
Tour of Mr. Lincoln.

arrival and reception at New York — speech of welcome by the Mayor--Mr. Lincoln's reply — Incidents, &c.

A large crowd gathered in the Park, at New York, on Wednesday morning, to witness the official reception of the President elect. Mr. Lincoln arrived at a few minutes before eleven o'clock, in charge of the Committee of the Common Council, and was immediately escorted to the Governor's Rooms, where the Mayor and a few friends, with the members of the press, awaited his coming. He was introduced to the Mayor by Mr. Cornell, of the Board of Aldermen. The Mayor spoke as follows:

The Mayor's speech.

Mr. Lincoln: As Mayor of New York, it becomes my duty to extend to you an official welcome in behalf of the corporation. In doing so, permit me to say that this city has never offered hospitality to a man clothed with more exalted powers, or resting under graver responsibilities, than those which circumstances have devolved upon you. Coming into office with a dismembered Government to reconstruct, and a disconnected and hostile people to reconcile, it will require a high patriotism, and an elevated comprehension of the whole country and its varied interests, opinions and prejudices, to so conduct public affairs as to bring it back again to its former harmonious, consolidated and prosperous condition.

You will pardon the Mayor of New York for alluding to this topic, sir, because New York is deeply interested. The present political divisions have sorely afflicted her people. All her material interests are paralyzed. Her commercial greatness is endangered. She is the child of the American Union. She has grown up under its maternal care and been fostered by its paternal bounty, and we fear that if the Union dies, the present supremacy of New York may perish with it. To you, therefore, chosen under the forms of the Constitution as the head of the Confederacy, we look for a restoration of fraternal relations between the States--only to be accomplished by peaceful and conciliatory means — aided by the wisdom of Almighty God.

The Mayor, in delivering the above address, spoke with an air of great deliberation.

Mr. Lincoln responded to the Mayor's address as follows:

Mr. Lincoln's speech.

Mr. Mayor--It is with feelings of deep gratitude that I make my acknowledgments for the reception extended to me by the commercial city of New York.

I cannot but remember that this is done by a people, a majority of whom do not agree with me in political sentiments; and I am the more grateful because I see that in the great principles of our Government our people are very nearly, or quite unanimous.

In regard to the difficulties that confront us, and of which your Honor has thought fit to speak so appropriately, and I suppose justly, I can only say I agree with the sentiments expressed by the Mayor. In my devotion to the Union I hope I am behind no man in the nation.

With regard to my course of conduct in the affairs of the nation, I fear too great confidence has been reposed in me; but I am sure I bring a heart devoted to the work. I am sure there is nothing that could bring me to consent, willingly to consent, to the destruction of this Union, under which not only the great commercial city of New York, but the whole country, has acquired its greatness, unless it be necessary for the preservation of the great principle for which the Union itself was made. I understand the ship to be made for the carrying of the cargo, and so long as the ship can be saved with the cargo it should never be abandoned. This Union should never be abandoned unless it fails the possibility of its preservation, and shall cease to exist except by throwing overboard its freight and passengers. So long as it is possible that the prosperity and liberties of this people be preserved in this Union, it shall be my purpose at all times to preserve it.

Again thanking you for the reception given me, allow me to come to a close.

Departure of Mr. Lincoln from New York.

New York,Feb. 21--Mr. Lincoln and party left here this morning at 8 o'clock, greeted with the cheers of an immense crowd and salvos of artillery.

The Canard steamer Africa was gaily decorated with flags, and fired a salute of twenty-one guns on the departure of the President's train.

Arrival and reception at Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Feb. 21.
--The train bearing Mr. Lincoln and suite arrived at the Kensington depot about 4 o'clock this afternoon.-- They were escorted to carriages in waiting; the one allotted to Mr. Lincoln was drawn by four white horses, being conspicuous by the gay plumage on their heads. A procession was formed, headed by a body of mounted police, followed by a cavalcade of citizens, representing all party politics. The Pennsylvania Dragoons also participated in the procession.

The President elect, accompanied by the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, the Presidents of the City Council, his suite, and the Committees of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Legislatures, proceeded over the route fixed upon. He was hailed everywhere with patriotic emblems and manifestations. Probably not less than one hundred thousand people were gathered along the line of march. The weather was cold, threatening snow.

On arriving at the headquarters selected for him, the Continental Hotel, Mr. Lincoln was conducted to the balcony?and introduced to Mayor Henry. The noisy multitude below greeted his appearance with boisterous cheering, but both the Mayor's welcome and his reply were unheard excepting by those in the immediate vicinity. Mr. Lincoln displays great earnestness in his delivery, which caused the mass to reflect his views in deafening applause.

The Mayor Intimates that there is a Crisis.

Mayor Henry, in receiving Mr. Lincoln, referred to the calamitous condition of affairs, which left but few firesides without its dreadful visitations. The masses, said the Mayor, are weary and sick of the selfish schemes and wily plots of selfish politicians, and trust in the statesmanship and patriotism of President Lincoln to restore peace and prosperity. He regretted that the short stay of the President elect precluded that intercourse with the merchants, manufacturers and mechanics of Philadelphia which would afford a clear discernment of their great interests at stake in the present troubles.

Mr. Lincoln Reiterates that the Crisis is only artificial.

Mr. Lincoln replied that it was true, that there was anxiety amongst the citizens of the country, but the dissatisfied, he said, are unable to point to anything in which they are being injured, or about to be injured. Hence he felt justified in concluding that the crisis was artificial. Let those who differ from me point out a substantial difficulty. He did not deny that this artificial panic had done considerable harm. He would be most happy to fulfill the hope of the Mayor. He had brought his heart to the work before him. It was useless to speak about plans and purposes, as he would speak officially on Monday week.--When he speaks he would take such grounds as were best calculated to restore peace, harmony and property to the country, and tend to the perpetuity of the nation, and the liberty of these States and the whole people. He assured them that he should do nothing inconsistent with the teachings of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

Mr. Lincoln then retired, and after supper held a levee.

Mr. Lincoln in New Jersey.

Newark, N J.,Feb. 21.--Mr. Lincoln and suite arrived at the Morris and Essex Depot in this city at 9 ½ o'clock, and was received by a committee of the Common Council, headed by the Mayor and a deputation of Republicans on horseback. On entering the depot, Mayor Bigelow addressed Mr. L. as follows:

Mr. President Elect: On behalf of the Common Council and my fellow- citizens, I most cordially welcome you to our city, and tender to you its hospitalities. I welcome you, sir, on behalf of the citizens of the metropolis of this State in point of population and trade, who have ever been loyal to the Constitution and maintained the integrity of the Union, and who entertain the ardent hope that your Administration will be governed by that wisdom and discretion which will be the means of transmitting the Confederated States as a unit to your successors and through them to the latest generation.

Mr. Lincoln in a low tone, but with emphasis, replied substantially as follows:

Mr. Mayor:--I thank you for the reception to your city, and would say in response, my heart is sincerely devoted to the work you desire I should do. With my own ability I cannot succeed, without the sustenance of Divine Providence, and of this great, free, happy and intelligent people. Without these I cannot hope to succeed — with these I cannot fall. Again, I return you my thanks.

The President elect and the committee were then escorted to carriages, and driven to the Chestnut street depot, a distance of one

mile, through Broad street, which was literally through with spectators, while every available space in the surrounding buildings was occupied. Patriotic manifestations were abundant. When the procession first formed, it was in the face of a cold and almost blinding fall of snow, which, however, soon subsided, and was succeeded by a genial sun and a bland, spring-like atmosphere, emblematic, it is hoped, of the future Administration.

As the train moved off, Mr. Lincoln bowed his acknowledgments to the crowd from the rear end of the car.

Notwithstanding the malicious posters spoken of yesterday, not a single manifestation of disrespect was heard at any time, but plenty of cheers were given for the President elect.

The Humors of the Presidential Progress — Dignity at a Discount.

We take the following extracts, relating to Mr. Lincoln's "sayings and doings,"

from a leading Republican journal of New York:

"I have been told I look like you," remarked a tall, weasel-faced individual, the color of the mud on his boots indicating New Jersey as his residence.

"You do look like me, that's certain," responded Mr. Lincoln; "the fact is settled that you are a handsome man."

"How is your wife and family?" very seriously asked a rural resident.

"Able to be about," replied Mr. Lincoln, very soberly; and then turning to the Mayor, finished the remark by saying, "that fellow is from the country, and meant to be polite."

"This is my husband," said a lady to Mr. Lincoln; "you must shake hands with him, for he is a member of the Illinois Legislature."

"He might come from a worse State," replied Mr. Lincoln, taking the Illinois legislator by the hand, "but he could not have a better half."

"Here is a man," said the Mayor, as a Mr. Cohen, from South Carolina advanced, "who is rather out of your bailiwick."

"Here is my hand," Mr. Lincoln remarked, "we will shake hands for the Union."

"You must let me shake hands with you, because I am as tall as you are," said a tall, gentlemanly-looking man.

"I don't know about your being as tall," replied Mr. Lincoln, "let us measure."

Mr. Lincoln wheeled his back about, and the two stood back to back.

"You are an inch the tallest," exclaimed the Mayor.

"I thought so," responded Mr. Lincoln; "I'm hard to beat."

"God bless you," said a gentleman of melodramatic look and dress, "the flag of the country is looking at you."

"Hope it won't lose any of its eyes," rejoined Mr. Lincoln. [Laughter.]

"Here is a tall fellow, I guess, will take me down," said the Mayor to Mr. Lincoln, as a very tall man advanced.

"Stranger, what is your height?" asked Mr. Lincoln.

"Six feet six."

"Here is my hand, I am six feet four."--[Great laughter.]

"Prince Bob."
[from the Rochester Democrat]

Robert Lincoln, son of the President elect, who is known now as "Prince Bob," is destined to make his peculiar mark and be remembered by the people wherever he goes. --Of the many good things told of this boy in Buffalo, on Saturday, we heard the following: A few days since, when Mrs. Lincoln was on her way home from New York, attended by her son Robert, she found herself at Buffalo without a pass over the State Line Railroad. For that link in the chain of railway between New York and Springfield no provision had been made. After Mrs. Lincoln had taken her seat in the cars, at Buffalo, for the West, her son Bob entered the office of R. N. Brown, Esq., the gentlemanly Superintendent of the State Line Railroad, and inquired if Mr. Brown was in .. Mr. Brown responded and inquired what was wanted.

His interrogator addressed him in substantially the following language:

‘ "My name is Bob Lincoln; I'm a son of Old Abe — the old woman is in the cars raising h — l about her passes — I wish you would go and attend to her!"

Mr. Brown very promptly filled out the requisite papers to enable Mrs. Lincoln and family to ride over his road without payment of fare, and delivered them to her. It is probable that " the old woman" gave Bob no further trouble about the passes on that trip.

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