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Senator Bayard, of Delaware.

--This gentleman, a Senator of the United States, who has lately been threatened with mob violence for his political opinions, has published an address to the people of Delaware. He declares his attachment to the Union, but in order to avoid civil war favored, in a speech made in March last, a peaceful separation of a part of the States from the Union, leaving that Union unbroken as to the far greater number, and the Federal Government as the government of a powerful and great nation.--Time and the progress of events will, he confidently believes, vindicate the wisdom of his counsel. In conclusion he says:

‘ I am one of your Representatives in the Senate of the United States, and my term of office does not expire until March, 1863 I view, however, the relation of constituent and representative as one of confidence, and when I am satisfied that civil war cannot be averted, and find that the public sentiment of my State prefers such a result to the peaceful separation of those States which have withdrawn from the Union, I shall cheerfully and gladly resign into your hands an office which I obtained without solicitation, and which neither my sense of duty nor my self-respect would permit me to hold when I ascertain that I differ in opinion with you on so momentous and vital a question as peace or war.

It can require but few days after Congress has assembled to determine whether the last hope or peace has fled, if indeed the hope can linger until then, and before that time I shall become fully satisfied as to your will. Do not fear that I will betray the confidence you have reposed in me, or be capable of misrepresenting that will. If I cannot conscientiously obey your mandate, I will not use the position I occupy, as your representative, to prevent the performance by another agent. But the right of private opinion and the expression is a personal right, beyond public control — It is secured to every freeman under a government of laws, and a republic must be a government of laws alone, or it will end in anarchy or despotism. I have no faith either in the government of the sword or the mob, and shall resist the establishment of either.

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