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Wharves, 1820.

Belcher's, Opens between 22 and 23 Ann street.

Barnes', Opens each side of Purchase street, north of Fort Hill Wharf.

Barrett's, Opens between 27 and 28 Ann street.

Battery, Opens on Ship street, opposite Battery alley.

Bicknell's, Opens between 13 and 14 Fish street.

Central, Opens between Long and India Wharves.

Codman's, Opens south side Town Dock.

Cotting's, Opens east side of Leverett street.

Dilloway's, Opens on Purchase street, near Russia Wharf.

Eustis Opens at 19 Ann street.

Fort Hill, The third north of Liverpool Wharf.

Foster's, Opens south side Broad street.

Green's, Opens at 11 Merchants row.

Hancock's, Opens at 45 to 51 Fish street.

India, Opens south side of India street.

Liverpool, Opens on Purchase, opposite Griffin's lane.

Lewis' Opens at 44 Fish street.

Long, Opens east end of State street.

Lincoln's, Opens on Purchase, second north of Liverpool Wharf. [208]

Otis, Opens on Purchase, second south of Foster's Wharf.

Philad. Pack. Pier, Opens 15 Ann street to the Town Dock.

Rhoades', Opens on Ship street, north of Union Wharf.

Rowes', Opens east end Broad street, next India Wharf.

Russia, Opens on Purchase street, opp. Atkinson street.

Sargent's, Opens on Ship, near Clark street.

Snow's, Opens on Ship, next north Hancock's Wharf.

Spear's, N., Opens next north of Codman's Wharf.

Spear's, O., Opens next north of Long Wharf.

Spear's, G., Opens on Purchase street, next Liverpool Whf.

Sweet's, Opens between 8 and 9 Fish street.

Tileston's, Opens on Purchase, near Summer street.

Union, Opens on Ship st., south of Rhoades' ship yard.

Wheeler's, Opens at 20 Ship street.

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