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هَمٌّ ذ and ↓ هِمَّةٌ Purpose, or intention; syn. أَوَّلُ العَزْمِ and أَوَّلُ العَزِيمَةِ. (Msb.) See Har, p. 345, and a verse cited voce طَلَّاع. ― -b2- Also the ↓ latter, Strong determination or resolution. (Msb.) ― -b3- هَمٌّ An object, or a thing intended or meant or desired or determined upon, in the mind. (K, * TA.) See an ex. voce حَمٌّ and سَمٌّ: you say, هَمُّهُ كَذَا His object is such a thing. ― -b4- هَمٌّ [Anxiety; or disquietude, or trouble, of mind; solicitude; care: or grief, or sorrow:] distress, or disquietude, affecting the heart or mind, by reason of some harm, or annoyance, that is expected to happen; differing from غَمٌّ, which signifies “ distress, or disquietude, affecting the heart or mind, by reason of what has happened: ” or both, as some say, signify the same [namely distress, or disquietude, of mind]: the difference is asserted by 'Iyád and others. (TA in art. غم.) ― -b5- هَمُّهُ بَطْنُهُ [His object of care, or of anxiety, is his belly]. (K in art. بطن.) And لَا هَمَّ لَهُ إِِلَّا بَطْنُهُ [He has no object of care, or of anxiety, but his belly]. (TA in that art.) ― -b6- هَمَّكَ مَا هَمَّكَ means هَمَّكَ مَا عَنَاكَ: and هَمَّكَ also signifies اذابك. (JK.) See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 880.

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