To John O. Steger, Esq.--
Dear Sir:
Very respectfully,
Your friends and fellow-citizens,
Geo. W. Hobson, Samuel J. Harrison, R. H. Meade, P. T. Moore, Hubert P. Lefebvre, J. H. Claiborne, W. Willis, Wm. P. Palmer, M. D., T. Roberts Baker, E. B. Meade, V. H. Claiborne, Jno. P. Little, M. D., A. M. Bailey, Geo. W. Jones, Wm. G. Williams, A. Morris, Th. Pollard, M. D., Loraine F. Jones, Jos. S. James, J. P. Duval, E. S. Taliaferro, E. Payson Reeve, P. A. Wellford, W. L. Baker, Chas. A. Rose, N. P. Sheppard, Thos. R. Price, James Walsh, R. P. Richardson, J. H. Munford, Ed. C. Drew, R. M. Nimmo, Maxwell T. Clarke, J. H. Blair, Walter K. Martin, W. O. Harvie, B. E. Meade, F. J. Sampson, Lewis H. Blair, W. G. Pollard.
Richmond, Jan. 16, 1861.
Your friends and fellow-citizens,
Geo. W. Hobson, Samuel J. Harrison, R. H. Meade, P. T. Moore, Hubert P. Lefebvre, J. H. Claiborne, W. Willis, Wm. P. Palmer, M. D., T. Roberts Baker, E. B. Meade, V. H. Claiborne, Jno. P. Little, M. D., A. M. Bailey, Geo. W. Jones, Wm. G. Williams, A. Morris, Th. Pollard, M. D., Loraine F. Jones, Jos. S. James, J. P. Duval, E. S. Taliaferro, E. Payson Reeve, P. A. Wellford, W. L. Baker, Chas. A. Rose, N. P. Sheppard, Thos. R. Price, James Walsh, R. P. Richardson, J. H. Munford, Ed. C. Drew, R. M. Nimmo, Maxwell T. Clarke, J. H. Blair, Walter K. Martin, W. O. Harvie, B. E. Meade, F. J. Sampson, Lewis H. Blair, W. G. Pollard.
Richmond, Jan. 16, 1861.
Richmond Jan. 16th, 1861.
To Messrs. George W. Hobson, Samuel J. Harrison, R. H. Meade, P. T. Moore, and others. Gentlemen:
My attention has been called to your letter in the Dispatch of this morning, requesting that I would allow my name to be presented to the voters of Richmond as a candidate for the State Convention, to be held on the 13th of February next.
Unaffectedly distrustful of my qualification for so high and responsible a position, it would be more agreeable to me, personally, that the trust should be confided to some one more able and experienced than myself; but in the present crisis of our affairs, demanding, in my judgment, the promptest and most decided measures for the protection and preservation of the rights of Virginia, (in the Union, if possible; if not, then out of it,) I do not feel at liberty to withhold from my native State any service which so large and respectable a portion of my fellow-citizens may think it in my power to render.
You are at liberty, therefore, to use my name as you desire, with the assurance that, should it be the pleasure of my fellow-citizens of Richmond to confer upon me so distinguished a trust, I shall endeavor to discharge it with firmness and fidelity.
While, gentlemen, I have confided my name to you, to be used as you may deem best for the promotion of those high interests so dear to us all, you must permit me to express the earnest hope that you will at once withdraw it whenever the success of those interests and the cordial union of our friends shall demand it. Thanking you, gentlemen, for the kind and too partial sentiments expressed in your letter, To Messrs. George W. Hobson, Samuel J. Harrison, R. H. Meade, P. T. Moore, and others. Gentlemen: