Mrs. Jefferson Davis.
Visit by Ex-Congressman Curtis to Confederate President's widow.General N. M. Curtis, of Ogdensburg, was a guest of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, on Monday.—Canton Plain Dealer. When shown the above item and asked to give something for publication regarding his visit, General Curtis said:
Yes, I was in Canton on Monday, and had the pleasure of calling on Mrs. Jefferson Davis. She is a most interesting woman, and one who has kept well informed upon all public matters for the last half century, both relating to our own and foreign countries, and she takes the liveliest interest in stirring events of the present as well as those of the past. It was the first time I had had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Davis, although I had for many years known some of her intimate friends. I have been interested in Mississippi since 1850, when my brother, Andrew Jackson Curtis, settled in Vicksburg, where he lived until failing health compelled him to return to St. Lawrence county, where he died in July, 1858. He was a personal friend of Mrs. Davis, and among my brother's papers were several letters from him relating to political affairs in Mississippi. On my entering Richmond, April 12, 1865, I became a guest of James H. Grant, whose house adjoined the Davis mansion, and Mrs. Grant was one of Mrs. Davis' intimate friends. At that time Mrs. Grant related to Mrs. Curtis and myself many incidents of [315] Mrs. Davis' kindness to the soldiers and afflicted people of Richmond. I came to know at the close of the war many Mississippians, every one of whom I have been able to count my friend. In my congressional service I was fortunate in having the support of the Mississippi delegation, as I did generally those of the South for every measure I introduced, and I was glad to assure Mrs. Davis of my appreciation of the action of her friends, which aided me in the passage of many measures calculated to promote the interests of my district. I was also glad of the opportunity to tell her how much she has, by her influence and power, contributed, through her acquaintance in the North, as well as the South, to bring about the harmonious relations which now happily exist among the people of all sections of the country. The St. Lawrence University, and the people of Canton, in June, 1899, testified in a most impressive manner their liberality and generous sentiments toward the people of the South in conferring upon Colonel Lamb, one of her most active and distinguished soldiers and civilians, the honorary degree of Ll. D. During the vacation season that Mrs. Davis may spend in Canton she will be enabled to contribute much in creating and extending those feelings of good citizenship which grow out of friendly association. Those of our people who meet Mrs. Davis will carry away the most agreeable impressions of an interview with a highly-cultured and refined woman, who has passed through the most important and interesting half century of our country's existence, and who speaks interestingly of every public event, and leaves the impression that after more than seventy years of acquaintance with public characters of this and European countries, she is in full possession of all those qualities which dignify her sex, and feels the keenest interest in every measure relating to the public welfare of the country, which is to her, as to them, the best and most beloved. I have replied to your inquiry, with many misgivings regarding the propriety of answering the request lest I might trespass upon the private rights of one who, however conspicuous her position in public life has been, has for years avoided the public gaze and modestly devoted herself to the task of brightening and cheering the lives of those who suffered on either side in the great national conflict. It would not become me to enter upon any details of those personal qualities which distinguish her in private circles and cause her to be [316] so much sought and admired by the young. Those who possess an intimate acquaintance with this kind woman are most fortunate.Mrs. Davis's home is still in Mississippi, although she spends much time in New York city. She is a warm personal friend of the family of Justice Leslie W. Russell, in Canton. Miss Winnie Davis made her last visit before the fatal trip to Atlanta at the house of Judge Russell, she being a close friend of Mr.Hartridge and Mrs. Hartridge. She stood as godmother to Mrs. Hartridge's child, Harriet.—Ogdensburg, (N Y.) Journal.