General Assembly of Virginia.
[Extra session.]
Saturday, March 9, 1861.
The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock, Mr. Johnson in the chair, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moorman, of the Methodist Church.
The resolution passed by the House on Friday, for the relief of the Sheriffs of the Commonwealth, having been reported, Mr. Wickham proposed the following amendment, which was adopted: ‘
"In any settlement with Sheriffs against whom judgments have been rendered for the taxes of 1860, the said Auditor shall remit all damages except so much only as may be necessary to pay expenses of the collection of said judgments, provided that said taxes are paid prior to the 1st day of April next." ’
At the suggestion of Mr. Pate, it was further amended so as to provide that Sheriffs shall have the number of days now allowed them for traveling, after the 1st of April, to make such payments.
The resolution as amended, was adopted by a vote of ayes 29, noes 10.
The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, as follows: ‘
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates:
Shortly after the adjournment of the last session of the General Assembly, I appointed Col. Angus McDonald, whom I considered well qualified for the service, an agent, to proceed to England, and to obtain from them all record and documentary evidence tending to ascertain and establish the true line of boundary between Virginia and the States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland.
I communicate herewith his able and elaborate report, which I commend to your consideration.
John Letcher. ’
Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Bills Reported.--By Mr. Gatewood, authorizing the payment of the amount of a lost coupon to Thomas J. Fisher; by Mr. August, to incorporate the Central Savings Bank of Richmond city; by same, to amend the 6th section of the bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth; by Mr. Carraway, amending the 3d section of an act entitled an act incorporating the town of Portsmouth, passed March 1, 1858.
Stay Law.--On motion of Mr. Townes,
Resolved, That the Committee of Courts of Justice be instructed to make a report, by bill or otherwise, on the resolution of the Senate directing them to inquire into the expediency of passing a stay law on the emanation of executions, &c.
Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Newman,
Resolved, That on Monday next, and thereafter until otherwise ordered, the senate will meet at 10 o'clock A. M.
Richmond and York River Railroad.--The unfinished business of yesterday was then passed by, and the bill to increase the capital stock of the Richmond and York River Railroad Company taken up.
Mr. Douglas explained the object of the bill, when, the vote being taken, the bill was rejected for want of a constitutional majority — ayes 18; noes 9.
On motion of Mr. Coghill, the vote by which the bill was rejected was reconsidered, and the bill laid on the table.
Bills Passed.--House bill entitled an act refunding to Mrs. Lucy Hollanda sum of money erroneously paid into the Treasury; Senate bill to incorporate the Burning Spring and Oil Line Turnpike Company.
Treasury Note Bill.--The consideration of the bill authorizing the issue of Treasury notes was then resumed.
The amendment proposed by Mr. Brannon was further amended by providing that the Governor should transmit a copy of the bill, as well as copies of the bills named therein, immediately after its passage.
Messrs. Smith and August addressed the Senate on the merits of the bill.
The amendment was agreed to by a vote of — ayes 18, noes 17.
Mr. Bruce moved that the Senate do now adjourn.
Ayes and noes demanded — ayes 16, noes 19.
Mr. Paxton moved to lay the bill and amendmendments on the table, pending which,
On motion of Mr. Coghill, the Senate adjourned.