The funeral service for the late Bishop Onderdork was celebrated at Trinity Church, N. Y., Wednesday, Over one hundred clergymen, all robed in white surplices, were present, and the church was crowded in every part. Lieut. A. Jackson, of the U. S. Cavalry, adopted grandson of Tennessee's honored soldier, Old Hickory, has resigned his commission, and is now on his way to Montgomery, to wield his sword in defence of Southern soil. Bernard Hooe, Esq., late Assistant Chief Clerk in the Pension Office in Washington, who has been in that office for sixteen years past, resigned his position on the 27th ult., and returned to his native State. A person named Joshua Aley, has been arrested at Rensselaerville, N. Y., charged with causing the death of Miss Antoinette Converse, by producing an abortion. The Bank of North Carolina has declared a dividend of 4 per et., payable the 1st Monday in June.
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