A confederation of Southern Memorial Associations.
[What the noble women of the South have already accomplished, severally, and in local associations, in impressing regard for virtue and truth, is daily growingly manifest. What their fathers, brothers, sons, and sweethearts did, has passed into immortal history, as of supremity in manhood's realization. In the grace of woman's scepter, a sweeter or grander exemplification of her sex, has not been; could not be. In the prescience of that guardian angel of the Southern home— in providence, in tenderness, in self-forgetfulness, in exacting sacrifice, and in transcendent devotion to right and honor, she has signalized herself as the glory of her sex. The impress of the deeds of the worthy and the heroic may not be effaced by traduction. They must live in regardful memory, instinctively. Aye, more! —in the advance of scholarship, misrepresentation save for a day will be impossible. Never again can history be more than evanescently falsified. Our sisterhood of the balmy South have with them not only the [378] consciousness of justly reverential endeavor, but the salvo of increasing results in their sublime efforts. The confederation of action of their sister memorial bodies can but accelerate realization of holy purpose, in all that may be desired in enduring memorial and in truthful statement. It cannot be long ere we will have adequate monuments in every worthy locality in the South, attesting the valor and patriotism of the Southern soldier, and the incomparable grace and devotion of the Southern woman. The following account of the organization of the Confederate Southern Memorial Association has been furnished by Miss Sue H. Walker, Fayetteville, Arkansas, the zealous corresponding secretary of the appealing body. We gladly give it place in the Southern Historical Society Papers, together with Article II, from the Constitution, as follows:Sec. I. The object and purpose of this Association shall be strictly memorial and historical. It will strive to unite in one general confederation all Southern and Confederate Memorial Associations now in existence or hereafter to be formed. Sec. 2. The collection of relics and the preservation of the history of the Confederate soldiers engaged in the war between the States from 1861 to 1865—to instill in the minds of children who are eligible, a proper veneration for the spirit and glory that animated our Confederate soldiers, and the cause for which they fought, and to bring them into association with our organization, that they may aid us in accomplishing our objects and purposes, and finally succeed us, and take up our work when we leave it.—Editor.] During the spring of the year 1900, the idea of combining all the Memorial Associations of the South into one united body was conceived by Miss Julia A. Garside, Secretary of the Southern Memorial Association of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The idea was accepted and cared out by this association. The object being to commemorate the work already done, to insure its continuance and perpetuate the name ‘Southern Memorial Association.’ Appeals were sent out to all associations whose addresses could be obtained, most cordial responses received, and arrangements made for delegates from each association to meet at the Louisville Reunion United Confederate Veterans. The success of these plans may be seen from the appended report of the proceedings on this occasion, and subsequent [379] additions to the confederation. We asked in our memorial permission to hold our annual reunions at the time and place selected by the veterans for theirs. Cordial consent was given, and it is with pride and pleasure we announce that each year we will meet with them, not to hamper or discommode by undue numbers, for our constitution limits the number—two delegates from each association, nor will our meetings be held at their convention hall, but at some convenient place selected by our committee of arrangements. This confederation in nowise conflicts or interferes with the work of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Thoa a distinct organization, many members of the Memorial Association belong to the younger organization also. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with this movement and its object we quote from an article in the New Orleans Picayune of August 4, 1900:
For the information of associations wishing to join the confederation, it may be stated that no individual work of any association will be interfered with by the confederation, no association joining will be required to take up, except voluntarily, any new work; each association is recognized as a free agent to continue its parent work, and devote itself exclusively, if it so desires, to its own local work. The associations may, or may not indorse any work proposed by the general organization. But the one grand idea of the confederation is to gather all these scattered memorial associations into one confederated band for the preservation of the history of their glorious work; which after that of the Confederate soldier in marching to the fray, and those who laid down their lives on battlefields for the sake of that most just and holy cause, is the most noble, patriotic and beautiful page written in the heart book of the South.The following is a report of the organization at Louisville: The first meeting was held in the parlors of the Galt House, May 30, 1900, at 10:30 A. M. Meeting called to order by Miss Sue H. Walker, and its object briefly explained. She then called to the chair Miss Julia A. Garside, who very appropriately opened the meeting with prayer, after which a call was made for credentials and names of delegates from the various Southern States. Answered to their names: Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel. Junior Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. N. V. Randolph. [380] Oakwood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. David C. Richardson. The Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Miss Minnie Baughman. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La. Delegates: Mrs. W. J. Behan, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph R. Davis. Mrs. Lewis Graham, Miss Daisy M. L. Hodgson, Miss Lucy Marshall Smith. The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark. Delegates: Mrs. J. D. Walker, Miss Sue H. Walker, Miss Julia A. Garside. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Petersburg, Va. Delegates: Mrs. W. E. Badger, Mrs. Shelton Cheives. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri. Delegates: Mrs. Leroy Valliant, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Represented by blanks filled out: The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala. The Ladies' Memorial Association of Knoxville, Tenn. Delegates: Mrs. S. T. McTeer, Miss Moody White. It was decided by unanimous vote to enter into an election of officers. Mrs. W. J. Behan was nominated and elected President. Mrs. Graham then nominated Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, of Fayetteville, Ark., for First Vice-President—but a motion was made and carried that all officers be elected from the delegates present, in order that the organization might be perfected before presenting the memorial to the veterans. It was also moved and carried that there be a Vice-President from each State, all equal in authority. The elections were as follows: Vice-President from Virginia, Mrs. David C. Richardson; Vice-President, Louisiana, Mrs. Lewis Graham; Vice-President, Tennessee, Miss Missie Ault; Vice-President, Arkansas, Mrs. J. D. Walker; Vice-President, Missouri, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Alabama and South Carolina having no delegates present the Presidents of these associations were selected as Vice-Presidents for those States. The other officers elected are as follows: Recording Secretary, Miss Daisy L. Hodgson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sue H. Walker; Treasurer, Miss Julia A. Garside. The newly elected President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, was then escorted [381] to the chair, and read a most beautiful and comprehensive report of the origin and work of her association, ‘The Confederate Memorial Association of New Orleans, La.’ A Committee on Constitution and By-Laws was then appointed, consisting of Miss Julia A. Garside, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph D. Davis, Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, Mrs. N. V. Randolph, alternate; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Mrs. W. J. Behan by request. This organization is to be known as ‘The Confederated Southern Memorial Association;’ its object, ‘Memorial and Historical.’
Second meeting.
The Confederate Southern Memorial Association was called to order by the President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, at 9:30 A. M., May 31st. Mrs. Sarah Polk Blake was unanimously elected historian for the Association. The report of the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws was next voted on by sections, and adopted as a whole. Mrs. N. V. Randolph made a beautiful and touching appeal to the Association in behalf of the Jefferson Davis monument, asking that this Confederated Association assist the U. D. C. in building this memorial. A hearty response was given and the Association pledged to assist in the work. On motion of Mrs. Lewis Graham it was asked that a published account be given by the Treasurer of the Davis Monument Fund of the amounts already subscribed by the different cities and States now in the hands of the Treasurer of the fund at Richmond, Va. The motion was carried and Mrs. Randolph stated that two books would be kept, one for the contributions of the U. D. C., the other for the Southern Memorial Association. An invitation was extended by Mrs. Basil Duke to the Association to attend a reception to be given at the Galt House from 4 to 6 P. M., in honor of Mrs. Addison Hayes, Miss Varina Howell Davis Hayes, and Mrs. Weed, of Florida. Adjourned to meet at 10 A. M. the following day.June 1, 1900.
Before the hour appointed for the next meeting a communication was received by the President stating that an opportunity would be given ‘The Confederated Memorial Association’ to present their memorial to General Gordon and the veterans at the Reunion Hall. Therefore the meeting was postponed until 4 P. M. The President and delegates attended the meeting of veterans in [382] a body. They were given seats on the platform and at the proper time the memorial was read in a most impressive manner by Colonel Charles Coffin, of Arkansas, after which he made a very enthusiastic address in behalf of this movement. During the reading of the memorial there was frequent applause, and at each of the closing sentences, recalling the privations, courage and endurance of the women of the South, during those trying times of war, the applause was deafening. General Gordon's indorsement was most heartily given and that of the veterans by a rising vote and enthusiastic cheering. The memorial was as follows:The following Memorial Associations have authorized us to append their names to this memorial:
The Association was incorporated by the Circuit Court of Washington county, Fayetteville, Ark., October 30, 1900, and a charter issued.
Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Williams' 94. Alexander, Edgar, 71. Anderson's Corps complimented, 11. Appomattox Courthonse, Wants of the army at, 39; Last charge at, 41, 259; Last man killed at, 252. April 9th, 1865, lines by Percy Greg, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade transferred, 8 Army of Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113. Artis Avis or Bird of Art, 304. Attucks, Crispus, 157. Barn-burners, Sheridan's, 98. Bartlett, General William F., 47, 207. Barton Jr., Lieut David R., 69. Beale, General R. L. T., 253. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 287; at Drewry's Bluff and Petersburg, 318. Behan, Mrs. W. J 380. Benton, Thomas A., Views of, 163. Bermuda Hundred, 330. Bernard, George S., 204.Bingen on the Rhine,350. “Birthday of Lee,” poem 238. Blackford. Lieutenant L. M., 70. Blakemore, ‘The Bravest,’ 49 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 157. Bouldin, Captain E. E., 71, 77, 250. Bowie, Lieut., Walter, how he died, 135. Boyd, Belle, 296. Boyd, Lieutenant, E. Holmes, 69 Branch, Major, Thomas, 26. Brander, Major T. A, 4. Broadbent, Captain, Wallace, 308. Brockenbrough, Captain, J. Bowyer, 70. Brown's Raid, John, 185, 317. Brown, Governor Joseph E 288 Browne, General William M., 298. Brown, Lieutenant William M., 70. Brunswick Guard, Record and Roll of, 8; Blues, Record of, 261. Bryan, Mrs., Joseph, 383. Burke of North Carolina, Hon. Thomas, 81. Burkholder, N. M., 106. Butler, General B. F., 319. Caldwell, W. W, 210. Carpenter's Battery, Record of, 166. Carter, James C., 180 Central Confederacy poposed in 1861, 144. Chambersburg, Burning of, 74. Chamberlayne, Captain, J. Hampden, 355. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 148. Chandler, Zachariah 190. Charlotte Cavalry, Record and roll of, 71, 77; Rifles, Roll of, 262. Christian Commission, Federal, 44. Christian, Judge George L. 169. Claiborne, Surgeon, John Herbert, 18; his dog ‘Jack,’ 23 Cobb, General, Howell, 281. Cobb, Gen. Thomas R. R, Extracts from letters of, February 21, 1861 December, 1862, Career of. 280. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 10, 322, 347. Colston, Colonel R E. 85. Cone, Frank, killed, 292 Confederate, flag, history of, 89; disparity of forces of, 108, 334; wants, 148; Navy, 125, 105; Soldier, the, 247; The only Treaty, 255; Veteran, What is he? 316; Congress in 1861, 281; Commissioners to Europe, 284; Constitution, 286; songs, 350, 367. Confederated Southern Memorial Association Organization of, 377. Conrad, H. Tucker, killed, 66. Crater, Battle of the, 208; Sharpshooters of Mahone's Brigade at, 307. Crenshaw's Battery, Organization and record of, 336. Curtis, General N. M., 314. Daughters of the Confederacy at N. O, 228. Davidson, Captain, Greenlee, killed, 852. Davis General Joseph R, 299. Davis, Mrs, Jefferson, Visit to, 315. Devens, General 43. Dickson, Mrs. William H., 230. Drewry's Bluff, President Davis as to operations at, 322, 323. Ellett, Lieutenant, Robert, killed, 366. Ellett, Lieutenant, James, killed, 349. Ellett. Captain Thomas 343 Emmett, Thomas, killed, 364. Englehard, Major Joseph A., 3. Fairfax, Randolph, killed, 70. Ferneyhough, Edward, 344. Figner, Alfonzo, 344. Fishburne, Lieutenant Clement D., 69. Five Forks, Battle of 371. Foy F. R. C. S., Dr. George, 275. Frederick City, Md, 347. Friedenwall, Dr., Herbert, 81. Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 94, 95. Garnett, Ll. D, Captain James M., 58, 71. Garnett, Ion. Thomas S 106. Garside, Miss Julia A 378. Gettysburg, Battle of, 10, 145, 356. Giddings, Colonel C. H., 255. Goolsby J. C., 6. Grady, B. F, 156. Greeley, Horace, on the Union, 177. [386] Gregg, Fort, Battle at, 20 265, 366. Gwynn, Major-General, Walter, 85. Hagood, General, Johnson, 318. Hale, Jr., Captain E. E., 4. Harper's Ferry and First Manassas, 1864-5, Incidents at, 58. Hartford Convention, The 174. Hatcher's Run, Battle of, 368. Hill, General A. P., killed, 20. Hill General D. H., 294 Hinton, Judge Drury A., 213. History Committe Grand Camp C. V, Report of, 169; Members of, 198. History, Southern, cannot be falsified, 193, 194, 376 Holland, Horace, killed, 352. Homespun garb in 1861, 288. Hope, James Barron, 193. Hotchkiss, Major, Jed., 279. Howitzers, Richmond, Guns of, at Appoinattox, 41. Jackson, General T. J., Death of, 271, 352. Jackson, Henry, 297. Jenkin's Brigade General A. G, 73. Johnson, General Bushrod R., 329. Johnson's Battery, Marmaduke, 91. Jones, Beverley R., 70 Jones, Major Richard W., 215 Jones, William Ellis, wounded, 366. Joynes, Professor E. S., 243 Kearney, General, Phil, killed, 346. Key, Francis Scott, 349. Knox, Captain John G, 1. Lamar, Jeff., killed, 296. Lane's Sharpshooters, General James H., 1; Brigade, Field and Staff officers and regiments of, 5. Laughton, Jr. Captain John E. 216. Lee and his Paladins, address by Surgeon J. H. Claiborne, 18. Lee, General R E., Tribute to, 106; Personal appearance of, in 1861-2,109; at the battle of the Wilderness, 109 Correspondence of, March-August, 1863, ‘tried as by fire’ 148; Celebration of birth-day of, 106 228; Characterization of, 240; as College Presidlent, 243; on buttermilk, 295. Lewis House, 64, 317 Lexington, Battle of, 155. Lincoln's Administration responsible, 186. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 180. Longstreet's Division at Gaines' Mill, 97. Loss, Unparallel, of Company F, 26th North Carolina, 199. Lodt Cause, The, 56. Louisiana, Purchase of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel F. W, 206. McNeill's men, 98. Macon, Sergeant Lyttleton S , 70. Mahon, General William 204. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 11, 341 Manassas First, Ammunition at, 289. Marks, Edwin, 236. Maryland, Invasion of, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305.
Moon, The, behind the hill,350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command, 135, 195. Muhlenburg Rifles, Company F, 10th Virginia, Roll of, 115. Navy, C. S., Vessels of, and their history, 125, Notes on, 305. Nash, Major J. Van Holt, 251. Nelson, Lieutenant, Kinlock, 70. Nelson, Lieutenant, Philip, 71 New England's struggle for ship building, 159, 160. Nicholson, Captain W. T, 1. Niemeyer, Colonel W. F., Sketch of, 84. New Orleans, La., Daughters of the Confederacy at, 228. North, the, Attitude of, since 1865, 181. Otey Battery, 368. Packard, Jr., Lieutenant Joseph, 69. Page, Major R.--Channing M., 69. Palmer, D. D., Rev. B M., 228. Palmer, Colonel, Wm. H, 149 Pegram's Battalion, organization of, 342. Pegram, General, John, killed, 369. Pegram, General, Wm. R Johnson, killed, 342 373. Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 70. Pendleton, General, Wm. N., 69. Petersburg, Evacuation of hospitals in, 20; battles around, 21, 330, 331. Phi Gamma, The, in the war, 309. Phillips, Wendell, 187. Pickering, Timothy, 175. Pollard, Captain, Thos. P., 216. Porter, General, Fitz John, 96. Porter, John L., 125. Porter, John W. H., 125 Randolph Major N. ., 281. Ransom, General, 325. Rawlings, Lieutenant E. G., killed, 365. Rebel, was the Confederate soldier a, 247. Resolutions of 1798, 162 Richardson, Sergeant and Thos. E., 217. Richardson, Captain V. V. 1. Riddick, Captain, captured, 31. Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 222, 316. Rogers, Major, Arthur Lee, 89. Rogers, Colonel George T., 211. Rosser's Laurel Brigade, 101. Ruff, Lieutenant-Colonel, 300. Sage, B. J., 157, 169. Scott, Colonel W. C 259. Secession, pioneer of, 81; right of 169. Seven Days Battle, how begun, 90. Seward, W. H., duplicity of, 188. Shaw, General Abbott D., 309 Sheridan's charge at Appomattox, 44; vandalism, 98. Shoes, Cowhide Moccasins for, 8. Slaves, Emancipation of, 197. Smith, General Francis H. 14. Smith, D. D., Rev. James P., 276. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 2. South against the North, Case of the, 156. Southern Women, their glorious devotion, 377. Stamp Act of 1765, Declaration of rights under, 157. [387] Starke, General, Wm. N. 3. Stephens, Alex. H. 18289. Stewart, Colonel, Wm. H., 84. Stovall, George, 289. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 248. Tarbell, Ida M. 189. Tariff for benefit of New England, 161, 162. Taylor, Captain W. A. 209. Taylor, Colonel Walter 14. Thompson, Wm., 249. Toombs, General, Robert, challenge of General D. H. Hill, 294. Townsend, Mrs., Mary Ashley, 228. Treaty the only Confederate, 265. Troy, Siege of, cited, 39. Tuttle, R. M., 199. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 248. Virginia, Council of War of, in 1861, 15; Cavalry, charging the 14th Regiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168. Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161. Wade, Ben J. F., 177. Walker, Miss Sue H., 378. Walker, Wm, 166. Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241. Washington, Bushrod C., 247. Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370. Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179. Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388. Weed, Thurlow, 289. Weisiger, General David A. 204. Wells, Colonel James M., 309. Whiting, General W. H. C., 326 Wilderness Battle of, 1. Williams, Ben J. J., 178. Wilson, James H., 252. Wilson, Colonel James M, 86. Winfield, Colonel John G., 98. Wolseley's estimate of Lee, 114. Wood, Surgeon, Mahone's Division, 26; killed, 50. Wright, Ambrose R., 144. Young, George, killed, 337. Zimmer, Captain, Louis, 14. Zollicoffer, General Felix K., 304.