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--Advices from Utah are to October 5. Hon. W. H. Hooper, delegate to Congress, accompanied by his wife, had left Salt Lake City for Washington, and with him had departed the last of the Mormon missionaries for the States and Europe. Among the missionaries were three of the "Twelve Apostles" -- Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow, and George Q. Cannon -- the first two destined for the States, and the last for England. Five of the Twelve are now absent among the "Gentiles," working for the cause of Mormonism. An Agricultural Fair had been held at Provo, which had been attended with considerable success, and another was in progress in Salt Lake City. More Indian hostilities are reported in the northern part of the Territory. A party of emigrants, numbering about twenty, had been attacked, and had lost all their wagons and stock before assistance could reach them. The party had arrived at Salt Lake City, under escort of United States troops, in a destitute condition.

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