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Hanover Grays.

A Roll of this gallant Organization—a long death list.

The following is the roll of Company I, 15th Virginia Volunteers Infantry (Hanover Grays), Corse's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. This company was organized at Old Church, Hanover County, Va., in December of 1859, and mustered into the service of the Confederate States at Richmond, Va., April 23, 1861, and continued in service until the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse, in April, 1865.

Captain, B. W. Talley, served from April 23, 1861, to April, 1862; now dead.

First Lieutenant, Thaddeus Foster, served from April 23, 1861, to April, 1862; now dead.

Second Lieutenant, William Boyd, served from April 23, 1861, to April, 1862; now dead.

Captain James D. Waid, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865.

First Lieutenant, George P. Haw, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865; lost an arm.

Second Lieutenant, John W. Davidson, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865.

Third Lieutenant, William N. Parsley, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865.

Allan, James B.

Allan, Robert (dead).

Atkins, H. C.

Atkins, William T. (dead).

Batkins, Cornelius (dead).

Bowles, William.

Boyd, George G. (dead).

Boyd, William (dead).

Brown, Lucian.

Brown, P. H. (lost arm and leg; dead).

Burch, E. T.

Burton, Marcus.

Butler, John M. (dead).

Carlton, Charles. [364]

Cook, Lawrence (dead).

Corbin, John G.

Cosby, John O. (wounded and dead).

Christian, Horace (dead).

Christian, R. A. (detailed; dead).

Crump, Edward.

Curtis, Armistead (dead).

Dunn, John H. (killed at Drewry's Bluff).

Dunn, Charles (killed at Drewry's Bluff).

Dunn, Robert S. (wounded; dead).

Dunn, Henry C.

Ellett, Thaddeus (wounded).

Ellerson, Thomas H. (wounded).

Gaines, William (detailed).

Gray, John (wounded and dead).

Gardner, R. E. (discharged; dead).

Gibson, John T.

Gibson, Robert H.

Griffin, R. R. (wounded).

Harwood, John W. (detailed).

Haw, Edwin (dead).

Haw, John H. (sergeant).

Haw, Richardson W. (twice wounded; dead).

Haw, William (wounded).

Hazelgrove, Andrew (died in prison).

Hogan, William (dead).

Home, Robert R. (died in prison).

Home, Ralph R.

Hott, William (wounded).

Hughes, P. H. (wounded; dead).

Johnson, P. L.

Jones, Washington (killed).

Jones, William Wingfield (wounded and dead)

Kelley, James S. (dead).

Kent, George W. (wounded).

Lipscomb, Henry (wounded).

Lorgan, Benjamin (dead).

Mantlo, William (twice wounded).

Mantlo, Cornelius (wounded).

Mills, John T. (detailed; dead). [365]

Mosby, John S. (dead).

Norment, William E. (dead).

Nunnally, L. M. (dead).

Otey, Thomas (wounded).

Otey, William (wounded and dead).

Pate, John W. (transferred and dead).

Pate, William B. (dead).

Richardson, Bowling (dead).

Richardson, John (wounded).

Richardson, Henry (dead).

Richardson, Peter (dead).

Short, William Neander.

Smith, William H. (wounded and dead).

Smith, William C. (killed near Ashland, Va.).

Southard, John (wounded and dead).

Snyder, Stephen (discharged; dead).

Taliaferro, William (discharged; dead).

Talley, George T. (discharged).

Talley, John A. J. (killed at Sharpsburg).

Talley, Ezekiel S. (killed at Sharpsburg).

Talley, Walter (wounded and dead).

Talley, Williamson (dead).

Talley, Charles A. (dead).

Talley, William E.

Thacker, Philip (dead).

Thomas, Richard A.

Thomas, R. H. (dead).

Timberlake, Junius (dead).

Tomblin, John H.

Tyler, Davis.

Via, Andrew (discharged).

Via, William H.

Warren, James B. (dead).

White, Lee (killed at Drewry's Bluff).

Wicker, William (killed at Sharpsburg).

Wright, George W.

Wright, Gus. W. (wounded).

Wright, Joseph (dead).

Wright, Silas (dead).

Wyatt, Charles.

Wyatt, William (dead). [366] From the Times-Dispatch, October 21, 1906.\

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