Please publish the annexed roll of Company K.
This gallant little company was the first from
Charlotte county to volunteer its services in the late war. It was a part of the famous 18th Virginia Infantry, commanded by
Colonel R. E. Withers until his disability at
Gaines' Mill, and then by
Colonel H. A. Carrington until the close of the war. It is proposed to record the roll as soon as the same can be as nearly perfected as possible.
Any assistance from the survivors of the company in furtherance of this undertaking will be gladly received.
Adress either
William H. Smith, late
captain of company, or
J. C. Carrington,
Smithville, Va.
The roll.
Roll of Company K, 18th Virginia Infantry, known as ‘The Charlotte Rifles:’
Ezekiel V. Adams;——Adkins.
William Dennis Bouldin, orderly, captured at
William H. Bailey;
Dr. J. W. Brooks,
G. W. Barksdale;
W. G. Baldwin, lieutenant, died in service;——Brown;
Jim Bailey;
John Barksdale.
Wiltshire Cardwell, disabled in
first battle of Manassas;
George George Chappell;
C. C. Chappell;
John H. Cook, died in service;
M. L. Covington,
second lieutenant and then captain, wounded at ——;
James A. Calhoun;
John Calhoun, wounded at
James T. Crawley, wounded at
J. J. Cook, wounded at
Gaines' Mill;
Thomas Carter;
W. J. Chappell, killed at
Drewry's Bluff;
J. H. Cook;
Thomas Cumby;
Joseph Covington;
George Covington, wounded at
New Berne, N. C.;
Shanghai Coleman, orderly (
Louisiana Tiger); —— ——Childress, fifer of company.
E. B. Davis;
Winslow Dennis;
Patrick H. Deanor;
James Dickerson, wounded at
Gaines' Mill;
Robert Davis;
R. P. Davis;
Temple Davis, killed at
Francis Dean;
Joseph W. Dickerson; ——--——
Dougherty, killed at
Five Forks (
Louisiana Tiger).
E. P. Evans;
P. L. Evans;
Thomas Elam.
A. T. Faris;
Peyton R. Ford, wounded in arm at Frayser's Farm;
Albert Foster, killed in battle of ——;
John Foster, orderly sergeant;
P. W. Fore;
John J. Foster; James Ford;
Phil. Ford;
Sam Foster;
John J. Franklin;
E. W. Fore.
Walter L. Garden, wounded at
Gaines' Mill;
William E. Gaines;
D. B. Garden; Thomas Garden;
H. F. Gaines, killed in battle;
Dr. John Garden; —— ——
Charles Harvey, third sergeant;
Samuel M. Hailey, wounded at
Gaines's Mill;
John T. Hagerman, lost leg at
S. Baxter Harvey, wounded at Frayser's Farm;
R. F. Hutcheson, transferred to cavalry;
Rich. Hammersley;
John Harvey, killed at
Gaines' Mill;
Ro. Hudson;
Charles W. Harvey, discharged from service on account of ill health; —— ——Haynes.
William H. Jeffress, wounded at
E. M. Jackson, wounded at —— ;
Theo. M. Jones, sergeant from 1861 to close of war, wounded at
Sharpsburg, and Second Cold Harbor;
William H. Jones;
James A. Jackson; —— ——Johnson, wounded at
Hatcher's Run.
George Kesee, killed at
John T. Lowry, wounded at
Hatcher's Run;
John Lawson;
Thos. Lawson;
George W. Lawson; Sandy
Lyle, lost sight of after
battle of Gaines's Mill; Mat.
L. Lyle, second captain, killed at
Gaines' Mill;
Robert Lipscomb, killed at
Gaines' Mill;
John Ledbetter, wounded at
Drewry's Bluff;
W. J. Ledbetter; —— ——
Dennis McNamara;
A. C. Middleton, wounded at——;
Maloney, died at
Point Lookout, Md., of wounds received at
David Morisette, died in service;
Sam Morrison, killed in
battle around
John E. Moseley, killed at
Seven Pines;
Thomas Mack, orderly;
Robert Moorefield;
John Morrisette;
William Morrison, died in service.
William Nowell.
James T. Overby, transferred to cavalry.
Edward Preston, died in service;
Fletcher Preston;
John F. Powers;
Joseph Pollard;
Asa C. Pugh;
Presley A. Pugh;
William W. Palmer.
Edward H. Reams;
Elijah T. Roach, wounded at
William S. Roach, wounded at
Gaines's Mill;
Henry C. Ransom, wounded at ——;
Henry N. Read.
T. J. Spencer, first captain;
William H. Smith, lieutenant and third captain, wounded at
second battle of Manassas and
Drewry's Bluff;
Branch Spencer;
Robert S. Spencer;
James Spencer;
W. H. Shorter; Thomas Spain;
James Spencer, killed in battle ——
Alexander Spencer, killed at
Daniel Spencer;
Whitfield Spencer, wounded in battle ——--;
Robert Shepperson,
second lieutenant, died in service;
William Stith, lieutenant, wounded, arm shot off at
Drewry's Bluff and died from effects;
John E. Smith, lieutenant killed at
Five Forks;
S. D. Spencer, color-bearer, wounded at
Gaines's Mill and
William Spencer, sergeant, shot in battle of
Five Forks;
Charles Snead;
Samuel Spencer, killed at
Gettysburg; John Dug.
John H. Thompson;
George Tunstall;
James T. Tharpe;
Robert Taylor, wounded at
James Thomas, killed at
first battle of Manassas—first man killed. —— ——
Valentine, killed at
Seven Pines.
Van Buren Watkins, badly wounded at
Luther C. Watkins;
Samuel Weil, wounded three times;
James Wilkes;
Ham Wilkes, transferred to artillery;
Thomas Wilkes;
C. B. Wilkes;
Joseph Wilkes, corporal;
Calvin Wilkes;
Charles Williams;
Thos. C. Wilkerson, wounded in service;
William C. Wilkerson, wounded in battle of Frayser's Farm.