General Assembly of Virginia.
Friday, March 22, 1861. The Senate was called to order at the usual hour, Mr.Claiborne, of Petersburg, in the Chair. Joint Resolution.--Mr.Johnson offered the following joint resolution, which was laid over under the rules: ‘ Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia, That Colonel Angus W. McDonald shall have the exclusive right and privilege of printing and publishing such portion of the manuscripts obtained by him from England, and mentioned in his report to the Governor of this Commonwealth, of date the 3d day of February, 1861, and communicated by the Governor to the General Assembly, as he may deem proper; but this resolution may be rescinded, and the authority hereby given revoked, at the pleasure of the General Assembly. ’ Harper's Ferry Raid.--Mr.August proposed the following: ‘ Resolved, by the General Assembly, That the Commissioners appointed at the last session to audit and pay the expenses of the invasion of Harper's Ferry, are hereby directed to pay the companies of the 89th Regiment of Militia, commanded by Captains Hunter, Courtney, Rider and Alderston, and the field officers of said regiment on duty, as recommended by said Commissioners in their report of the 5th of February last, made to the House of Delegates. ’ Bills Reported.--To incorporate the town of Rathbone, in the county of Wirt; to incorporate the Rocky Point Lime and Marble Manufacturing Company, in the county of Botetourt; to incorporate the Newport and Gap Mills Turnpike Company; to amend and re-enact the second section of the act passed May 11, 1852, entitled an act to authorize the construction of the Wolf Creek Turnpike Road, in Giles and Tazewell counties; to incorporate the Old Dominion Mining and Manufacturing Company; refunding to Jas. A. Russell excess of taxes paid by him, and authorizing the County Court of Frederick county to correct erroneous assessment. On motion of Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, it was Resolved, That the Committee on Finance inquire into the expediency of refunding to Samuel. E. Lee a part of the license tax paid for keeping a hotel in the city of Richmond, for such time as the same was not used. Information Wanted.--On motion of H. W. Thomas, Resolved, That the Auditor of Public Accounts be requested to inform the Senate what increase in the rate of taxation, if any, will be necessary to defray the expenses of the Government, discharge its present liabilities, and those already incurred or authorized during the present session, by either branch of the General Assembly. Bills Passed.--House bill to alter and amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Blacksburg, Catawba Creek and Fincastle Turnpike Company, passed February 15, 1860, and to change the name to the Montgomery, Roanoke and Botetourt Turnpike Company. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--On motion, the rules were suspended, and the bill "for the partial suspension of the sale of State bonds, and to provide for complying with contracts already made upon the Covington and Ohio Railroad," reported from the House during the morning, was taken up, read a first and second time, and put upon its passage. Mr.Smith, of Greenbrier, and Mr.Stuart, of Augusta, advocated the passage of the bill. Mr.Brannon opposed the bill, and on his motion it was laid on the table. York River Railroad.--On motion of Mr. Douglass, the rules were further suspended, and the bill for an increase of the capital stock of the Richmond and York River Railroad Company taken from the table for consideration. A memorial, drawn up by the President, (Ro. Saunders,) in behalf of the Board of Directors, was read by the Clerk.--The bill provides for an increase of one hundred thousand dollars. After a few remarks in favor of the bill, by Dr.Hubbard, the vote was taken and the bill lost for want of a constitutional majority — ayes 23, noes 12. Tax Bill.--The unfinished business, the Tax bill, was taken up. When the Senate adjourned yesterday, it was considering the proposition of Mr. Brannon, taxing charters. Mr. Neeson proposed an amendment providing that the tax should be paid before the introduction of a bill giving a charter. On motion of Mr. Day, the whole amendment proposed by Mr. Brannon was referred to the Committee for Courts of Justice. On a motion to reconsider the vote by which the 31st section, in regard to auctioneers, was amended, a discussion arose. Mr.August maintained the injustice of the amendment. Messrs. Coghill and Brannon opposed the reconsideration. Pending the discussion, The Senate adjourned.
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