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Singular developments.

--The Murderess of Two Husbands.--The Milwankie Sentinel says it is believed from recent developments that Aun R. Bilansky, who was executed at St. Paul, Minnesota, for the murder of her husband by administering arsenic, was the same person who on the 8th of November, 1849, poisoned Alex. D. Simpson, her husband, in the town of Fayetteville, N. C. In that case arsenic was the agent employed, and after the death of Simpson, his wife was arrested, but succeeded in escaping to Charleston, and thence to Havana, where she remained until May, 1850. She returned to Fayetteville on the 7th of November following, surrendering herself for trial, and was acquitted. On the trial of Mrs. Bilansky at St. Paul, she stated that she had resided at Fayetteville, N. C., where her husband died. The Christian names of the two women were identical, and many circumstances in St. Paul subsequent to her execution have been called to mind which tend to the belief that she and Mrs. Simpeon were the same persons.

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