XIII. list of persons sending representative recruits from Massachusetts.
The recruits thus designated were furnished in accordance with the following General Order:—This list is transcribed, with a few obvious corrections, from that preserved in the Adjutant-General's office. There will be found on the list the names of persons who, having sent several sons to the war, furnished one or more representative recruits also. Other recruits were furnished in a similar manner, but more privately. I find, for instance, from the papers of the late Waldo Higginson of Boston, that he furnished and fitted out three such recruits, at different times, he himself being then past the age of military service. [580] Abercrombie, Mrs. Wyman, Quincy. Aborn, Joseph W., Boston. Adams, Mrs. Eben, Quincy. Adams, Paul, Boston. Adams, Mrs. Geo. S., Belmont. Agassiz, Alex., Cambridge. Alden, Dr. E., Randolph. Alden, E. G., Cambridge. Aldrich, John H., Northbridge. Allen, Henry C., West Roxbury. Allen, W. C., Pittsfield. Allen, Daniel, South Reading. Allen, Wm. E., Waltham. Allis, Justin W. C., Whately. Ames, N. S., Springfield. Ames, James T., Chicopee. Ames, Ezra, Rockport. Amory, Col. Chas., Boston. Amory, Francis, Boston. Four recruits. Appleton, Wm., Brookline. Appleton, Henry D., Brookline. Apthorp, Robert E., Boston. Apthrop, H. O., Cambridge. Arms, William S., Springfield. Atkins, Elisha, Belmont. Atkins, Mrs. Elisha, Belmont. Atwell, Samuel, Duxbury. Babcock, Chas. A., Boston. Bailey, Geo. H., Lawrence. Baker, Henry H., Barnstable. Bancroft, Henry, Lynnfield. Bancroft, Thomas J., Boston. Barker, Hiram, Brighton. Barker, Otis B., Pittsfield. Barker, Chas. T., Pittsfield. Barker, John V., Pittsfield. Barker, G. T., Pittsfield. Barnes, Mrs. Hiram, Goshen. Barrows, Horatio, Middleboro. Barrus, Mrs. Hiram, Goshen.