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alphabetical letter ظ ذ The seventeenth letter of the alphabet: called ظَآءٌ [and ظَا]. (TA.) It is a letter peculiar to the Arabic language; and is one of the letters termed مَجْهُورَة [or vocal, i. e. pronounced with the voice, not with the breath only]; and of the letters termed لِثَوِيَّة [or gingival], like ث and ذ. (TA.) As it does not exist in the language of the Nabathæans, they change it into ط. (IF, TA.) [It is substituted for the ت in the measure اِفْتَعَلَ and the forms inflected therefrom when immediately following ظ; as in اِظَّلَمَ, for اِظْظَلَمَ, for اِظْتَلَمَ:] and it is substituted for ذ; as in تَرَكْتُهُ وَقِيذًا and وَقِيظًا; as is related on the authorities of ISk and Kr; and as in أَرْضٌ جِلْذَآءٌ and جِلْظَآءٌ, as is mentioned in the Nawádir el-Aaráb. (TA.) -A2- [As a numeral, it denotes Nine hundred.]
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