The war.
serenade to Gov. Pickens--war feeling at the South--the war News in New Orleans — the cowardice of the fleet — the Floating Battery, &c.A serenade to Governor Pickens.
On Saturday night last, a large crowd of with a fine band of music, serenaded at the Charleston Hotel. The made a thrilling speech, in the arse of which he said: ‘ I said on the 17th of December last, on an occasion similar to this, that true South Carolina stood alone, but in this there was nothing to fear, for she had on a memorable occasion previous to the Declaration of Independence itself, stood alone and fought the battle of Fort Moultrie, where she had sunk the ships of one of the proudest nations of the earth. [Great applause,] And I said to you that on the bloody battle-field of Churubusco our noble regiment had marched across that field under a fiery storm, such as has seldom been seen, and that, if need be, she could now stand alone again and fight alone for her independence and her liberty. And now, fellow citizens, on this, the 18th day of April, 1861, she has again fought alone and defeated an arrogant and assuming power, and she has gloriously triumphed alone, and thus again Fort Moultrie, which was so dear in our independence of 1776, has again answered, and is consecrated and baptized over again in our independence and freedom of 1861. [Applause.] ’ I studiously declined receiving volunteers, who so nobly and so gallantly offered themselves, from other States, because we had so many among ourselves who desired a place of danger and of peril, and demanded it as a right. I besides desired, as we had begun it first and alone, without consultation, and, as some said, rashly, I desired, under these circumstances, that if we had to fight for our independence again that the battle should be fought and won by South Carolina alone, upon the same bloody field where she had fought for her independence in the days of her first revolution. [Great applause.] True, true, we owe much to science and to the gallantry of Gen. Beauregard, who was sent to us by the President of the Confederate States. We do owe to him all honor and all gratitude for his high and manly bearing and noble conduct; but as far as our own companies, our battalions, our regiments and our men were concerned, the triumphs of this day have been due literally to South Carolina troops alone. [The applause was so great at this time that it was some moments before Gov. Pickens could proceed.] I do not mean to say this (said the Governor) by way of exultation, but as due to the truth of history, and I say it because South Carolina has been peculiarly singled out and a bused and traduced and sneezed at as being too weak and too small to defend herself, and was accused of arrogance and presumption. But this day shows that weak as we were supposed to be, we have defied the power of our enemies, and defied them upon their sought and chosen battle field. And now I here, in the name of South Carolina, return the gratitude of the State to those gallant and intelligent officers who have come forward and so generously served their State in this, her day of trial. And they are too numerous even to mention in detail; and I return the thanks and the gratitude of the State to those brave, and true, and patriotic young men who have left their business, who have sacrificed their greatest interests, to come forward and to seek eagerly to defend their country, when it was supposed that peril, danger, and even death, were inevitable. It is, indeed, to them not only a glorious day of triumph, but I, too, with feelings of deep gratitude, am enabled to return them back to their fond homes and kindred uninjured, and with the proud consciousness that the honor of their State has been unstained, and that their gallantry has been shown by the noble manner in which they have manned the batteries for their country's independence. It is to those men, and those officers, that we owe everything; and I do not pretend to claim anything myself, except that my heart has been filled with deep anxiety, and I have spent my nights in painful and constant examination of all the details and all the points that might be necessary not only to save the lives of our brave men, but to defend the independence of my country, and when the day had come at the proper time to strike, and to strike for her independence, at any and at every hazard, let the consequences be what they may. [Prolonged applause.] We have now taught a great lesson to this Confederacy. It is now clear that for all purposes of justice, of equality, and of common liberty, our American institutions are as strong as any that have ever been offered for the government of man. But when they are perverted to the purposes of injustice and fanaticism, of insult and wrong, that those same institutions are powerless; and that when they lose that power which comes from right, that as far as the American people are concerned, they are impotent and imbecile, because the heart, the great heart of the American people in reality, beats for what is right. [Immense cheering.] We then stand upon the right. We stand upon the inalienable right of a people to choose their own institutions, and that all just government rests upon the consent of the governed, and that any Government that attempts to exercise power without this consent not only is unjust to a brave, true, and patriotic people, but that people can defy that power, and they can conquer, and they can triumph. [Applause.]War feeling at the North.
A reign of terror has been inaugurated in Philadelphia. The papers of that city give detailed accounts of the lawless proceedings of the mob on Monday. We extract the following: ‘ The crowd proceeded as an organized body to the custom-house and mint, and ordered the national colors to be raised upon their flag-staffs, which was done. ’ At one o'clock the Argus office was surrounded by an infuriated mass of human beings, who would have torn it out had not the proprietor promised to fling out the National colors as soon as he could obtain one. These lawless proceedings caused much alarm to the order-loving citizens, reviving the memories of the riots of 1844. The mob was mostly composed of fiery youths from the outer districts. After visiting the newspaper offices and Government property, they marched in a body up Market street, bearing a flag. At all points on the route well-known Union men were obliged to make all haste to borrow, beg, or steal something red, white and blue to protect their property with. Searches were made for the publication rooms of the Southern Monitor, but as that paper has suspended, the mob were unable to carry out their intention of destroying the forms. They satisfied themselves with breaking the signs to pieces. The ringleaders were furnished with ropes with which to hang the editor, if caught. Between eight and nine o'clock on Monday evening, several thousand persons assembled around Major General Patterson's house, at Thirteenth and Locust streets, who amused themselves by shouting and groaning. Soon after this, a number of stones were thrown and several windows broken in his dwelling and green-house. The General appeared and scattered the assailants by a short speech.--He said: ‘"You have come here to fight, it appears; now, if you will enlist yourselves, I will lead you wherever you wish to go."’ The police having arrived in large numbers, the crowd slowly separated. The house of the General was visited at an earlier hour by a mob much smaller in number, many of whom were boys, and who gave great annoyance to the neighbors by their rude conduct. They demanded that the General should exhibit an American flag, which he willingly did, stating that he wondered that any one should doubt his loyalty to the flag he had fought under and was willing to fight under again. --This appeared to ease their minds of grave doubts as to the General's sincerity, and for a moment left them without a target. The mob then visited Gen. Cadwallader, who made a Union speech and threw out a flag. At least 10,000 people gathered in Chestnut street all day. Happily, a heavy rain commenced to fall in the evening, and the crowds dispersed. Several prominent Southerners, with secession proclivities, including Robt. Tyler, have received warnings from a so-called Vigilance Committee. The cause of the visit to Gen. Patterson was a report that he had resigned his commission; but this was false. General Patterson has issued a notice to his volunteers to prepare for service, obeying the call of the President. The voluntary or compulsory exhibition of the American colors was not confined to the secular newspaper offices — the Episcopal Recorder and the Catholic Herald having also been visited. The flag at the Continental having been taken down in consequence of the rain, a large party visited the bar-room, and demanded that it should be immediately raised. The proprietor at once acquiesced. o'clock, an individual with Southern expressed them rather freely at of Third and Dock streets. He was ly seized by the crowd and severely before he was rescued. His life would undoubtedly forfeited but for the cue of the police. The excitement seems to have extended into districts. At Frankford the people the works of Messrs. Perkins & Bolton, who were reported to have been making cannon primers for the Southern. To save the building from destruction, it was agreed that all the stock on hand, consisting of two furniture car loads of primers, and other munitions of war, should be placed in the station-house, which was done. They were also compelled to raise a flag on the building. Philadelphia,April 16.--P. G. Watmough and L. P. Ashmead, formerly Lieutenants in the Navy, who resigned years ago on account of entering other avocations, though now wealthy, have tendered their services to the Secretary of the Navy, prompted by their love for the Union. Mayor Henry has issued a proclamation declaring that treason against the Union will not be permitted, nor will violence to persons or property of inhabitants be tolerated. He requires all good citizens to make known every person aiding the enemy by enlisting men, or furnishing munitions of war or provisions. The laws of the State and of the Federal Government must be obeyed, and the peace and credit of the city shall be preserved. May God save the Union. The State Legislature has enacted a law making any connivance with the enemies of the Government punishable by a fine of $5,000 and ten years' imprisonment. The following telegraphic dispatches are doubtless, in many instances, tinctured with Yankee bravado; but it is evident that the friends of the South, if there be any, are overridden by the popular tumult: ‘ Pittsburg, Pa.,April 15.--The war news has created an intense excitement here, and business has been almost entirely suspended since Saturday. ’ The President's Proclamation has thoroughly aroused the military spirit. Several companies have volunteered to sustain the integrity of the Union. To-night there is an immense gathering at the City Hall. The meeting was opened by the Mayor, who introduced the venerable William Wilkins as President of the meeting, assisted by twenty-five Vice Presidents. Resolutions declaring undying fealty to the Union, approving of the course of the Legislative and Executive branches of the State Government in responding to the call of the President, disregarding all party feeling, and pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in defence of the Union, and appointing a Committee of Public Safety, were unanimously adopted. Boston,April 16.--The city authorities have appropriated Faneuil Hall for the use of the troops who are responding to the call of the Government. The Stars and Stripes are now flying over the "Cradle of Liberty." There is an intense excitement. All the officers of the Mexican war are particularly anxious for power to raise companies, or serve in the ranks of those already ordered for service. Troy,N. Y.,April 16.-- Gen. Wool made a patriotic speech here last night, pledging all his energies to the cause of the Union. He said: ‘"I am prepared to devote my life to the work and lead you in the struggle. "’ The Syracuse Courier states that a large portion of the Democrats there are opposed to coercion, and consider the true policy of the Government to be to recognize the Confederate States rather than have civil war. Landlord Voorhees (Republican) was knocked down in his own house to-day for calling a Democrat a traitor. Providence, R. I., April 15.--The Directors of the Bank of Commerce have informed Gov. Sprague that they are ready to advance a loan of $30,000 to the State for aiding in the outfit of troops. Large offers from private citizens have also been made to Gov. Sprague for a similar purpose. The Globe Bank tendered to the State this morning a loan of $50,000. Lawrence, Mass., April 15. --A meeting of three thousand citizens was held here tonight. The united voice was for the Constitution and the flag of the Union. Two military companies met at the armory, and there was quite a spirited contest to fill the requisition of the Governor for troops. Premiums were offered for places in the ranks. Manchester, N. H., April 15. --New Hampshire will respond promptly to the call for troops. It is not probable that an extra session of the Legislature will be called. The State will undoubtedly tender two regiments instead of one. St. Johnsbury, Vt April 15.--It is understood that the Governor will convene the Legislature, to meet on Tuesday week. He will respond promptly to the call of the Secretary of War for troops. New Haven, Conn., April 16. --The Mechanics' Bank of this city has tendered to the Governor $25,000, to be used in aiding the support of the National Government.The war News in New Orleans.
New Orleans, April 15th.
--Mr. Lincoln's war Proclamation was received here this morning, and increased, if possible, the military ardor and excitement.
Otherwise, there was no surprise.
The Louisiana Guard and Crescent Rifles departed for Pensacola this evening.
The streets were crowded with citizens and the balconies with ladies, who cheered the troops as they marched to the depot.
A park of artillery arrived here this morning from Baton Rouge, and large numbers of troops are pouring in from the interior.
Forts Jackson and St. Philip are being largely reinforced, in anticipation of a blockade of the Mississippi.
The Southern line being down, there is no news to-day from Pensacola.
A bloody fight is daily looked for from that quarter.
The mail boat this morning brought a rumor that hostilities had commenced.
The forces being concentrated at Pensacola will reach about ten thousand men.
New Orleans, April 16.--President Lincoln's Proclamation creates no astonishment here.--Everybody is highly pleased with the turn affairs have taken.
The people are resolved to maintain their position at all cost and at all hazards.
Two more volunteer companies left here today for Pensacola.
The rest here will probably remain to defend the city.
Volunteer regiments are forming throughout the State.
Thirty-three deserters from the Federal army have landed at Fort Jackson, leaving a year's pay behind, so anxious were they to join the Confederate army.
The Galveston Civilian says that the idea that there is any considerable number of persons disposed to agitate the question of reunion in Texas is entirely erroneous.
The steamer Arizona was at Brazos on the 7th, a waiting the embarkation of troops for Indianola.
From Montgomery.
Montgomery, April 16.
--Of the thirty-two thousand troops called out to-day, five thousand are from each State except Florida, which sends two thousand.
The Southern people say they will suppress Lincoln and Seward's combinations.
It is less of a Government than ours, and we will drive Lincoln back to his abode in quicker style than he came through Maryland.
There is perfect confidence here that we can, with Davis, Pillow, Breckinridge and Beauregard, whip out Lincoln's 75,000.
Our munitions of war will hold out longer than Abe's money.
Gen. Pillow's offer of a division of Tennessee troops to be raised immediately, has been accepted, and he returns to Tennessee immediately.
We have no controversy here but with Black Republicans.
Gen. Pillow guarantees to raise 10,000 men in Tennessee in twenty days.
Vice-President Stephens, in a speech at Atlanta last night, said it would require seventy-five times seventy-five thousand men to intimidate them.
It couldn't be done.