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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch
Affairs in Essex county

Centre Cross, Essex County, May 8th, 1861.
I have seen nocommunication in your paper concerning the military preparations in Essex. This silence does not proceed from apathy, I assure you. There are no braver men, and no more patriotic women in our great old Common wealth, than the citizens of Essex county. Their hearts are full of zeal for Southern Rights, and our soldiers are ready at a moment's warning to leave home and friends to battle for the sacred cause. The first excitement has worn off somewhat; the flashing eyes and impassioned jestures with which Lincoln's diabolical policy was at first discussed, have given place to rigid brows, and sternly compressed lips which speak of determination unconquerable as death. There are three volunteer companies in our county.--The Essex Light Dragoo?s, numbering 63, commanded by Dr. Stark Cauthorn--a man who was born to rule. His Lieutenants are intelligent, brave and chivalrous gentlemen.--Our gallant ex-Congressman, Muscoe Russell Garnett, is serving as a private in the ranks.

The ‘"Essex Sharp-Shooters,"’ 70 strong clad in the ‘"irrepressible grey,"’ are commanded by Capt. Burke. This company is as well drilled as any in Eastern Virginia, made up of brave and honorable men. The Artillery company has been lately organized, and numbers 65. Its officers, like those of the other companies, are intelligent and high-toned gentlemen. The ranks are filled up principally by hardy mechanies — stalwart working men — who are able and willing to undergo any hardship in defence of their country. The Rev. Wm. N. Ward, of the Episcopal Church, a graduate of West Point, has very promptly agreed to drill the Artillery company. He is very well qualified to do so, and is as brave a man as the sun ever shone upon. These companies drill very frequently, and are making every preparation for active service. The Dragoons and Sharp Shooters are admirably equipped. Our farmers are planting very large crops of corn, and the growing wheat looks finely.

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