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1 قَبَسَ نَارًا ذ , aor. قَبِسَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. قَبْسٌ, (T, K,) He took fire, مِنْهُ [from him;] (K;) as also ↓ اقتبسها : (S, K:) or he took fire from the main mass thereof; (Msb;) as also ↓ اقتبس [alone]. (Msb, K.) ― -b2- [Hence,] قَبَسَ عِلْمًا, (and مِنَ العِلْمِ, TA,) (assumed tropical:) He acquired knowledge, مِنْهُ [from him;] (Ks, K, TA;) as also ↓ اقتبسهُ : (Ks, S, K, TA:) or he learned knowledge; as also ↓ اقتبس . (Msb.) ― -b3- [Hence also, قَبَسَ حُمَّى (assumed tropical:) He caught a fever from another; as also ↓ اقتبسها .] You say, هٰذِهِ حُمَّى قَبْسٍ (assumed tropical:) This is a fever caught from another; not accidentally inbred: (A, TA:) but Sgh explains it differently, as signifying an accidental fever. (TA.) And الحُمَّى مِنْ غَيْرِهِ وَلَمْاقتبس تَعْرِضْ لَهُ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He caught the fever from another; and it did not accidentally come to him from himself]. (A, TA.) -A2- قَبَسَ مِنْهُ نَارًا, aor. قَبِسَ , inf. n. قَبْسٌ, [He sought from him fire; (see its part. n., below;)] (S;) [and so ↓ اقتبسه , for اقتبس مِنْهُ نَارًا; for you say,] اِقْتَبَسْنَا فُلَانًا فَأَبَى ان يُقْبِسَنَا, meaning, [We sought fire from such a one, and he refused] to give us fire. (TA.) ― -b2- [And hence, قَبَسَ عِلْمًا (assumed tropical:) He sought knowledge; (see, again, its part. n., below;) and so ↓ اقتبسهُ ; as appears from an explanation of the part. n. of this latter also; and from the saying,] أَتَانَا فُلَانٌ يَقْتَبِسُ العِلْمَ فَأَقْبَسْنَاهُ, meaning, (assumed tropical:) [Such a one came to us seeking knowledge, and] we taught him. (TA.) -A3- Also, قَبَسَ النَّارَ He lighted, or kindled, the fire. (IKtt.) -A4- See also 4, passim. 4 اقبسهُ ذ He gave him a قَبَس [a brand, or burning stick, or burning piece of fire-wood]: (S, K:) or he gave him fire: and ↓ قَبَسَهُ he brought him fire: (TA:) and اقبسهُ نَارًا (Ks, S, Msb) he gave him fire; (S, * Msb, TA;) as also نَارًاقَبَسَهُ . (Yz, Ks, IAar, S.) ― -b2- [Hence,] اقبسهُ (assumed tropical:) He taught him: (K:) and اقبسهُ عِلْمًا, (Yz, Ks, IAar, S, A, Msb,) and خَيْرًا, (A, TA,) (assumed tropical:) he taught him knowledge, (S, * Msb, TA,) and (assumed tropical:) good; (TA;) as also عِلْمًاقَبَسَهُ , (Ks, IAar, S, A, Msb, TA,) and خَيْرًا: (A:) the latter verb is sometimes thus used; (IAar, TA;) or is allowable: (Ks, TA:) or only the former: (A:) [but it seems to be indicated in the TA, that you say. خَيْرًاقَبَسَهُ as meaning (assumed tropical:) he brought him good:] and you say also مَالًاقَبَسَهُ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) he gave him property]. (IAar, TA.) -A2- اقبس فُلَانًا نَارًا He sought fire for such a one. (Yz, * S, * K.) 8 إِِقْتَبَسَ see 1, passim. قَبَسٌ ذ Fire: (TA:) or a live coal: (Bd, xx. 10:) or [more commonly, and more properly, like نَفَضٌ in the sense of مَنْفُوضٌ;] a firebrand (شُعْلَةٌ مِنْ نَارٍ, T, S, A, Msb, K, * and Bd ubi supra,) taken from the main mass of fire; (T, A, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ مُقْتَبَسٌ and ↓ مِقْبَسٌ (A) and ↓ مِقْبَاسٌ : (S, A, Msb, K:) the last two [properly] signify a thing [such as a stick, or piece of fire-wood,] with which one has taken fire: (TA:) and قَبَسٌ is also explained as signifying a live coal, or piece of fire, (جِذْوَةٌ مِنْ نَارٍ,) which one takes upon the end of a stick: (TA:) [and ↓ قَبْسَةٌ also signifies the same; as appears from an application thereof in the K, art. جذو, where الجِذْوَةُ is explained by القَبْسَةُ مِنَ النَّارِ; and from the saying,] مَا أَنَا إِِلَّا قَبْسَةٌ مِنْ نَارِكَ [lit., I am nought but a piece from thy fire; app. meaning, my subsistence, or the like, is derived from thee]. (A, TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee, حَتَّى أَوْرَى قَبَسَ القَابِسِ (assumed tropical:) So that he manifested a light of truth to the seeker thereof. (TA.) قَبْسَةٌ ذ [inf. n. of un. of 1; A single act of taking fire; &c. Hence the saying,] مَا زُرْتُكَ إِِلَّا كَقَبْسَةِ العَجْلَانِ [I did not visit thee save like the hasty person's single act of taking fire]. (TA.) -A2- See also قَبَسٌ. قَابِسٌ ذ [act. part. n. of 1; Taking fire; a taker of fire; &c. Hence the saying,] مَا أَنْتَ إِِلَّا كالقَابِسِ العَجْلَانِ [Thou art none other than like the hasty taker of fire]. (A.) ― -b2- [(assumed tropical:) Acquiring, or learning, knowledge; an acquirer, or a learner, of knowledge.] -A2- Seeking, or a seeker of, fire: pl. أَقْبَاسٌ; its only broken pl. (TA.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) Seeking, or a seeker of, knowledge; as also ↓ مُقْتَبِسٌ . (TA.) ― -b3- القَوَابِسُ [pl. of القَابِسُ, like as الفَوَارِسُ is pl. of الفَارِسُ,] (assumed tropical:) Those who teach men what is good. (TA.) مَقْبِسٌ ذ The place of the fire-brand: i. e., firewood that has been lighted: or charcoal that has become hard; opposed to حُمَمَةٌ, which is [a piece of] charcoal that does not hold together: pl. مَقَابِسُ. (Msb.) مِقْبَسٌ ذ : see قَبَسٌ. مِقْبَاسٌ ذ : see قَبَسٌ. مُقْتَبَسٌ ذ : see قَبَسٌ. مُقْتَبِسٌ ذ : see قَابِسٌ.

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