Philip Clayton (1)
James R. Chalmers (1)
A. Buford (1)
Simon B. Buckner (1)
John C. Brown (1)
G. T. Beauregard (1)
J. Bates (1)
Turner Ashby (1)
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