Mayor's Court.
--Yesterday the following cases were heard:
Theresa, slave of
J. S. B. Tinsley, threatening to assault the wife and child of
Thos. Isaac — case continued.--
Chas. Annee, arrested for being in an unlawful assembly — discharged.--
Nancy A. Mann, found in his company, being from
Fredericksburg, and
minus papers, was detained until to-day.
Frederick Conrad, ‘"no papers and gamboling,"’ (as per record,) ordered twenty lashes.--
Wm. C. Gay, old toper, found drunk in the 1st Market, sent to jail —
David W. Hughes, and
Richmond Hughes — the first for having fifteen counterfeit ten cent pieces in his possession, and the last for being in an unlawful assembly, gave bail to appear to-day.--The case of Robert, slave of
Thos. Bradford, for keeping a bar-room for negroes for his master, will be heard to-day.--
James Bagby,
John Bagby, and
Alex. Rennold, were required to give security to keep the peace, having broken that useful article by a game of fisticuffs in the 1st Market-House.