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Additional Foreign news.

By the Bohemian and Europe we have the following additional items of foreign news to the 20th ult.

When the Bohemian left Liverpool, great rejoicings were going on in honor of the reopening of the splendid library presented to the town by Mr. Brown. Thousands of volunteers were out in procession, and business was generally suspended. Lord Brougham and numerous other celebrities were taking part in the proceedings. A great meeting of workmen was held in the Amphitheater the previous evening, and presented Mr. Brown with a handsome testimonial.

The Queen and Court had arrived at Windsor from Germany.

The Queen had recovered from her indisposition.

Punch has a leading picture, in which he is introducing the Prince of Wales to his pretty Miss Columbia, with the assurance that he don't get such a partner as her every day.

The Paris Patrie says, as soon as the annexation of Naples and Sicily to Sardinia is proclaimed, Garibaldi will resign his political authority, and resume the title and functions of Commander-In-Chief of the land and sea forces of Southern Italy. He will exclusively occupy himself in preparing for war next spring, and will make an appeal to all Europe for volunteers.

It is confirmed that a French merchantman, laden with stores for Gaets, had been captured by Garibaldi's ships, but as the blockade was not recognized by France, she would probably be restored, to avoid disagreeable consequences.

The Turin Gazette says Prussia has simply made some remarks against the entry of Sardinian troops into Naples, but made no communication. It was reported, however, via Berlin, that the Russian ambassador at Turin had been recalled, and that the Sardinian ambassador at St. Petersburg had received his passports.

It was stated that 1,400 Piedmontese troops had already reached Naples by sea. After Victor Emanuel reviews them, they will march to Caserta to be joined by those entering by the Roman frontier.

The abolition of the Hanover Stadt dues is on the eve of settlement. The sums to be paid Havana is 460,000. England and Hambourg pay £153,000 each, and the remainder by the other States Interested.

Count Persigny, the French Minister at London, had been recalled to Paris, and it was reported that he would succeed Thouvenal in the Cabinet.

The French bishops and clergy continue a vigorous defence of the Papal cause. It was believed that the Pope's Nuncio at Paris would not return.

Another attack of the royal troops near Capua had been repulsed by Garibaldi.

Count Mari, the Sicilian representative at Turin, had resigned.

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